6 - Schooling the Master

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  Rayne awoke with a start to a pitch-black room. She felt sore, stiff but well rested. Her heart thumped rapidly in her chest as panic set in for a moment not recognizing the surroundings. Remembering came back quickly. How embarrassing to have collapsed so intensely after releasing her body to Dimitri. What had been created inside these abnormal desires by allowing herself to succumb to one so cold and commanding? Laying in the darkened room she allowed her eyes to adjust and took in the environment. This lifestyle, these rooms and parties were not who she ever really wanted to be when she thought of her goals in life. She wanted love, communication, understanding. Of course she wanted to live comfortably but lavish was not a requirement, although it wasn’t the worst either. More than anything Rayne wanted to be loved for body and mind. She wanted to be her own person. Being funny, loud, mouthy, quiet sometimes and have a career that always kept her grounded. s*x. She definitely wanted s*x. Making love, kinky-dirty, hardcore and soft, this was a frequent non-negotiable on her list of “must haves.” Yes but can you find that with ease and peace dating two brothers at once? Are you not labeling yourself outright of being a slut or a deviant, unholy girl who can’t commit to just one for her life? Are you greedy or just misguided and foolish? His voice carried up the stairs and to the lightly cracked door of the suite, startling her out the contemplations. The tone of voice indicated unhappiness, anger. Rayne shivered slightly at the thought of truly pissing off Dimitri. She knew there was a real man with emotions but whatever caused it to be tucked down inside so deep must have been absolutely horrific. He was cold, closed off and only in his most primal state of pleasure could you even see it surface for a millisecond. Sliding out of the bed her n*****s were hard and poking through the white ribbed tank top that was fitted so closely. Grabbing the t-shirt adorned with the Greece flag she slid it on and stood to looked in the mirror on the far wall. Not much help as the t-shirt was thin and her ample breasts still show through clearly. She wanted her clothes back or even just a f*****g bra? Walking into the bathroom it was a reminder of what had occurred only hours prior. The passion and cause that created a moment between the two of them was undeniable. Not only had passion taken place but so had an elevated level of obsession required by Dimitri to knowing every inch of Rayne. Walking to the trough sink and heating the water she washed her face thoroughly and tried to smooth the now very wavy, purple and coffee tresses. Falling asleep with damp hair produced curly hair instead of Rayne’s normal straightened bob.  Still cute and acceptable she shrugged knowing it would be irrelevant with the conversation that was about to commence. Unknowing how exactly to say all that was in her feelings and desires without making herself sound greedy or perverse was still unclear. The feeling of the cold marble on bare feet as she descended the stairs was cooling, triggering a shiver. The intense conversation that was being had in the office to the right of the stairway end was a bit intimidating. While it was known Drakos Shipping International was one of the most successful and heftiest in the industry, there were whispers of what they truly transported. Military contracts, weapons for several countries and even drugs was some of the claims. On the books, they shipped distributing containers with items needed by countries all over the world but with the help of a team of lawyers and counsel constantly ensure verbiage was vague, it was rarely known what was actually in the vessels. They claimed it was for security but Rayne knew nothing much other than all those rumors. Reaching the door she slowly opened it and slid inside the office. Gliding the door closed with no sound and Darius was sitting opposite the entrance in a chair with a finger to his lips. Dimitri was on a headset pacing, exasperated with each word. “What do you mean you lost the shipment? You were in charge and this should have been handled like every other damn shipment we move. Who is going to call the Prince and tell him? I can damn sure tell you when heads roll, mine will not be one of them. You have one hour to find the shipment or I will have you delivered to the Prince and he will be allowed to anything his heart desires with you. One f*****g hour.” Dimitri threw the headset across the room and turned to see Rayne standing in the doorway. Legs crossed in front and fiddling with the hem of the t-shirt, she was unsure if staying was the best course. “William has no idea where the shipment was lost in transition from a boat to a truck? This is the second time something had been shorted or missing on his watch. We should pull the hidden camera footage and look it over. Weapons being lost is one thing in this God Forsaken world but that cargo is priceless.” Darius said looking between Dimitri and Rayne. “William will likely not live through this one but I agree, we should definitely pull the footage. I have a feeling his pockets are being lined at our expense.” She stood there not knowing when to interject or what exactly to say so she took seat near Darius quietly waiting until she was addressed. The phone rang again and Dimitri reached to grab the headset of the floor. Darius smiled at Rayne and winked. “This is Dimitri.” There was no telling what was being said on the other end but the look on his face said a multitude of things. It contorted and created a fire in his deep green eyes that looked like volcanos about to explode. “I understand your highness. I will have William sent to you tomorrow morning. Consider him our apology. As well as our hidden footage with what we find. When we recover the items, they will be sent personally by Angelos….” There was a pause, “Of course your highness, I will ask Angelos to arrange that and bring several companions with him. My expense and thanks for your understanding there are humans in this world that don’t know there place and need to be put in line.” A few more words were said by the man on the other end and Dimitri was gripping his hands in fists while pacing back and forth. “Of course your highness. We will see to that and from now on I will personally have Angelos deal with your deliveries. We thank you for you understanding and discretion. Yes, Yes, of course we will remain friends in good standing. Our pleasure.” Setting down the headset with such softness, Rayne could sense it was to actually to gain some sense of serenity but Dimitri really wanted to beat the hell out of something. “His highness is happy?” Darius asked softly. “Yes. One more f**k up and he will pull his contract with us. That is underground publicity we don’t need Darius. Let’s send something to William’s son in the form of a trust because I am sure he won’t ever be home again.” Rayne looked wide eyed at them both and looked at the floor. “You have something to say blue-eyes?” She looked at Dimitri with a disgusted look. “You would let a man die at the hand of a client for stealing instead of turning him over to the authorities?” Dimitri leaned sitting on the edge of his desk and looking at her sternly. “He stole diamonds and other pricey things from a Prince of a country that doesn’t do formal hearings and judges. William is paid off the books due to nature of his dealings with many nations and up to now he was one of our most trusted. I can not have our company fail or get a damaging antiestablishment reputation just because some sweet blue-eyed naïve girl thinks everything is as easy as justice by American design.” She furrowed her brow and stood up as if to take him on. Darius who was sitting slightly behind Dimitri raised his hand and shook his head no, indicating this was not the way for Rayne to handle the situation. “You talk down to me as if I am stupid because I have a v****a Dimitri. I do caution you that I am quite keener and shrewd in business than you credit. I can guarantee you that my I.Q. and business savvy likely far exceeds yours even when it comes to your own company and how to deal with the problem at hand.” She challenged. Darius closed his eyes shaking head in disbelief that she couldn’t heed his simple instruction. He opened his eyes to see Dimitri stand and puff his chest up in offense, ready to battle it out. His voice was deeper, louder, booming around the office. “Really little girl what do you know of a business that deals with such clandestine items and individuals? What could you fathom on how to deal with a company man stealing billions in jewels and antiquities that we can’t find? I would love, before I paddle the disrespect out of you, to know what it is that I don’t grasp about my own company that you are privier to than I? I am the C.E.O. and have grown this company from trivial and trivially international to a dominating force all over the world. But first, why don’t you tell my brother how you lied and what you really are doing here…” She was livid. While Rayne had a smaller informal education and was still in college at the time, her wits and business practicality was naturally higher than most. It was as if she could look at a company and help see the flaws, the income potential in near exact dollars and how to grow it quickly in less time than thought possible. Savant was the term often used by her mentors and teachers. Taken aback by his command to change the subject and tell Darius her deepest desire she paused. Pinching the bridge of her nose she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. “Well blue-eyes, other than tantalizing men with your feminine wiles, do you have anything intelligent to say or did I shut down the shitshow that was about to cascade from your mouth?” “Go straight to hell you pompous ass! You don’t know me Dimitri. I am far more intelligent in both client relations and how to respectfully speak to my peers, than you. I have no reason or desire to do anything you command of me. But since you are begging me to, let’s put us all on the same page of knowing… I know that your guy, William was a nameless drudge of the thievery community. The only assignment that put him on the map was liberating the Royal House of Denmark from their much-coveted Pearl and Diamond Demi-Parure which was a wedding gift from the Khedive of Egypt to Princess Louise of Denmark. He only went free because his scared ass returned it before being caught and found a willing alibi then blaming the actual theft on his partner. That small “victory” caused the black-market manager position that he held at Prestige International to be offered. But of course that was before you did the hostile, possibly illegal, take over and turned it into another puzzle piece of Drakos Shipping International. So trusting a hack thief to stay straight amiss his principal weakness was likely unwise. If you follow him within the next twelve hours, he will do many tedious errands that will feel as if you are being led into nothing helpful. But his most common hiding place is his mother’s old folks home and the safe behind the Mona Lisa reproduction at his favorite bar. So not only can you turn him over but you could recover the stolen merchandise in less than 24 hours. Now, since you always feel it so necessary to win all situations let me just offer you this bit of information as well, so I can completely shut you down and make you realize I am the dominant in this moment. You will never, NEVER control me again in any way. PMMI, the company I work for, is ripping you off for millions every year by raising rates intermittently and without you seeing it, on all repairs on ships being brought to our port. And while I am not one hundred percent clear on where the money goes it isn’t back to you. Now, before I go. Darius you deserve to hear the truth. I feel nasty and slutty and greedy for wanting you both but I have strong emotions for many different reasons with both of you. Anger being the most prevalent for Dimitri right now, however. I couldn’t ask you to be in love with me while I also would be in love with him. I know loving you both is possible but it just feels so…wrong. This is why I said nothing. I see now it is a moot point. I am sorry if it was lying but I feel like I am asking for more than deserved and incredible trust from all parties that I am not even sure I can morally handle.” They both looked at this woman silently. She had schooled Dimitri with knowledge she shouldn’t even know and factually stated she had strong feelings for them both, all in the same few moments. Darius’ heart was beating at the thought that she could be happy with them both and he might have a chance to fulfill everything he had been thinking of with her recently. The anger emanating from Dimitri could be felt for miles. She had spoken with ill tongue and made him look like an ill-informed but also had stirred an emotion of admiration and need to be near someone that could so easily shut him down and mention the word love all in the same thirty seconds. “You should be cautious blue eyes. You can’t make up stories just to try and win an argument. I will not be talked down to nor thought to be spoken to in such a manner… You…” his tone domineering and authoritative. “I…yes I!, Dimitri told you the truth. My father worked with William Margelo for years and rots in jail now because of it. You don’t believe me, go visit him in jail and ask. George Grant Mills. Prisoner 38675-713.” With that she stormed out of the office and slammed the French door so severely, it broke several pieces of glass. Dimitri stepped forward to go after Rayne. Darius grabbed his arm and held fast. “Leave it Dimitri. You were out of line and she put you back where you belonged, deal with it. Perhaps she will cool off and we will see her again but if not, this one is on you. Check her story out and let’s see if we can’t recover the stolen items. I will call Angelos and his brother Kris to see if they are close to the containers and William. We will have him followed and the Prince will be informed we have a lead on his items. Request a few days to get them and still offer to hand over William at the end of it. I believe his Highness will appreciate the effort.” Darius left the room and went in search of Rayne to at least offer her a ride home. 
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