2. That scent

1962 Words
Ariel POV I returned to my room and lay on my bed, flipping on both sides of the bed, and lost in my thoughts. Why is fate so cruel my parents were gone and now I might get killed tomorrow. It calls for celebration, right? I should start planning my death wish, at least I can walk around the vast land for a while. Maybe my death would pave way for me to meet my parents in the other world. "Ariel," I heard someone calling snapping me out of my absurd thoughts. That's it, I can never get a good five minutes for myself or to think about my life, well by the time I am dead tomorrow, I will get all the time in the world to myself. "I'm coming," I replied, shuffling out of my bed towards the door. "Make it snappy," I heard the person say in a hasty voice. Who else if not for Danielle, the head Omega always on constant guard and alert? "Yes Daniella," I answered, although I knew it wasn't necessary to because it was more of an order than a statement. "Just because you made and served the cookies doesn't give you the right to be lazy about it," she said with a scowl, as soon as I came out of the room. Daniela was the head omega, and she can be a pain in the ass sometimes. "Now go serve the beta upstairs, when you are done come back to the kitchen to wash these dishes." She ordered again with her trademark scowl. "Yes," I replied before dashing towards the kitchen besides delay is dangerous, who knows if the Alphas start arriving and boom! The Alpha sees me and notices that I am human, then I would be ripped into pieces. As soon as I grabbed the tray, I went to serve the beta and came back to see Danielle at the bottom of the stairs, and with the looks of it, she seems to be waiting for me. I went to the kitchen and started washing the dishes thinking about my cruel fate tomorrow. After washing the dishes, I went outside, the visitors were already arriving, just like I guessed, I have to be alert. I started heading back to my room and lay on my bed before being drifted to sleep. Damon POV I woke up, turned on the faucet, and went to have my shower before getting dressed in a black tuxedo suit and pants. I styled my hair, then I heard a knock. "Come in," I said simply. It was my beta mason. "I wanted to check if you were ready alpha," he said politely. "Don't f*****g check on me as if I am your pet," I growled loudly and my gaze darkened. "I'm sorry Alpha," he muttered and I became more infuriated. "You are f*****g sorry to who?" I asked gripping his throat menacingly. "To no one alpha," he immediately said, enunciating each word. I shut my eyes completely whilst trying to suppress Theo. "Oh, I am sorry Mason, I just can't control myself lately." I apologized as soon as I got my emerald eyes. "It's alright alpha," he said with a smile. "You may leave," I said and he immediately left. "s**t!" I am getting more aggressive lately, I f*****g need my mate. I left my room my room and walked straight to the car where my beta, gamma, and my warriors were waiting. Jake, my gamma drove slowly to the crescent moon pack. I tilted my head to the window side thinking about my mate. Which pack would she come from? which alpha's daughter or probably a beta? 'Natalie, daughter of the alpha of the Howl moon pack.' Not, she is too calm and gentle and blushes at every word I say to her, she should probably be of age now. 'No, not her.' I immediately objected. 'How would she look like?' 'Will she be brave, silly, coward?' I tried to mind-linked Theo, but he wasn't responding, such an arrogant wolf, exactly when I needed his advice, he refused to bulge, so I kept those thoughts to myself. "We are here alpha," Jake announced snapping me out of my thoughts. I climbed down from the car, slamming the car shut to see the alpha and the luna already at the entrance with a wide smiles on their faces. "Welcome to the crescent moon pack alpha Damon," with that he bowed politely. "We are pleased to have you here alpha, it's such an honor," A woman probably in her forties with a high-pitched voice spoke with a smile. "Me too," I lied straight through my teeth, the only thing that made me still standing here was the fact that I might be chanced to meet my mate, only then will I be truly pleased of coming to this pack. "I'm glad to hear that alpha Damon, this way to the banquet please," he says leading the way. Soon we were standing at the huge doors guarded by the warriors and then into the main hall which reeked of different weird scents of sweat, waste, and alcohol, people were dancing to the loud music and some were wasted and already making out. I scrunched my nose in disgust and it seems they began to notice my presence for a while, there was decorum not until a redhead with black eyes stared at me with a wide warm smile on her face. She must be a high-ranking wolf for her to stand fearlessly in front of me. "Alpha Damon," she purred, flipping her red hair, " remember me?" she asked and I slowly accessed her, she looked somewhat familiar but I don't remember her, her face was caked up with heavy makeup, fake eyelashes, and long red painted nails, and her silver sequined gown barely reached her mid-thigh and her cleavage was fully on disgrace. On the other hand, I would have bluntly told her she was probably one of my one night stands or maybe tell her that I don't remember her. "No, I don't, I only remember important people," I finally opted for number two and she immediately went red with embarrassment surprised at my bluntness. "You don't remember me?" she asked almost in a whisper and I could smell the heavy and expensive perfume she used, it was now sickening and I began to feel nauseous. "I think I have already replied to that," I spoke coldly, my wolf was now losing it and growling in my mind, he didn't want to waste another second with her, he only wants to go around and hunt for his mate, despite the war going on in my insides, I managed to keep calm and maintain my stoic look. "Oh I see, it's me, Natalie Hale, the only heir and daughter of the Howl moon pack, you remember now right?" she asked with a curious gaze, and at the same time, maintaining there on her face. How brave she has become because the Natalie I know would never dare to confront me, especially in front of a huge gathering. "Oh, I do remember now Natalie, it's nice seeing you again," I simply said and now she was beer red, with her red hair and fake eyelashes, she is the real definition of a clown. "Oh I thought you never remembered seems like I was wrong," she fluttered her lashes seductively and put her hair behind her hair. " I probably need to leave and meet the other Alphas, have a nice evening," I said curtly before walking past her and making for one of the empty tables. "Wait, alpha Damon, I will follow you besides I probably might be of help and would also like to negotiate with the other alphas," she immediately suggested almost running after me as I took long strides. Now it was starting to get annoying as everyone was now watching. As soon as the bartender served our drinks, I gulped down the whole content hoping to keep my wolf at bay who was now growling and howling in my head to go and get a walk outside. "My father has been suggesting that we should get married to the alliance of both packs," she said which made my jaw tense, she must have noticed my reaction and continued speaking. "You know since you have not seen your mate and I haven't even found mine yet," she fluttered her lashes leaning forward and showing a full display of her cleavage. "First we never discussed anything like this together and secondly I will never marry you to strengthen the alliance, I will wait for my mate, you should wait for your too besides you are still young," I said before finally walking out of the hall. As soon as I walked out of the hall, my wolf was anxious and pacing and was urging me to wander off to some unknown part of the pack. "What's wrong Theo?" I tried to ask. "Go to mate, go to mate was all he chanted. Then the heavenly scent of lavender, jasmine, and vanilla filled my nostrils. The mere scent of her calmed my wolf. My wolf was howling and growling with joy. I walked towards it tracing the source, "Alpha, where are you going to?" my beta asked, but got no response. I continued tracing the scent, then I stumbled into her, her long brown hair, her clear blue eyes like the sky, her luscious pink lips, which I can't wait to kiss, then I let my eyes wander down, her perfect boobs which accentuated her assets. I kept staring at her, her heavenly scent filled me, then I caught a whiff of another scent, it was fear. Her aura was not as strong as an alpha or beta I expected but I don't care anymore, she is my mate. "What is she afraid of ?" I thought to myself or was she afraid of me, well damn the rumors we will change that. Then I noticed stains of food on my suit. She was carrying a tray, she was not wearing any fancy clothes. I don't care as long as she is my mate. I sniffed around her for her wolf scent but didn't catch one, my wolf tried mind-linking hers, but got no response. My eyes widened when the realization hit me that she was a f*****g human. The moon goddess got to be kidding me. I grabbed her by her wrist as she struggled under my grip. "Leave her alone, you are hurting mate," Their growled at me but I ignored him. We got to a silent place and I flung her hard against the wall and grabbed her chin roughly. "How dare you! why the hell is it you, why of all people are you, my mate?" I asked with a menacing look. No way would I be mated to a human, to some monsters, I would be betraying my parents and their sacrifices. "I don't know," she whimpered with a small frown, slightly confused, of course, I very much knew about mates. I grabbed her chin harder, her face twisted with discomfort and my wolf was growling loudly. "You are a f*****g human!" I said with a growl, hate and detest were evident in my voice. I wanted to reject her, but Theo growled in protest. "I will leave you, you will become wolfless," Theo threatened, his voice firm yet he was serious. "Are you threatening me, "I asked but got no response. "Fine," I won't reject her. I let go of her chin. "Go pack your belongings now," I said with a stern voice. "Yes," she whispered and hurried away.
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