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Anneesha I wasn’t really like the other female wolves in my pack. In my human form I was a natural red head with chestnut colored skin. I was teased often called a mut and treated like an outcast. The Alpha and the Luna raised me as their own daughter so there were only so much the others could say and do to me. My Luna said that she has had me since I was a pup. No more than a few days old so I was her child because it was her breast that I fed upon to sustain my life then. Making us mother and child regardless of what anyone may have to say. My brother the next alpha and I grew up neck and neck as he was only a few months older than me. Kylar was okay most of the time, I guess. We used to be really closed as kids until he got to adolescence then I wasn’t the first person he wanted to hang with. Then after his first shift he became very distant, but I didn’t really care. We always had a unique relationship. I spent most of my time in the library and focused on learning all I could. The Alpha Rouse was my father in every aspect of the word except blood and would indulge me with anything my heart desired. He was considered the Region so with that type of power he could make sure whatever I wanted I had. For whatever reason Kylar had not imprinted on anyone in our pack and my parents were growing concerned as it was soon his time to ascend to the seat of Alpha and Region. I think my dad wanted to encourage him and decided to hold a summit for all the soon to be or new alphas. He needed to see who would support his son and where the realm was headed. Aneesha! My mother linked me. Where are you? I did dislike the fact that she could do that still. I’m in the library mom. Well come up to your room I need you to try on these dresses for the Summit ball. She linked me again. Rolling my eyes, I stood up and stretched my long perfectly toned body out. Pulling my curly mane into a messy ponytail. I looked down at my fuzzy socks my favorite sweatpants and my oversized sweatshirt that I stole from my brother’s beta. Walking past the mirror I took a moment to make sure that at least my face looked presentable to my Luna. One of the helpers came up to me and said, Luna is looking for you and she sent me to fetch you. Rolling my eyes up to the ceiling and blew a lung full of air towards it. My breath was so strong that the curtains began to move. Oh! The helper said. Realizing what I was doing I stopped and smiled down at Abigail. Lead the way, Abby. We entered my room and my mother had turned my space into a clothing store. Really Annesha, why do you look like a a…. rouge wolf? My mother fussed. Mom! Go try this on. Oh, my goddess I can believe this child. She said as she shoved an emerald, green dress in my hand. I wanted to argue about the color but decided against it. I headed into my bathroom and looked at my appearance and I didn’t see a rouge but then again, my get up did look just like the rouge the warriors brought to my father. Whatever I mutter to own image. I saw my wolf flash in my eyes showing her disapproval of my current attitude as well. I shook my head at the bright green eyes that flashed and got on with the task of dressing up for mama. I stripped down to my cotton underwear and didn’t care that the straps of my bra would show in the dress. I didn’t want to wear the dress or even participate in the summit to begin with. Mother knew my birthday was this week and while she is on this outrageous goose chase for my brother’s mate, she figured it would be a great time for me to meet the potential mates for me. Hurry up Anneesha I know you’re in there lollygagging around. Put on the dress and let me see it now! My mother demanded on the other side of the door. Stepped into the dress and suddenly it didn’t seem so stupid anymore. I looked perfect in it. My wolf agreed as I could see her green eyes highlight my hazel brown ones. I liked it so much I even took the bra off and allowed my perfectly perky girls free to show off. My curves were a little more noticeable in this dress then when I wore sweats and a pull over, but every womanly curve was showing. My long brown neck and perfectly sculped arms were a perfect match for this color. I even imagined how I could wear my hair. Anneesha, you have two seconds to get out of there! My mother fussed again. Well, here goes nothing. I said to my own image in the mirror. Pulling open the bathroom door I was halfway expecting my mother to disagree with her own choice until I heard her gasp. Anneesha I, I can’t believe how much you look like your mother right now. She teared up thinking about the woman she vowed to take care of me for. Her best friend who died as a result of a complicated story I never fully got answers to. Her comment made me fidget, I saw pictures of my birth mother and she was incredibly beautiful but to be compared to her was a whole new thing to me. Welp, that is the dress for your birthday. Easy! She smiled. Now for the rest of your wardrobe because if I see you in one pair of sweatpants for the next seven days, I will tear them to shreds myself. You will dress like a young lady this week. I knew it was a useless argument, so I accepted the fact that she was dead set on making an impression. I spent the better part of my Friday afternoon trying on clothes that I would never wear just for the fun of it. Once my mother was satisfied with my and her selections the staff was ushered out of the room. Before my mother could move on to her next task she came and sat next to me as I balled up back in my favorite sweats and shirt. Anneesha, we need you to try this week okay. I know you always feel different and while we know just how special you are it is time to show everyone else. Stop hiding dear you are so beautiful and bright I am having a feeling the Moon Goddess will show you favor this week. Tomorrow we have our first guess arriving I expect you to be dressed properly and waiting with rest of us in the greeting room when they arrive. Is that clear? She asked as she rose to leave. I said nothing because I was still conflicted by her words. My mother kissed me on the top of my head and rubbed my back before she turned to walk away. She truly was a wonderful Luna. I laid on my bed thinking about all the alpha’s that would be here for the next week and grew anxious. I was sure plenty of them were bringing sisters and cousins to introduce to my brother and none wanted the brown skin she wolfs that didn’t really fit in to the pack she lived among. I took a deep breath and decided to allow sleep to overtake me. Around midnight I heard a knock at my door. I was confused because I had been dreaming of the knocking until it pulled me out of a sound sleep. Standing up and opening my door I was surprised to see my brother standing there looking sad. What’s wrong with you? He asked gruffly as he barged his way into my room. What do you want Kylar? I asked annoyed by his sudden interest in me and the fact that he hasn’t come to my room since the night before his first shift. I knew this had to be something serious. Is Mom and Dad okay, I panicked, did something happen I asked. Mom and Dad are fine Nesh. He said calling me by his nickname for me. So, what seems to be the problem Kylar? I asked again. Damn, can’t a man come and see his little sister? He growled at me. Oh, shut up all that noise I said as I climbed back on my bed getting back under the covers to wait for him to insult me or leave. Kylar kicked off his boots and laid across the foot of my bed and faced me. “I’m concerned about this summit Nesh.” He finally said to me. I wasn’t ready to hear that, but it made my ears perk up. Why is that Kylar? You’re the next region and alpha of our pack why would you be concerned about those who serve our realm coming to visit you. You’re the smartest the fasted and the only wolf I know that has been trained by more than one Alpha. So, I don’t understand. I just don’t think I am ready to have all this extra pressure added especially with mom always concerned about me imprinting on someone. I thought she was going to have every eligible she wolfs line up to see if I found any of them the least bit attractive. Don’t worry Kylar. At least you don’t have to wear designer clothes and dresses and s**t. I laughed. Besides, I turn eighteen on the night of the ball do you know you’re not the only one she is pressuring. I don’t even have any of the responsibilities’ you have, and she is all over me. Just like dad seems to be all over you. What did Pike say about it? I asked wondering how his Beta handled it. He told me to quit being a b***h. Welp that is also a good answer I said. Why didn’t you come to dinner tonight? He asked. I was pooped from mom making me play dress up for hours on end. Plus, she mentioned some guess coming in tomorrow. I am realizing I would never be a Luna because all this domesticated s**t is not for me. Why can’t I just hide in a corner and read my books doing what I enjoy the most. This was amusing to my brother. You’re so funny the only girl that still enjoys reading books and keeping to herself is my little sister. Well, you do have enough personality for the both of us young alpha. That I do that I do he said right before he drifted off to sleep.
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