
The Reluctant Alpha

enimies to lovers

"Once you're living in this house, there are rules you must follow."

"Rule number one, listen to me without questioning," he said.

"No way!" Ariel thought to herself.

"The next rule!" He progressed towards me as if she was some prey or maybe she was. He is clearly a big bad wolf whilst she on the other hand, she is human. She couldn't help miss the way his gaze darkened and the way he placed a possessive hold on top of her.

"I don't like to share what's mine," he said in a cold stern voice cutting me out of her thoughts.

"I don't understand the second rule," Ariel asked with a frown.

"In other words, don't flirt with another man, period!" he clearly stated

"I will tell you the remaining rules as time goes on," he said and left.

"Whatever! as if I will obey those goddamn rules, he is such an arrogant, rude jerk, is it because he looks like a Greek god, damn him, he thinks highly of himself," Ariel said fuming as she left for her room to sleep.


Damon Ceaser, Alpha of the blood moon pack, who was the most feared Alpha lost his parents at the age of fourteen. His parents were killed brutally when they were returning from a neighboring pack. and was forced to take over the position as the Alpha.

His parents were killed by a group of humans who called themselves hunters.

After that incident, he despised the humans greatly. He was hellbent on revenging his parent's death, he loathes the human race.

Not until he visits the crescent moon pack and found his mate whom he had been searching for years to be a human.

Will he accept or reject her?

Ariel Turner, an orphan, and a human lives in the crescent moon pack with the wolves. Her life was perfect until she meets the most powerful and dangerous Alpha Damon who was known to despise the humans. Things start crumbling down when she realizes that not only does he despises the humans, she was mated to him, to the one her kind killed his parents. She isn't even a wolf and she doesn't need a mate. How could the moon goddess be cruel to her?

Now she is left with no other choice than to live with the one who despises her, to leave the only pack she ever live with, her Luna and her best friend.

Will Damon ever let his hatred towards the humans go?

And more importantly, will he ever find the real killer of his parents?

Will Damon ever let his hatred towards the humans go??

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1. He is coming
DAMON POV The dark clouds rode steadily in the clouds, my parents, some of our pack members and I were returning to our pack through the forest. Just then, we heard footsteps moving steadily on the forest floor. Some of our members quickly shifted sniffing to check who it was. The humans came into view, guns in their hands. “Wolves, shoot them!” someone shouted and we all turned back looking startled. They were humans and human are not allowed on the pack lands, so seeing them right now was a great surprise. In a flick of the moment, their guns were aiming at us. They sprayed bullets mercilessly, and some of our pack members also shifted, tearing them limb to limb. I could see a familiar grey wolf who was undoubtedly the beta, biting one of the humans. suddenly a bullet hit our beta in the arm and I could see him whimpering with pain. "Kill them all, kill these monsters," someone ordered and more humans started coming out there hiding places and raining more bullets on us. “This situation is not good Alpha, The bullet is made of silver.” He managed to say, panting for breath, said with that he gave up. Tears welled up in the eyes the moment he stopped speaking, this was my friend's father been shot to dead by the cruel humans. I could do nothing but stared at the whole bloodied scene, why have this cold hearted monsters decided to attack us? What have we ever done to them? And how did they know our weaknesses?" Different questions was running through my teenage and timid mind. My father quickly shifted and started ripping and shredding them into pieces. My mother also shifted into a large brown wolf obviously because she was the Luna and started fighting, her fur was covered with blood. A bullet flew in my direction, and I screamed with fear and terror as my eyes welled up with tears, I had never seen anything so brutal like this before, but she shielded me and continued fighting. “Aim for their hearts.” their leader said. “Damon.” My father called me, "you have to go back to the pack, this situation is getting out of hand, I already mind linked our warriors, so everything will be fine. “But father, ” I said, but he interrupted me, “Now go, we don't have much time left.” he said using his Alpha tone. With one last look, I saw my father being shot but he was still fighting, snapping off their necks, then more silver bullets were being rained on him and his lifeless body slumped on the hard floor. My eyes welled up with tears before sprinting back to our pack. That nightmare from fourteen years ago, beads of sweat formed over my forehead, s**t that was my only weakness. 'Damn all humans, they were the real monsters, they were the ones to be hunted and killed." I folded my fists in anger. Right now, I need a good f**k. I decided to call Joyce at once. She has been my f**k mate for a few years now and she is also one of the best female warriors of our pack. She knows exactly what I want and how I want it. She also knows better that no personal feelings attached. “Hello, come to my room immediately.” I ordered in a stern and curt tone. She didn't dare to question me or ask further questions. “I will be there in a jiffy Alpha.” A female voice said seductively. Soon I heard the clicking of heels on the stairs, she knocked on the door. “Come in. ”I responded in a hasty voice. “I heard you needed me Alpha.” she said in a whisper before unbuttoning my shirt sexily, her breasts bounced as she did. She was wearing a short white grown which already exposed her red lingerie, her cleavage was clearly visible. "I suddenly got irritated by her and pushed her away, letting my claws out. “Alpha, did I say anything wrong, what are you doing?” she asked in a frightened tone. I could easily figure out the hurt in my tone but that was the least of my concern. “Get out!" I yelled at her, any more minute more with me, she might be dropped live less to the ground. Luckily for her, she immediately abided and scampered away. "I don't need a slut! All I need is my mate. A very familiar voice rang in my head. “Calm down Theo, we will find her soon” I tried to persuade the raging wolf in my head. My wolf has been getting antsy lately and just two days ago, I had almost strangled my delta to death. I had to apologize and explain the whole thing to him and he immediately understood at once. The number one problem on my mind is to find my mate, hopefully a strong beta or perhaps an alpha and crown her as my queen and Luna at once. "That's the umpteenth time you are saying this!" He snarled angrily and fortunately for me, he retreated to the back of my mind. “I will find her soon Theo.” I said again with a determined tone. “Won't you answer me.” I said again. You f*****g cut off the mindlink,' I growled at him but he wasn't responding, Theo has never been a rebellious wolf, although he was proud and arrogant, he usually stays silent and talks only when necessary as long I fulfill his desires. I angrily stormed off to my shower and shut my eyes as I felt the cold water soothing my skin. I wrapped a towel around my waist whilst drying my hair before getting dressed and heading to my office. “Good morning Alpha.” The omegas greeted me, I don't have time to respond because that is the least of my problems. I got to my office and unlocked the door. “Good morning Alpha.” someone greeted as soon as I sat on my desk. I already knew it was my beta. “Morning Mason.” I replied arranging the files on my table without even looking up. “The crescent moon Alpha invited you to this year's annual mating ball.” he informed and that immediately caught my attention. “F**k the mating ball, I have always been to several mating ball, I can't f**king waste my time there this year.”I growled loudly. I have no time to go to a ball only to be swamped with ladies who were not even my mate. “But Alpha, this might be an opportunity to find your mate this year." Mason said convincingly, unafraid of my unstable emotions right now. “Why?” I asked finally looking concerned for the mating ball. "Because every pack is also coming to the annual mating ball this year, almost every Alpha is attending the ball and that also means a lot of Alphas daughters are also attending, besides we would be able to discuss about pack businesses and alliance," I knew him too well. I had immediately knew what he meant. He was trying to tell me that I have nothing to loose by attending the ball. "I don't care, I am not f**king going, decline their invitation, I said with a scowl, I don't have time for some damn slutty girls to be oogling at me as if I was there next delicious meal!" I said blatantly. Damn all these pack businesses, any alpha who wants to do any business with me is always welcomed to my pack. "Going to the ball with an antsy Theo only spells trouble!" I concluded in my mind. “Yes Alpha.” he replied with a defeated look on his face and immediately made to leave for his office. “Wait a moment Mason.” I called with gleam in my eyes. What if I was getting antsy because my mate was near. Will I ever meet her if I stay cooped in my pack? 'And that would be killing two birds with a stone,' My subconscious hinted and I immediately agreed. “I will go. Who knows? I might find my Luna." I muttered with a confident look on my face. "That's a great idea Alpha, Mason grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat. “So when is the event taking place?” I asked curiously. “Tomorrow.” he replied with a curt and polite bow. "Ok, that is fine, please clear all of my schedules for tomorrow. We have an important ball to attend!" I further added. Theo was howling in my head loudly with joy. "I will surely behave myself if we find our mate!" He promised but I didn't believe him one bit. I can imagine him trying to get control of me the moment we find her and marking her exactly on the spot. But I wouldn't allow that because that would scare our poor mate. “Alpha, we have got a trespasser.” My gamma, Jake mind linked me and I immediately frowned. The news immediately changed my mood and I clenched my fists. “Who?” I asked with a stern tone, this time I was hoping it was an human so that I would happily torture them until the lights leaves their eyes. By the way, what was I thinking, there was no way for an human to enter the pack after the brutal loss of my parents because it's already been protected by a strong spell. " Alpha, it's a rogue this time.” He said knowing fully well how I prefer humans to rogues. I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't the humans because that would make to be able to fully vent my rage. Rage built inside me, as I rushed to the cell. We already have a great reputation of not harbouring rogues yet one had dared to cross my territory. His hands were tied to the chair with silver chains. “Look what we got. ” I said with a mischievous smirk. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in a stern voice. “I don't know.” he said defiantly looking at me dead in the eye and that only deepened my foul mood. How dare he stare right back at me? “You are going to know when I rip through your heart and sank my claws in your blood.” I said with an evil grin and he was shaking visibly. 'What a coward,' I thought to myself, immediately loosing interest to torturing him. I wrapped my hands around his neck as I watched him shiver with fear, yes that was it, I loved the fear in his eyes it makes me think about how fun it would be to extinct those humans. I was about to fulfill my blood thirst but finally decided to him. “Finish him, Jake.” I said and left, his wails sounding pleasant to my ears. Ariel POV I woke up quickly to prepare the pack food. I was a dead meat today, I slept so happily last night because I had heard about the upcoming mating ball. Although I wasn't a wolf and was probably mate less, I was excited because soon the pack will be receiving people from all works of life. On getting to the kitchen, the other omegas were already there, so I quickly joined them in preparing breakfast. “Ariel.” I heard someone calling loudly. It was a very familiar voice, one I loved to always hear. “Yes, I am coming," I responded leaving whatever I had and hurriedly left the kitchen. “Good morning Luna Amara.” “Morning Ariel, what's on today's menu?” she asked tying her ear up in a messy bun. “It's pasta and chicken.” I replied with a wide smile on my face. “I lost my appetite, but I want to eat your cookies please.” she said giving me a babyish look. “Very well Luna.” I said with a smile. “Thanks for that.” She said giving me a sassy wink. Most of the pack members were really nice to me, especially the Luna, and I am very pleased with that. I went to the kitchen and started preparing the cookies very carefully. “What do you think you are doing Ariel? ” Melanie said teasingly and peeking behind my shoulder. “You just mimicked Daniella." I pointed out with laughter and she also started laughing. “The Luna asked me to prepare some cookies.” I replied. "I am jealous of you Ariel, I mean everyone in the pack knows that Luna Amara is obsessed with your cookies. "You flatter me!" I mumbled with my gaze fully settled on the cookies. “Guess what? the Alpha of the moon pack is coming to the mating ball this year.” Melanie said gleefully. Blood drained from my face immediately, beads of sweat formed on my forehead. “What did you just say Melanie? ”I asked. “Well, that feared, sexy and handsome Alpha is coming to the mating ball this year.” Melanie said with a wide grin. All my happiness dissipated into the air, hell no, he can't be coming to our pack. “Melanie, do you know what this means?” I asked with a frown. “Yes, he is coming to find his mate, and hopefully, I will be his mate Ariel, you know I have just fully shifted this year," anyone could easily notice the joy and exhilaration in her tone as she spoke. "Well I thought it was the head guard," I reminded her and her face turned sour. She had always had a crush on the guard but he wouldn't even spare her any attention. It was like she didn't exist. "He is not even looking at me," she sulked like a child and I gently parted her shoulders. "Then how are you sure that the Alpha would look at you?" I asked her with my arms folded. "Well he will, he must, I will go get my hair done and get a ball gown, you know the Luna bought us all that," she said gleefully. "Keep day dreaming and besides I don't want any of the dresses because I won't be attending," I muttered but she could hear each word I had said. "Why is that? I mean the Luna wants everyone to attend, especially you, she's looking forward for you to present your delicious cookies and cooking!" “Hell no, he f**king detest humans and the Luna already appointed me to serve during the mating ball.” I finally dropped the bombshell and at the same time shivering with fear, this was definitely no good news and my life is on the line! “Well calm down, maybe you should tell Luna about your situation, I am sure she would understand”. “Oh that's right, she will surely understand me, and thanks for the idea.” I said dashing out of the kitchen to Luna's room to serve her cookies. I knocked on the door, tiptoeing slightly as I got more impatient. 'Come in,' was the reply.” I entered and served the cookies. “Luna, about the mating ball.” I said fidgeting my fingers nervously. “What is wrong about the mating ball?” she asked looking concerned. “I heard that the Alpha of the blood moon pack is also coming, so I want to remind you that he detests humans. I want to tell you that I can't serve the Alphas.” before I could even finish I was interrupted by the Luna. “You know what Ariel, those were just rumors, and he can't do anything to you when you are in our boundary.” she said. “But, ” I tried to convince her. My life really depended on her reply and I hope she agrees with me. “No buts Ariel, My decision is final.” she said with finality in her voice and motioned for me to leave.

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