First Arrivals

717 Words
Anneesha I woke up early to nothing but an empty spot on the bed where my brother had once been. Not unusual for him it is like he realizes he has been caring and pulls back into himself. Typical alpha behavior. I didn’t let it worry me though. I got up and ready so that I could be on duty as soon as our guess arrive. I was going to play the well behaved hosted to the best of my ability. After an exceedingly long shower, I was able to pull my thick curly main into a neat bun on top of my head. I dressed in an expensively sleek outfit my mother picked out the day before. I noticed all the clothes she purchased hugged me exactly right like she was working overtime to have me grab someone’s attention. It didn’t matter to me because I would ruin it with my nice nasty attitude and my standoffish demeanor. I topped my look off with slicked down baby hairs and a touch of shinny lip gloss that made my large lips pop. I refused to wear the heels she had for the outfit, instead I slid on my high-end flats that didn’t add to my already tall stature. By the time I made it down to the dining room it seemed the entire pack was eating breakfast. I decided that I would slip in and grab a bite before anyone even noticed I was there. “Anneesha!” I heard my brother’s beta say my name in awe. I found his eyes and gave him a blank stare because now everyone at the table was staring at me. “Well, damn sis you are looking for good today.” My brother tried to help, I guess. “Thank you” I said as I tried to keep my cheeks from revealing my freckles in a blush. I quickly grabbed a plate and rushed out of the dining room and into the kitchen where I could get some peace. Unfortunately for me my Luna was in the kitchen fetching a cup of coffee. “Well, what do you know my daughter can actually follow directions with out me forcing her to comply.” She said as she smiled. “You look beautiful darling.” Maybe I should put a little effort in more often I thought. “Thank you, mom.” Was my only reply, as I climbed up on a stool and set my plate in front of me? “Why are you eating in here?” “Because my brother and what seems to be the entire pack is in the dining room and they are acting like a bunch of horny wolves.” I said flatly. “I am sure they are just surprised to see you looking like the daughter of a Luna and not your normal I am impersonating a rogue attire.” My father said as he walked in the back door of the kitchen. “Oh no not you too dad!” I was flustered. I watched as he embraced my mother in his loving arms. They were always like this, and I know some of it had to do with the mating bond but to see love like theirs was inspiring. Watching them made me a little hopeful a mate of my own would soon be mine. “Obsidian’s boy just entered the gates.” He said as he pulled back. “Oh, I haven’t seen him since.” Her voice faded like she didn’t really want to say it aloud. “Ok Nesh it is time to get moving we must greet them as a family.” The alpha spoke. “I am sure it won’t be long since they have been driving all night.” My mother added. Looking at my plate of uneaten food I remembered exactly why most mornings I look like a rogue instead of dressed like I am now. I pushed my plate away from me as one of the helpers promised to keep it for me. My father must have linked everyone at breakfast because we were all lined up awaiting the famous black wolf.
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