chapter four

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"hey girl, how you dong?" my best friend Tina said smiling making me smile back. "am good, what about you and how's your date with the tall handsome guy you met at the ice cream shop" I asked smiling "am good and good and he kissed me Amelia it was magical now enough about me how is that step brother of yours" she said while smiling with a dreamy eyes. "no don't give me that eyes he won't even talk to me Moreover he is my elder stepbrother" I said rolling my eyes "did you do something when you both met that he won't talk to you because I don't get why he don't talk to you because he save you at the boutique right? he should at least say hello since you guys know each other before? she said with her signature "am kinda thinking" look "hmm I think he does not remember that it me since many ladies will always throw their selves at him" I said. The school bell rang making us leave to go our different classes but not before saying we d continue at lunch. I have literature for first period. I got the class thankfully not too late and the teacher began on the text Othello. After two more periods it lunch break already I quickly pack my bag and go to my locker to get my next notebook and materials that I will use for the rest of today's class before heading to the cafeteria. When I got there I head to I and my friends table where I saw them all seated waiting for me our frie6 group goes like this Andrew, Eric, Tina, Alexandria who is Andrew twin and most especially me, Amelia, we are not one of the popular none are we the outcast we are just normal highschool students. when I got to the table I said a small to them and sat down while stealing fries from Eric's plate "hey go get your own food don't come living off me you leech" he playfully growled at me while I just shrugged "well I like living off of you, you are the most nicest person I know" I said smiling at him "so am not the nicest person you know anymore ouch! you hurt my feelings Amelia" Tina said with a fake hurt. "Don't take her words to heart, else she might break it" Andrew said while laughing knowing that will anger him while I send him a dead glare. "am not a heartbreaker they just couldn't resist my sexy charm"I said while brushing my hair to the side "oh like your prince charming Carlisle" Alex said wriggling he eyes "He is her new stepbrother Alex" Tina said "doesn't mean she should not snag_ WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? CARLISLE IS HER BROTHER NOw?" she said with a surprisingly loud voice "hey keep your voice down don't want the whole school knowing it not even a big deal he won't even talk to me" I said shrugging "why won't he talk to you when you are in the same house or did he forget saving you then?" Alex asked curiously she always want to know everything "u don't know and I don't think he remembers me"I said sadly "Don't worry he will come around later and know you are the best sister/ girlfriend in the world" Tina said "yeah you are the best of the best Amy" Andrew said patting my head "awww guys thanks for the support but remember feeling comfortable with you patting my head Drew am not a child neither a dog so stop it" I said annoyingly to which he smile sheepishly. The bell rung signal the end of the break. "let all head to class guys will see you later" Eric said while getting his stuff he is the responsible one among us all. We all leave for our class. When I got home jordy was the only on home and she said Mary is on a leave to take care of her grandson who is sick. I go to my bedroom to take a shower and get dress in fresh clothes. i did my homework then chat with my friends on the group chat for some time before heading down to the kitchen to eat since am hungry I end up making sandwich then I sat at the island table in the kitchen to eat. I was halfway done when my mom came back from work. "hi honey, how is school today?". my mom asked "hi, it just the typical normal school day"I answered back "I hope you don't pay much mind to Carlisle behaviour he wasn't like this when I met him am sorry Amy" my mom apologize on Carlisle behave "it okay mom it normal since am just someone new and it not like he knows me before and if I need to be apologize to it Carlisle that needs to do that" I said to my mom. "thanks love, I love you my baby" she kiss my forehead and I replied with a 'me too mom'
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