Region Luna Contessa pov

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I knew this day would come and I knew the carade of a Summit would not last long if the Black wolf attended. I begged Rouse to cancel this bullshit. Who wouldn't want there son to take the throne seat. Why would we hand it over to his brother's cub. How could he even ask me to do such a thing. I thought I saw it this morning. I was still skeptical this afternoon. But dinner did it. I saw her reacting to him. She made faces at all of the potentials. If Anneesha would marry beneath her this wouldn't even be an issue. she didn't need the bond to be happy. I told her we needed to talk. I didn't think she'd pick now to run out and party with the rest of them. My thoughts keep racing thinking back at the conversation I had with my own Alpha. 'Rouse, you have to stop this!" I was frustrated I had to pry him from his guess to tell him this. "I saw it tonight. He will mark her and she will find out what we did." "What we did?" He asked. His tone was cold as ice. I knew he had regrets but he's been a great Alpha to the Region. He has built wealth and abundance for everyone. "Yes, we! We were both in agreement as I recall." I shot back. "Contessa, you are going to have to accept that your son is no Alpha. I got it by default and if Obsidian wanted to take my seat he could have. You were just lucky he'd prefer his mountains over all this. Now leave them alone and let the Moon Goddess make wrongs right!" I watched him walk away from me without another word. There was no way I'd ever allow Anneesha to know exactly what happened. I need to keep her away from her fated mate. I was going to leave the conversation until the morning but then I got those photos. Anneesha the over size bookworm with her arms over Zion's shoulders posing like a happy couple. The press will have a field day with this photo. The craziness was already beginning as I read the caption. "The Youngest of the Region's cubs has found her Alpha!" I must've called Seven a thousand times. I tried to get him to intervene by making his intentions known. Still this s**t was taking place. I had to find a way to stop it from happening. I decided to wait up until Anneesha arrived and I knew once his pack members made it back that all the stakes had just gotten higher. "Oh, Luna is everything okay?" Zion's Beta asked me. "Yes Beta Hassan, I'm just waiting for my daughter to arrive just like any good mother." I said smiling atl him. "Do you need anything Beta?" "No Luna, thank you" Your daughter is right outside talking with my Alpha they will be in shortly." "Oh!" I said like I was relieved as my anxiety soared."I know she is in good hands." I waited another forty-five minutes before the two in question came through the door. "I see you to alone together is becoming a thing." I said . I knew I startled Anneesha but Zion is truly his father's son. "It looks like it doesn't it Luna." He said without a drop of embarrassment in his tone. " Oh," I said rising from my perch. "Do you really think it's appropriate to have the region's daughter out alone with you at night?" "If your trying to say I've been anything other than a perfect gentleman I'm sure your mistaken and my very own Luna would have my hide over it." He smirked. Zion annoyed me, he reminded me so much of his father the Great Black Wolf Obsidian. I still remember the sting that causes all of this mess to begin with. If he had never spoken those words to me we'd still be. " Mother, I am tired I'm going up. You didn't have to wait up. I was fine, and Alpha Zion has been nothing but a gentleman all night." She said with a telling smile. " I will see you in the morning. We have an early day." She continued as she began to usher me towards the steps. Before stopping abruptly to turn around and say."Goodnight, Alpha Zion rest well." I allowed her to get us up the stairs to the hall near the Regions suite before I spoke. "Are you trying to find ways to ruin this Summit Anneesha?" "What? No, mom! Why would I do that?" She asked. "Because," I said as I pulled my cell phone out opening it up to the photo I received. "This is not a proper way of doing things." She snatched the phone from me. I could see the worry in her eyes. I watched as she opened then quickly closed her mouth. I saw a smile play at the corner of her mouth as she studied it closer. Before finally saying... "It's the media they will say alot of things mother." I knew there was more to it. "Annesha why don't you just give your attention to Seven. He comes from a good family. He will be Beta to your brother. A man like Zion with so much responsibility isn't going to have time for you. Take it from me I'm mated and married to the Regions Alpha." I blurted trying to make a point. She looked offended by my words and maybe a little hurt. "I've been drinking mother we can finish this later." Her words were quick as she dismissed herself with, "Goodnight Mother!"
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