
Vampires of London: Books 1-3


Forever is a long time to walk this earth alone, especially when you're immortal.

Vampires are real. Not that they'd want you to know that. In this dark yet sensual collection of present-day gothic romances, follow three such immortals on their perilous quests for love. With each union f*******n in its own way, Alexander, Michael and Lucille must figure out for themselves what's more important: follow the rules of the Vampire Council or fight for the right to love whoever they want. With dangerous enemies lurking in the shadows, they don't just risk punishment for breaking Vampire law, they might also lose the people they love forever.

This collection contains: Alexander’s Blood Bride, Michael’s Soul Mate and Lucille’s Valentine. Three tales of passion, l**t, danger and redemption that will have you turning the pages until the very end.

Alexander’s Blood Bride

When Cat ends up at a Halloween party hosted by the mysteriously handsome and super rich Alexander Broderick, the last thing she expects is to become the object of his desire. Although she gets spooked and runs, she doesn’t yet understand the extent of his dangerous secret: Alexander, and a number of his guests, are vampires. And Cat’s blood is unlike anything they’ve tasted before…

Michael’s Soul Mate

Playboy Michael has never wanted to settle down. When he finds a severely injured woman lying in the street, his instincts insist he save her. He turns her into a vampire and takes her home, not realizing that this little random act of compassion is going to change his immortal life forever.

Lucille’s Valentine

Marek the Soul Eater has escaped and it’s Lucille’s job as Enforcer to return him to the Council. She’s not a team player usually, but when she finds Vampire Hunter Valentino Conti also on Marek’s trail, she decides to join forces. The longer they work together, the more their illicit connection grows. What if the truth comes out? What if Valentino realizes Lucille is the very thing he’s been hunting all his life?

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Vampires of London: Books 1-3
Vampires of London: Books 1-3A Collection of Sexy & Suspenseful Vampire Romances by Lorelei Moone. To be kept up-to-date with new releases, why not ** to Lorelei's mailing list and for a limited time only, receive a FREE copy of book 1 in the Scottish Werebears series, An Unexpected Affair! Sink your fangs into Books 1-3 of the Vampires of London series in one handy bundle. This Vampire Romance collection includes: Alexander’s Blood Bride, Michael’s Soul Mate and Lucille’s Valentine. Alexander’s Blood Bride When Cat ends up at a Halloween party hosted by the mysteriously handsome and super rich Alexander Broderick, the last thing she expects is to become the object of his desire. Although she gets spooked and runs, she doesn’t yet understand the extent of his dangerous secret: Alexander, and a number of his guests, are vampires. And Cat’s blood is unlike anything they’ve smelled before… Michael’s Soul Mate Playboy Michael has never wanted to settle down. When he finds a severely injured woman lying in the street, his instincts insist he save her. He turns her into a vampire and takes her home, not realizing that this little random encounter is going to change his immortal life forever. Lucille’s Valentine Marek the Soul Eater has escaped and it’s Lucille’s job as Enforcer to return him to the Council. She’s not a team player usually, but when she finds Vampire Hunter Valentino Conti also on Marek’s trail, she decides to join forces. The longer they work together, the more their connection grows. What if the truth comes out? What if Valentino realizes Lucille is the very thing he’s been hunting all his life? This collection is intended for adult audiences only. Did you know that Lorelei Moone mostly writes about Bear Shifters? Check out her Scottish Werebears series for hot Scottish alpha male bear shifters and their true, curvy mates. © 2017 Lorelei Moone Published by eXplicitTales Cover Design by WriteHit.com This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Table of Contents Vampires of London: Books 1-3 Alexander's Blood Bride Michael's Soul Mate Lucille's Valentine About the Author Alexander's Blood Bride

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