
falling for my stepbrother


Amelia is a highschool students whose mother is getting married to a new husband soon leaving their apartment for he stepfather's she learnt that she has a stepbrother who happen to be her crush for two years now. what do you think Amelia will do? she is now torn between making a decision of letting her crush go or holding onto him because she does not want to destroy her mother marriage

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chapter one
"Amelia hurry up we re going to be late" my mother Alex said. We are going to my new stepfather house, yes I mean new, my mum have been married for at least 6 times and divorced. I know what you are thinking why is she getting married to them if she knows it won't work out for them or for her in my logic. Nope, she is looking for the perfect person, her words not mine, and she does not know this is affecting me because every time she get married we move and sometimes I have to change school but thank God am not transfering to a new school this time and God did I tell you I have too many ex step siblings. "mom, how many step siblings am I having this time and what is your new husband to be name again?" I ask her scoffing . " you are having only one brother Carlisle and yeah my husband name is Damon you are going to love him he is so sweet" I rolled my eyes at all her ranting which I did behind her because she hate it when I roll my eyes at her. She has been saying that for the umpteenth time today "yeah yeah I know u have been saying that for awhile" I said to my mom so she won't notice a thing. we enter the car and she started driving to my new stepfather house. I felt a hand shake me I open my eyes to see my mum wake me up that we are there. ugh after endless hours of traffic and being in the car for so long am happy to get out of the car.I got out from the car and stretch in an unlady like manner I don't care if anybody sees me. "Alex love you are here have missed you" a man said hugging my mum that her new husband but he look familiar maybe am just making a mistake. He turned his gaze to me "you must be Amelia, hope the ride wasn't too tiring" " yes I am and ride is not too tiring you have beautiful house Mr Damon or should I say mansion" "thank you Amelia just call me Damon you are going to be my daughter soon" turning to my mum "you didn't tell me your daughter is so beautiful" "you didn't ask me, now where is my son?" my mom said kissing Damon "He has a business meeting and he will be late now let us go in so you guys can take a rest because it seems like Amelia could use one, right Amy?" "yes it very exhausting getting stuck in the car for hours" "sorry baby the traffic took too long" my mom said.i nod my head not wanting to say much but wanting to explore the house. Damon lead us inside the living room was kinda beautiful the person who designed it did a good job. Still looking around the living room I heard Damon call someone and two ladies came into view from where I think is the kitchen dressed in a maid attire one is a young lady in her twenties the second is an elderly woman that look to be on her fifties. "ladies this is my daughter Amelia, and that is mary she have been working for the family for nine years and the young lady is Jordyn she has been here for four years now" I said a small hi to the both of them. "Jordyn please take amy to her room and show her around the house if she is still up for it" what? am more than ready to explore this massive mansion "are you asking Amelia if she is up for exploring? trust me she is only restraining herself she love exploring new places" "mommmm" my mom chuckled. am a shade of pink already. Jordyn took me to my room and I dropped my bag and we explore the house together. They have a library, game room, music room, art room apparently my stepbrother and father love art too much I was told that stepbrother paint so he is the one who uses the painting room. They have an indoor pool, a theatre room and gallery. We are currently in the gallery and am looking at pictures. Have been seeing Damon and a woman pictures for awhile I think she is his late wife, moving to the next picture but a young was in this one and looked like a mixture of both the woman and Damon. Then I heard mom calling me from the living room that my stepbrother is here. Signing I left the Gallery room. "what is my brother like jordy?" I asked her we might have bounded when doing our tour "he is nice, tall and hot" jordy said. I signed again but am nervous we got to the living room and am shocked to the bones to find that my stepbrother is the Thompson CEO and also my crush. Gosh what am I gonna do?

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