
1370 Words
EpilogueSo much had happened in these last two weeks, and for Cat, everything had changed. She'd gone from a single, mostly carefree twenty-something right into a relationship so deep and committed, she couldn't imagine her life without it anymore. Alexander made her happy, like nobody ever had before. But she hadn't just gained; she'd lost as well. Her life in that little apartment in Shepherd's Bush with Shelly was over. She would never return there. Now, this huge mansion in the most desirable part of London was her home. Similarly, that job she'd started—the internship at Sotheby's—had ended the moment she'd stepped into Alexander's house after her first auction. She wouldn't work there anymore. The next time she'd step into Sotheby's would be by Alexander's side, as a buyer. What would Ms. Pryce say to that? In two short weeks, Cat felt like she'd changed so much. No longer the naive girl who fumbled over her words when an attractive man approached her—she had grown and matured. Catherine sat down at the polished mahogany writing table in what was now her office and picked up a pen and a sheet of paper. This was her last job, before she could give herself fully to her new life. As soon as she put the tip down on the first line, the words started to flow onto the page as if they had a mind of their own. Dear Shelly, Ever since our goodbye on the day I moved out, you'll have questions. You'll probably wonder where I am, and whether I am safe. Rest assured, I am. Everything is fine, and I am happy. I couldn't tell you this at the time, for reasons that will become clear by the end of this letter. Remember I told you about that man, Alexander Broderick, who I met at the Halloween party? We are a couple now. It all happened so fast, and yet I don't feel rushed at all. There isn't a doubt in my mind that everything has turned out exactly the way it should have. Although I wish I could have spent more time with you, I am glad to be where I am now. There are so many things I ought to explain to you, even if I have only just begun to understand them myself. The supernatural is real, bizarre as it sounds. There are things out there that go beyond what modern science or even religion could explain. Alexander is one of them, and in a way, now so am I. This city, with its rich history and culture, has always been home to any number of creatures society at large doesn't know about. Sure, people used to tell stories, which over time have turned into myths, but most of us don't believe them. Now, I must say that I do. I can no longer assume that just because I haven't seen something in person, it doesn't exist. One thing is absolutely certain though; vampires are real. There really are immortals out there who drink blood to survive. No, they don't kill; not anymore. They've even got a whole shadow government to make sure that they don't. They take great care to protect their secret, which is why I couldn't tell you all this so far. Funny, isn't it? Two girls like us happened to walk into a Halloween party hosted by vampires? What's even funnier to me is that I am the one who has ended up here, surrounded by wealth and power. I never saw myself as strong, confident. The first time I walked into this house, I felt so out of place. Now it is starting to feel like home. I have a man who adores me more than I could have dreamed of for myself. As much as I've given up to be with him, he risked more, including his own safety, to keep me safe. A small part of me still wonders if I'm worthy. But every time he looks at me, his eyes tell me that I am. One day, I hope you get something like this; perhaps not with a vampire, but with a regular guy. It's the connection that counts. This is what love feels like. You deserve to find it too. For now, this really is goodbye. Spending time together really isn't an option; you wouldn't be safe. Alexander and I had to fight for the right to be together. Just knowing about this underworld of sorts is dangerous and there are people—other vampires—out there who are just waiting for us to slip up. As long as we follow the rules, we'll be safe, though. When things calm down, maybe we will meet again, but I can't make any promises about the time frame. The truth is, now that I am part of this different world, the passing of time will take on a new meaning for me. It'll no longer be fleeting, but rather more steady and constant. All I can do is hope, and wait for the right moment. Live your life, be happy, find love. All the best. Love, Your best friend, always, Cat Cat put the pen down and stared at the now filled sheet of paper. One solitary tear threatened to escape her lid and roll down her cheek, but she caught it just in time with the back of her hand. Then she took a deep breath, picked up the paper, folded it, and sealed it inside an envelope which already had Shelly's name written on the front. This was it. The final goodbye. Cat opened the drawer of her writing desk, and placed the envelope inside, on top of the one labeled "Mom." Of course she'd never send these letters; that would put the people she loved, as well as herself, in grave danger. But it felt nice to be able to express everything she wanted to in writing. Just to get it off her chest. She shut the drawer and with it, rid herself of any remaining melancholy. Then she got up and left the room. Down the stairs, through the entrance hall and reception, she had already learned the way through this house. Inside the library, Alexander was already waiting for her in one of the old leather arm chairs. "Done?" he asked. She stood in front of him and smiled. "Yes, that was the last one." "I wish you didn't have to do this, say goodbye to everything you've known. But the letters really helped me when I was just turned." Cat reached out for him and he immediately took her hand, tugging at it gently. She stepped up even closer to his chair and straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Will that ever happen?" she asked. Alexander circled her shoulder with his index finger. "What, whether you'll be turned?" Cat nodded. "There's no real need, as long as we're together. As long as I'm alive, you will be too. Our bond ensures it." "I know, but still," Cat said. Immortality no doubt came with its own host of downsides. She recalled the way he'd looked at the painting that hung above the bed in the master suite on their first meeting. This house on a sunny midsummer's day—that was something nocturnal beings would never get to see. Was it all worth it in the end? Alexander shrugged. "If you want. Your wish is my command." Cat didn't respond, not with words anyway. She leaned down and let her lips do the rest. She knew he didn't want to change her; that her humanity was what had attracted him in the first place. She just loved to hear that he would, if she asked him to. He responded eagerly to her kisses; his passion drew her in closer. His hand tightened around a fistful of her hair. She loved this harmony of gentle affection and intense passion that threatened to make him lose control. "I love you," she whispered in his ear. Alexander's body went tense and he got up, still carrying her in his arms. "I love you too," he growled, as he carried her up to the master suite within the blink of an eye, like only a vampire could. There, he showed her exactly how much. These were still the early days of their relationship and who knew what the future might bring. But as long as she had his love, and he had hers, they would be fine. - THE END - Michael's Soul Mate
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