
The Brothers Drakos ~ Book 1

female lead

"She isn't even your type Dimitri. Why obsess over this raven-haired woman who I obviously saw first? Don’t you normally prefer tall, long-legged blondes?" Darius queried curiously.

"Her eyes cause me weakness; her curves generate me powerless and that mouth could be my undoing. Why not steer clear? I cannot say but I refuse to be without her any longer. I need to dominate Rayne completely, so she can revive the wounded parts of me.” Dimitri declared absolutely.

Rayne continued to be hidden behind the door. Can I be truly happy with both? Sure, being with a billionaire changes things but 2 at one time?

Her morals howled and feelings whispered from her soul. This was not what she set out to find. Love was between two people but there was no denying they equally caused her pulse to race and her heart to love. It was time to decide on moving forward or leave the lush world of The Brothers Drakos, forever.

Moving from behind the door, Rayne ambled into the study. Taking in a deep breath to help her confidence level, her heart was pounding wildly. The expression of surprise and pleasure to see Rayne was on both their faces. Regarding them both with a smile, Rayne cleared her throat.

“We need to talk.”

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1- Welcome To The Party
Another Friday night after a week of hell and Rayne wanted to be free. She sat patiently waiting for her bestie to text. Billee’s boyfriend had been invited to a random party in the rich section of the city and was told to bring women. Obviously, he planned on taking Billee but Rayne was going to be his “Bring women” ticket in. She hadn’t heard a confirmed time and really wanted to know for sure before getting herself groomed and readied to look way better than the sweats and tank top she wore at the moment. “Come on Billee! Geezus I need to go out and release the anger of this week with some drinks and dudes.” Rayne hollered at her phone, like someone was listening. The week had been nothing but needy clients and bosses with attitudes. Rayne was done being talked down to like a stupid girl but then being expected to run everything and handle all the issues of a multi-million-dollar mechanical company.  Her boss was a bit too much of a day drinker and had even stooped so low as bringing in women to “interview” just to get laid. He was an appealing looking man for sure but the level of disrespectful chauvinist was the highest she had ever witnessed. The company CFO and Investor was in town this week which caused her boss, Josh, to be particularly stressed about everything. This stress meant Rayne would be called a plethora of stupid names to both “motivate” and “inspire” her into working better and more efficiently. They were in fact cruel and malicious words with no real merit because he was too drunk daily to do his damn job. “Now Rayne, the projections and reports are to be done Monday morning, first thing, as always!” Josh said in front of the investor. Rayne had so badly wanted to answer him with… “yes but I never do them because I am just not smart enough to handle the concept and you told me YOU would do them all the time.” But needing this well-paying part-time job to fund her nighttime college classes caused Rayne to take a deep breath and decide to just eat the unnecessary reprimand. “Yes sir Josh. I apologize, I forgot it was changed to being my responsibility on Monday mornings now. Won’t happen again.” She eventually answered him. The asshole investor, Mr. Keeler, nodded at her submissive answer and smiled. “Seems you have your staff well under control here and things are running smoothly. Let’s go play a round of golf and have some lunch Josh.” It took all of Rayne’s inner strength to not roll her eyes. The level of cocky bullshit that these two oozed out was a display that caused her to not only be nauseous but angry. They took advantage of everyone and everything. Then, as if that weren’t bad enough, they talked down to their employees and spent hundreds on lunch. Wait until I finish my schooling. I will tell you and this stupid bullshit to go to hell.  I can’t wait! “Rayne? Did you hear me?” Josh said impatiently with a small slur. She had been a little too far in her revelry of hating this job to hear what her boss had actually said.  His face was annoyed and waiting. “Sometimes she just zones out, we try to help all those less fortunate and in need here by providing a stable job.” Josh said to his boss. This caused Rayne to be livid. Her face was flushed with anger, she could tell without even looking in a mirror. f**k you, you cheating drunk. A fake wide smile came across her face suddenly as she cleared her throat. “No thank you Josh. I am fine. Have a nice lunch.” She said flatly, hoping that was a good enough answer to whatever he had actually asked. With that only being the first day of the week for Rayne and her classes all week long being nothing but tests and projects due, it wasn’t hard to imagine why she needed a night out. This particular Friday night out she really needed it. Maybe she could even land a hot guy to spend some forbidden, sexually charged hours with and release all her inner frustrations. It had been over a year and she was really in need of some kinky, hardcore orgasms. Rayne was a little on the shorter side, five foot four and had an old-fashioned hourglass figure but so many men wanted tall model types or short skinny with big fake boobs. Rayne couldn’t hold a candle to that. With dark brown hair and multi-toned purple highlights, her blue eyes stood out brightly though. It was shaped in a longer bob that was collar length in the back and coming down to an angle in the front well past her shoulders. She did naturally have a thirty-six double d bra size and a well-rounded ass with thicker thighs. That being said, she still found herself being last to get picked in the “hot” category as generally males didn’t want old classic body types at the current, or at least the men she was used to meeting in the places they partied.   While Rayne believed in everyone being themselves on occasion, she was moderately jealous of her best friend Billee’s figure. She was five foot seven, warm blonde with lighter natural, sun kissed pale highlights and the palest emerald green eyes that had ever been created. Her silken hair was well past the middle of her back and had a soft pure wave as she walked. Her legs were eternal and the shape was perfection. Coupled with her milky lightly tan shaded skin, her eyes and hair established a sight to behold. The truth was not many men could help but stare her down as she walked by and had no trouble finding her the most attractive of the pair. Looking down at her phone, Rayne realized it had been ringing on silent. “Dammit, Hello?” “Geezus daydreamer! I have called three times! What the heck are you doing… or should I say who the hell are you doing? “Her laughter was full and taunting. “I wish! You would think I could find someone on the regular but it seems I am just not meant to be bedded and loved yet in this lifetime.” Rayne said distastefully. “Oh zip it, Negative Nellie! You just haven’t found yours yet sweetie. He will come, I can feel it. So look, Darryl is going to drive me there. We will wait for you outside. I think you will know where it is when I send you the address. It isn't far from the bar Millenniums on West Alabama Street. Practically right around the corner." Rayne smiled remembering Millenniums Bar. She loved that place and the variety of males there were to select from. Some were the “Richies” from the million- & billion-dollar families, some were the gangster hoodlum types and even some of just regular nice guys. That bar sat right in the middle of three different income brackets with all different sorts of patrons. A party near there would definitely be worth checking out but Rayne's anxiety was kicking in, going somewhere new. She didn't handle the unknown well and with Billee's boyfriend being along this time it meant she would be alone for some of the time. It wasn’t that she couldn’t handle anything that was thrown at her but the unknown had always made her a little pensive. “And stop thinking you won’t see me. This party is with some of Darryl’s drinking buddies so he will be busy most of the time. Besides, we are going to have some “fun” before we leave so I can hang out with you. I need a fix. I haven’t seen him all week and my body is screaming for some attention. You know him, he will get tipsy and need to come around for a little grab ass then take off again.” She giggled. “I get it Billee. You are happy, he loves your ass and I will not be alone too much.” She laughed. Rayne couldn’t help but snicker. Darryl really was a good guy but being twenty-three he was very focused on his c**k and Billee riding, touching or kissing it as much as possible. Text me the address and I will map it. “Ok sent.” “Got it…Holy s**t! That is like a multimillion-dollar home Billee!” Rayne said with shock and excitement. “Yeah that is Darryl’s friend’s best friend’s house…Wait… Did that make sense?” She laughed, “We are on “the list” evidently only going to be about seventy-five to a hundred people from what Darryl said. So look cute but casual it is apparently just drinking, music and snacks. I am wearing the green slip dress we bought last week. And of course the cute flat shoes that go with it. You should wear a dress!” Billee said excited. Rayne almost threw up in her mouth at the thought of a dress. She was just not a dress girl.  Capris, jeans and sometimes shorts if the weather or activity so called for it.  Anything resembling a dress, skirt or formal feminine wear was definitely a last resort. “Ok…so jean capris with the cute purple top that has the ruffled cap sleeve and wedge shoes to match, it is!” She could hear Billee laughing under her breath and shaking her head. “Well we are thinking about 8:30 ish? Meet at the door?” “Sounds like a plan. See you then and Billee?” “Yes my dearest?” “Don’t you dare go in without me!” “Never.” They both made the kiss sound and hung up the phone. Rayne loved how much they were still on the same mindset since high school. They both had different personalities that seemed to click well no matter the situation. They had met in choir class when Billee was a freshman and Rayne was a Junior. It was nearly 6:30 p.m. and the maps said it was a 24-minute drive. Rayne decided to shower, pull clothing, do make up and hair then dress. Food. I need food. Picking up her phone she texted Marcos the sweet man in her recording studio class that worked at the pizza place down the street. ‘Working?’ ‘Yes my lovely. What you want? I will bring it to you. I am bored and need to see you all dressed up!!’ ‘Normal. Two Slices.’ Marcos was one of the most beautiful man Rayne had ever seen. He was kind, witty and well dressed. His five-foot ten height and well sculpted muscles were naturally tan and seemed to glisten in the sunlight even on a rainy day. He had the best ass she had ever seen from a man in a pair of jeans. Marcos’ full lips and jawline alone made women want to come right on the spot.  The true figure of a gorgeous man with a deep voice and bright hazel-green eyes to boot. The only problem? He liked men more than Rayne did. He was Rayne’s go-to partner for fun when Billee was busy with Darryl. With that thought Rayne flipped people and texted Billee one more time. ‘Hey B, can I bring a plus one?’ ‘Marcos? Lmao, knew it! Darryl said you get a plus one’ “Cool.” Flipping back to Marcos, Rayne smiled as she typed. ‘Can you get off work and go with? Check the address!!’ She sent him a screen shot of the map and address. Marcos didn’t answer for a moment and then sent back the shocked face emoji then the heart eyed emoji. ‘Done. Be over in 30 minutes. Gonna stop and get clothes. Will dress at your place.’ Rayne smiled loving that she had her guy pal, #comfortzone, was going with her. Marcos was the best wingman she could ask for lately and he loved taking Rayne to the gay bars. It was almost as if she was with him, he got hit on more because a brave straight girlfriend was a turn on? Rayne jumped in the shower quickly and washed her body and hair thoroughly. Walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel humming lightly she was startled to see Marcos already in the kitchen. “My lovely, you should go just like that!” He laughed, “You will definitely get some propositions.” “Dirty! I am going to wear this.” she held up her outfit that was laid on the couch. His face was a mix of adoration and contorted disgust. “Girl, those kicking thighs, nice ass and boobs… You should be wearing something more…enticing without flaunting it at them. Those low waisted jean capris are my favorite but let’s amp up the rest.” Walking entirely too masculine and weighty for as gay as he was in that moment made Rayne giggle. She knew she wasn’t getting out of the apartment that night in something simple and covering. Marcos worshipped her body type and constantly told her to show off the waist and curves she was given. Walking out of the closet he had three things in his hands. Black tank top see thru purple shirt to put over it and low-rise black jean capris. In all fairness he was correct, those capris made her figure look like a classic hourglass figure that was marginally alluring. “It is a casual party Marc.” “Yes, Casual in a multi-million-dollar home! Let’s do this right.” “I suppose you are going to do my make up too?” “Damn straight.” He kissed her forehead and handed her panties and bra so he could work. After about thirty minutes Rayne looked ready to prowl but in a pleasant, quiet way. Her makeup was a light smokey eye of greys and purples with thin liner and heavy lashes. Her skin looked flawless and fresh but her natural freckles, the few on her nose still shown through. Her hair was in a perfect long bob, straightened to perfection and texture sprayed so it seemed to have more volume than it should. Her long bangs swiped towards one side half hiding one eyes as if under a sheer. “Marc! I look soo…” “Sexy? Because you are my lovely. Always have been, you just do see it!” Rayne kissed him fully on the cheek and he hugged her tightly. “Now what are you wearing?” Rayne asked pulling on her clothes and slipping into her black wedge sandals. “This.” He held up his “awesome ass jeans” and a very snug dri fit shirt in golden mustard. “Damn, you are going to get more guys than I do mister.” “That’s the plan lovely, that’s the plan.” He smiled and stripped down to naked. Rayne couldn’t help but notice the size of his manhood and how formed his entire body was from head to toe. He was slipping on his jeans with no underwear and slid the shirt on like a glove. He was truly perfect. “I didn’t realize you were that big.” Rayne said matter of factly. “Oh yes my lovely, I thank the Italian side for that one.” He smiled. She walked over and grabbed a bit of mousse and rubbed her hands together softly. She ran her fingers through his hair and messed it up as she did so. He had shorter hair on the sides and tended to leave the top in a messy sort of spike that was hellbent on going every which way but also seemed to have some sort of balance. “Mmmmm if I only like women Rayne. You are amazing.” “It’s ok just stay my friend forever and I am happy girl. And if you want to walk around naked, I won’t complain.” She laughed while washing her hands. “Duly noted lovely. And speaking of naked. I have a special art show next month. Will you please be my model? My muse? In two years I am tired of waiting for you to say yes.” It wasn’t that Rayne didn’t want to pose for Marcos but he did nudes or pieces of anatomy mixed with backgrounds of city views or outdoors. His work was like nothing else and she knew he would be famous and rich one day. It was that she was nervous for her uncommon and not so merited form to be naked in front of hundreds. He looked at her with seriousness and question. “Fine. I am off next week for two personal days. Can you do it then?” “Oh thank you! Thank you my lovely! Yes we will set up studio here and I will stay until finished.” He kissed her cheeks a few times and danced her around. She could do nothing but laugh.    “I need perfume and then we should go.” She said looking at 7:50 pm on the clock. “Are we taking my Jeep or your Corvette?” Rayne asked. “Let’s downplay it. The Jeep. I will drive.” He said grabbing her keys off the counter. She shook her head amused and thankful to have his friendship. Between Billee and Marcos she was definitely blessed.

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