The confusing adventure

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Lilly’s point of view "Rise and shine, Lilly! It's time to head to the pack house," my mom called out, rapping gently on my bedroom door. "Alright, I'm getting up," I replied, going to the shower. As I dressed for the occasion, I wanted to balance simplicity and allure. Since everyone was aware that I belonged to Damien, and the other packs had not arrived until the following day, I decided to opt for a mini skirt and a crop top once again. This time, I was sure he wouldn't mind. I applied a touch of makeup, going for a classic winged eyeliner and a hint of waterproof lip gloss. I slipped into sensible yet stylish heels and curled my hair just right. Admiring my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but think, "Damn, I look good." "Breakfast time!" my dad's voice boomed through the house. The scent of his mouthwatering blueberry pancakes wafted up the stairs, teasing my senses. The anticipation of the day ahead filled me with excitement, especially knowing that in just four days, on my birthday, I would finally embrace my wolf within. With a skip in my step, I descended the staircase, confident that today would be amazing. As I reached the kitchen, I found my parents seated at the table, patiently awaiting my arrival. "These pancakes are incredible," I exclaimed, savoring a delicious bite. My mom's mischievous smile appeared as she observed my carefully chosen attire. "Are you all dressed up for the pack house preparations, or is it for Damien?" she playfully probed, causing a blush to creep onto my cheeks. Just as I blushed, my phone chimed with a message from my best friend, Becca, confirming our plans to meet at the pack house later that day. I I was trying to sound nonchalant. "I just wanted to look nice," I responded meekly. Smirking, my dad interjected, "I'm sure our future alpha will appreciate it." My phone chimed, interrupting my thoughts. I glanced down to see Damien's name flashing on the screen, instantly making me smile. With eager anticipation, I opened the message, my heart beating as I read his words, "Good morning, beautiful omega Lilly." Unable to contain my excitement, I quickly replied, "Good morning, wonderful Alpha Damien." Every exchange with him was like a sweet melody that played in my heart, igniting a spark of happiness within me. As my parents and I made our way to the car, my mind was consumed with thoughts of Damien. The mere idea of seeing him today filled me with a delightful blend of nerves and excitement. It had only been a night too long since we last saw each other, and the anticipation built with every passing moment. The drive to the pack house seemed to pass in a blur, my mind racing with images of Damien's warm smile and how his eyes sparkled when he looked at me. I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and security whenever I was in his presence. My thoughts drifted back to the countless conversations we had shared, how we laughed, and the deeper connection we had formed. Damien had this uncanny ability to understand me, to make me feel seen and valued. It was a bond unlike any other, one that I cherished with all my heart. As we neared the pack house, nervousness and joy washed over me. Today would be unique, filled with stolen glances, gentle touches, and the reassurance of love. I couldn't wait to see Damien's face, to feel his strong embrace, and to share in the moments that made our bond stronger. With every passing second, my excitement grew, and my racing heartbeat drowned out the outside world's noise. Damien’s point of view As I finished my breakfast, my phone pinged, indicating a message from Lilly. I already knew she was arriving because her enchanting scent of vanilla and cherries wafted through the air, captivating my senses. Hunter, my wolf, urged me to mark her the next time we were alone. He had already fallen in love with Lilly and was eagerly anticipating the meeting of their wolves. But I needed to remain composed. Four more days, and then we could respectfully ask her permission to mark and mate her. I wanted her to feel the same bond I felt, growing stronger each day as she remained outside. As I made my way to the entry hall, lost in my thoughts, Levi unexpectedly bumped into me, disrupting my focus. "Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked, my annoyance evident in my voice. Levi inhaled deeply, a knowing smile spreading across his face. "I can feel my mate," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "She smells like cherries and vanilla." A growl escaped my lips, my control slipping away as Hunter fought to take over. I pinned Levi against the entry hall wall, my voice seething with possessiveness. "She is my mate. Stay the hell away from her." Levi fought back, the tension escalating into a full-blown brawl. Blood and fur filled the air as our wolves clashed, each fighting fiercely for dominance and the love of our shared mate. The chaos caught the attention of our fathers, Alpha Zane, and Alpha Leon, who swiftly intervened, separating us and leading us to different rooms. Lilly’s point of view As we approached the pack house, we could hear two wolves fighting inside. Sensing the tension, my father quickly ushered my mother and me back into the car. Amid my father's attempt to contact someone via mind-link, I instinctively reached for my phone. "Hold on," my father interrupted, stopping me. "Don't call Damien; he's preoccupied at the moment," he said, uneasiness evident in his voice. "Are you already at the pack house?" came a message from Becca. "Yes, I was just about to enter when I heard the commotion of two wolves fighting. Are you inside too?" I replied. "Yes, I am. I felt you were the reason for their fight," Becca responded. Confused, I wondered how I could be the cause of any disputes within the pack house before even stepping foot inside. "Beta Malcolm will be escorting us inside. There's been a situation, and I need you to stay open-minded, Lilly," my father informed me, his worried gaze reflected in the rearview mirror. "Alright then," I replied, feeling frustrated at the lack of information being shared with me. Beta Malcolm approached us, exchanging handshakes with my father before leading us into the pack house. "We need to head to the Alpha's office," Beta Malcolm informed us. As we navigated through the pack house, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I had never been inside the Alpha's office before. Was the Alpha angry with me because of the altercation between the two wolves? Becca seemed to think I was the cause of the fight. Finally, we arrived at the office door, and Beta Malcolm knocked. "Come in," Alpha Zane responded, his voice tinged with annoyance. Inside, Damien sat beside his father at a large desk, looking slightly disheveled. Bruises adorned his arms and face. Two other wolves, emitting an intense aura, were seated in front of the desk. It was clear from their appearance that they, too, were Alphas. The younger wolf seemed just as beaten up as Damien. "Is everything alright, Damien?" I couldn't help but blurt out the concern. As the words escaped my lips, a possessive growl escaped from the younger man sitting in front of the desk. Damien met with a growl of defiance. "They'll be fine," Alpha Zane responded, his annoyance evident towards them. "You must be the lovely Lilly," the other wolf in front of the desk addressed me. "I'm Alpha Leon of the New Moon Pack," he introduced himself. "And this is my son, Levi, the knucklehead." "Nice to meet you both, Alpha," I nervously replied, attempting to show respect. "These are my parents, Sandy and Steve," I introduced them. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you," Levi responded this time with a calm voice and a smile instead of a possessive growl. "Please have a seat," Alpha Zane gestured towards chairs positioned on the sides of his expansive desk. My parents took their places, and I glanced at Damien, who offered me a reassuring but tense smirk. I followed suit and sat down as well. "Miss Lilly, there's no need to be nervous," Alpha Zane reassured me. I released a breath that I hadn't realized I had been holding. "We find ourselves in a unique situation," Alpha Leon remarked, gesturing towards Levi and Damien. "She should have found out in four days. I hate having her find out like this," Damien interrupted, his voice filled with annoyance and pain. "Yes, let's wait until then so you two can kill each other by then," Alpha Leon rolled his eyes at Damien and Levi. Seeking clarification, I mustered the courage to ask, "With all due respect, what is going on?" I looked at the two Alphas of the packs. My mother gently took my hand, and my father placed his hand on my shoulder, even though they probably knew what was going on through mind linking. I rolled my eyes at their overprotectiveness. "Lilly, I know you have yet to turn 18, and when you do, you will understand it better, maybe. You have two mates," Alpha Zane explained. My jaw dropped. I didn't know what to say. In less than a week, I went from being in the Omega class to the Alpha class, finding out I was adopted, and now learning that I had two mates. "How would you know I have two mates? I'm not 18, so I haven't felt the mate bond. I can't find out who my mate is," I said, breaking the silence. "Well, you can't feel the bond, but I can," Levi answered. "As can I," Damien added, giving Levi a look that could kill Levi if possible. "And you never said anything," I confronted Damien. "I only found out the day I sensed your wolf was an Alpha and not an Omega," Damien explained. Hurt and disappointed, I rolled my eyes. He had known all along, yet he never mentioned it. It stung deeply. I had trusted Damien, and now it felt like he had lied to me. "So, what happens now?" I asked Alpha Leon and Alpha Zane, eager to move forward. "We aren't sure. We have to consult with the pack elders. I understand that it has been a challenging week for you, Lilly, with all of these new developments," Alpha Zane said, trying to provide comfort and answers. "You are a remarkable young lady. Even if you choose to reject both of them, you will have our complete support," Alpha Leon reassured me. "She is meant to be my mate. Once she feels the bond, she will undoubtedly choose me. I admire her beauty and wonderful qualities," Levi expressed, causing me to blush and elicit a possessive growl from Damien. "She's already my girlfriend," Damien declared with a mischievous smirk, provoking a possessive growl from Levi. "I thought I made it clear that I don't know what this is yet," I stated, gesturing between Damien and myself. Though I cared for him, I was hurt and wanted him to feel the same. "How long have you two been seeing each other, and what experiences have you shared?" Levi questioned, his voice tinted with anger but attempting to maintain composure. "I'm still a virgin," I admitted with embarrassment, reluctant to share such personal information in front of a room full of people. "Ah, I see. Well, let's work together to sort this out," Levi responded, smirking at Damien. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I couldn't help but notice Levi's striking good looks. While slightly shorter than Damien, his muscular build was evident, exuding captivating confidence. It was clear he wouldn't easily back down, and that notion excited me, as no other guy had ever shown such intense interest in me besides Damien. "We will address the council this afternoon and work towards resolving everything. Ultimately, Lilly will decide to make, and she will choose what and who she desires. I don't recall ever hearing about someone having multiple mates unless they were twins," Alpha Leon stated, his gaze shifting toward his son. "We should prioritize our preparations for tomorrow. Our pack must present itself as strong during the alliance negotiations. We cannot afford to appear weak," Alpha Zane addressed the group, nodding with determination. Leaving the office, Levi and Damien flanked me, their presence providing comfort and support. Meanwhile, my mother diligently attended to the laundry, ensuring all the necessary linens were ready. In the kitchen, my father busily prepared the food for the upcoming event. Alpha Leon directed his gaze towards Damien and Levi, his question laced with concern. "Can we rely on you both to handle the situation maturely and refrain from causing unnecessary stress to your mate? If we allow you to bond with her, will you prioritize her well-being?" Silently, Alpha Leon’s and Alpha Zane’s eyes turned to Levi and Damien, awaiting their response. "Yes, I promise to keep my wolf in check if it means I can have the chance to spend time with Lilly," Damien affirmed, his voice filled with determination. Levi chimed in. His tone was slightly boastful as he attempted to assert his superiority. "I only defended myself, unlike Damien. I would never allow myself to lose control as he did." Levi shot me a playful wink, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment. Damien responded with an exasperated eye roll, clearly unimpressed by Levi's attempt to one-up him. "Alright, we will allow it, but I expect both of you to behave," Alpha Zane warned, his voice laced with a cautious tone. Levi tightly gripped my hand, and as his touch radiated a familiar warmth, memories of Damien's touch flooded my mind. Reluctantly, Damien followed closely behind us, the tension between them palpable. Whispers filled the air around us, the pack gossiping about our unusual situation, undoubtedly fueled by the morning's events. As we walked, Levi led us outside, away from prying eyes. The packhouse loomed behind us, and we stood at the back in a breathtaking garden. Lush greenery and vibrant flowers surrounded us, creating a serene atmosphere despite the underlying tension. Damien, his annoyance evident, couldn't help but question our choice of location. "Why are we standing here, at the back of the pack house?" he asked, almost exasperated. Levi took a moment to explain, and his voice filled with purpose. "I brought Lilly here to spend time together and get to know each other better. I thought she would appreciate the beauty of these gardens. You just happened to follow us." Feeling torn between my two mates, I approached Damien, who appeared ready to engage in another confrontation with Levi, despite their ongoing healing process. Seeking solace, I embraced him in a warm hug, feeling the comforting heat enveloping both of us. While I wanted to explore my connection with Levi, I knew that Damien had been there for me, and he deserved my attention as well. However, Damien had yet to be forgiven for keeping secrets from me. "Let's take this opportunity to get to know each other better," I suggested, addressing them with determination. "You are both my mates, and while I have developed feelings for Damien, the mystery of having two mates remains. We'll have to wait until the council convenes to uncover the answers we seek." As I spoke, the garden's beauty mirrored the complexity of our situation, offering a tranquil backdrop to the complicated emotions swirling within us. "Let's play a game of 20 questions," I suggested, gazing into Levi's captivating brown eyes. "Sure, why not?" Damien responded, his tone tinged with a hint of jealousy. Levi, with a mischievous wink, agreed, "Sounds like fun." Damien, breaking the lighthearted mood, asked a pointed question, "What are your thoughts on an omega becoming a Luna?" Levi chuckled, his response dripping with disdain, "Why would I even consider an omega, someone so weak, to be my Luna? I barely interact with the omega staff in my pack, unlike you, Damien." His words pierced me, causing me to gasp and fight back tears. Little did Levi know, I had once believed myself to be an omega until Damien sensed my dormant alpha wolf. Although she wouldn't fully emerge until my birthday, the revelation had shaken my understanding of myself. Damien, his voice filled with tenderness, answered his question while locking eyes with me. "Well, I once grappled with the temptation of pursuing an omega, knowing I would fall deeply and irrevocably for her, even if she weren't my destined mate." His beautiful blue eyes, flecks of gold shimmering in the sunlight, conveyed a deep emotion that left me breathless. Levi, unaware of the impact of his words, smirked confidently, "Well, luckily for you, an omega can't bear your child. As a royal Alpha, it would only weaken your bloodline." His remark cut me deeply, his ignorance of my past struggle weighing heavily on my heart. "Remember my parents you met earlier, Levi?" I asked, struggling to keep my voice steady. "Yeah, what about them?" Levi inquired. "Well, you can't sense their wolves because you're not their mates. They're Omegas. And until a few days ago, I had no idea I was adopted. Damien only discovered my Alpha wolf when he sensed it and asked his father, Alpha Zane, about it," I explained, leaving him stunned. The shock registered on Levi's face. Suddenly, he and Damien entered a mind link, likely communicating with their fathers. This ability was exclusive to adult pack members who had taken the oath or were mate-bonded to a wolf. "The council elders are here. My father wants us back in his office," Damien relayed. Apologetically, Eli attempted to reach for my hand, but I leaned into Damien instead. He wrapped his arm around me, enveloping me in warmth, and guided me inside. Eli trailed behind, sulking. At that moment, I couldn't bring myself to worry about his feelings. We proceeded towards Alpha Zane's office, and Damien rapped his knuckles against the door. "Come in," Alpha Zane's commanding voice echoed from inside. As we entered, I noticed Alpha Zane and Alpha Leon seated behind the desk, flanked by two older individuals on either side. They appeared to be a man and a woman, undoubtedly council members. "You must be the three individuals entangled in this uncommon mate predicament," Iris addressed us, gesturing towards Pete. "I'm Iris, and Pete and I are here to assist in resolving your unique situation." We settled into our seats, facing them across the desk. At this moment, I desperately wished they would reveal that Levi wasn't indeed my mate. I fervently hoped that Damien was the only one destined for me. Levi's derogatory opinion of omegas had pierced me, and the thought of spending the rest of my life with him was unbearable. I knew I would have to reject him; his actions had ignited a deep anger within me. “We’ve done some research and may have to wait until your birthday to confirm our findings, Lilly,” Pete explained. “Well, what did you find?” Damien asked in a demanding, eager voice "Well, this only happens once every hundred years. Lilly might possess a mystical wolf," Iris explained. "I thought that was just a fairytale," Levi said. "What exactly is a mystical wolf?" I asked, realizing that everyone was looking at me. "It's a wolf sent from Selena, bestowed upon us to protect us from other creatures with powers we lack, like witches and warlocks," Alpha Zane explained. "So why do I have two mates?" I asked, even more, bewildered than before. "The mystical wolf is a gift from goddess Selna. She grants two wolves the opportunity to have a mystical mate. It's the only type of wolf with mates who aren't naturally born as multiples so that a mystical wolf can be shared between two of the most peaceful packs," Pete explained. " 'How can this be considered a gift if I have to share Lilly with someone else?' Damien scoffed, rolling his eyes as he reached out to hold my hand. His touch brought forth a comforting warmth, undoubtedly due to the mate bond. I had experienced a similar warmth with Levi. 'Well, the two of you would have to set aside your pride first,' Alpha Leon responded, gesturing towards Levi and Damien. 'But why would I want two mates?' I questioned, feeling overwhelmed by the thought of managing multiple partners when I hadn't even had a single boyfriend. 'It's a deeper bond. This bond grants all of you more power,' Iris explained. 'Damien possesses royal blood, a rarity in our time. We no longer have any actual royalty. You, on the other hand, you are mystical, and Levi has enhanced hearing,' Alpha Zane clarified. 'What abilities does the mystical wolf, Lilly, possess? I've been dying to know,' Leon asked, echoing my curiosity. 'In this case, the mystical wolf, Lilly, is immune to all spells and Alpha Auroras. She also can heal others. And, of course, if the mate bond were to form, you two would inherit these abilities, as well as the increased size and power of the royal wolf, along with heightened hearing,'” Iris concluded. “So, with all of us together, we will be an unstoppable force,” Levi added confidently. Alpha Zan suggested, "It might be a good idea for you to stay here at the pack house property and get to know your mates better. There's a lovely cottage just beyond the garden with three rooms, so you can still have your privacy, Lilly." Embarrassment flooded my face as Damien and Levi both emitted an excited growl. I felt nervous, considering I am still a virgin. I hoped that Levi would show the same respect for my boundaries as Damien does. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though; we shouldn't confirm anything until my birthday," I interjected, unsure if we were jumping the gun. "This is true. We can't be certain until we see your wolf. However, you should still bond with your mates," Iris advised me. "Alright. I will temporarily move into the cottage," I replied. Damien tenderly kissed my hand, leaving a tiny spark that went beyond the usual warmth of his touch. I noticed Levi emitting a soft, jealous growl, which only made me smile as I locked eyes with Damien. His bright blue eyes, sprinkled with gold, indicated the happiness of his wolf, Hunter. "Sounds like a plan. We need more bonding time. It seems like Lilly and Damien are growing closer compared to me and Lilly," Levi said in a jealous tone. I sighed inwardly, reminding myself that he was still my mate. Why did I have to have two? "What if, in the end, I reject one of them?" I asked, disregarding Levi's remark. "We're not certain, as a mystic wolf has never rejected a mate. Typically, it results in a lot of pain, and unless the goddess accepts it, you'll still be bound by the mate bond," Pete explained in a flat tone. "She still has that choice, so make sure to behave and treat her as she deserves, like your future Luna and the other half of your soul," Alpha Leon warned Levi and Damien while giving me a reassuring smile. "Well, unless there are any other matters to discuss, you may all proceed to the cottage and see how you like it. I will arrange for someone to collect some of your belongings," Alpha Zane stated. "What about preparing for tomorrow?" I inquired, fully aware of the significance of the alliance meetings for our pack. "The omegas have been efficiently handling things with the assistance of the new information circulating among them. We will be well-prepared for tomorrow, and we will only contact you when Damien and Levi are required, so there should only be minor interruptions. However, you will all be needed for dinner. They will require you to be by their side as their mate," Alpha informed me. “Okay. Let's check out the cottage, I guess,” Levi said, standing up and reaching for my hand. I accepted, being polite, though I still haven't forgiven him for his comments about Omegas. Damien stood up and grabbed my other hand. Together, we made our way out of the office. Becca stood nearby, talking with her father, Beta Malcolm, and her brother James, a future Beta. I let go of both Damien and Levi’s hands and surprised her with a hug. “I've missed you all day,” I said, tightly embracing her. I looked her up and down. Only she could add the right accessories and shoes to a plain sundress and make it look stylish. “You sure looked dressed to kill. Good enough to impress two mates!” Becca said with a wink, making me blush. I forgot I had dressed up this morning for Damien. So much has happened since then. “I'm going to stay behind the pack house in a cottage for now,” I told her. “I'll see if I can stay inside the pack house temporarily, in case you need me. My dad has a room here he stays in sometimes,” Becca said, beaming at my mates. “Well, we should be going,” Damien said as whispers grew louder about our unusual situation. We made our way out of the back of the pack house and beyond the garden. We played 20 questions while it was still early, though we only managed to get to one question. And I learned the painful truth about what Levi thought about Omegas. Finally, we arrived at a beautiful cottage. Damien took out his keys and opened it. Inside was a beautifully cozy living room adorned with two comfortable couches and a television. The space seamlessly flowed into a lovely dining area and a well-equipped kitchen. Additionally, there were four doors, each leading to a different room. Curiosity compelled me to explore the first bedroom, which was similar in size to my home. The second door led to a bathroom boasting an impressive shower tub combo. Opening the third door revealed a room resembling the first one. However, the fourth door led to a bedroom way better than the others, showcasing the most oversized bed I had ever seen. Stepping inside, I noticed two more doors. One led to a luxurious main bathroom, complete with a more oversized tub and shower. The other door opened up to an astonishing walk-in closet. I couldn't contain my amazement and found myself giggling with delight. Damien sauntered in, laughing at my reaction, and playfully flopped onto the bed. "Looks like we know which room you've chosen," he teased. Levi joined us, his eyebrows wiggling mischievously. "Indeed, this will be our room," he chimed in. With a hint of protest, I asserted, "No, I won't be sharing a room with anyone until I feel comfortable. I'm wonderful taking one of the smaller rooms if needed." Understanding my concerns, Damien reassured me, "Of course, you can have your room. We will only enter when and if you give your approval. This room will be yours, my dear Miss Omega Lilly," he added with a smirk. Levi glanced at Damien, clearly puzzled by the nickname. I chuckled, realizing that he was unaware of the inside joke. "So both of you are agreeing to leave whenever I ask?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow as I observed Levi and Demien through the mirror. I couldn't help but admire my crop top and mini skirt. "Of course, Miss Omega Lilly. Would you like me to leave?" Damien responded, still reclining on the bed. "Yes, I agree. I'll even agree to come in if you ever feel lonely in the middle of the night," Levi said with a smirk, causing Damien to emit a jealous growl. "No. Alpha Damien, please stay," I insisted, lying beside him. "I want Levi to leave," I declared, motioning towards the doorway where he stood. Damien gave Levi a playful smirk and a subtle wave, motioning for him to leave. I couldn't help but laugh, finding Damien's childlike remark amusing as I buried my face into his chest. "Fine. I understand that you need your time too, Lilly. Remember, I am also your mate," Levi said, his voice tinged with hurt as he turned to leave. Instead of closing the door completely, he purposefully left it slightly ajar. Damien followed suit, closing the door behind him before returning to the bed. He settled himself in the middle and pulled me close, causing tiny sparks to ignite where his skin met mine. The warm sensation was all too familiar, a result of our mate bond. The intoxicating feeling consumed
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