Dancing Shoes

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Annesha's POV I was surprised when Zion began to sway with me. You couldn't really call what he was doing dancing but I didn't mind he was in time with the beat. I spun around on him and backed all this junk up on him and felt at home in his arms. We danced for three songs before he pulled me back to his table. He was smiling as he sipped on the brown liquid in his glass. We all joked and was having a great time. The twins found some locals that they were intrigued with and was caught up in the rush of doing whatever they wanted. While my brother was flirting with Sofie. I wasn't too sure about her personally. I felt like she only entertained Kylar at the urging of her brother Sparrow. That sleaze bag was obviously doing more than drinking as he ran his mouth. Seven was still watching me too much for my liking but Zion's Beta was watching him. It wasn't until we noticed the cell phones flashing in our direction did Zion say he was ready to go. it had been a long day and after dancing and drinking I was ready to go as well. Honestly, I just wanted to be with Zion. He must have alerted his squad because they surrounded us as we made our way towards the exit. He was holding me close and more flashes exploded as soon as we exited the door. who knew the media would be waiting for the most powerful next generation to exit the club. "Aye, Back up!" Hassan yelled as we were rushed to the rear seat of his Pathfinder. it seemed like they were desperate for a shot of the two of us together. Once we pulled off with Hassan behind the wheel and another from his team that I didn't know. I knew they were having a silent conversation. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "I will tell you once we get back." Was all he said. The ride was silent with just some slow music playing in the background. which lead my wolf to pushing forward and trying to run the show. I snuggled closer to him and his protective embrace caused me to almost purr into his chest. I drifted off to sleep. When we made it back the car was empty and he and I were alone. He shook me gently to wake me up. "We are back." his voice was deep and silky. "I need to talk to you before you go inside." He said looking serious as readjusted himself in the seat. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to be all over you like that." I said feeling self conscious and a little embarrassed. He graced me with a smile and said, "You can sleep on me anytime." I blushed. I didn't know what to do next his presence made me feel nervous. "So what did you want to talk about?" Suddenly, he looked nervous and I could feel his anxiety rising. "Can we walk." I was confused, but I nodded my head as he opened the door and stepped out as he reached for my hand. I allowed him to pull me out and before I knew it he grabbed me by my hips lifting me out and stood me on my feet. I looked up into his eyes being so close I could almost see my future in his eyes. "I'm sorry" He said as he stepped back. I was confused again. I leaned against his car and removed my heels. I flexed my toes and twirled each foot before I started walking towards my favorite path. He quickly caught up with me. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asked. Iwas surprised by his question and a little ashamed because I hadn't. "Well not really...why do you ask?" "Well," He hesitated, "when my parents asked me to come here I didn't want to because." He ran his hand over his waves."I thought I knew who my mate was already." "What are you saying? You have a girlfriend and you let me dance all over you. You allowed me to fall asleep on you?" I could feel my temper rising. "Naw, I mean yeah but things ate different now." "Different how? " My temper flared. The trees started responding to my mood the wind picked up blowing them like a tornado was coming. "You know what all you Alpha’s are the same here I was thinking you were cut above the rest and you no better then the sleeze bag Sparrow." I watched as his jaw tightened and he crossed his arm over his chest. The glare he shot my way should've scared me, but it didn't. He was my mate and I could never fear him. "Clamn the hell down." He barked at me. "I am trying to explain this s**t but you are already on ten." "Nope you don't need to explain anything at all." I said ready to turn back to the pack house. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back to him. I ended up in his embrace stuck in his gaze. Before I knew it he kissed me and all of the fight I had in me vanished. the strong winds stilled the trees stopped making noise and I felt is though I was floating. He tasted of honeysuckle and mint. a taste that was more satisfying then any candy I may have had. the butterflies that seemed to suddenly exist in my belly began to flutter about. and moisture gathered in my jeans. I was puddy in his hands wanting more then just a kiss. Instantly, forgetting he had plans on mating with someone else. The kiss didn't last long and when I opened my eyes I saw love in his. "I never believed that you existed I was willing to settle for what I already knew but I need you. Please allow me to end it with her so I can continue to get to know you better." He said softly to me. "I don't want you to break her heart." I knew if she felt an ounce of what I just did her heart would surely break. "Tell me you don't feel the bond and I wont." I was silent. I felt it hell it was controlling me right now but I'd never admit it. I also couldn't bring myself to deny it either. "I will fix this." He said, "Don't allow anything you see or hear make any difference." his command was pulsing through me. "Promise me you won't. " "I promise." flowed out my mouth on its own. I didn't know what it meant but my silly ass promised. "Let me get you back home it's late and we've had a long day. I'm also sure we will have to explain those pictures they took tonight." I had forgotten about the media being outside the club. My father will have a lot of questions. We headed back to the pack house in silence both lost in our own thoughts. We entered the house to find my mother sitting in a chair by the door. "I see you too alone is already becoming a thing." She said.
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