
The Pack....Meeting the Phoenix


Zion is next in line to be Alpha of his pack. He is handsome, fair and confident that he is ready for the job. He believes the Moon Goddess will bless him with the only she-wolf he can imagine as his Luna. He has planned to mark his long time love Regina on the night of his eighteenth birthday. That is until his father and current Pack Alpha ruins his plans by sending him to a regional summit.

Anneesha is a different kind of she-wolf she is quiet, intelligent, kind, reserved and absolutely beautiful. The adopted daughter of the regional Alpha and0 Luna treat as there very own. Because her elder brother is the next Alpha and has yet to find his Luna a summit has been called for the summer solstice. The week of her eighteenth birth she is sure it's a ploy to help her find her and her brothers mate.

Will the arrogant and cocky Zion realize he has been wrong about Regina. Will Anneesha get past her first encounter with one of the few black wolves that exist. Join them on the adventure of discovery and hidden truths of The Pack.

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Zion! I heard my Luna also my mother yells my name. I tired with everything in me to ignore her call. I wanted to take off running into the woods and pretend that I couldn’t hear her voice. That was until she linked me. Zion! I know you heard me call you boy! Bring your ass here now! Your Alpha requires your presence. Instead of arguing or pretending I didn’t know what she was talking about I turned around and returned to the Packhouse. It was situated on a top of a mountain overlooking the entire pack area. The large estate was regal but to me it was just home. I walked past all the children playing in the yard and ignored the helpers eager to assist me for any little thing I may need or want. Making my way to my father’s office I tried to keep my thoughts neutral all the frustration that I had building out of my mind because my father would surely know before I could try to deny it. I hadn’t seen Regina all day and he was delaying me from setting my eyes on her beauty. Knocking on the door I waited for his response. Enter! I heard his booming voice bellow from the other side. I was sure I was summoned to his office for another one of his talks about me preparing to take my responsibilities to this pack seriously. I felt my wolf fight to take control of the situation. Of course, being the next alpha, he was ready. It was me that was hesitant. Zion, son! Have a seat. He spoke his words short and gruff as always. Is this going to take long? I have training in fifteen minutes, and I really don’t want to be late. I was trying to get out of another Alpha son talk. I watched as my father one of the best of his lifetime picked up a folder that was sitting on his desk. We were a special line of wolves that unlike other packs carried a particular trait that made us both dangerous not only to other wolves but also to the humans in the area because of a natural fear they had of our human form. I heard a light tap on the door before it opened to my mother our packs Luna floated in looking as graceful and strong as always. She stood beside my father sharing a brief look before they turned their attention back to me. Zion, you will not be training today. You are to meet your Beta down in the garage so you can attend the summit. Summit! Why would I need to go to the summit dad? I was confused and perplexed by this development. That will last a week and that means I will not be home for my eighteenth birthday, nor will I be able to find out who my mate is. My parents shared another glance before they both turned back to me. I know when your damn birthday is boy! My father barked at me looking as if he was trying to control his temper. Zion, you are not just any wolf. You know that being the Black wolf means that none of the young she wolves here are capable of being your Luna. My mother spoke. My mind raced I couldn’t imagine Regina not being my mate. I was sure she was she would be perfect. She was smart and quick. She also was freaking beautiful with her ebony skin that glistened in the sun and held its radiance in the night. I felt my anger rising and my wolf Kameron began to stir on the inside. He had an affinity to her wolf as well. Get that girl out of your mind. Besides, if that b***h you are always concerned about is really your mate she will be here to imprint on when you return. Don’t call her a b***h I growled. Zion! My mother scolded. No! let him alone Peri, my father spoke. He a dose of reality. This whole thing you have going on with that girl is going to end. You already know the oracle is called every time a new wolf is born to this pack and your destiny is not with that mutt. Obi! My mother now chastised him. I stood to my feet and was fighting to control myself. My father was also a Black Wolf which made him two times bigger than most wolves. Even his Beta didn’t quite reach his height or strength. The only one that could stand to him as an equal was me. His firstborn son and the only other Black wolf born in the realm. I stood a whole foot taller than he did and while I would always respect my father for his diplomacy and leadership, but no one would ever call my friend a mutt and get away with it. Zion, my mother sighed, what your father is trying to say is your destiny is written. Your obligations will have to move pass what you desire and start to focus on what the pack needs. And while I don’t agree with how your father has stated his view, he has a point. If Regina is meant to be your mate, then you will still imprint on her upon your return. But, But! I stammered frustrated, why do I have to turn eighteen there why can’t I go and come back before my birthday. I mean I know my Beta will be there but what about my other brothers, my pack being with me for my day. I could see my father didn’t really care about what I said while my mother understood what I was saying. Son! I need you at the summit its important I send you and you stay the entire time. I promise you I’d never send you if it weren’t necessary. Also, you will have your warriors and a few of mine with you. So, your celebration will have to wait a few days, but we will celebrate. Now go meet your Beta you must get on the road I have confidence in you and your future belongs to this pack. Your mate will be your Luna regardless of when you lay eyes on her. Kameron my wolf responded to my father’s words and the responsibility of the pack weighted heavy on my shoulders. Fine Dad, I’ll go the pack comes first always! I said as I nodded and turned on my heels to go. I was still pissed but as I thought about it more, I would be representing my pack and to me every one of them was everything to me. Regina just happened to be a little more special than the rest. I took a deep breath and headed out to the garage and sure enough Hass was waiting for me leaning on the Range Rover I got for my seventeenth birthday. He was like any other beta, strong, smart and loyal to the bone. The only one I could trust with my life. He knew that this would be hard for me. Especially since he turned eighteen last week and the celebration was outrageous. When he imprinted on my cousin no one was surprised. They had been like Regina and I our whole lives now I must wait to claim her. Don’t worry brother! I know this is going to be a rough week, but we will be back before you know it and then we can find out if your mate is the girl you been stuck with your whole life. I just looked at him then back to the house I could see my mother standing on her balcony watching me. She linked me. Be open to whatever the moon goddess may have for you son. She spoke and then waved to me. I took a deep breath trying to allow her words to settle in me because of course none of us come here with free will and we are all at the mercy of the Moon goddess. I gave my mother a nod and got in the passenger seat of my own car.

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