7 - Foul Moods & Margaritas

2113 Words
Rayne woke up on the couch in a fowl mood early Sunday morning about 8:03 a.m., per the time on her phone. She had grabbed her purse from then entryway and walked to the nearest fast food place waiting on a cab when leaving the Drakos home the evening prior. Calling Marcos would have been futile and unfortunately Billee’s phone went straight to voicemail, which meant she forgot to charge it. The way that Dimitri barked caused a very large secret Rayne kept hidden from most to come to light. Her father was a thief and rotting in jail for a job he didn’t even fulfill. Her mother had left when Rayne was fifteen and left an impressionable teenage girl alone to face life with a criminal father and no real sense of family. Billee had been Rayne’s friend from nearly the week her mother left until the present time. Had Billee not been around, Rayne was unsure if making it this far would have been possible. When George Mills was apprehended for a crime he didn’t commit, Rayne was to turn eighteen in two days’ time and essentially had become her own caregiver. This led her to not knowing love, family, life and s*x like most others her age but what it had given her was a keen business sense, ability to learn and adapt to situations and people around her no matter the situation and of course, she was a pretty good thief. She was ten times better than her father and refused to do what he forced on her in the late teen years to ever happen again. After a sixty-dollar cab ride home in nothing more than the borrowed clothes from Darius, Rayne drank three glasses of wine and fell asleep on the couch. Her head was pounding and her stomach was growling. Sending a text to Billee she curled up in a ball and pulled the blanket around her shivering form. ‘B. Where you at? Brunch at Adobe Café’? 11 a.m.? I need some margarita girl time.’ Nearly immediately the response showed. ‘Sup Ray! I will be home in an hour and we can go do whatever you want today. Girly Time Sunday Funday!’ There was some exchange of emojis and Gif’s between the two with much comical stupidity before Rayne decided a shower was in order.  Stripping off Darius borrowed clothes she slipped into the hot shower and washed away everything. Or at least she tried. The day called for simple jeans and a semi-fitted shirt with the phrase, “Hot as hell” and the little blue devil holding a fan on the front. She loved that t-shirt and was in a ‘don’t give a damn’ mood for the day. In the middle of drying her hair the familiar face of her bestie popped in the bathroom. “Did you leave me hot water b***h? I need a shower badly.” “Yes ma’am you are up!” she said popping Billee on the ass. “You and that damn shirt Rayne. I guess I will wear jeans and my cute unicorn shirt.” They both laughed as Billee started the shower, stripped and stepped inside. The shirt was indeed a unicorn but it was a feminine unicorn in a provocative pose with an enviable ass and plentiful breasts. It suited Billee perfectly. At about 10:30 a.m. Billee exited the bathroom with her hair in a messy bun and falling, naturally, wavy tendrils, fitted jeans and her unicorn shirt. She was always so damn cute, no matter what she wore. Rayne looked down at her slimming flare leg jeans and smoothed the t-shirt slightly feeling inferior. “You look great let’s go drink margaritas and eat some chips!” Billee said seeing Rayne’s face. Rayne grabbed the keys and the headed over the other side of town again. The restaurants and bars were so much better in that area. Adobe Café was always busy but they were there once a week if not more and the head host always made sure they were taken care of. The building was built like an only adobe would have been and in the same earth tones and tiles indicative of the originals. The food was authentic Mexican and not too Americanized. “Ladies! So good to see you. Outdoor patio or indoor today?” The breeze was nice but the humidity was rising with each passing day and Rayne preferred to not sweat the little bit of makeup and desirability if provided. “Inside please Ingrid. And margaritas…we need to start immediately please!” “Oh my lord, margarita brunch? I will take care of you ladies personally today.” She snickered. Leading them to a seat in the left corner it was Rayne’s favorite place. She was not to far from the bar, could see the front door but another table was a decent distance away.  The smell from the kitchen caused the growl in their stomachs to get louder. “Do you ladies want queso and salsa today?” They both nodded and smiled. Ingrid left the table to gather the drinks and appetizers quickly. “So how is Darryl? How are you?” “Darryl is good. I love being with him and the s*x is phenomenal but sometimes I feel like I could do better in other areas. Could just be me and my mood today but I have that nagging sensation that something isn’t right.” Billee shrugged. “Well as long as he doesn’t cheat and he treats you well that is good. I want you to be happy and I know he cares for you.” “Thanks love. So…. are we going to discuss the elephant in the room?” Rayne looked around with a perplexed and search face before laughing. “Elephant? Here? What?” “Dumbass. I mean the clothes in the top of the hamper that aren’t ours or Marcos’. What have you been up to? hmmm?” Rayne sighed and recounted everything. From breakfast to the chase and the pool fiasco and into the bathroom and s****l deviancy while being tied up. Billee watched Rayne retell the story and smiled. “So did you sleep with Darius too? Or just Dimitri?” Continuing the recap of awaking in the darkened room and what took place in the office. Billee’s face went from excitement and wonder to annoyance. “I don’t honestly know what you see in Dimitri, I would want to punch him but I also want you to be happy and it sounds like there is man in there that wants you. I can’t lie, I really want to whack him over the head with something hard, though.” Billee said plainly “I left hurt and angry and suppose I woke up even more annoyed about it this morning but to be honest, I dreamt about them and I can’t stop thinking about either of them. I think I need a psychiatrist or something because I could easier fall for them both. I know, weird and stupid but still the feeling is nagging and strong.” “Are you sure it is not just curiosity for the unknown? I mean it wouldn’t be bad if it were, I just want you to be happy. Your life has been hard enough and you deserve everything good.” “Seriously I thought it was just me being curious and needing some male attention but I could just go curl up in their laps and be content. Well after I throat punch Dimitri of course.” They both laughed as the chips, salsa and queso was delivered to the table along with two large fishbowl margaritas. Their order was the same as usual. They loved variety but when drinking like they were all about a filling meal that would keep them from being too day drunk on a Sunday. “So I did some digging. I have some information on the brothers. You know I have to check up on anyone my bestie might date. The shipping company has gone from net worth of 12 million two years ago to over 20 billion last year. Each of the guys are worth over 15 billion each. Darius was engaged once but it only last two months, she some Greek actress. Dimitri has virtually no dating history list but lots of online pictures of him with various women. He always looks to angry. The home office is in Greece but they live hear now, permanently for nearly three years. Oh and the rumors are they deal in Military vehicles, weapons and other pricey artefacts for many nations but sounds like from yesterday you know that. They don’t have any criminal records and they do pay taxes, so there is that. “ The girls chatted and laughed like there was no care in the world on the Sunday. They talked plans for the weekend coming and decided to stay in and have a movie, margarita paint toes and do facials kinda weekend.  As lunch was placed in front of them, they decided up leaving brunch to go shopping for new pajamas and may some other domestic items. Billee said she needed retail therapy and Rayne needed a dress. Rayne rolled her eyes and sighed in relinquishment. Looking at the door while taking her last bite of enchiladas, her eyes caught sight of the Brothers Drakos entering Adobe Café. “f**k my life.” Rayne rolled her eyes. “What? What are you saying that for?” Turning to look at the door Billee saw the two they had no more just finished discussing and turned back around quickly. “Don’t make eye contact! Maybe we can finish and leave before they see us.” Looked at them walk closer Rayne wanted to scream. Just one more thing the cosmos threw at her knowingly. Could she not get a break? “I am going to sneak to bathroom. See if you can get the bill. I am ready to go.” Slipping out of the booth seat Rayne quickly walked to the bathroom. Thankfully it was in the opposite direction than the Brothers Drakos. Billee turned to see where they were seated and realized there was no way to get out the door without passing them fairly closely. Billee pushed up her boobs and situated them in her bra and slid out of the booth to approach the guys. “Billee, nice to see you again.” Darius said plainly. “I am sure it is. I am not happy with either of you or I want to be honest. You don’t deserve someone like Rayne but for whatever reason she has great desire to be with you both so let me offer a bit of advice. Stop upsetting and pushing her. Dimitri, you need to tone it down and realize she will break every wall down you have and love you completely for who you really are but you can’t command her to feel things the way you do. And Darius, you are hesitant due to kindness and patience. Stop it. Just tell her how you want her and go for it. You don’t know half of what she has been through and the fact that she is sane and as kindhearted as she is, well honestly that in itself is a miracle. So please get your heads out of your assess and do the right thing. I am not opposed to murder and you might push me if not careful with her heart.” Dimitri looked at Billee plainly as if to say something but stayed silent. “Your words and honesty is much appreciated Billee. Perhaps we have handled things improperly on both ends. I am hoping this can all be rectified with Rayne as we are very much wanting to be with her, we will heed your guidance.” Darius said kindly. Billee looked at Dimitri with a hard stare. “What? You need me to say something? Fine. I was angry on a call and she received the brunt of it. Perhaps she should…” Darius cleared his throat suddenly and Dimitri paused for a moment, “Perhaps I was conquered by the unpleasant news I had just received on the phone and needed to calm a bit before I spoke.” Billee nodded and smiled as she patted Dimitri’s shoulder before gripping it in warning. She could see there was a man that longed to be close to her best friend but there was also a lot of walls standing in the way. “Have a nice lunch boys.” Billee made it back to the booth before Rayne returned and kept her none the wiser. “Ready?” Rayne asked. “Yes, just don’t look at them and walk past.” Rayne grabbed her purse and started to stand. Billee saw Ingrid arriving with the check and took it as they headed to the front.  Rayne went first and slipped by the brothers without looking. As Billee passed the table she slipped their lunch ticket on the table so they could pay for lunch. As she walked away, she thought she heard Dimitri snicker. 
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