Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter FourteenCat didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She was in so much turmoil that her brain had trouble catching up. This wasn't a casual question, or an impulsive move on his part. He had waited for centuries for the right person. The commitment he asked of her was permanent—she could feel it. They couldn't just change their minds and get a divorce like normal people did. What made her so special? Just her blood? No, then he would have simply fed on her and cast her aside. Alexander looked up at her from his kneeling position with his hand still holding on to hers. Every time she looked into his eyes, her feelings for him deepened. He expected an answer; she couldn't drag this on endlessly. Could she live with him and love him forever? A man she barely knew? Her heart said yes. In matters of love, it was the heart you really had to listen to, not the mind, right? "You'll have to give up a lot," Alexander spoke softly. "I won't sugarcoat it." Cat waited for him to continue, even though she wasn't sure anything he was about to say would sway her. Her decision wasn't based on rationality after all. "Once it's done, you'll live here," Alexander said. She looked around the opulent room. That didn't seem like much of a sacrifice. "You'll never be able to tell your family or friends about the true nature of our relationship. My powers ensure that you won't age like other humans, so when the time comes that your enduring youth will raise suspicions, you'll have to cut ties with everyone you know from your previous life." Cat swallowed hard. She'd have to say goodbye to Shelly, to her mom as well as her brothers. Then again, if she lived forever and they didn't, she'd have to say goodbye to them eventually anyway. "And then there is the matter of the Council." Alexander's voice turned grim. "The Council?" "The other vampires that are after you. By law, they're not permitted to harm you if we proceed, but they'll be furious." He paused for a moment. "Of course, I'll do my best to keep you safe no matter what you decide." "If they're not allowed to harm me, so what if they're angry." Cat shrugged. She knew what she had to do. Despite everything he'd told her, it still felt right. "Ask me again," she whispered. He did. She said yes. What happened next was a blur. Alexander, with tears of joy in his eyes, got up and swept her up into his arms. She didn't resist; there was no need to. They kissed again, and as intense as her feelings for him had been before, they were even stronger now. Before she knew it, he had her on the bed and crawled on top of her and assaulted her whole upper body with his lips. His movements were so fast, she had a hard time focusing, and only felt the touch of his lips after he had moved on to the next spot. The entire experience was like a dream. Like she only had to think about where she wanted him to kiss her next, and he'd already done it. At the same time, her hands roamed his body. His beautiful, flawless body. What she felt through his crisp white shirt perfectly matched many a naughty dream. How could it be that her imagination had got everything so spot on? She reached out for the buttons on his shirt, attempting to open them one by one. He wasn't so patient, and tore it off in one swift move. He did the same to her robe, leaving it in tatters on the floor. He had a wild streak in him—of course he did. He had the potential of being a dangerous predator, an animal, with urges and instincts that went deeper than any human could ever feel. Catherine had put her life in his hands. Seeing just a glimpse of what he was capable of took her breath away. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said. "You didn't," she gasped. "Don't stop!" Before she'd even finished her demand, he'd flipped her onto her stomach and started his assault on her back. Kisses and nibbles all the way down her spine. He ran his hands over her curves, tickling her with his fingertips, before reaching down between her legs. "You're wet," he growled. She could only moan in response. His fingers knew how to play her, like an expert pianist would his favorite instrument. She wasn't a virgin, though she wasn't as experienced as Shelly was. Still, Cat was certain even Shelly had never had an intimate encounter quite like this one. "I've dreamed of this," he whispered, as he entered her with two fingers, sending her lower abdomen into a spasm of l**t. So have I, Cat thought, but she was unable to form the words. Behind her, the sound of further tearing fabric suggested he was ready to take things to the next level. Cat tried to raise herself up onto her elbows, perhaps catch a glimpse of him behind her. He didn't wait for her to complete the maneuver, just flipped her again, spread her legs, and dove down into her sweet folds for a taste of her essence. She squealed and bucked her hips up into his face, savoring the feeling of his tongue buried deep inside of her. He was so good at this. Those hundreds of years of experience sure as hell paid off right now. A strange sensation came over her, a tightening of all her muscles at once, a sweet tickle that started at the point where his tongue had just been and extended all the way through her womb. Alexander pulled back, leaving her aching for more. "No!" she cried out, clawing at his shoulders in an attempt to push him back down. He straightened himself and entered her in the traditional fashion instead. Never before had missionary felt so good. She reached out for him and wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly. His solid muscle pressed into her generous curves. They fit together like a glove. As she ran her hands over his back, she could feel his power: muscles contracting and releasing, thrusting into her with a level of control and speed she'd never encountered before. This entire exercise seemed effortless, such was his power and strength. While she was out of breath and coated in a thin layer of sweat already, he seemed to have endless reserves of energy to draw from. Could she ever satisfy him the way he fulfilled her every need? Cat looked up at him, focusing on his eyes, which told her everything she needed to know. Her being here with him—surrendering to him—was all he needed. She stifled a cry, which then involuntarily turned into a scream. "Oh, God!" Her body did the rest, releasing a flood of endorphins into her bloodstream as her lower abdomen spasmed. Out of breath, and out of words, she lay on her back, gasping for air as her o****m continued to wash over her in waves. Alexander gathered her up in his arms and thrust into her one final time before erupting himself and filling her with his seed. He lowered himself onto her, his face resting on her chest until her breaths started to calm. "That was amazing," Cat whispered. He didn't respond, just raised his head to give her a peck on the lips. Only then could she see what toll their activities had taken on him. "You look tired. I didn't realize vampires could look tired," she said, while running her hand through his hair. "Not tired, just hungry," he mumbled, then gave in to her embrace once more. Hungry? She was about to say something stupid about going down to the kitchen and fixing him a snack when she realized what he meant. "Do you want to... you know?" She straightened her neck and gestured at it. He shook his head. "Not yet. Not until it's official." She kept caressing his hair while they rested. The only sounds cutting through the silence were her own breaths and the soft ticking of a clock. "How long do you think we have?" she wondered aloud. If someone had followed her here, it wouldn't be long until they called in the so-called Council and turned up with reinforcements. "Before those people who are after me turn up?" "They'll be here before the night is over. My security measures will keep them out for a while..." Alexander stretched and leaned up on his elbow. The short rest had made all the difference; he looked reinvigorated. Flawless, like before. "It's important we perform the ritual before they make it inside. Are you ready?" he asked. Cat bit her lip. The moment of truth. "Yes," she whispered. It was crazy to think about all that had happened in such a short period of time. But this wasn't the time for reflection, it was the time to act. Cat took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Yes. I am ready," she repeated, with more confidence this time. "I'll get Michael to prepare the library." Alexander's expression was solemn. No doubt this was a big step even for him. Cat nodded and watched as Alexander got up. What a sight. She glanced down at her own n***d body, then at the torn robe on the floor. "There's a selection of things in the wardrobe," Alexander said. "Something is bound to fit." It was like the man could read her mind. Barely half an hour had passed before Cat found herself next to a make-shift altar in the library, with Alexander by her side. The other vampire, Michael, had agreed to stand guard outside in case trouble arrived. They'd have no witnesses, but apparently the ritual would be valid nonetheless. "It's not difficult, or lengthy, but it's important we follow all the steps until the end." Alexander pointed at the numbered list in the ancient text that lay on the table next to them. Cat nodded. She wanted to do it right, and not just because their safety depended on it. "First, we create our bond, then we ask the questions. I'll begin." Alexander picked up the small dagger that was incorporated into the spine of the book and held it up to the index finger on his right hand. He cut himself, not too deep, just enough for a single deep red drop to form. Then he handed the dagger to Cat. "You do the left," he said. She hesitated for a moment. This is the right thing to do. She took a deep breath and pressed the sharp point of the dagger into her left index finger. Her blood flowed much more willingly, as though her body was as keen to complete the ritual as her heart had been. They stood facing one another and held up their hands, pressing them together until the blood on their index fingers mingled into one. The realization that she was one step closer to finalizing her bond with Alexander made Cat's heart surge. As she caught her breath, he retrieved a deep red ribbon that had so far served as a bookmark in the old manuscript, and handed her one end of it. "This symbolizes that we will forever be connected," he whispered. Together they placed the center of the ribbon between their index and middle finger, then started to wrap it around, threading it through their fingers and around their wrists, holding them together. He smiled at her; she thought she could detect a hint of nerves in his expression. This was possibly as big a step for him as it was for her. Now, it was time for the next step. The questions. Alexander glanced over at the old book, then made eye contact with her again. Images of their earlier encounter filled her mind. Would they be like this forever? "Will you swear on everyone you hold dear, that you, Catherine Knight, pledge yourself to me, in life and in death, now and forever?" "They're here," a voice—Michael’s—called out from the other side of the door. Sure enough, Cat could hear shouting and thumping noises, as though people were trying to break in. Her fight or flight response tried to kick in, but she suppressed the urge to flee. It didn't matter, anyway. They were on the last step and the intruders would be too late. "I will." Her voice trembled as she spoke. "Will you, Alexander Broderick the Third, pledge yourself to me, in life and in death, now and forever?" Her heart jumped when she saw a little change in Alexander's eyes. The passion, the fire, it was all still there. But there was something else in there as well. Was it love? He barely knew her—how could he be so sure he'd want her forever? "I will." Cat and Alexander didn't stir; they still stood in the center of the library, their hands with the deep red ribbon still in place and their eyes locked on. As crazy as the past few hours had been, this was the right way forward; Cat had never been so sure of anything in her entire life. This man—vampire—who stood before her was willing to sacrifice everything for her safety. The ritual was done; she felt the change in her. The noise outside grew, and Alexander positioned himself square to the door, partially blocking her view of it.
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