Chapter Fifteen

1890 Words
Chapter FifteenAlexander stood tall, with his eyes fixed on the door leading into the library. The ruckus outside had grown in intensity; clearly the intruders were now right outside with only this one pane of wood separating them from him and Catherine, who stood by his side. He glanced at her. Should he feel differently about her now? Their connection had been intense even before they made it official. The doors swung open with a loud crash, and Catherine flinched backward. He joined her and tightened his grip on her hand. "We'll be fine," he mumbled, though he wasn't quite certain of it himself. "Alexander!" Julius bellowed as he marched in past what was left of the door. "Hand her over, right this instant!" Alexander took a step to his right, positioning himself in front of Catherine. His gesture was more symbolic than anything. The sheer age difference between Julius and Alexander ensured that the former was much more powerful. If it came to an actual battle, Alexander knew he didn't stand a chance. And worse still, Julius hadn't come alone. His position in the Council meant he had support, no matter what. Just behind Julius stood Lucille, of course, and Gillian, as well as a number of other vampires Alexander didn't know. Behind them, a disheveled and bruised Michael peeked inside with a concerned frown on his face. But Catherine was too important for Alexander to simply give up. He would fight if he had to. From the start, he'd wanted to protect her, even if that meant going against his deepest, darkest instincts, which had wanted to experience the taste of her blood, just as every other vampire did. "I will not." Alexander stared at Julius; the resolve was written all over his face. "Then I will have no choice but to compel you, son." Julius balled his fists and stared back. "I thought you said we'd be safe if we completed that ritual," Catherine whispered behind Alexander. Looking at the determined expression on Julius' face, Alexander could offer no reassurances to comfort to her. Yes, technically she should have been safe. But all the signs seemed to suggest that Julius was in no mood to follow the rules. He wasn't used to having to face opposition. Ever since he'd taken his place at the head of the council, he had become used to his will ruling supreme. "Julius, master," Lucille said, her voice gentle and calm, very unlike her usual demeanor. "Yes, child. What is it?" Julius spoke quickly, impatiently. "I see the change in her," Lucille said, her voice growing even softer. Alexander turned his head to look at Catherine. Sure enough, he saw it too. There was a special glow about her. Humans wouldn't see it, of course, but it was clear as day to all the vampires in the room. "Oh, what nonsense!" Gillian protested from the back. "I don't see anything!" "How dare you!" Julius roared. "I gave you everything, and you repay me by spitting in my face?" "She is my wife. I knew it from the moment I first saw her, and not even you, the great Principis of the Council, can undo that!" Alexander responded. Julius charged ahead and Alexander moved back into position, blocking Catherine from the incoming assault. He braced for impact, but Julius stopped dead with only inches between them and his hand wrapped around Alexander's throat. His eyes, once rich with experience and wisdom collected over two millennia, now only expressed one thing: blind rage. If he chose to, his fingernails would dig into Alexander's flesh and rip out his esophagus. Although not fatal, the trauma would be enough to disable Alexander long enough that Julius would win the battle immediately. Behind them, Catherine let out a choked sob, which tore at Alexander's heart. It had just been a few hours since she'd been initiated into this parallel world Alexander and his kind inhabited. And already, she had to deal with the threat of death or worse, at the hands of the most powerful vampire in the world. It was too much. He was responsible; if he hadn't thrown that party, none of this would have happened. "Master," Lucille spoke again. "The laws are clear." Julius' frustration was obvious. He waved his other hand dismissively in her direction. "I know, I know. The laws forbid me from harming her." He turned and stared into Alexander's eyes again. "But nowhere is it written I should spare a subject who disobeyed clear orders." The grip on Alexander's throat tightened painfully. Lucille cleared her throat. "What?" Julius let go of Alexander and flung around. "As I see it, in a way this boils down to a property dispute." Lucille averted her gaze from Julius and looked directly at Alexander now. Hearing her refer to Catherine as mere property made Alexander's blood boil. But he didn't argue, hoping that whatever Lucille was about to say would help defuse the situation further. At least he was no longer subjected to Julius' death grip. "How so?" Julius barked. "Well, you claimed the Blood Bride as property of the Council. Alexander claimed her as his consort, a process that is known to begin upon a couple's first meeting. His bond is stronger, and should take precedence. Yet that doesn't change the fact that a debt is being owed here." "Explain!" Alexander balled his fists. If Lucille suggested he share Catherine with Julius, he was going to rip her head off along with everyone else's. Sister or no sister. "Well, as per our laws, Alexander owes you a Blood Bride—any Blood Bride—and the debt will be repaid." Lucille bowed her head as a show of respect and awaited a response. "You're not actually considering this ridiculous suggestion, are you?" Gillian's voice was shrill with anger. "Take his b****y head off!" Julius turned and glared at Alexander again; the latter didn't flinch or show any sign of weakness. "I've waited two thousand years for an experience like this," Julius spoke in a low growl. "You youngsters have no idea what it's like to walk this wretched earth for so long." Alexander didn't dare to make a move or even respond, for fear of provoking Julius into further violence. "Still, I suppose, time teaches you patience. Lucille's solution is agreeable to me, but know I won't wait forever." Julius addressed Alexander now. "If you don't deliver within a reasonable time frame, you may find me on your doorstep again. And at that time, there will be no mercy. If you can't deliver me the blood I want, I'll take an equal measure of yours." Alexander never broke eye contact as long as Julius spoke. He took care not to show emotion: not fear, not relief at the proposed solution. This would buy them time. "The solution is agreeable," Alexander said. "I don't believe it." Gillian threw her hands in the air and turned to leave. Julius turned around and left the room within the blink of an eye. His guards followed, leaving behind only Lucille and Michael, who had remained at a safe distance throughout the entire confrontation. "Thank you," Alexander said. "I was only interpreting the rules, brother." He smiled at her. Rules or otherwise, she'd taken the risk of opposing Julius, which was significant. "Thank you anyway." Lucille left as well, as did Michael, who would likely need to feed to heal his wounds. This meant only Alexander and Catherine remained. "Whoa, that was intense," Catherine said, while reaching out for Alexander's arm. He embraced her, held her tight. "I'm sorry you had to experience this." Catherine's heart was still racing; Alexander could hear it clearly. He closed his eyes as he continued to hold her. Slowly but surely her body seemed to relax, bringing her heartbeat back under control. It occurred to him that although he still hadn’t fed, her blood didn’t call out to him with as much intensity as before. He could still smell it keenly, of course, but the ritual seemed to have dulled his thirst for now. "Are you going to do it?" Catherine asked. "Deliver him a Blood Bride?" Alexander said. "Yes." He remained quiet for a moment, while mulling it over. His aim first and foremost had been to keep Catherine safe. Now that they were bonded for life, her happiness would depend on his safety as well. In a way, he owed it to her to fulfill Julius' demand. "I may not have much of a choice," he finally said. Catherine didn't respond. She was still human, despite everything. The prospect of Alexander capturing and delivering some random woman to Julius would no doubt be horrifying to her. Short of removing Julius as Principis of the Council, there was no other choice, though. And even then, he might no longer have the authority to officially punish Alexander, but he wouldn't hesitate to take matters into his own hands. The older vampires got, the more they felt they were above the law. Alexander pulled back and looked into Catherine's captivating green eyes. He wouldn't have hesitated to kill Julius to protect her. But would he take such drastic action to protect a stranger? The beginnings of tears started to collect in the corner of Catherine's eyes. Alexander ran the back of his finger across her cheek. He knew the right thing to do now. "I'll do anything to keep you safe. And I'll do anything to make you happy. For now, Julius is off our backs, but once the time comes for him to collect his debt, I'll handle it however you want me to." Catherine smiled through her tears. "I'm sorry. It's been a long day—night—whatever." Alexander nodded. He repositioned his arms, one around her back and one along the bottom of her thighs, and lifted her up. She instinctively held on with both her arms around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder. Just as they crossed the reception room and entrance, and started climbing the stairs, the old longcase clock on the upstairs landing started to strike one, two, three, four, five times. Catherine must have been exhausted, after having been up the entire day as well as night. It would be a while before their schedules would align, so that their waking and sleeping times would coincide. Alexander made his way through the hallway, straight to the master suite, and laid her down against the pillows. "Not like this," she argued, suppressing a yawn. Catherine gestured at him to sit with her, then rested her head in his lap and closed her eyes. He ran his hand through her silken hair until moments later, her breathing slowed and she drifted off into a peaceful slumber. That was how they stayed, all morning, and well into the day. Their first day together as a wedded couple couldn't have started better. With Catherine resting and Alexander looking over her. One major battle had passed; they'd won the right to live as man and wife. But Alexander had lived too long and seen too much to dare to predict the future beyond that. They'd figure out how to handle Julius and his unpaid debt in time. First though, he'd guide Catherine on her way into this new life of hers. He caressed her hair again. Funny, how natural this felt, when actually, they barely knew one another. He couldn't wait to learn everything about her as she eased into it all. "Did I fall asleep?" she mumbled groggily. Alexander smiled. It wouldn't all be easy, especially for her at first, but he was convinced they'd find a way through. Their bond was strong. And now they'd have forever to get to know each other.
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