The rogue adventure

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Damien's point of view I swiftly transform into my powerful wolf form, determined to reach the south border quickly. However, just as I am about to leave my room, I am confronted by My father‘s Beta Malcolm, whom my father had assigned to protect the pack house. "Damien, you must remain here, where it is safe," Malcolm pleads, attempting to halt my determined stride. Firmly, I respond, "No, I must do whatever it takes to safeguard my pack." Without hesitation, I establish a mind link with my father, Alpha Zane. To my relief, he understands my unwavering determination. He recognizes that he cannot expect other wolves to send their sons into danger if he is unwilling to do the same. Lilly’s point of view I am abruptly awakened by the urgent voice of my mother, shaking me vigorously. "Lilly, wake up!" she exclaims, her tone filled with concern. Reluctantly, I protest, "No, it can't be time for school yet," attempting to shield myself from the world with a pillow. But then, with an undeniable sense of urgency, my mother reveals the horrifying truth. "Rogues are attacking our pack," she screams, her panic tangible. In an instant, I am wide awake, my heart pounding. Without wasting another moment, we hastily approach the basement, our designated haven. We know too well that rogues target the most vulnerable, particularly the omega houses. As we reach the basement door, I find my father already there, ensuring we have all the necessary supplies. While my mother roused me from my slumber, he took charge of our preparedness. My mother and I hurriedly descended the steps, taking the lead. Meanwhile, my father diligently secured the door, ensuring our safety. Grateful that I had charged my phone, I immediately contacted Becca. She was already inside the safe room within the pack house. With unease, I messaged Damien, hoping for a response. However, as the minutes ticked by without a reply, my concern grew. Turning to Becca for reassurance, I asked if he was with her. Thankfully, she promptly replied, informing me he had headed towards the South border to confront the rogues and defend our pack. Yet, despite Becca's update, worry still gnawed at my insides, consuming my thoughts. Damien's courageous decision to face the rogues head-on filled me with admiration and anxiety. In the basement, the time seemed to stretch endlessly, although it had only been a few hours. "Alpha Zane has reached out through a mind link," my mom relayed, breaking the tense silence. "The pack is now secure, and we can all return to our beds. School for the whole pack will be canceled for today. However, assistance is urgently required at the pack hospital. Some of our warriors have sustained injuries, and several mothers will need support in caring for their pups while they wait at the hospital for their mates." "I'll take charge of cooking breakfast early. Amidst all this chaos, our pack will surely benefit from a nourishing meal," my father declared, determined to contribute. "I'll gladly lend a hand at the hospital or assist with the pups, depending on what is most needed," I offered, eager to help in any way I could. As we discussed our plans, my phone chimed, alerting me to a new message. It was Damien, the relief flooding over me as I read his words: "Are you okay? Did you find a safe space, my Omega Lilly?" Grateful that he was unharmed, I quickly replied, "Yes, I'm fine. And you? Are you alright?" His response eased my worries further: "I'm fine. Just a few bruises and scratches that are already healing." After quickly getting changed and taking much-needed showers, we wasted no time setting out on our respective tasks. My mom hurried off to the hospital, ready to offer her assistance. Meanwhile, I accompanied my father to the pack house, where he took charge of preparing meals and distributing them to those in need. As for me, my role was to lend a helping hand in caring for the young pups. Thankfully, we hadn't suffered any casualties during the attack, but the number of injuries was substantial. It was an unusual occurrence since our wolves typically possessed remarkable healing abilities, especially after reaching 18 years of age. However, this time, our enemies had been unable to breach our borders, providing us with a glimmer of relief amidst the chaos. Despite the rarity of such attacks, my parents had always been there to assist, and as I grew older. Upon arriving at the pack house, my father and I swiftly entered. While he approached the kitchen, I intended to head to the common room to tend to the young pups. However, before I could proceed, Damien suddenly embraced me, enveloping me in a warm hug that seemed to leave an indelible imprint whenever our bodies connected. He gently planted a kiss on my lips. "I'm relieved to see that you're unharmed," he expressed, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I wasn't the one who ventured to the border to engage in the fight," I reminded him, mindful of the risks he had taken. As I observed Damien, I noticed bandages adorning his arms and neck, indicating that his injuries were more severe than he initially let on. "You claimed to be fine," I remarked, gesturing toward his bandages. "I am. My body will heal by tomorrow," Damien responded, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Let's head to the common room and keep an eye on the pups. It's our turn to take over, giving the others a well-deserved break," he suggested, guiding me toward the familiar space. "I already knew you would be here, either helping or at the hospital," Damien said, his voice filled with pride. "How could I not?" I replied, matching his tone with a sense of accomplishment. We gazed upon the peacefully sleeping pups, and a wave of satisfaction washed over me. Our pack's approach to handling emergencies was something I couldn't help but feel proud of. We never burden our little ones with the knowledge of danger; instead, we turn it into an exhilarating game, encouraging them to seek refuge in a safe space. They become filled with excitement, completely oblivious to any harm. And when the crisis subsides, if any assistance is required in caring for them, they are brought to the pack house. Witnessing the seamless collaboration within our pack during these moments fills me with immense pride and gratitude. My best friend Becca joined us, bringing breakfast and much-needed coffee. She was still in her pajamas, looking sleepy and far from her usual fashionable self. As we all gathered around the table, we savored the meal while keeping a watchful eye on the adorable pups. "In just five days, you won't be a pup anymore," Becca said with a yawn. "Yep, and in two months, you won't be either," I replied, sipping my coffee. "What are you planning for your birthday?" Damien asked. "She usually spends it with me and her parents. Hopefully, she will find her mate," Becca said, subtly hinting at Damien without directly asking. "Yeah, I always spend it with my parents and Becca," I said, trying to give her a silent 'shut the f**k up' face and feeling my face turn red. "I should join you this year," Damien stated rather than asking for permission. Before I could respond, one of the pups woke up, calling for her parents. I quickly picked her up and began cuddling her, singing a gentle lullaby to help her fall back asleep. It was difficult to explain that her father, a warrior, was currently at the hospital while her mother was there worrying about him. Once I had successfully soothed the pup back to sleep, I returned to the table. "You're amazing. You would make the best, Luna," Damien complimented, squeezing my hand and leaving behind a comforting warmth. He leaned in for a kiss. "She really would. Just imagine if you two were mates," Becca interjected, sipping her coffee and eagerly awaiting a response, causing me to blush uncontrollably. "That would be a dream come true," Damien replied calmly. "What if she chooses to date someone else?" Becca questioned, causing a “sudden shift in the atmosphere. Damien's eyes darkened, indicating he was battling his inner wolf. Wolves, especially alpha wolves with royal blood, are possessive. "Who else would she want to date?" Damien inquired, attempting to maintain his composure as if momentarily forgetting I was present. "No one. No one else is interested in me anyway," I responded, attempting to diffuse the tension intentionally created by Becca. "Hmm, that's all I needed to know," Becca said, a mischievous smirk on her lips. Before I could inquire further, two other pack members entered the room, offering us a much-needed break. "I'm going to find a bed and get some rest," Becca declared, promptly standing up to leave. Meanwhile, I began collecting the dishes from our breakfast, with Damien helping. Once we finished, Damien gently took hold of my hand and spoke, "We could use a break too." He guided me up the stairs and into a room, where the comforting warmth of his touch enveloped me once again. As we entered the room, Damien closed the door behind us, and our lips met in a passionate kiss, the warmth of his lips eagerly awaited. Our tongues were in a fight for dominance. His hands started to roam my body. My intellect wanted me to stop him. My body was betraying me. I was leaning into his touch. One of his hands started roaming under my shirt with my hands around his neck. The other hand is on the small of my back. The warmth of his hands on my bare skin felt amazing. He led me to the bed without breaking the kiss. His hand started to slide up my stomach. Why does this feel so good? “Mmm,” Suddenly, I started to moan into the kiss. Damien began to suck on my tongue while reaching under my bra and cupping my breast. “I wanna make you c*m. Without penetration,” Damien said, breaking our kiss for a second. I nodded yes. I felt like I needed it. I needed him. He started tugging on my waistband. Slowly with his other hand while massaging my breast with the other. I could feel his p***s poking my stomach. At the same time, our tounges were exploring each other wildly. My hands are in his hair. Every part of my skin Damien was touching was leaving a comforting warmth. His hand was slipping into my pants. While the other started pitching my n****e lightly. I started moaning wildly into his mouth. A pleasure I had never felt before started building. He slipped his hand down further onto my clit over my underwear and started gently massaging my clit. He broke our kiss. And he started kissing down my neck. His hand moved to my other n****e, gently pinching it the same as he did the other. “Damien, you feel so good,” I moaned “Mmm,” he said, licking my marking spot and, at the same time, and then sucking on my marking spot. His fingers slipped under my now soaking wet underwater. His fingers found my clit again. I was now screaming in pleasure. He started sucking on my n****e. While still pinching my other n****e. The pleasure was bursting from me. He suddenly started massaging my clit faster. I could feel a sudden gush coming out of my v****a. I came so hard I was pulling his hair. I hadn't even realized it until he removed his hands and put his fingers in his mouth. “f**k you taste amazing,” Damien said, sucking his fingers. "I'm sorry I pulled your hair so hard," I said meekly, my voice filled with regret. "It's fine. I enjoyed it," Damien replied, rolling over and pulling me closer onto his chest. "We should get some sleep," Damien suggested, his voice laced with a hint of exhaustion. I drifted to sleep. I was exhausted after my first-ever orgasm. And sleeping on Damien felt perfect. Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door, causing us to jump—the sound of the doorknob turning added to our growing anxiety. "Lilly, Damien, wake up!" Becca's urgent voice pierced through the tension. "What the hell do you want, Becca?" Damien grumbled, clearly annoyed and exhausted. "Lilly's dad is looking for her. I don't want him to find her in bed with you, doing whatever you two are doing," Becca explained, her voice filled with concern. "We're not doing anything but sleeping," I quickly lied, attempting to reassure my friend. "Well, you should fix your hair and meet him downstairs. At least go to Damien's room or remember to lock the door next time instead of coming into a guest room with the door unlocked," Becca mockingly advised, her tone laced with sarcasm. I hurriedly rose from the bed, running my fingers through my tangled hair. Damien leaned in to kiss me goodbye. "Just sleeping, huh?" Becca scoffed, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she pointed to my neck. Confused, I glanced at her with my best attempt at a poker face. "What are you talking about?" "Don't play dumb," she retorted, mocking me. "That hickey on your neck says otherwise." Panicking, I pleaded with her, "Oh my god. Please help me cover it with my hair." She kindly obliged, and we went downstairs to face my father. "It's time to head back to the house. Are you ready?" my father asked, his weary expression evident. "Yes, I'm ready," I replied, glancing at my phone and noticing the numerous messages from both Becca and my father that I had missed while I was with Damien. I hugged Becca tightly, silently expressing my gratitude, before we walked towards the car. My phone chimed, interrupting the quiet moment. "I already miss you," the message from Damien read. A smile tugged at my lips as I typed out a response. "I miss you too." During the drive home, I eagerly shared all the juicy details of my time with Damien with Becca, who demanded to know every devilish aspect. My father, seemingly exhausted to notice, remained blissfully unaware of my blushing face. Damien's point of view I only managed to catch an hour of sleep, but damn, waking up next to Lilly left me feeling unexpectedly refreshed. Becca was incredibly annoying during breakfast, constantly asking about Lilly's dating life. It took every ounce of self-control to keep Hunter, my protective wolf, from lashing out. I've always made it clear to any guy who dared to show interest in Lilly that they're not worthy of her. None of them deserve her, and I include myself in that. However, the goddess herself gifted Lilly to me as my mate. The desire to be with Lilly consumes me, but I yearn for the day Lilly discovers I'm her mate and seeks me out on her birthday. Our pack had managed to make a remarkable recovery. The warriors, despite their injuries, were not too severely wounded. With the assistance of their inner wolves, they were expected to heal within a week fully. The situation was peculiar, considering the unexpected onslaught of rogue attacks that occurred simultaneously. Just as my thoughts drifted toward how I would please Lilly with my mouth the next time I get her alone, my dad unexpectedly connected with me through our mind link. He urgently inquires about my whereabouts, informing me that we are hosting the alliance negotiations in just two days, with alphas and betas from various packs attending. As the future Alpha, he emphasizes the importance of being well-prepared and requests my assistance. Lilly’s pov When my father and I arrived home, we were greeted by Mom, who was waiting for us on the couch with a soothing cup of chamomile tea. Joining us in the living room, she shared anecdotes about Luna Ella's remarkable contributions to the hospital. Damien's mother was undoubtedly an exceptional Luna, always supporting his father, the Alpha, in effectively running the pack. These thoughts made me blush as I couldn't help but imagine Damien's kind words about me potentially becoming a great Luna. "Lilly, could you lend a hand at the pack house tomorrow if necessary? We have the alliance negotiations this year, which are of utmost importance, and the recent rogue attack has set us back in our preparations," my mom requested. "Mom. I understand the significance of this event, and I don't want our pack to be caught off guard. Besides, I don't have any other pressing matters to attend to," I replied, eager to assist. I was always ready to lend a helping hand whenever it was required. Moreover, deep down, I yearned for another opportunity to encounter Damien. The pleasure he bestowed upon me today was beyond belief. I've tried giving myself an orgasm by rubbing my clit. It felt nice, but nothing like how he touched me. Unexpectedly, my phone chimed, indicating a message from Damien. "Did you arrive safely at home, enchanting omega Lilly? Oh, the desire for another taste of you is overwhelming," his message read, causing my cheeks to flush. "Yes, Alpha Damien, I made it home. Tomorrow, I will be there to assist with the preparations," I responded to Damien. "I wouldn't expect anything less from the future, Luna," Damien replied, sending my heart into a frenzy. "Why don't we all go grab a bite to eat," my father suggests, leading the way to the kitchen. It's routine for him to work his culinary magic with whatever leftovers we have. "Yes, please, dear," my mother agrees, following closely behind. As I watch them, my heart fills with admiration, witnessing their deep love. I contemplate asking them where I was abandoned as a baby before the Luna and Alpha graciously entrusted me to their care. However, it doesn't feel like the appropriate moment to bring it up. "Mmm," I murmur, taking in the delightful aroma of my dad's culinary creation. "It'll be ready in just a bit, dear," my father assures me. Unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I blurt out the question that has been nagging at me. "Where was I abandoned?" I ask abruptly, realizing that there may never be a perfect time to ask. Abandoned infants were a rarity in any pack, after all. Looking pained, my mother sighed before answering, "Well, according to the Alpha, you were abandoned near the forest by our pack house." It's clear that discussing my adoption still brings up difficult emotions for her. "Did they make any efforts to locate my birth parents?" I inquire, noticing that my mother's eyes remain dry. Feeling emboldened, I press on for more information. "Absolutely," my father responds with a gentle tone. "We reached out to our pack and even neighboring ones, but there were no reports of missing pups or anyone expecting one." "Do you believe I was unwanted or had some defect? Is that why someone abandoned me?" I ask, the weight of the truth settling in as I come to terms with the fact that someone didn't want me initially. "No, sweetheart, that's not the case at all," my mother reassures me, her voice filled with conviction. "I truly believe that your birth mother was facing difficulties or seeking a better life for you. She bravely decided to leave you near our pack house, knowing someone would find you and give you a loving home within our pack." "It's ready. Let's eat," my dad announced, guiding us toward the table. "So, you and Damien seem to be growing closer," my mom remarked, causing me to choke slightly on my food. "Yes, he's been helping me understand some things," I managed to say after taking a sip of water. "So, that's why his scent has lingered on you lately," my mom giggled. Damn it, I completely forgot about that. How long have my parents known? "That noticeable hickey says it all," my dad grumbled. I slumped into my seat, feeling utterly embarrassed. My parents had caught on to the scent of Damien on me and had noticed the hickey he had given me. "It's okay, dear. Dating is a normal part of life. I hope you have talked about what happens if you're not mates," my mom reassured me. "You don't have to hide it. The entire pack knows that something is going on between you two," my dad said. "We have discussed it," I mumbled, wishing a black hole would appear and swallow me whole. The remainder of the meal passed in silence. Seeking solace, I excused myself and retreated to my room, craving the comfort of a shower. As I shed my clothes and let the water cascade over me, my thoughts wandered to my elusive birth parents. Who were they? Could they have been part of our pack? Did anyone within our community know of them? I pondered who I could approach for more information, and Damien came to mind. Perhaps his father or mother had shared something with him. Additionally, I needed to delve deeper into my connection with my wolf. Despite her not yet revealing herself to me, Damien seemed to have an uncanny sense of her presence. I resolved to inquire further about this with him. After drying off and feeling refreshed, I reached for my phone and dialed Damien's number, hoping to get some answers. The ringing filled the room, but it persisted for a prolonged duration, eventually redirecting me to his voicemail. Frustration and disappointment welled within me, realizing that he must still be preoccupied with the preparations for the impending visit. A wave of annoyance washed over me, and I couldn't help but mutter, "Ugh, this is so frustrating." Damien's point of view Seated in my father's office, I found myself immersed in the tedious task of analyzing the worth of various pack alliances, along with the importance of avoiding any potential adversaries. These discussions had become a part of my daily routine, as my father was determined to ensure I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of the Alpha or any of the future alphas, including myself. Lost in my thoughts, my attention was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of my phone, and upon glancing at the screen, I noticed it was Lilly calling. The desire to answer overwhelmed me. "Don't pick up," my father, the Alpha, commanded. "Relax, I wasn't planning to," I retorted, a touch of annoyance in my voice. Just as I thought I could finally focus again, my father suddenly engaged in a mind link with someone. I sighed inwardly, knowing that the longer he remained in the link, the more time this process would consume. Frustration began growing within me; I only wanted to return Lilly's call and speak with my mate. "Beta Malcolm informed me that Alpha Leon and the soon-to-be Alpha Levi of the rising moon pack have arrived early to assist with the preparations for the alliance negotiations," my father announced with pride. "Fantastic," I muttered through gritted teeth. My father and Alpha Leon had always been close friends, and while I respected my father's relationship, I couldn't help but harbor a strong dislike towards Levi, considering him nothing more than an entitled brat. As we left the confines of the office and entered the grand entrance hall, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that being around Levi evoked in me. It was undeniable that he tended to engage in pointless competitions, always striving to prove himself superior. With both of us on the verge of assuming the role of Alpha once our fathers stepped down, the tension between us was palpable. Despite my pack being larger than his, Levi seemed insistent on constantly comparing conquests and flaunting his prowess with women. I found such behavior trivial and meaningless, especially since we had not yet discovered our destined mates. As Leon and Levi walked in, my father greeted them with a handshake, and I followed suit. "Good to see you, Alpha Zane and Alpha Damien," Alpha Leon boomed, echoing through the entry hall. "You can just call me Damien for now," I chuckled. Levi, always trying to challenge me, said, "Everyone in my pack already respects me as alpha." Leon, changing the subject, asked about Luna Ella. "She's doing well. She visited family because the alliance negotiations sometimes get too intense with all the testosterone in the room," my father answered. It was true that having so many alphas, some even bringing betas or alphas in training, meant a lot of male energy. The unmated ones were on the lookout for potential female mates, and things could get intense. It was important to keep our mates away from those situations. Once they knew I was in a committed relationship with Lilly, they wouldn't dare approach her, knowing I was a future alpha. My father still didn't like my mother being around during those times. "I understand. Please relay my message to Luna Ella that she was missed," Leon said affectionately. "Will do," my father replied. "I have prepared the guest rooms for you, as usual. Don't hesitate to ask the staff for anything you may need," my father added. Lilly's point of view Finally, as I settled in to watch a captivating show on Netflix, my phone abruptly rang. Slightly annoyed, I glanced at the screen to see Damien's name flashing. Instantly, my annoyance dissipated, replaced by a surge of excitement. I quickly answered the call. "Hey, Damien!" I couldn't help but let my enthusiasm seep into my voice. "Hey, beautiful. You sound nearly as thrilled as I am to talk to you," Damien replied, causing a blush to creep onto my cheeks. "Yeah, I wanted to discuss a few things with you," I said eagerly. "You can have any part of me, my mind included. It's all yours to explore freely," Damien responded, so effortlessly cool and casual. My heart raced, threatening to distract me from the conversation at hand. "I was wondering if you could tell me more about my wolf. And perhaps shed some light on my birth parents," I inquired, unable to contain my curiosity. "Well, my wolf, Hunter, mentioned that he senses something unique and powerful about your wolf. My dad mentioned that you were discovered abandoned near the pack house along our patrol route. Someone must have known that you would be found immediately, but that's all the information I have," he explained. "Hunter. That's a cool name for your wolf," I replied, a tinge of disappointment lingering as I hoped for more details. "I have to go, Omega Lilly. I miss you, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I wish we could talk for longer or, better yet, spend the night together. It would be incredible," Damien expressed, warming my heart with his words. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for calling me back. I know you're busy, Alpha Damien. I miss you too," I confessed, feeling my cheeks heat up with a deeper blush. It was a revelation that everyone seemed to believe that the person who had abandoned me had intended for me to be found immediately. The fact that they knew the patrol routes indicated some connection to the pack. Damien's words about my powerful wolf filled me with excitement and pride. It was a stark contrast to how I had grown up, always yearning to escape the confines of the Silver Den pack. I had resigned myself to a life as a lonely omega wolf destined to serve others. But now, knowing that I possessed the strength of an alpha, everything had changed. The anticipation of connecting with my wolf on my upcoming birthday consumed my thoughts. I paused the show that had captured my attention moments before Damien's phone call, only to find myself drifting off to sleep, a contented smile on my face.
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