4. Rules

2791 Words
Ariel POV "Isabella," He called, stabbing his fork in the air. I couldn't help but notice the way, he stressed the name and it sounded pleasing to my ears. "f**k mate bound!" I could even place a bet right now about how flustered I look right now. I wanted to tell him that my name was Ariel not Isabella, when the woman in the kitchen answered him. "Oops! she was my life saver, I did have embarrassed myself." "I need more spice," he said and continued eating gracefully. Meanwhile I grimaced at him, is he always used to being in power and authority. He didn't even spare her a glance neither did he bother to say "please." He just ordered her. I couldn't keep it in anymore and I decided to spill it out. "A 'please' and 'thank you' would have been nice almighty alpha Damon of the blood moon pack!" I blurted out without even pausing to catch a single breath. "What do you mean?" He asked completely ignorant of what I was trying to say. "I actually meant that it would be nice to ask her with respect just because she's your maid doesn't give you the right to boss her around! From the looks of it, she is an elder and she deserves to be respected!" I continued to give him a piece of my mind and surprisedly he didn't even bother to interrupt me. He even paused his food and focused his gaze on me with his hands folded across his chest. "Are you done?" He asked glaring at me and I found myself nodding in response. "Good, I am the alpha and that is I am trained to be!" I couldn't help but notice his lashes blinking and the way his lips moved made him hella attractive. "You make a hell of a prideful, arrogant and controlling alpha!" I lashed at him. At this point, I should be busy thinking of how my life is going to be in this hellish pack but instead I am busy lecturing this ruthless man on his manners. "I will take that as a compliment!" He simply replied but that made me more furious. "Compliment my ass!" I scowled at him. "Wait till I bend it over this table and s***k it till they turned sore and red!" He said it with a straight face. Once the food was finished, I hastily packed the plates to the kitchen and started washing it. I peeped through the dining room, he was gone, "thank goodness." "Madam Isabella, please can I get another curtain in my room," I said, fidgeting my fingers nervously, I didn't want to be the ungrateful and gold digger, but nonetheless I cannot sleep in a room that practically looks like a haunted room. "There are already curtains in all rooms," she replied before swiftly collecting the plates for me and glaring at me. Yes, I was right now she thinks that I am a gold digger and an ingrate. "I told you that you don't have to do anything, remember?" She smiled as she spoke and I heaved a sigh of relief before nodding my head in affirmative. "No, I want to change the curtains, it really looks scary," My voice came out in a whisper and I was practically pleading. "Oh I see, what colors do you want," her eyes lit up as if she had finally understood my plight. "Can I get a pink curtain, duvet, and new wallpapers?" I asked softly, probably afraid of rejection. "Sure, I will go get them for you," she said with a smile and I finally released the breath I had been holding onto. "What's your name young lady?" she asked with a proud smile on her lips. Of course she had heard of the little banter between Damon and I. "Ariel, it's Ariel Turner," I replied with a smile realizing the fact that I had never fully introduced myself. "Ok call me Isabella," she said still smiling. I was definitely sure by now, that she had introduced herself to me a million times but I still opted for Madam Isabella. "Ok, I got it, thanks for helping me." I said with sincerity in my voice. "You are always welcomed!" she beamed. I went back to my room, hating the sight of the black duvet and beddings and the room feeling stuffy, I went outside to the garden for a walk, I vividly remember seeing one earlier. "Princess Ariel," Someone called leisurely and I quickly looked back even though I was no princess. "Jake, don't call me a princess, I am Ariel, simply Ariel," I said with furrowed brows. It felt strange and foreign in my ears. I mean no one calls me that and I am definitely no princess. "Maybe Luna Ariel sounds good but I will stick to calling you princess..." he paused picking up a flower before adding, "For now." "I am also no Luna Jake, I am human and an omega–" I paused and completed the remainder in my head. "Who got unlucky and being abducted by the big bad Alpha." "I will think of it," he said and I gave him a confused look. "What's there to think of?" I questioned with curious brows. "hmmm," he hummed softly. "Why are you here?" I asked him, even though it was stupid to ask him that, this was his pack and he could be anywhere he wants to be. "I wanted to go out for a run earlier in the morning, but I was not opportune, so I wanted to go now." He explained with his gaze fixated on me. I couldn't help but notice his long lashes and we'll defined eye brows. It even looked way more better than mine. "Ok I see, bye," I said bending down to tender the flowers. "No, I am going anymore, let's sit down and watch the sunset together," he suggested, his finger pointing to the horizon. I was surprised a bit realizing that I had never got the time to sit down and watch the sunset. "Sure thing," I said and sat on the wet grass while looking at the sky. "That's awesome," he said pointing to the sky, the pale orange glow of the sun was now disappearing behind the horizon and a dark sky was now starting to appear. "Yes, The breeze is so cool too," I said before greedily inhaling some of it. "It's time for dinner," Isabella called out from the window sill and I slowly turned to see her frantically waving her fragile hands at us. "Ok thanks," I replied to Isabella. " let's have dinner together," I said facing him. "Sure thing," he said with a smile and placed my arm in his escorting me inside of the castle. The moment we stepped into the dining room, my gaze flickered to the longest seat at the head only to meet a frowning looking Damon. "Did someone disobey our arrogant and controlling alpha?" I quietly mocked him but it seemed like that was not the case as his gaze was fixated on me and then our linked arms. As we walked near the brooding alpha, the energy of the room began to drop and drop as we got closer to him that I began to shiver slightly. "Do you need my jacket Princess Ariel?" Jake blurted out, forgetting the fact that I had sternly warned him not to call me that again. Damon immediately narrowed his gaze at him the moment he called me that and I could swear that I saw his eyes darkened slightly at that moment. "What the hell is wrong with him?" I couldn't help but think. "No she doesn't! what she needs right now is to sit her ass down beside me!" He growled as he pulled out a chair. "What were you doing out there with Jake?" he whispered not caring for the fact that he was just two seats away and could perfectly hear our discussions due to his wolfy hearing. "That is non of your f*****g business!" I shot at him not understanding why he was suddenly over reacting. Why does he like too behave weirdly. One time he is being docile and non chalant and the next he's being furious and ice cold. The next second, his cold rough hands grabbed my cheeks making it turn red and his lips snatched mine abruptly. Sparks and tingles shoot down my spine and for a brief moment, I forgot how to breathe. "That's the punishment for spewing curse words, the next time you curse again, it would be different!" He glared at me as soon we parted our lips. "Why will it be different and there was no rule stating that I didn't have the right to curse!" I growled at him. Anyone passing by would think that I have a wolf but terribly that wasn't the case. "Well I said it now so it's part of the rules! "Since when?" I shot back at him. "The moment, I stated it!" he glared. Isabella set the table and we started eating with a thick silence in the air. "Why are you devouring all the meat?" I asked with a frown, here I was struggling to eat a piece while he had almost finished his own. "Because I love to, most wolves do," he replied dryly. For a second, it almost seemed like he was being charged for the number of words he spoke to me. "You can't eat meat like I do," I challenge him, looking at him dead in the eye. I intentionally did that because looking at an alpha in the eye means challenging their authority and alphas don't take it lightly. "I really eat meat than you do," he stated confidently. "Whatever," I surrender, knowing fully well that I can never eat that huge amount of meat in short period of time. "Thanks for this awesome dinner Isabella," I said and made for the stairs. I tripped making me stumbling backwards, when a firm hands griped my waist. It was Jake, 'thank you' I muttered holding my breath. Then I heard a deep feral growl, within the twinkle of an eye, I saw Jake been strangled by Damon. I could see Jake gasping for breath, his eyes darkened for a swift moment and his head bowed in submission. "Damon please, it was not his fault, it was all mine, " I pleaded, not knowing what to say because I don't understand why he was so angry. His eyes softened for a second before letting him go. He grabbed my hands roughly and started walking me upstairs, I looked back and gave Jake a apologetic look. He opened a room next to me and slammed me against the wall, pinning me, his hot breath fanning against mine, staring at me. "Why the hell are you flirting with my gamma?" Damon demanded, his nose flaring up with anger. 'Oh so that was his problem?" I thought to myself. "I wasn't flirting with him, and even if I did, it's non of your business," I replied with a frown. "You leave me no choice," As soon as he spoke, he smacked his lips to mine and devoured it hungrily, I expected my first kiss to be gentle, soft and full of love, but it seems it was the direct opposite. This kiss was a punishment! One could call it a dominant kiss because it was as it he was showing off the one on authority. Despite all this, I couldn't stop the sparks and tingles shooting through my body. He slowly removed his lips, a smug smirk on his lips which I so wanted to wipe off. "The reward for being stubborn," he said with a smirk, making me balled my hands in a fist. "Once you're living in this house, there are rules you must follow." He whispered so low but I heard each word he had said very clearly. "Rule number one, listen to me without questioning," he said with a serious gaze on his face. He looked very serious and at the same hot as he pocketed one hand and ran other through his hair. "Absolutely no," I thought to myself. "The next rule, I don't like to share what's mine," he said in a cold stern voice. "I don't understand the second rule," I asked with a frown. "In other words, don't flirt with another man, period," he clearly stated "I will tell you the remaining rules as time goes on," he said and in the next second, he sashayed out of the room. I sat down still boiling with rage...a great amount of rage boiling through me. "Whatever, as if I will obey those goddamn rules, he is such an arrogant, rude jerk, is it because he looks like a Greek god, damn him? he really thinks highly of himself," I said fuming as I left for my room to sleep. The next morning Light peeped through the curtains, I woke up snuggling up in my bed. 'Thank goodness, Isabella already changed it to pink,' I thought loudly. I walked up to the window side and parted the pink curtains, looking down I saw a place which looked like a training ground. My eyes caught a figure furiously hitting the wrestling block. "Damon!" I muttered, surprise written on my face. "Oops, His hair is a mess,oh look at those sexy abs," I muttered grinning like a Cheshire cat, and his muscles is something I am willing to die for," my eyes trained on him as different dirty thoughts filled my brain. Then the delicious aroma of Isabella's cooking filled her room. "Breakfast is ready," I muttered gleefully. I quickly climbed down the stairs to the dining room, but Damon was already there eating gracefully as ever, I simply walked past him to the kitchen. "Good morning Isabella," l greeted her with a smile. "Good morning dear," she replied, how was your night?" she asked with a warm smile on her face. "It was great," I replied with a great smile on my lips. "Well your food is on the table," she informed and for a brief moment I felt extremely shy. I mean no one has ever presented my food to me, it was always the other way round. "Thanks," I replied walking to the dining room. "Wait a moment! why didn't you freshen up before coming downstairs to eat," Isabella demanded which made me wondering how she knew about that. I had just had my mouthwash and I have decided to take my bath later. For now, my poor stomach needs to be tended too! "I will do that later," I replied shyly before going to the dining room and started eating. "Rule number three," he announced in a deep husky voice and I strained my ears in order to hear him clearly. "You must greet me every morning," I only nodded and continued eating, there was no point in disagreeing with him. "Why is your hair in a birds nest?" he asked with a smirk. "No reason," I replied and continued scooping my pasta, that's probably how Isabella knew I hadn't freshen up. "Rule number four, look into my eyes when talking to me," he said with a cold voice. I only nodded and continued eating. "You have just violated the rule and offenders must not go unpunished," he said with a evil grin. I was annoyed this time around, I couldn't even keep the pent up anger in me. "To hell with your rules," I yelled at him but was interrupted by a kiss which I found myself responding back to. I locked my hands to his hair and their heads moving in sync, different sparks erupted our bodies, nothing in the world mattered at the moment. "Sorry to interrupt you Alpha, but beta mason said you had an emergency meeting," Isabella informed with a smug smile. "Ok," he replied in a stern voice and left. I stood still, embarrassed at my actions, I should have done something, I should have pushed him away but what did I do? I was enjoying every moment of the kiss. Isabella was grinning as she packed the plates before sashaying out of the room. 'He is really a psycho, a minute ago, we were kissing and his mood swiftly changed,' I thought to myself. I found myself tracing my lips, it tasted yummy though. I also acted weird earlier. Maybe I should start disobeying his rules? A silly thought crossed my mind and I burst out into laughter. "Ariel! get your self together, " I scolded herself.
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