
Miss Omega Lilly

another world

In this captivating tale, Lilly finds herself caught between unexpected revelations and tumultuous emotions. A seemingly chance encounter with Damien, a charming and experienced individual, unravels a series of life-altering discoveries. Lilly, who believed herself to be an Omega from a humble background, learns that she possesses an Alpha bloodline. As this truth sinks in, she grapples with the complexities of her newfound identity and the significance it holds in the world of werewolves.

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The late adventure
narrator's point of view As the irritating chirping of birds outside her window reaches her ears, Lilly reluctantly opens her eyes, only to be greeted by the sight of her clock reading 6:30. Panic immediately washes over her as she realizes she is running late. "Oh s**t! Oh s**t!" Lily exclaims with a mix of frustration and anxiety. Aware of the consequences of her tardiness, she hurriedly searches her disheveled bed for her cell phone, ultimately discovering it buried beneath a tangled blanket. To her dismay, she exclaims, "It's completely dead!" in a frustrated tone. In the morning rush, she admires the natural glow of her flawless porcelain skin, which requires minimal makeup to enhance its radiance. A light dusting of rosy blush adds a subtle flush to her cheeks, complementing the freckles that sprinkle across her nose and cheekbones. Her lips, naturally plump and rosy, only require a swipe of tinted lip balm to keep them soft and moisturized. Her golden hair, cascading in loose waves down to her shoulders, seems to catch the sunlight and shimmer with honeyed highlights. As she quickly gathers it into a messy bun, a few rebellious strands escape, framing her face effortlessly and carefreely. Her eyes, the captivating shade of emerald green, stand out against her fair complexion, sparkling with a mischievous glint. Enhanced by a few coats of mascara, her long lashes flutter whenever she blinks. Dressed in a simple yet stylish ensemble, she dons a soft cotton T-shirt that clings to her slender frame, accentuating her petite yet voluptuous figure. The graphic design on the shirt, featuring a whimsical illustration, adds a touch of quirkiness to her overall appearance. Paired with a well-worn pair of jeans that hug her hips and elongate her legs, she exudes an effortless coolness. Completing her outfit with cozy socks, she slips her feet into comfortable shoes, opting for worn-in sneakers that have accompanied her on countless adventures. With her natural beauty shining through, she steps out into the world. Realizing her phone's battery was at a mere 10%, she swiftly grabs it, recognizing the urgency to bring her portable charger. Glancing at the screen, she notices messages from her best friend, Becca. "Are you almost on your way?"Where are you?" "Ugh." Letting out a weary sigh, Lilly acknowledges the absence of anyone else in the house. As usual, she was the last one to leave. Navigating her way toward her worn-out Honda Civic, she couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. Being late would mean she would miss a class, and Lilly knew she had to prioritize her grades if she wanted to use college to get the hell out of there. No guys ever showed an attraction towards her. Even the Omegas boys stole glances and never looked at her again. It was like she was too plain or something As Lilly stepped out of her car onto the school grounds, her attention was instantly captivated by Damien, who stood in line to assume the coveted role of the pack's Alpha. Clad in a fitted, blue button-up shirt, it accentuated his well-defined chest muscles with an enticing allure. Towering at an impressive height, he possessed an undeniable presence that demanded attention. Damien's eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blue, were adorned with golden specks that added a touch of intrigue to their allure. His damp hair hinted at a recent shower, causing a twinge of envy to flicker within her. However, Lilly swiftly pushed aside her curious thoughts, realizing she couldn't afford to lose herself in speculation. Snatching her backpack, she purposefully walked toward her locker, determined to focus on getting to the next class on time. Just as she reached her destination, the bell rang, indicating the end of the first hour. Sending a quick text to Becca, she apologized for her tardiness and urged her friend to meet her at the locker. She began organizing her belongings with relief, finally feeling a semblance of order. "Finally," Becca's voice boomed beside her, causing her to jump slightly. She turned to find her friend standing there, a concerned expression on her face. Becca is undeniably stunning with her style that never fails to turn heads. Standing at an impressive 6'3", her tall frame adds elegance and confidence to her overall presence. In contrast, her friend Lilly is a charming 5'4", but both share a bond beyond physical appearances. Becca's luscious brown hair is her crowning glory, always impeccably styled. It cascades down with a sleek and glossy finish, reflecting the latest trends in haircuts and treatments. Whether it's a chic bob or flowing locks with layers, she effortlessly carries off any hairstyle, making it all seem like a work of art. Her dedication to maintaining her hair's straightness and modern look is a testament to her commitment to her style. However, Becca's beauty extends far beyond her hair. Her impeccable fashion choices are a true reflection of her fashion-forward nature. From head to toe, she knows how to put together a killer outfit that accentuates her best features. With an innate sense of style, she effortlessly combines trendy pieces with classic staples, creating timeless and on-trend ensembles. Becca's confidence shines through in everything she wears, exuding a magnetic aura that draws people in. Her fashion choices reflect her personality, making her a captivating presence in any room she enters. Whether it's a sophisticated cocktail dress for a glamorous event or a casual yet effortlessly chic ensemble for a day out, Becca always makes a statement with her impeccable fashion sense. "You look like a mess," Becca said, her voice filled with genuine worry. "I took notes for you." She offered a stack of papers to Lilly, who gratefully accepted them. "My phone died, so I didn't have an alarm to wake me up," Lilly explained, a hint of frustration in her voice. She turned to her friend Becca and expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you so much for the notes. You're a lifesaver." Grateful for Becca's help, she hugged her tightly. A familiar voice chimed in from behind them, teasingly asking, "You got any notes for me?" Lilly spun around to find Damian standing there, his captivating presence making her heart skip a beat. With his striking looks and undeniable charm, he was the epitome of dreaminess. Damien continued, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "I'm just teasing. I had training, so I was excused, unlike you, Miss Omega Lilly." Lilly blushed, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and attraction. She mustered a playful smile, trying to mask her feelings. "Unfortunately, I don't have notes for you, future Alpha," she replied, matching his teasing tone. Her eyebrow raised in mock annoyance as she added, "But I guess you had a valid excuse, unlike me, right?" Lilly couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy stirring within her as Damien, the Alpha, unexpectedly acknowledged her. It was rare for Alphas to extend any attention to Omegas unless they were hired for assistance. However, despite her momentary envy, she cherished her friendship with Becca. Becca, whose father held the esteemed position of the Alpha of the pack's Betta, seemed to have a bright future ahead. On the other hand, Lilly was situated at the lowest level of the pack hierarchy. She couldn't help but wonder if her path within the pack would only lead to a life of servitude. Lilly genuinely loved her friend Becca and cherished their bond despite her insecurities. She admired Becca's accomplishments and felt a sense of pride in her friend's achievements. Lilly's fleeting jealousy was mixed with deep affection and a desire for her friend's happiness. The second-period bell chimed, signaling the start of the next class. "Come on, let's hustle so we're not late," Becca playfully urged Lilly. "I really should have grabbed some coffee," Lilly sighed, trailing behind her friend to their next class. Lilly diligently focused on her classwork, jotting down notes, when Damien leaned back towards her desk. "Are you taking notes for me, Miss Omega Lilly?" he quipped sarcastically. Curious yet cautious not to upset the future Alpha, she asked, "Do you need me to take notes for you?" "Nah, I'm good," he chuckled, his tone lightening. Then, more concerned, he asked, "Why were you late to school?" "My phone was dead, and I overslept," she nervously confessed, uneasy as this was her first real conversation with him. It felt peculiar to engage in small talk with someone so stunning. The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Lilly stood up and walked towards Becca, purposefully avoiding any glance back at Damian. She couldn't understand why he suddenly took an interest in her; it felt strange and out of the ordinary. "What were you and Damien talking about?" Becca asked curiously. "Just small talk. Damien was asking why I was late," Lilly explained, downplaying the conversation. "Let's grab some coffee since we don't have a third period," Lilly suggested more as a demand than a question. They headed towards the parking lot, planning to use Becca's car and her dad's bank card, as they always did when going to the coffee house. "Damien didn't find his mate," Becca revealed in a hushed tone, ensuring no one else could hear. This newfound information took Lilly aback. All the Alpha blood wolves from their pack and the surrounding packs had attended Damian's birthday celebration that weekend, and Damien was expected to find his mate immediately. His mate would have to be an Alpha to handle his royal blood on his mother's side. "Where are you two going?" Damien called out from a distance, his voice carrying towards them. "We're getting Lilly some much-needed coffee," Becca replied, quickly climbing into the car alongside Lilly. "Weird," Lilly muttered, a sense of unease settling in as Becca pulled out of the parking lot. Upon arriving at the coffee house, they could hear hushed conversations and whispers. Lilly knew it was about Damien. It wasn't every day that the future Alpha turned 18. Once he completed his training, he would be eligible to become the pack leader if his father decided to step down. They ordered their coffees and settled down at their usual table, the anticipation in the air palpable. "Who do you think he will choose?" Becca asked Lilly, her voice filled with curiosity. "How would I know? You've spoken to him way more than I have," Lilly replied, unsure how to answer the question. "True. I don't understand why Damien seems happy. Most wolves are frustrated for at least a week after turning 18 if they haven't found their mate," Becca mused, sipping her coffee. “Well, so far, he's weird and gorgeous. That's all I have gotten from our small encounters today.” Lilly laughed, gulping her coffee. They listened to the gossip around them. Some were saying Damien would make an excellent Alpha. Others were saying he would need some time to mature. There wasn't anyone saying he shouldn't be the future alpha. It was clear that would happen. He was the next in line. “Let's go before we are late for math,” Becca motioned for Lilly. "Yes, you're right. No more delay for today," Lilly agreed, rising from her seat. Once they arrived and stepped out of the car, Lilly felt a sense of rejuvenation with the caffeine coursing through her system. "Why do you associate with a filthy Omega?" they heard Ashley's voice tauntingly. Ashley, the epitome of beauty and popularity as a popular cheerleader, mercilessly enjoyed mistreating Omegas despite her own Alpha bloodline. "I'd rather hang out with someone 'dirty' than dirty hoe like you!" Becca defiantly retorted, not hesitating to stand up for Lilly in the face of Ashley's taunts. Becca's unwavering support always comforted Lilly, but the sting of Amber's constant animosity remained. She couldn't understand why Ashley had such a vendetta against her. Most of the pack ignored Omegas, but a handful, like Amber, took every opportunity to remind them of their lower status. As they entered the math classroom, only two seats were left, and they couldn't sit together. Becca preferred the front, so Lilly conceded the seat and made her way to the back. However, her steps came to a halt when she noticed Damien. He was undeniably stunning, and fate placed her directly behind him again. "Do you feel better now, Miss Omega Lilly, after your coffee?" Damien inquired as she settled into her seat. "Yes, thank you," she replied bashfully, wondering why all Damien’s attention was directed at her instead of the cheerleaders like Ashley. "Good to hear. We were up all night talking to one of your boyfriends," Damien teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "No, I don't have any guys I'm interested in," Lilly answered, her voice tinged with confusion. "I thought maybe that's why your phone was dead," Damien replied, smirking. "No, I just didn't charge it," she said honestly. "Are you paying attention, Lilly?" Mrs. Smith's voice brought her attention back to her class. "Sorry, Mrs. Smith. I was asking Miss Omega Lilly if I could borrow her notes from a class I missed. She agreed to be my tutor. I struggle with some classes," Damien interjected before Lilly could answer. "Oh, I'm sorry, Damien. Yes, please help him, Lilly," Mrs. Smith motioned toward the two. Lilly was shocked. Did he have a conversation with her and get her out of trouble? This whole thing about him not finding his mate made him act strangely. The class continued, and Math was her favorite subject. She was at the top of her class and knew she needed to maintain that if she wanted to keep her scholarship and go to college. And get the hell out of here. After school, Lilly went to her car, still thinking about her weird day. Damien had no other classes with her, which was a relief. She couldn't handle any more distractions, even if he were the most gorgeous problem she had ever encountered. When she got home, she noticed her mom and dad's cars were parked outside, which was unusual. They usually didn't get off work for at least a few more hours. Her mom worked in the laundry part of the pack house, and her father was a cook. They were responsible and never left work early. As she entered the house, she could feel the tension. Something was different, and a weird feeling crept up inside her. She saw her parents sitting on the couch, each on opposite sides. Was it because she was late to school? No, they would never leave work for something as simple as that. Her day was getting weirder. Her mother possessed a stunning mane of red hair adorned with a subtle sprinkle of grey, complemented by warm brown eyes that radiated love and compassion. On the other hand, her father's once jet-black hair now displayed shades of grey and striking blue eyes that held a pearl of deep wisdom. Despite their demanding work schedules, they consistently showed excellent care and attentiveness, ensuring Lilly always felt their presence. "Sit," her mom motioned for her to sit on the couch between them. Lilly hung up her book bag, placed her keys on the table, and went to the couch. This situation was strange. Her parents had never sat her down for a talk like this. Hopefully, it wasn't something like the birds and the bees. She sat between her parents, feeling a sense of apprehension. "Lilly, we love you. You've made us so proud to be your parents," her mom said, hugging her tightly and crying. "Mom, please don't cry. You're both amazing, too!" Lilly said, holding her mother tightly. "Let's get on with it," her father said nervously. "Lilly, you're adopted. We're sorry we never told you. We thought we could wait until you were 18," her mother said, her tears flowing harder. Lilly looked at them both, shock evident on her face. I'm Adopted? What were they talking about? And why had they waited until now to tell her? "What?" Lilly asked, her voice filled with disbelief. Her mother took a deep breath, her eyes welling up with tears. "You were found abandoned and brought to the Alpha. He placed you with us because we couldn't have children biologically. We love you just the same, Lilly. We always have." Lilly's mind was spinning. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Why are you telling me this now? Why not wait until I turned 18?" Her father sighed, his expression grave. "The Alpha called us to his office today. His son, searching for a mate, sensed your alpha blood. His senses are heightened, and he questioned his father about it. It seems like your wolf is starting to awaken, and since you'll soon be 18, they felt it was time to tell you the truth." Lilly's heart pounded in her chest. Alpha blood? Wolf? She had so many questions, but the shock and confusion made it hard to process everything. She looked at her parents, searching for answers. "Let's eat and then get some rest," her dad gestured toward her and her mother, breaking their heavy silence. Sobbing intermittently, her mother found solace in her father's comforting presence while she remained lost in her thoughts. Seeking a moment of respite, she excused herself and retreated. As the warm water cascaded down in the shower, she allowed the day's burdens to disappear. After changing into her comfortable night clothes and plugging her phone into charge, she silently vowed to wake up on time the next day. Emotionally drained, Lilly collapsed into a profound slumber, seeking solace in the oblivion of sleep.

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