chapter three

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Carlisle pov I just finished my fifth meeting for today. My dad called me earlier this morning to let me know that his fiancée and her daughter are coming today, having only met her once and she is a beautiful woman and she makes my dad happy so I have no objection and it been so long since have seen my dad happy since my mom death. Now am heading home and am so tired I want nothing more than being in my bed right now but I still have to meet Alice and her daughter. Don't get me wrong I want to meet them too but am just tired. Am home after hours of been stuck in the traffic, I got to the living room and saw dad and Alice we exchange greetings. " how have you been Carlisle it been awhile" Alice said, " am gud Alice just a little tired after today's meeting that someone think it a good idea to dump on me alone" I said glaring at my dad who is giving me that innocent eyes "don't give me that look dad" "yeah I admit am suppose to help you today but someone is suppose to be there for Alice and Amelia when they got here" I suppose Alice daughter is Amelia but she is not here where is she. "it alright dad but where is Amelia is she not here yet" I asked just to satisfy my curiosity. "she is here I asked jordy to give her a tour her mother said she loves touring new places" cute I thought. Alice voice brought me out of my thought "there you are dear come meet your brother" I looked at the girl in front of me she is beautiful and have curves in the right places, her black hair looks so soft I want to run my hands through it and her lips, urgh! get your wits together why am I thinking like a horny dog. "hi" her voice sound like a siren luring me to the depth of the sea. I don't trust myself to say a correct tangible word so I just nod. I see her face fell when I didn't reply her well. This girl is suppose to be my sister why am I thinking about her like this it not even an hour that we met and am so attracted to her like this. I heard my dad talking about some dinner but I didn't pay much mind to them. she excuse herself to her room after awhile my eyes trail her retreating figure that when I realise that she looks familiar. I got up and go to my room to prepare for dinner. I came down after getting dressed to find my dad on the living room. "how is the contract with the prime tech company" my dad asked immediately I sit down " it didn't go well they are still yet to make a decision, I think they don't want to make a business deal with us" I answered him but he just nod "what do you think about Amelia son" I looked at him wanting to know what he is trying to get at. "she is good why do you ask dad?" "nothing much I just to know why you are hostile towards her" yes of course they would notice my behaviour. "nothing dad, I just don't know how to act around her, you know I never had a sibling" I told him well it half the truth. we were disturbed by a Amelia which am grateful because I don't wish to continue that conversation. "where is mom" Amelia asked and dad told her she is in her room dressing up and she gave a small nod. The room is in a peaceful silence until dad dropped the awful news. "why don't you and Carlisle get along while I go check on your mom" he is out of the room before I can protest. Amelia had a look of horror on her face which left me to wonder if she hate thinking about it I don't give her much reason to like me. We didn't say a word until dad and Alice come down. "you and your brother are going in his car while I and your mom go in mine, is that okay with you" my dad asked and I started feeling annoyed why is he always setting us up together I don't want to get close to her because I don't like how she makes me feel. "why can she go with you dad" asked irritatedly "we want you guys to bond so she is going in your car no questions" my dad said sternly making me scoff I started walking outside towards my car and I can feel her presence behind me. we both got into the car and I started driving. Have been taking a few glances at her since we got into the car and I noticed she seems tense and have been staring at her hand like it most interesting thing in the world. I can't just let myself get close to her because I don't know why am attractive to her. . . . . Amelia pov The silence in the car is so suffocating, I don't know why he is acting like I offended him. I quickly got out of the car when we got to the diner I might run mad if I stay there one more minute. Mum and Damon car also got here seconds after we pull up so we all got in together and a hostess guide us to our table we all make our order and now we are waiting for our food to arrive. "so Carlisle what do you like to do in your free times?" my mom asked trying to keep tension off the table "nothing much, I spend my time with my friends most time that am free" "that sounds boring but it better than working all the time right" my mom said and the waiters choose that moment to bring the food and we started eating. "so Amelia your mum said your birthday is in a few weeks, we are thinking of going to Paris to celebrate it so you explore while there your mom said you have wanted to go for awhile now" my eyes grew like saucers when I heard the word Paris and exploring together in one sentence "we are going to Paris for my birthday thank you so much Damon this is the best birthday gift ever" I said sincerely "am glad you like it " after that we all eat in silence while am thinking about Paris I can't wait.
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