Night out

2013 Words
Zion's pov When we were introduced to the other Alpha’s I knew I had nothing to prove. My wolf on the other hand wanted with all of his soul to see Anneesha again. I can't lie I did too. This time was different it was more than me just being in her space I was fighting the urge to kiss her too. she stood beside her mother looking like the Moon Goddess herself. Her curls framing her face perfectly and her dramatic make up bringing all of her natural beauty to the surface. The dress she wore made me feel territorial of her. Something about the way she looked at me made me want her to look at me like that forever. When we were seated I realized something I never considered. Well Kameron did he said it as soon aa we sat. "Mate!" I looking over at her I saw how uncomfortable she was. During the speech her father gave. Especially when he mentioned her finding a mate. I believe it is the bond that made me grab her hand but then it was like touching electricity. I instantly smelled her arousal. It was like grabbing a hold of a bolt of lightning. I released her before Kam could go crazy screaming in my head. "Mate ! Mate! Mate!" Dinner was grueling and making it through the meal was extremely unnerving since the meal I desired to eat was sitting next to me instead of on my plate. Hass linked me "What's up Alpha." I didn't respond because I knew I could control my wolf and shut everyone else from our pack out of the conversation. Once dinner was over I planned on telling him. But he already knew. 'It's her isn't it?" He asked With a nod I confirmed his suspicion. When we left the dining hall to mingle of course I sent my Beta to guard her. I knew most of the other Alpha’s and some were nothing more than flea bags. I knew if Sparrow got a hold of her he would treat her like a rouge w***e. That would never be acceptable. He is four years older than me and is a terrible at running his pack. He was already in debt to our pack for a quarter if a million. All his flashy ill fitting clothes showed me just how he was spending that money. if he could get in good with the Regions daughter he'd have access to a cash flow to feed all of his sick needs. No way could I live with that thought. I watched from the other side of the room where the beautiful Annesha was standing trying her best to escape the event. I was friendly with everyone but the twins seemed to have trapped me. I wanted to tell them both I was unavailable and found my mate but I would never tell them it was the Regions daughter. I had to turn my back to Anneesha while Sparrow spoke with her because Kameron wanted to take control even though we both trusted Hass he could bare the idea of that scraggly wolf being that close to her. I could smell her before the girls looked past me and began that annoying squeal they had. Annesha's face was neutral and took the slight thrown at her with the grace of a Luna. Everyone knew they were party girls and if there father wasn't a respected Alpha they would have easily been cast out as whores. I was trying to give her an out when I suggested she wouldn't be hanging out. I didn't want her with those too doing Goddess knows what but she agreed to go and challenged me to join. I smirked and had already decided if she was hitting the town so was I. I'm just glad I'd have a chance to get in her presence longer. The fake Alpha Kylar said they had a club in town and would set everything up. I'm realizing he isn't region material and started to question if he was really this packs next alpha. We all decided to change and meet at the front in thirty minutes. As soon as Hass had me alone he started up. "It's funny how just yesterday you were pouting over Regina. Now that you've been around Annesha for less than a day your wide open and all in." He laughed. I stopped walking with things finally hitting me. "Did out people make it in?" I asked ignoring his comment as I remembered the call I got from Regina. " Hum, yeah they got here at seven didn't you get the text." He asked. I reached for my phone and realized I must've left it in the room. "Ah s**t!" I said rushing forward, "I forgot it. If Regina is here I am going to have a big problem." By the time we made it to the quarters I had eighty-five missed calls and thirty text messages. All from a very angry Regina. I scrolled through the messages and one caught my eye. Regina: You fucken told them I couldn't join you! I had no clue what she was talking about and I also knew I was glad she was no where near my Annesha because she would know for sure she wasn't my mate. I needed to figure out how to break her heart gently. The mate bond would not allow me not to but I still had history with her and didn't want to hurt her. she is still a member of my pack. Hass walked into my room and looked at me like he felt bad. "She is here isn't she?" "Yeah!" "What are you going to do? Do you still plan on giving her your mark on your birthday?" He questioned. "I don't think I can." I said honestly. "Well, everyone is gathering out front do you still want to go?" I didn't realize how much time passed since I picked up my phone. I had yet to call Regina back or take off my suit. But there was no way I could allow Anneesha to go to a club with young wolves without me. "We are going give me five minutes." I said. By the time we made it out front the party girls already had a bottle being passed around dressed in next to nothing club clothes. it was obvious they were looking for a good time. It didn't take long for me to spot Anneesha looking even more sexy than she did earlier. She wore a pair of high waist jeans that made me wonder how she got into them alone. She wore what looked like a bra thing that had straps going over her breast making the more pronounced. with a Jean vest. on her feet were some scrappy heels that made her tower over the other females but the perfect height for me. It was a racey look but it was a good look. Her flowery scent played on my senses. I walked up on her as she refused the bottle. "Very good!" I praised her actions. She smiled back at me as the packs party bus pulled up. Her smile was like looking at a Cresent moon stuffed between two fluffy pillows. "Why would I place my lips on that bottle after everyone else has already done that. I don't do back wash." She giggled. The sound she made made my heart flutter but I just kept a straight face. I broke our eye contact since I felt eyes on me and noticed it was Seven staring at me. I stared back daring him to say something. Kylar yelled, "Alright let's get this party going! All aboard!" "Let's go Alpha I don't want you to miss your chance at finding the shewolf of your dreams at my brothers nose dive club." She giggled again. My instinct was to keep her close and I didn’t give a damn when I sat beside her. She didn't say anything but had seemed to relax a little. As we know word would get out Sparrow showed up with is shapeless sister. her outfit wasn't as provocative as the twins but you could tell she was still trying to hard. Sofie eyes wete on me. She kept staring at me, but I knew it was because she wondered where Regina was. I didn’t even want think about her right now so I was hoping she didn't bring her up. I also realized that I had a mess brewing on my hands. I was distracted by Kylar again making announcements. "We may all be leaders but tonight we are young, powerful and about to have the time of our lives." He yelled over the music everyone seemed to be in agreement except for me Anneesha and my Beta. Annesha looked annoyed, but I saw the arrogance as a fault that made the young wolf a target. Once we arrived to town I was impressed by the club. it was jammed pack with wolves from the area obviously all of Rouses pack. I looked at my Beta knowing this made him uncomfortable we only came here with four of our people and if anything went wrong a war would surely result from it. My team drove behind the party bus because it was a rule that I never willingly place myself in unsafe situations out side of my territory. "Are you sure you want to go in this place Zee?" Hass asked I watch as Annesha walked past the velvet ropes. I also watch the door man drool staring at her fat ass sway past him. "I'm going in." "Zion man you know Regina isn't going to take none of this lightly especially if one of these flea bags snap a picture of you all up on Annesha." Hass said trying to reason with me. "I will deal with Regina." I said as I crossed the ropes with a frustrated Beta in tow. It was like any other club loud smokey and filled with young wolves looking for a good time. Being an Alpha had its perks if I wanted to drink I was never stopped and I was able to do just about anything I wanted. We were ushered to the VIP section with everyone else but on the way I noticed the stares me and my team received. I figured it was because my aura of the Black wolf rolled off me like sweat. Females smiled men backed up and I moved effortlessly through the crowd.. Once settled in I watched everything and everyone. Annesha had a drink in her hand and was laughing at the twins as they tried their best to do some stupid dance. it looked more like convulsions to me but what ever. When the music changed I never thought I would see the Regions daughter start to get into the music the way she did. even in those heels she stepped and swayed to the beat in perfect timing. Catching the attention of every Alpha and Wolf in the area. I resisted joining her until a bold young wolf approached her like he was going to join her. He was swaying in time with her then grabbed her by the waist. I couldn’t contain myself and was on my feet instantly grabbing her hand and pulling her to me before either of them could realize what happened. I eyed the young wolf daring him to try me and he just backed away realizing he was no match. Annesha was dumbfounded but the liquor was mixing with the music keeping her in her zone. She began dancing on me and placed her arms on my shoulders. looking up at me with that look again. "Since you scared away the brave now you gotta dance." She said. "I don't dance." "You should have thought about that before you came over here. Don't forget Alpha your young unmarked and free to have fun just for one night."
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