5 - Breakfast & Confidence

3947 Words
What is that f*****g noise, Geezus shut it off!! Her phone was ringing non-stop and her head was pounding. Rayne could barely focus her eyes and force them to open. “Hello. What the f**k to you want?” was rudely barked into the phone. “Wow, good morning to you too my lovely. I take it you aren’t up and rolling yet?” Marc snickered. “Hell no. I drank wine and watched romance movies til I crashed. What time is it?” “About eight-thirty and I am starving for my lovely’s French toast. Would you be so inclined to come cook Brayden and I some breakfast? Pleeeaaassseee...” He was so damn cute when he begged in that deep accented Italian voice. She wanted to cuss at him for the early morning time but also wanted to hug him for loving her so much. “I look like hell and am in …well s**t I am naked. I will have to put on clothes and do something with my face.” “Please girl, brush it, wash your face and come over in your tank and pajama pants. You are too stinking cute like that. Besides everyone else here is sound asleep and probably will before half the day, I guess. The party didn’t wind down until nearly four.” She padded into the bathroom with the speaker phone on. Her hair wasn’t anything too tragic and a quick straightening would suffice. Her face on the other hand was a catastrophic accident of makeup left on overnight and successfully smeared universally causing her a look like Picasso remake. “Good damn thing I love you. I will head that way shortly but there better be coffee with heavy cream and a Splenda or I leave as quickly as I get there.” She said musingly. “YOU are the BEST my lovely. Just pull in the front drive and I will open the door for you. Oh and bring my emergency clothes from your bottom drawer so I can change please?” He made several kissing noises and hung up. Fucker. Always with the charm and I can’t say no. In less than fifteen minutes she washed her face, took a quick w***e bath in the sink, straightened her hair and changed into something comfy but cute. She put on a thin line of eyeliner and some mascara to make her eyes stand out but naught much else in the way of makeup. Her hair was still on point from the previous night and she smiled feeling pretty confident for a moment. Rayne had chosen a more fitted blue top with short cap sleeves and a V-neck. Coupled with yoga pants that flared out at the bottom and some cute flip flop with black sequin straps, she showed off her well-manicured toes adorned in purple polish. Grabbing a small bag and packing it with Marc’s extra set of clothes, undies, deodorant and of course toothbrush with toothpaste inside. Grabbing her purse she grabbed his Vette keys and decided to take the gorgeous red car instead of the Jeep. Rayne loved putting the top down and blaring music. Not being entirely awake or completely sober, she figured it was the best way to stay focused. The twenty-minute drive only seemed to be a few moments. It was kind of that old saying, once you drive to a location, it always seems to be faster the second time. This time, Del Monte Drive had virtually no cars. It looked essentially dead compared to just hours prior when Rayne left. Pulling into the semi-circle drive with her heavy female lead singing rock music blaring, Marcos was outside as soon as she stopped. He did a quick air guitar move and mouthed the words to the song playing and they laughed as the top went up. She had settled the car in right behind a brand-new Aston Martin, Vantage Roadster in hot blue. That car made her want to take a road trip and imagine riding at a high rate of speed cross country. “My lovely...” Marcos opened her door and offered a hand. “I hope it is ok, I needed the wind in my hair to wake up enough to drive.” “Of course Rayne. My stuff is always yours.” He kissed her forehead and she noticed Brayden standing in jeans shirtless leaning against the open front door. “So, how was he?” Rayne whispered to Marcos as she link arm about his waist and hugged into him. “Oh Rayne, we will have that conversation another time but I think I am in love.” He winked, grabbing her purse and his bag from the passenger seat. Reaching the door Brayden smiled and hugged Rayne tightly. “Good to see you again Miss Rayne. I can not wait for this French toast breakfast he has been bragging about for an hour!” She smiled and nodded heading in the door. The house was immaculate and looked as if nothing had ever transpired there the night before. It smelled like a forest after a light rain mixed with the scent of musky male. She could spend hours in this entryway just consumed by the fascinating aroma. Heading for the kitchen she had Brayden close one her heels. “I pulled everything Marcos said you might need.” Hmmm. Eggs, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, Texas Toast… check. “If you have bacon, I can couple that with it. Who all is eating? I mean I can do a full out breakfast spread or just this?” Marcos walked in after placing his bag and her purse in the other room. He smiled and walked over behind Rayne wrapping his arms about her waist. This was his bear hug of thanks. He had been doing it since they met and she knew it was the closest intimacy he would ever spend on a woman. “The brothers are here and a few other guests. I think basically you have a house full of men to feed.” Marcos said. “Yeah likely about twelve. I am sure once the food smell hits, they will all show up. No one really sleeps too late around here but then nearer lunch time they nap by the pool or leave to catch flights home. We are very laid back here.” Brayden said matter of factly. Rayne’s face went white with realization. Due to not being awake and focusing, the realization that she had set herself right smack dab in the middle of the fire, hadn’t crossed her mind. Not only was she playing cute personal chef Rayne, she would have to see Dimitri and Darius again without any reason or due cause to flee. Sensing her discomfort Marcos stood back and turned her around to face him. “What the hell happened last night and what is wrong now? And don’t even think of doing that fake line and lie bullshit.” Looking around and stopping her gaze on Brayden she didn’t say anything but looked back to Marcos with worry. “I can leave if you need to talk guys.” Brayden said nicely. “No, its fine but you can’t repeat a word of this. Clear?” He nodded at Rayne and she recanted the two encounters with the Drakos brothers at the party. She told them in detail the violating of her in the bathroom and the way she spoke to and touched Darius at the bar. So out of character for her in both aspects but it was clear she enjoyed both happenstances on a sexually curious level. “Well damn Rayne. Sounds like your party was even better than ours.” Marcos snickered winking at Brayden. Brayden was laughing heartily which caused them to look at him with question. When he finally took a breath, his hand was waving as if trying to speak. “This is too comical. Dimitri was talking about this woman that wasn’t his type last night. Said his mind was stuck on her and Darius said he understood because they didn’t even keep female company last night as it seems… YOU were the only one on their minds and c***s evidently. I can’t even tell you how ironic it is that you are here this morning. More so that they are both enamored by the same female. That is just unheard of. They are both very different and so are their tastes but after speaking with them both separately, I realized they both were talking about you. But honestly sweetheart if you want to go, we will understand. I can’t say I would be comfortable right now if I were you either.” Brayden was honest in his words. Rayne thought about everything and decided she was tired of always running and being uncomfortable. She was tired of feeling inferior and needing to hide away because she had desires and wants that most men wouldn’t offer her. Today she would be different. Today, Rayne would stand as if nothing happened and take it all in as a learning experience.  Today, yes today, she would face who she really wanted to be and would be damned if two extremely hot guys would change it. “You know what. I am going to cook one hell of a breakfast and stand here confidently as if nothing happened. “ Smiling both men hugged Rayne tightly and laughed as Marcos said, “Aww our little Rayne has finally joined the ‘don’t give a damn club’.” They all laughed embracing for another second and stood back as two other men headed into the kitchen. “What is going on here?” Angelos said in his heavy Greek accent. “I am cooking breakfast for you men. If you have a particular request now is the time. It will be ready in about an hour.” Rayne said smiling. “Damn a hot chic chef this early? I am liking this southern hospitality. I want to try this biscuits and gravy phenomenon. I have heard much praise about that dish. What do you care for Kristos?” Angelos nodded to his brother. “I will take anything. I love this breakfast idea. Let’s get coffee and wait on the patio.” Kristos nodded in thanks as he poured coffee black and headed out the patio door. Angelos took Rayne’s hand and kissed it gently before grabbing a hot mug of coffee as well and preceded outside. “So who all is here today?” Rayne said searching cabinets for ingredients. “Mostly coworkers for the shipping company and family. If you are asking, I am the only gay one here.” Brayden laughed. “I don’t care about that just curious. Now you two take your coffee and get out of my kitchen. I have lots to do and with a dozen men I need to get to work. OH, and let’s set the patio table for breakfast. I can set it all out there and it seems to have enough seats for twenty people.” Rayne nodded her gaze out the glass doors to the patio. “Got it Miss Rayne.” Brayden and Marcos both kissed her cheek before grabbing their coffee and returning inside a few times for utensils, plates, napkins and other misc. items to set up for breakfast. She made hand rolled biscuits, homemade sausage gravy, her ‘special’ French toast, handmade syrup, Bacon, Western scrambled eggs, crispy hash browns and cut up fruit and cheese plate. Everything was smelling delicious and on time for about fifteen minutes of being done. She had seen a soft stream of men coming from the bedrooms upstairs filter into the kitchen introducing themselves and reaching for coffee. She politely let them know that breakfast would be a bit more time and to head outside with the rest of the crew gathering. Rayne had two men left to see and it was the Brothers Drakos. Of course they would be last. As she was bent over pulling out the biscuits from the oven, she heard a growl. Setting them on the cooling racks to the right of the oven, Rayne turned to see Dimitri eyeing her profoundly. “I knew that ass was attached to you. How could I forget.” He said in a graveling, early morning wake up type voice. “If you want coffee it is right there and you can join the rest of the men outside. Breakfast is in about ten minutes.” Her words were straight and concise. He raised an eyebrow, looked outside and back at her. His smirk made her want kick his ass and touch it all in the same moment. He was entirely too good looking for his own good and in that second, she refused to let him know how much she was affected. Reaching past Rayne, he grabbed a K Cup from the cabinet and placed it in the coffee dispenser. His eyes didn’t leave their deadlock of her body. The back of her neck bristled feeling it as she finished stirring the last bit of western scrambled eggs to ensure they were cooked thoroughly. The sound of the coffee dispensing into the cup seemed to be long and drawn. It was as if it time was taking sweet time to pass on purpose. All to make her uncomfortable and stressed. She heard Dimitri take a packet of sweetener and flap it back and forth, tear it and pour it in the coffee. Stirring it slowly she was at her wits end. She couldn’t concentrate on anything other than his presence and wanted to have him stand so close behind her again, just like the bathroom. His breathing was as if in her ear although he was standing aback slightly. Turning around she was within a foot of him and his gaze was fixated. “Are you done? I need you out of my way so I can finish.” He laughed under his breath and mumbled, “Normally to finish, women want me to come closer.” She rolled her eyes and looked annoyed even though her clit was throbbing on every word he mumbled. Tapping her foot she watching him leave slowly and look back as he headed out the door. And that damn smirk… It was time to plate everything and carry it outside. Opening the enormous pantry she found a small two-step ladder so she could stand and reach some bowls and platters to serve on. Standing on her near tip toes she was barely able to reach the gravy boat. As she slid it out with her fingertips the step ladder started to shake and she knew it was about to end tragically. She felt herself falling back and the step stool sliding out from under her. As quickly as she gasped in terror she landed in strong, capable arms. The gravy boat was gripped tightly to her body and she lay cradled in Darius’ arms. “Well it seems my timing is impeccable this morning. You could have asked for help Rayne, you know?” She looked at him in the eyes and was whisked away into a thankful, lustful mind set. He smelled like a just roused, musky man of her dreams. His eyes were deep and looking right into hers forcefully. She couldn’t stop staring at him. Her mind was taking in the closeness of their lips and how much she wanted to kiss him in that moment but not just for saving her. “Rayne. Are you alright?” his eyebrows gather in the center and looked concerned and questioning. His voice was soft, inviting, wanting. “Oh yes sorry. It just startled me and I didn’t hear you come in, so this was a bit surprising.” Without a thought in her mind she kissed his cheek fully and slowly. Taking in his scent as she did, her heart was still racing. Darius’ eyebrows unstiffened and his facial expression changed completely as she pulled back from the cheek kiss. One kiss caused him to recess from concerned, straight to craving. She was to him in every manner of the word, tantalizing. Her breathing, her body in his arms and the way she was looking at him with concern and appeal, caused his manhood to take particular notice. Deprived of any reason or thought Darius couldn’t stop his next action. He leaned in slightly and placed his lips on hers. The static between the two of them was intense. She closed her eyes as he delved in for a deeper kiss. Reaching up with her left hand she placed it on his cheek to pull him in for harder more wanton kisses. It went from a simple kiss of curiosity to more profound kisses full of need and craving. The beep of the oven timer pulled them both out of their make out session. Carefully Darius set her down. Turning immediately placing the gravy boat on the counter and pulling the last homemade biscuits from the oven, Rayne tried to clear her mind. Standing right behind her Darius pushed the timer to the off position. The close proximity caused them both to look directly at one another again. She smiled and slipped under his arm walking towards the island. Pointing without a word she showed him that she needed a few bowls and platters from the top shelf. Darius moved silently helping, not sure what he would say if he could even find his voice. His c**k was still slightly stiff and her scent was making him mad. “I am going to take coffee and head outside unless you need something else.” She turned and stopped everything she was doing to stare directly at him. Her lips were curved in an evil, devious smirk. “I… I am good, thank you for your help. Could you ask Marcos to come in and help me please?” She never strayed her stare. His lips curved into a smile of knowing that this was far from over but she was there to complete the breakfast mission first. There would be another time to explore the electricity they both just experienced. Darius nodded and headed out the door calling Marcos with instruction. “Hey lovely, Holy cow you have out done yourself! They are going to covet you for sure after this. Wait…are you ok? Your face...” “I am… I am good. We will talk later.” Looking from Rayne to the door his smile widened and he acquiesced to hold further questions until a later date.  She handed him platter after bowl and followed him out the door with her final bowl of food. They displayed everything down the center of the table and the faces of a dozen men looked hungry and thankful. “We have fresh, handmade biscuits and homemade sausage gravy, fruits and cheese with mini croissants, crispy hash browns, Rayne’s special French toast with homemade syrup, western scrambled eggs and of course bacon. Enjoy!” There was complete silence for a moment, then men started passing around platters and bowls of food to one another. Taking in the smells and making growling hungry sounds as they spooned it on their plates. She loved to cook breakfast more than anything and to prepare a feast for so many was pure enjoyment. They all took healthy helpings of each item, talked business, and laughed as the started eating.  Realizing Rayne didn’t make herself any coffee she stood and went in to get some much-needed caffeine. “Rayne did you see any orange juice in the fridge?” Marcos said loudly. “I don’t know. I am about grab coffee and will look.” Rayne replied as she crept into the kitchen once more. While waiting for the machine to dispense her liquid happy Rayne cleaned up a few items. Placing all the dirty pots and pans in the large side of the sink, she burned her finger on the side of a pot that was still extremely hot. “f**k. Of course, can’t cook once without burning myself.” She looked at her middle fingertip as it turned redder by the second. Devoid of her surroundings a hand took her finger and pulled it into his mouth causing the burning sensation to cease. Not expecting this she gasped and looked at his face expecting to see Darius. Instead of the soft spoken, more gentle face of the Drakos brothers, Rayne’s finger was in the mouth of Dimitri. Suddenly her body reacted. Trying to pull her finger from his mouth he refused release. His eyes were intense and fixated on only Rayne. Slowly releasing Rayne’s finger from his lips, she was unable to withhold a soft moan. Dimitri knew Rayne was feeling exactly what he hoped. You can’t do this. They are brothers you dumbass. But they are both so …so… Before she could finish her thought, Dimitri tipped her chin up with his fingers and placed his lips on hers. He couldn’t think of anything other than consuming her with his entire soul, since the night in the bathroom. Dimitri never touched and tied up without consent. Never had he been so brazen with one he didn’t even know; let alone Rayne was not his type. Usually preferring taller, more slender women, Dimitri had always been partial to blondes. But this short-stacked, raven-haired spitfire, stirred something inside him that was extraordinary. Walk away now. Walk away. He didn’t know if he were telling himself that or hoping she would somehow hear it and follow instruction. Dimitri’s lips were still on hers and wanting to have their tongues graze one another. The desire of hands on her back and her legs wrapping around his waist was strong. They are brothers! Stop yourself. Shut. The. Hell. Up. Rayne’s tongue slipped inside his mouth and found place quickly by in rushing strokes. Her arms slid around his neck and in time Dimitri picked Rayne up so her legs could slide around the waist. Walking into the pantry he closed the door behind them for a moment of silence and peace to explore this moment. She kept sliding her tongue about his and Dimitri responded in kind. Usually he was the aggressor but this little female was hungry and he was quite obviously her prey. Dimitri ran his hands on her back and kissed down the exposed neckline. Rayne broke the kiss to throw her head back and moan as he cupped her ass and gripped it firmly. Tipping her head up placing her forehead on his, Rayne tried to catch a breath and consciousness, attempting to stop this insanity. The yoga pants she wore quite assuredly at this point were becoming saturated with the yearning womanhood’s pulses. They both panted like teenagers in heat. “I need to take the juice outside.” Was all Rayne could manage to croak out breathless. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the quick subject change but loved the fact she had yet to release her legs from his waist. They both kept panting as if still making out. “Be warned my blue-eyed devil. You can’t do this to me and walk away without repercussions. I will let you go for now but we will revisit this and soon. Twice now you have caused my body to yearn for release to no avail. This is not how I work and you will finish what was started.” Setting her down grabbing ass once more, Dimitri headed out of the pantry. The sound of the patio door sliding open and closed resonated in the kitchen. Rayne stayed in the pantry a moment longer trying to gain some semblance of composure. It was nearly unbelievable in the matter of an hour she had kissed two men, brothers, that both stirred the same desires inside her body for entirely different reasons. One was gentle and loving with an electricity that caused her soul to hum and her most womanly parts scream to be touched. The other was commanding, harsh and expectant. She was turned on with the desire to tame the beast he seemed to be and submit to the desires made apparent with his touch and kisses. Rayne felt something was coming and it was definitely outside her comfort zone but she wanted it. Rayne Arianna Mills was going to have her way with them both and she couldn’t wait, if only the fear wouldn’t win. 
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