The adventure of change

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Lilly's point of view Stepping into my house, Damian appeared slightly uneasy. I couldn't help but wonder what had suddenly changed. As I walked in, my mom instantly embraced me, clearly relieved that we were finally home. It seemed like she had been waiting for us. "Finally, I was worried," my mom said, her gaze shifting between us as if she had expected our return sooner. "Sorry I didn't call. I had some things on my mind," I began to explain. "Damian already texted me this morning, informing me that you needed some time away from school," my mom clarified. I looked at him, a little taken aback that he had texted my mom and obtained permission. It was a bit strange, but I suppose it showed responsibility. "He even texted me to inform me when you guys were heading back," my mom said, smiling at him as if he was some golden boy. Working in the pack house, she must know him too. It seemed like everyone in the pack had some personal connection with him except for me. This realization left me feeling even more isolated and disheartened. "We're starving," I said with a forced grin, attempting to conceal my true emotions. Damien did keep a distance from everyone else, only me. Though he might have had a valid reason, it still stung a little. "Well, good because I fixed meatloaf," my dad said, emerging from the kitchen. "My favorite," I exclaimed, beaming with delight as I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. He returned the embrace, his gentle nature resembling a big teddy bear. "I thought a nice dinner might help cheer you up after yesterday," my dad cautiously mentioned. "Yesterday was tough, but it doesn't change anything between us," I assured him, a warm smile illuminating my face. Regardless of being adopted, he will always be my dad. “Damien,” my dad sent a happy nod his way. “Steve, it's nice to see you. I will love to join you for dinner if I'm not imposing.” Damien said, talking to my dad like he was an everyday friend. He did seem to know my parents well. Even though they were omegas, he was acting as if they weren't beneath him at all. He seemed to have a genuine understanding of my parents, even though they were omegas. There was no sense of superiority in his demeanor towards them. "Please, everyone, let's not keep dinner waiting any longer," my dad said, motioning for us to enter the dining room. To my surprise, four places were already set on the table instead of the usual three. It was evident that my mom and dad had anticipated his presence, despite his seeking my mom's permission to take me out of school. As we gathered around the table, engaged in lively conversation and savoring the delicious meal, the atmosphere felt remarkably serene. It was a much-needed break from the chaos that had consumed my thoughts. Damien had taken me to a secluded spot earlier, a place that seemed to have a calming effect on me. And now Damian, staying for dinner with my parents, had eliminated our awkwardness. Despite my curiosity about the details of my adoption, I realized that it was okay to let it be for now. I found solace in the simple joy of laughing and conversing over a delightful meal. As dinner was ending, I joined my mom in gathering the plates. Damien kindly offered to help, but my mom refused, insisting that the future alpha shouldn't be doing her dishes. She motioned for him and my dad to head into the living room instead. With our hands full of plates and leftovers, my mom looked at me and asked, "Any questions, my Lilly bug?" Her warm smile filled the room as she helped me put the leftovers into storage containers. I took a deep breath and replied, "Not right now, Mom. I want you guys to know how much I love and appreciate everything you've given me." Tears welled in my eyes as I continued, "The shock wore off, and it doesn't matter to me anymore that I'm adopted. I love you both equally." My mom's eyes glistened with tears as she embraced me tightly. "Oh, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "We love you more than words can express. You've always been our daughter, and nothing will change that." Dad, who had been listening from the living room, chimed in, his voice filled with pride. "Lilly. You're our little miracle, and we couldn't be more grateful to have you in our lives." My dad enveloped me in a comforting embrace, and tears flowed down my cheeks as I sought solace in his arms. It was a much-needed moment of emotional release for all of us. Interrupting the quiet moment, Damien spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled over us. "I should be going," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. I turned towards Damien, feeling a deep sense of appreciation for his presence and support. "Thank you for everything," I expressed, my voice choked with emotion. "It helped today. It's just what I needed." I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a heartfelt hug. In that intimate moment, he leaned in and softly kissed the top of my earlobe, a gesture intended only for me. His whispered words sent a shiver down my spine. "I needed it too." Breaking away from our embrace, Damien addressed my parents politely, "Steve, Sandy, good night. Thank you for the amazing food." Stepping back, he created some distance between us, preparing to leave. "Drive safely," my mom urged, her words holding a surprising level of concern that made her sound more like his mother than he was her future alpha. Damien bid us farewell with a wave and his signature devilish smirk, which only added to his undeniable attractiveness, before leaving through the door. "It's bedtime," my father gestured for me to head upstairs. I embraced both parents tightly before making my way up to my room. As I showered, thoughts of Damien's passionate kiss consumed my mind. The warmth and allure of his touch lingered, tempting me to keep our newfound connection a secret. After all, I still had a week before my birthday, and I could escape this place at the end of the year if I desired. But did I still want to leave? The prospect of being an alpha wolf brought about new opportunities and possibilities. And what about this undefined relationship I had with Damien? I couldn't help but wonder what it meant for our future. Stepping out of the shower, I realized I hadn't checked my messages all day. Becca had bombarded my phone with news, questioning my whereabouts and expressing her concerns. She even warned me not to do anything she wouldn't do if I were involved with the alpha-to-be. I couldn't help but laugh at her exaggerated reaction. Just as I was about to respond to Becca, a message from an unknown number appeared on my screen. It read, "Get some sleep, Miss Omega Lilly. I will be there bright and early to pick you up." My face flushed with embarrassment as I realized it was Damien's number. I quickly texted Becca, suggesting we meet for coffee in the morning to discuss the situation. I added that Damien would be joining us, hoping to put an end to any further inquiries. Then, I messaged Damien, bidding him goodnight and informing him that I would charge my phone to ensure I woke up on time. And, as an afterthought, I playfully mentioned that he would be taking me to coffee with Becca. I collapsed onto my bed, my mind filled with visions of an awkward coffee meeting tomorrow. Damien's devilish smirk and Becca's knowing smile seemed to taunt me in my imagination. They were already aware of something I couldn't fully comprehend myself. How was I supposed to explain this uncertain situation to Becca? I sighed deeply, feeling mentally drained from overthinking every little detail. Recognizing my exhaustion, I plugged in my phone and accepted that I needed rest. I awoke abruptly to the piercing sound of my alarm, feeling surprisingly refreshed from the night's sleep. As I went to the shower, a sense of excitement enveloped me. Today was the day to make a lasting impression. The knowledge that Damien, the future alpha, was attracted to me had me pondering if others would feel the same. I couldn't help but recall past experiences where guys seemed interested, only to lose interest in me quickly. Pushing those thoughts aside, I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away any lingering doubts. Determined to exude confidence, I rummaged through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit. A crop top and a flattering mini-skirt caught my eye, and I swiftly adorned myself with them. Adding a touch of makeup and slipping into cute yet sensible and subtly sexy heels, I admired my reflection in the mirror. Abruptly, the doorbell echoed through the house, signaling Damien's arrival. Hastily, I scoured the rooms in search of my book bag, only to realize it was left behind in my locker along with my books, a detail I had completely overlooked the day before. Descending the stairs, the doorbell chimed once more, urging me to quicken my pace. Opening the door, I was met with Damien's presence, impeccably dressed to make an impression. His choice of a refined button-down shirt and tailored slacks caught my attention. However, to my surprise, his appraisal of my outfit was far from approving, as he emitted a disapproving growl. I took a step back, taken aback by his question. Why did it matter? I've witnessed numerous occasions where his past girlfriends confidently flaunted far more skin, leaving very little to the imagination. "Because I can, Dad. Besides, I don't even know what 'this' is," I retorted, gesturing towards Damien and myself. "I think I look quite nice," I added, twirling around to emphasize my point. "You do. It's fine," Damien chimed in, visibly exasperated as he rolled his eyes. A giggle escaped me at his reaction. "Shall we get going?" he said, a mischievous smirk on his lips. Damien led, guiding me toward the truck and opening the passenger door. I climbed inside, feeling warm as he gently kissed my cheek. The blush on my cheeks returned, turning them a bright shade of red. I couldn't resist the urge to pull out my phone and quickly text Becca, ensuring she knew we were en route to the coffee house. As he settled into the truck, I could not resist admiring his appearance. That smile of his was undeniably cute. I couldn't help but wonder if he was even a coffee lover. How did he manage to get my number last night? It probably wasn't difficult for someone destined to be the future alpha. He might have everyone's number, I thought. "Enjoying the view, Miss Omega Lilly?" Damien's voice interrupted my thoughts, accompanied by his devilish smirk. I hadn't even realized we had parked in the coffee house lot. My entire face flushed a deep shade of scarlet. I couldn't seem to tear my gaze away from this man. Why was it so difficult to keep my eyes off him? I quickly opened my door, still embarrassed, eager to exit the vehicle before Damien could. Being seen arriving with him would undoubtedly trigger a wave of rumors. As we entered the coffee house, the room fell silent. All eyes were fixed on Damien, the future Alpha of our pack, and then on me. My cheeks burned with a deep shade of red. Suddenly, Becca's voice broke the silence. "Over here is our usual spot, obviously," Becca said, accompanied by a smirk. She had already prepared my coffee and what appeared to be tea for Damien. How did she know his drink preference? Perhaps being the daughter of a Beta, she spent a significant amount of time at the pack house. Becca, as always, was dressed impeccably in the height of fashion. She couldn't contain her wide grin as we settled into our seats. The whispers around us confirmed that everyone in the coffee house discussed us. "I need all the details," Becca exclaimed, motioning for one of us to divulge the story. She spoke hushedly, aware that all eyes were on us. "Daminen took me somewhere to help me clear my mind and feel better," I responded truthfully, carefully leaving out the more scandalous details. However, Damien couldn't resist chiming in, his devilish smirk evident as he spoke. "Yeah, I played a major part in turning her frown upside down," Damien chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eye. His words sent a wave of curiosity through the room, as everyone leaned in, eager to know what exactly had transpired between us. Becca, always one to embrace curiosity, couldn't help but raise her suggestive eyebrows as she inquired, "And just how did he help you clear your head?" "Well, we found ourselves in a beautiful and secluded place where we had an open and honest conversation. And afterward, we shared a meal at my place," I replied innocently, carefully omitting a key detail. Damien couldn't resist adding his suggestive input, his eyebrows dancing mischievously. "Yeah, we did talk. A lot," he remarked, clearly intent on making it known that our interaction went beyond mere conversation. My face flushed with embarrassment once again as Damien seemed determined to ensure everyone knew the intimate nature of our time together. My face turned crimson with embarrassment as Damien clarified that our time together had been more than just a casual conversation. "That's great to hear," Becca said, her voice filled with excitement. "I'm glad Damien was able to offer support during your tough day yesterday." I could feel everyone in the room understanding the underlying meaning behind Becca's words, and it only intensified my embarrassment. I wished the ground would swallow me whole. "We should probably get going," I stammered, hastily finishing my coffee. Becca and Damien burst into laughter at my discomfort. We exited the building, and I reached Damien's truck before he could unlock it with the remote. He walked over, opened the door, and surprised me with a kiss, leaving a lingering warmth. I couldn't help but wonder how he always managed to do that. Meanwhile, Becca was playfully making kissing faces while heading toward her car, causing me to blush deeply. "Why would you do that in front of everyone?" I asked, trying to hide my embarrassment. "Well, if you're going to rock that outfit, I have to show the guys who you belong to," Damien responded casually, accompanied by his mischievous smirk. "Belong to?" I questioned, my confusion evident. I had never even been in a relationship before, and now the alpha was claiming me as his own because he hadn't found his mate on his birthday. "We don't even know what this is," I stated, glancing at him, knowing deep down that it was true. "No, you haven't figured out what this is," Damien replied, suggesting that he believed I desired him as much as he seemed to want me. "Okay, just try to tone it down," I managed to utter, my voice trailing off as my eyes landed on the devastating scene before me in the school parking lot. My heart sank as I beheld the wreckage of my car, mercilessly vandalized with grotesque graffiti scrawled across its once-pristine exterior. The word "slut" was callously etched in bold, malicious strokes, the letters slashing through the paint with a viciousness that felt like a personal attack. As the truck screeched to a halt, I hastily leaped out, tears streaming down my face. The sight before me was utterly devastating. Why, oh why, would anyone target me like this? I had never crossed paths with anyone, never provoked or harmed a soul. Fury surged within Damien, and his voice laced with righteous anger as he bellowed at the gathering crowd, "Who the hell is responsible for this despicable act?" His protective instinct for me was palpable as if he couldn't fathom why someone would have the audacity to inflict such damage upon my innocent self. Amidst the murmurs, a lone figure timidly stepped forward. "None of us have any clue, and I swear!" he exclaimed, his finger trembling as he pointed toward the wreckage that was now my pitiful excuse for a car. "It was already like this when we arrived at school," he added, his voice tinged with genuine concern. "Take a deep breath, and everything will be alright. We'll find a solution together. Let's head to class," Becca assured me, her comforting arms enveloping me in a soothing embrace. I couldn't hold back my tears, finding solace in her presence. Damien followed closely behind, offering his silent support. At my locker, I gathered my books while Damien and Becca retrieved theirs. They flanked me on either side, a united front against the turmoil that had befallen me. As we made our way towards the classroom, we were the first to arrive, the weight of the situation still heavy upon us. Becca and I chose seats up front, hoping to find solace in the familiarity of our surroundings. Damien settled in directly behind me, his attention seemingly divided between his phone screen and our predicament. Perhaps he was keeping my mother informed, but at that moment, I was too consumed by devastation to care. Throughout the day at school, whispers about Damien, me, and the incident involving my vandalized car circulated. I couldn't escape the constant reminder, which weighed heavily on my spirits. Sullenly, I trudged through the hours, feeling the weight of the situation on my shoulders. Thankfully, Damien and Becca were there, their words of encouragement providing a small glimmer of solace amidst the chaos. During our free period and lunch break, I consciously chose to remain at school, intentionally avoiding any encounter with my damaged car. The mere thought of facing it filled me with dread and sadness, and I couldn't confront the aftermath. After school, feeling distraught and needing a ride home, I reached out to Becca and Damien through a text message while making my way to my locker. "Why?" Damien's response popped up on my phone screen. "Because my car got destroyed. Don't you remember what happened this morning?" I replied, my voice trembling as I recalled the heartbreaking sight of the damage. "It looks fine to me," Damien's message came through, confusion to wash over me. "Same here," Becca chimed in, adding to my bewilderment. "Meet us in the parking lot," Damien promptly texted, urging me to join them. Making my way to the parking lot, I found Damien and Becca patiently waiting for me. "Where's my car?" I questioned anxiously, scanning the area only to find it missing. It was then that Damien handed me a key fob and pointed towards a stunning, brand-new Ferrari. "What?" I exclaimed, taken aback by the sight of the luxurious Ferrari. "No, I can't accept this as a gift. It's far too extravagant." Damien, wearing a sincere smile, gently wrapped his arms around me. "My girl deserves nothing less than the best," he said, pulling me closer and planting a passionate kiss on my lips. Overwhelmed by the moment's intensity, I couldn't help but reciprocate the affection. However, the cheering and excitement from our fellow students quickly reminded us that we were not alone in that moment. Climbing into the car, I marveled at the array of cutting-edge gadgets and features it boasted. Damien and Becca joined me, sharing my awe. I stole a glance at Damien, my heart filled with admiration. How is it that he consistently manages to be so incredible? Stepping out of the car, I embraced Damien tightly, gratitude evident. "Thank you for brightening my day," I whispered sincerely. He sighed a tinge of sadness in his voice. "You're welcome. I wish I didn't have training this evening so I could spend the rest of the day with you," Damien admitted, gazing deeply into my eyes before drawing me into another tender kiss. The excited cheers and playful comments from our fellow students echoed around us, reminding us that we were not alone. Becca chimed in confidently, asserting, "That's alright. She needs to focus on homework and spend quality time with me." Laughing, I bid Damien farewell with a warm hug. I knew Becca would be joining me at my house soon. Her presence was always filled with playful giggles and teasing about my feelings for Damien. Surprisingly, I no longer felt embarrassed by it. "See you at your place," Becca smirked, ready for light-hearted banter. I hopped into my brand-new car and drove home. Thankfully, my parents hadn't arrived yet, allowing Becca and me to sprawl out on the couches with our school books on our laps. "So, how comforting was Damien without using words?" Becca cheekily inquired. I blushed slightly, feeling a hint of embarrassment. "Well, it wasn't s****l. We almost crossed that line but stopped. Damien knows now that I'm a virgin," I admitted, my voice tinged with shyness. Just as I settled on the couch, my phone chimed, indicating a new message. It was from Damien, and my heart skipped a beat as I read his words. "Did you make it home safe, Miss Omega Lilly?" Feeling a rush of warmth, I couldn't help but appreciate how much he cared about my well-being. "Yes, I'm doing my homework and having some girl time with Becca," I quickly replied, eager to share my evening plans. Becca, noticing my reaction, couldn't resist teasing me. "Is that your boyfriend?" she playfully questioned, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment. "I'm not sure what this is," I admitted, my voice tinged with shyness and uncertainty. "Well, regardless of what it may be, it's clear that he somehow found out you were a virgin. And if you still are, it suggests that he genuinely cares about you," Becca mused, her concern evident. "But let's not ignore the fact that he's more experienced, and that might complicate things. Plus, he's aware that you're an omega, and considering your inability to carry a child of royal alpha blood, it raises questions about your future together." Taking a deep breath, I decided to confide in my friend, finally revealing the secret I had kept hidden from her for an entire day. "Well, you remember how I mentioned being adopted? It turns out I'm not an Omega, after all. Damien sensed that my wolf is an alpha," I admitted, hoping that she would understand the magnitude of this revelation. "Wait, what? This changes everything! You're his mate! He didn't find his mate on his 18th birthday. Oh my gosh, Lilly and Damien are sitting in a tree!" Becca exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. She jumped up and down, tossing her school books to the floor in her exuberance. "Mate? But he never mentioned anything about me being his mate," I replied, giving her a perplexed look. I had anticipated her being upset that I hadn't shared this secret, so her ecstatic response caught me off guard. "Why else would he suddenly be all over you, buying you a luxury car and giving you all that 'talking'?" Becca mocked, putting lots of emphasis on the word "talking." I couldn't help but feel my cheeks turn red. Becca's words hit me hard. In less than a week, I would turn 18, and it was true that he had been showering me with attention. He even referred to me as his girl and took me to his secret spot. It was hard to deny that he was handsome. "How can he sense I'm his mate if I'm not 18?" I questioned Becca, hoping for some clarity. Becca patiently responded, her knowledge of the subject surpassing mine. "Since he already has his wolf, it heightens his senses. That's why he can probably sense your wolf even though it hasn't fully surfaced yet." "What if he's just attracted to me, and I'm not his mate? What if he's choosing to be with me, but his true mate comes along and takes him away?" I voiced my concerns, my doubts creeping in. Becca seemed unfazed by my worries as she responded, her words aimed at boosting my confidence. "So, he's liked you even before the bond? I wouldn't be too concerned. It's clear he still holds feelings for you, regardless of you being a virgin and him being far from it." My phone chimed with a new message. "Taking a break from training, and all I can think about is kissing you, Miss Omega Lilly," Damien's text read. I quickly responded, feeling the need to clarify. "I told Becca that I'm not an Omega, and my wolf will be an alpha when it emerges," I typed and hit send. Damien's reply came swiftly. "How's that going, babe?" he asked. "Good-ish, I suppose. Becca has me questioning some things," I replied. Teasingly, Becca interjected, "Is that your mate texting you?" With a playful tone, I said, "We don't even know what he is right now," accompanied by a laugh. "Hopefully, not questions about me, Miss Omega Lilly," Damien replied to my previous message. As Becca prepared to leave, she said, embracing me, "I have to get going. Thanks for the much-needed girl time." I couldn't resist teasing her playfully as she walked away. "Yes, because I will never get homework done without you distracting me," I said with a smile. In response, Damien I texted, "Maybe. A little." I didn't want to upset him, but I also wanted to be honest. "Instead of her, question me. You might get better answers," Damian replied to my message. Curious about the future, I said, "What if I find a different mate in 6 days? It's my 18th birthday, and that's when my wolf will emerge, leading me to my destined mate." Damien’s point of view Reading Lilly’s message was difficult. I wanted to tell her I could feel the mate bond between us, that every time I touched her, it sent electrifying sparks through my veins. I yearned to mark and mate her, but I knew it was important to wait for her to feel it too. As I pondered my response, my father, the Alpha of our pack, bellowed at me to get back to training. Damn it! Now I wouldn't have the chance to message Lilly back at all. After the grueling training session, I found myself completely drained. My father's relentless nature pushed me to my limits, especially since I had missed training the day before. But despite the exhaustion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Spending time with Lilly at my favorite spot was worth every ounce of energy expended. How she kissed me, igniting sparks with each touch, was indescribable. Her enchanting fragrance filled my senses, and her emerald eyes captivated me. They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Although I could have made up for my absence by training intensely that morning, I prioritized taking Lilly to school. The incident with her car had infuriated me, and I wanted to ensure she felt safe and cared for. Purchasing a new vehicle for her was a small price to see her smile. At that moment, she understood I would go to any lengths to make her happy. "Apologies, Miss Omega Lilly, my training break ended, and I couldn't respond to your text. If you find your true mate, only then will I respectfully step aside. You belong to me. Would it be possible for me to accompany you to school tomorrow morning?" I messaged Lilly, my fingers nervously tapping on the screen. I'm unsure why I've called her "Miss Omega." It's like a little secret between us, a way of acknowledging that I knew her wolf's true status as an Alpha before anyone else, including her. As I step into the shower, my mind continues to be consumed by thoughts of her. I can't help but wonder how she will react to my message, and the struggle of keeping my true intentions as her mate hidden from her grows increasingly difficult. Great, now I have an erection. She seems to cause those a lot. I heard the sound of my phone chiming as I stepped out of the shower. "Yes, you can take me to school. I suppose we can sort out the details later..." Lilly replied. I quickly slipped on a pair of boxers, feeling excited. Incredibly, she's still engaging in conversation with me. I couldn't help but imagine our great future as Luna and Alpha. I settled down, ready to finally get some much-needed rest. Tomorrow morning, I must wake up early to pick up Lilly and accompany her and Becca to the coffee house. Becca, the daughter of Betta Draden, has always been kind, and I'm grateful she is a great friend to Lilly. "Good night, babe. Make sure to get some rest so you'll be ready when I pick you up in the morning," I texted Lilly, closing my eyes. Suddenly, I am jolted awake by a sharp and urgent sensation. The commanding voice of my father, Alpha Zane, resonates through our mind link, alerting us to a rogue attack on the south border. The gravity of the situation becomes apparent as he urgently instructs everyoneand to remain indoors or seek refuge in the nearest safe house if they happen to be outside. Alpha Zane stresses the importance of mobilizing all available warriors not currently on patrol to converge on the south border. Sensing urgency and concern fills the air as we grasp the imminent danger beyond our territory.
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