3. New pack

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Ariel POV After decorating the ball, I quickly went to my room passing through the kitchen, there was Daniela in her usual commanding tone ordering others to serve the food. 'Thank goodness!' I thought to myself and made to sneak into my room. "Stop right there Ariel!" Daniella barked, her voice filling the entire hallway and I immediately freezed on the spot. "This woman has definitely got hawk-like eyes! I had made sure to mix my scents with a few were wolves and she was still able to figure out my scent! "Yes Daniella? do you need me to get anything for you?" I tried feigning ignorance. "Now move your ass to the kitchen and get these dishes served," she said with a scowl as if daring me to object. Of course I wouldn't dare to do that, because I wouldn't want her reporting me to the Luna on this important day. That would definitely spoil her mood and the alpha wouldn't take it very lightly. I started to panic, oh no, I am in deep s**t. I shouldn't waste time, I could quickly deliver it and rush back to my room. I think that's what I will do, I thought to myself. "Ariel, are you crazy?" Daniella said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Of course I am right now!" I wanted to snap but held back my tongue. "No, I am not, why do you ask," I replied with a frown while still trying hard to calm my raging nerves. "I have been talking to you, but you made no move, now get it done immediately." She hollered in my ears and for a spilt moment, I thought I would go deaf from her constant yelling. "Sure," I said with a thick scowl on my face. I grabbed the tray and walked quickly towards the ball. My heart in my throat with each step I take. Ok, just a little bit more and you are there Ariel,' I calmed myself walking briskly towards the hall and also trying to make sure not to spill anything from the tray. I mean that would be the greatest embarrassment of the century. Fate seem to be always harsh on as I hit a hard chest causing me to stumble backwards. Even though, I had crashed into this fellow, I couldn't help but notice his rock hard chest and the exquisite scent of his cologne. I slowly summoned the courage to look up to his upper chest and alas the food on the tray all gone to the well-ironed suit. "Ariel, how can you be so clumsy!" I scolded myself internally. Yeah right, this must perfect way to make a quick trip to my parents. Judging by his expensive and perfumed suit, he must have been one of the important guest of the occasion. "Anyone but ALPHA DAMON," I secretly offered a prayer to the moon goddess even though I wasn't her one of her kind. I looked up to be meet with his liquid green eyes that shone like emerald, jet black hair, his chest was a bit opened which accentuated his looks. "Holy moly, did I just meet with a Greek god? His gorgeous lips alone made an immense amount of heat crept into my entire body. Yeah at least I can drool knowing fully well that I am just a few minutes to joining my parents. I was still drooling over him when he grabbed my hands roughly and continued walking me to God knew where, I tried to wriggle out of his stronghold, but that was unsuccessful. I slowly calmed down for a brief second. Perhaps he didn't want to scold me for my actions in public but wanted to do that in private? We got to a silent place and he flung me hard against the wall and grabbed my chin roughly. Now I was beginning to doubt if this gorgeous face was kind. "How dare you? Why the hell is it you? He asked with a menacing look. "I don't know," I said with a frown, slightly confused at his words. I mean he was supposed to scold me for my clumsiness not telling me why it was me? "Duh.. Mr Greek god, I never knew that there must be a special candidate to bump into you!" I mocked him in my mind. "You don't know huh?" he seemed pissed as he ran his hands through his hair with his eyes blaring red with anger. I could have easily swear with the goddess name that one irrelevant word from me and I would be un- alived. I kept mute waiting for his next possible words. "Why of all people are you my mate? I would have preferred an omega to you a hundred times!" He growled loudly. Somehow his words seemed to pierce into my skin and I felt like a thousand needles was prickling my skin. Of course I very much knew about mates but never in my wildest dreams did I dream of one. I mean I am not even a wolf. Everybody knows that I am human and with an human scent. So whatever this ruthless Mr Greek god is saying is completely irrelevant. He grabbed my chin harder, pain shoot through my chin and at the same time I couldn't help but notice the tiny electric sparks buzzing through my body. "You are a f*****g human!" he said with a growl, hate and detest was evident in his voice. "Oh no, maybe it was Alpha Damon," a dark thought crossed my mind. His handsome face had made me forget my main mission and the sparks and tingles made my instincts stop functioning. If my speculation just now is true... then I will soon be shredded into pieces, fate dealt me another fatal blow, not only did he hate me, now he claims that I am his mate. "Are you by any chance Alpha Damon?" I summoned the courage to ask. Besides I would be clawed either way and killed either way, so knowing the identity of my killer actually makes sense. "Of course yes! I am Damon, Alpha of the blood moon pack and I wish to snap your neck into two right now!" He muttered with hatred and disgust while my eyes widened. I closed my eyes and calmed my breath whilst trying to summon the courage for my next few words. "Kill me then, at least if I want to die, I would like for it to happen right in my pack and not in some rotten dungeons of some foreign pack!" I muttered with my eyes closed and his loud growl made me snap my eyes open. "What did you just say?" He questioned, his gaze darkened and I guess that he was trying so hard to suppress his wolf. "I just granted you the freedom to kill me right here and right in my pack!" I stared at him fiercely. I was once sent to the torture room and I could see the way they dealt with rogues. To crown it all, rogues were once part of their pack. I could only wonder how someone like him would deal with the humans. "Are you nuts? do you think I need permission from anyone before I kill?" His gaze burned through my skull. "Of course not, and that's why I am granting you that permission!" All of a sudden, I couldn't control my own tongue. "Go and pack your belongings," I clearly heard his order and stood still for a while, does that mean that I am leaving the pack to go to the blood moon pack, the only pack that I have lived all my whole life, the only pack that understands me, this must be a weird dream right? I am leaving for the pack who detest humans and mated to their Alpha. "Hell No!" I disagreed. "I told you already that I will like to die right here in my pack and not some foreign pack!" The next second, he swiftly seized my throat and I was panting for breath. Is he really going to kill me now?" I thought as I muttered my last prayer. "Killing you now would be so quick and boring little mate..." it seemed like he had muttered the last part with all the hatred in the world. "Take your time then!" I whispered but I was very sure that he could hear me. His hot breath fanning against my skin was making my knees weak. " I can always slowly kill you in my pack matey..the dungeons wouldn't be needed!" He had a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips while I had a grim look on mine. I didn't even know how to react to his words, it sounded more like a warning. I scurried to my room to pack my luggage, different thoughts burst into my brain, perhaps I ran away, that's a very bad idea because he will find me if it was successful, I had no plans for the future. My only hope is for the alpha and luna saying no to this. Yeah I must still have fate, Luna Amara would never agree to leaving the pack. I opened the door and dragged my luggage behind him. He was moving as fast as the wind. He looked back and noticed that I wasn't catching up and slowed down his pace. I could hear the crowd chatting, dining, and wining merrily, but everything changed when he came in, everywhere was dead silent, fear written on many people's faces while some girls were drooling over him. I gritted my teeth and almost scowled at them internally for being so shameless, but wait I shouldn't scowl at them right, besides it's not everyday you get to see a fine handsome man. "Alpha Ethan and luna Amara of the crescent moon pack, come outside," his voice boomed with authority sending shivers to my spine and snapping me out of my weird thoughts. "Alpha," My luna and alpha acknowledged him bowing their heads slightly whilst he replied with a wave of his hand. "What does alpha Damon request our presence for," alpha Ethan asked beaming with smiles. His gaze flickered to me for a spilt second. "Nothing important," he said rashly which made me want to punch him in his face. "Shall we go to my office," Alpha Ethan asked him not wanting the attraction of the other guest. At this point, Damon had his suit in one arm and his tie loosened with his top buttons open giving me a peek of his chest. "No, it's fine here, I just want to tell you that this girl over here will follow me back to my pack." he pointed towards me and I gave him a death stare. Alpha Ethan looked at me as if noticing me for the first time. Even though he has just gave me a warning glare a while ago. "Alpha Damon, if I may ask, what do you want her for. Alpha Ethan asked with a shaken tone. "Because she is my mate," he said with venom in his voice. They parted their lips wide with shock and confusion for a spilt second. It seemed to take ages for them to recover and Damon gave them the time to wallow in their surprise. "We gladly oblige to your requirements Alpha Damon," My alpha said gleefully. "I didn't request anything from you, I only informed you," Damon said in an irritated tone. "Well said, Alpha Damon," he replied while Damon turned his back and continued towards the parking space. "Get in," he said with a cold voice. "Alpha, where have you been?" someone asked. He shot him a cold glare and the fellow sealed his mouth. I sat at the back seat with Damon, I noticed we were getting away from my pack boundaries. It hurts me that I am not an opportunity to bid Melanie a proper goodbye. "Get out! a deep voice bellowed sounding pleasant to my ears. "Oops, we arrived already," I thought to myself, I obviously didn't notice because I was enthralled by the scenery in front of me. I stepped down from the car dragging my luggage, I didn't even notice the beautiful scenery in front of me quickly. "Oh no, the house was huge, "no I meant the mansion was huge and painted white. "There was a fountain on the sides of the mansion, there was a huge sculpture of a mean-looking wolf, a garden, and a gazebo. I was so lost watching it that I didn't know when I hit the wall, oh no my face was filled in embarrassment. He only looked at me and continued walking towards the stairs, I quickened my steps and continued dragging my suitcase behind him. "This is your room," was all he said and he left. I opened the door, thank goodness, it was a bed bigger than the ones I have used in my pack, it has a black duvet, a black quilt, even the paintings on the wall were either black or red. 'Oh no, it's really scary, looks more like a haunted house. I'm sure that I will scary nightmares.' Then my stomach rumbled, I remembered I had not eaten since morning, now I need to find the kitchen, thanks to him, I don't know where the kitchen is. I left the room and started searching for the kitchen when I bumped into someone, I looked up to see who it was, oh he was the one who drove earlier. "Finally found someone after a million search!" I thought to myself as I heaved a sigh of relief. "What's my princess looking for," he asked with a wide grin. "Oh please, may I know where the kitchen is," I asked in haste. "Walk down the stairs turn to your left, the fifth room is the kitchen." "Oh thanks," I said. "What's your name princess," he asked. "It's Ariel." "What a beautiful name you've got princess Ariel," he said making me blush slightly. "Oh thanks, and what's yours?" I asked. "It's Jake," he said showing his cute dimples. "That's cool, I gotta go," I said. "I got to the kitchen and saw a middle-aged woman. Her brown hair was backing me and she seems to be focused on the vegetables she was chopping. "Good day here," I said nervously, who knows if she also hates human, besides I barely arrived at the pack a few minutes ago and now I am looking for its kitchen. "Good day," she replied, finally turning her back to face me. "Can I please quickly get some small chops here, I mean anything to eat," I asked hoping I wasn't rude or demanding. "Sure thing," she said beaming with smiles which made my drumming heart at ease. "You can sit in the dining room while I get this done." "No need, I can cook something on my own." "I think you are a guest or just coming to this house, well I need to tell you something, I am the only one authorized to cook in this kitchen," she said with a grin. I went to sit down as she told me to, few minutes later, the delicious aroma of food wafted the air. She started filling out the dishes on the table "This is just too much, I told her," but she laughed. "Please join me," I told her. "No, I had already eaten,"she said and smiled. I ate a few spoon of the food, it tastes heaven and I almost let out a moan. "Your food tastes yummy," I complimented. "Thank you,you are such a darling," she reply. I heard footsteps and the chair squeaking and I immediately looked up. 'What the hell,' there he was, it made me had nausea immediately, how on earth can I eat in harmony when he was right there, I stood up and made to go back. "Where do you think you are going," he asked. "To my room," I simply replied. "Finish eating," he commanded, seriously who forces someone to eat, well no one except alpha Damon of the blood moon pack. "I already had my fill," I replied curtly hoping he just let me be. "Now f*****g sit down and finish your food," he ordered with power and authority radiating in his voice. "I already told you that I had my fill, besides you had promised to kill me slowly, consider this as one of your many options, " I said with an annoyance in my tone. "Starving you was not one of the options!" he shot back at me, with his green eyes fixated on mine almost making me melt. 'Hmm, just because he called himself my mate and he is an alpha does not mean he could order me as he pleased.' "I advise you to sit down or else," he said with a devilish grin that fuelled my anger. "Or else what," I demanded folding my arms across my chest trying to act brave. "Nevermind, you will know once you disobey," he said with a smirk." I sat down nibbling my food. I was famished earlier but now I just feel like killing and mincing him alive, that arrogant jerk.
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