6. Escape I

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Ariel POV I went to check on Isabella who was still laying on the same spot. "Are you ok," I asked with worried brows. She is an old wolf while Joyce on the other hand was agile and strong. "Yes, but you don't seem ok to me," Isabella asked and my lips parted slightly with shock. She is lying on the ground and healing slowly yet all she does was to worry about me. "I'm perfectly fine Isabella, now let me help you up," I offered but she grabbed my hands instead. "Your arm is deeply wounded, I will go get my first aid kit," Isabella said in an hurried tone. "What about yours?" I asked concerned wrapping my hand around my wounded arm. "It already healed because I am a wolf," Isabella replied and showed me her wound which had finally closed up and now fading off her skin.I gave her an approving nod and she immediately climbed up to her room and grabbed her kit. Soon she was back and started tending to my wounds. "Ouch!" I said and hissed as I felt the excruciating pain gripped through my body. "You should stay away from Joyce, she could be dangerous!" Isabella warned sternly, it was clear she didn't like her one bit. "I get it, Isabella," I replied nodding in understanding while trying to soothe my pain "Jake is here," Isabella announced, making me alarmed. Of course I didn't want anyone noticing the fight and telling arrogant Damon who would go on to scold me for hours! "How do you know about it?" I asked surprised and at the same time, rolling down my clothes to hide my wounded arm. On the blink of an eye, she was spraying something all over the eye and I only stared at her with bewilderment. "What was that for?" I questioned with a curious brow and she sighed. "It's a scent blocker, we don't want the scent of your blood all over the house do we?" she explained in a hushed tones. "I already sniffed his scent and he already mind-linked me," Isabella replied and went to open the door. "Good morning Ariel," Jake greeted beaming with smiles. I couldn't help but notice his well combed hair and how greasy looking he was. Of course he was always handsome but he definitely looked extra handsome this morning. "Good morning," I replied and my voice came out terribly croaky. "Is anything wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. "Yes, just that..." Isabella began but I cut her in. "Nothing really, I am a bit sick today," I quickly lied. "Homesick already?" Jake teased and at the same time had a worried look on his face. "Nope," I replied honestly and he nodded in understanding. "You should get lots of rest then," he suggested. "Yes doctor Jake," I replied teasingly and we both laughed "So what are your plans for today princess Ariel," Jake asked scrutinizing his brows. "Hmmm, nothing, I don't know yet," I replied. I honestly have no plans for today and I don't think I have a plan for today or the rest of the week. I mean I literally have everything done by Isabella and I can't even go out because I know no where. I am only thankful that I have at least someone to talk too else I will be bored to death. "And that would make the alpha's plan to easier!" My subconscious released a dark chuckle. Of course it was clearing mocking me for my helpless solution. Now that he mentioned about my former pack, I feel terribly lonely and missing it despite what my Luna or alpha did! I mean it's not like they have a choice either. If I am very correct I would be clearing the table for breakfast right now. Afterwards I will be in the kitchen listening to the pack gossips or perhaps preparing to go groceries shopping with Melanie. How I missed my pack! "Well then, let me take you on a tour of the pack," Jake suggested with a smile on his cute face and at the same time snapping out if my long trail of thoughts. "Very well, it's better than being bored anyways, but please you need to wait for a while because I want to take a shower and get dressed," I said with puppy eyes and begging him to wait. How could I miss this very opportunity of exploring the sacred Blood Moon Pack? "Sure thing," Jake replied with a chortle. He was obviously amused at my pettiness. "Thanks," I squealed before dashing to my room upstairs. On getting to my room, I flung the bathroom door open, hopped in, and took my long and warm shower. I dried myself with a towel before wearing a red shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers. I combed my long brown silky hair and put on light makeup. I found the makeup inside one of the drawers and I realized that it was done by Isabella and of course after I had asked her for a makeover. "How thoughtful of her?" a thought crossed my mind and I smiled. This is the first time in a while that I had out on some make-up. Not like, I wasn't allowed to put on makeup in my former pack, I just like to keep my face natural. The few times I had out on some make-up was because of Melanie. She was horrified that I had known nothing about make up and scolded me for being a plain old Jane. I could never forget the attention I had gotten that day she had dabbed some make-up on my face. Many of the pack members had mistaken for someone else and I walked with confidence through our the whole freaking day. I looked at the mirror, satisfied with my looks, I left and headed downstairs. "We are set to go," I announced calling Jake and Isabella's attention. "You look stunning princess," Jake complimented. "Thanks," I replied with a smile. "Good bye Isabella," I said before heading out with Jake. "Goodbye, have a nice tour," Isabella bade us goodbyes. "Where do we start?" I asked him, definitely excited. I could feel butterflies fluttering in my lower belly. "Let's start from the pack house," he replied. "Ok, I see," I replied nodding in response. "There's the pack house," Jake announced. "Wow, it looks bigger than the one in my former pack," I said. "But why didn't Damon live in the pack house," I asked concerned. "Well, the Alpha prefers to live alone," Jake replied curtly, he looked like he didn't want to discuss that part but I on the other part wanted him too. "I see, My former Alpha lives in the pack house including the Luna, beta, and the gamma," I explained with his gaze on me the whole time as I was gesturing. "Over there is the training ground for warriors," Jake said. "Well, there's also one in Damon's house," I paused in order to catch a few breaths. "I see he doesn't like sharing things." Just then, Rule number two rang in my ears, which made my face all red like a tomato. "Are you feeling hot?" He asked probably noticing the redness on my cheeks. "Please can you stop at the restaurant?" I asked trying to swiftly change the topic I had started feeling hungry. I mean what can I say. I didn't have a normal breakfast this morning because I was just too jealous of that witch! "You are hungry already, "Jake asked looking surprised and alarmed at the same time. "Yes, we have been driving around for some few hours now," I replied defending myself. "Ok," Jake said and pulled up by the restaurant. "Two plates of mushroom risotto and two glasses of orange juice please," I ordered as soon as we took a seat. A waiter quickly took their order and served their food. There was silence in the air and I begin to dig into my food and only paid attention to the clinking of the cutleries instead "This taste yummy," Jake complimented and I also nodded. "Well, not as yummy as Isabella's," I teased him and he immediately bursted into laughter. Joyce POV "Anything new?" Damon asked Mason as he drove. "No Alpha, just some rogues," Mason hinted briefly and I frowned. I despise rogues. Of course every wolf despise rogues but I definitely guarantee that I despise that stupid brunette hair named Ariel. "Yes and my father has already tightened the security on the border, Our warriors have increased night patrol," I chimed in, trying to make a contribution to the conversation and in and attempt to gain Damon's attention. I mean I had spent hours doing my makeup, it would all go to waste if he isn't even looking at me or perhaps take secret peeks at me. "That's great," Damon replied casually. His hands were buried in his neck and he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. "His mate, he is thinking about his mate," my subconscious mocked me and I gritted my teeth. I need to get rid of her soon and on earnest. I mean I can't let some cheap woman ruin what I had spent years planning! I rather ruin her! "How did you plan to get rid of her?" my wolf asked and I smirked internally. "You do not have to worry about that... leave that that to me!" I responded and she let out a loud howl. "Fine, I completely trust you on this!" she responded before retreating to the back of my mind. "By the way, where is gamma Jake?" I asked, I hadn't seen him today. "Probably busy with work," Mason replied with a shrug. "Hmmm," I said and tilted my head to the window side when my eyes caught two figures chatting and eating merrily. 'What the f**k! It was Jake and Ariel, all acting lovey-dovey.' Then an idea stuck in my head. Maybe this was my f*****g chance to end everything once and for all. "Please, I am feeling famished, can we get our lunch in this restaurant?" I asked with a pleading look, I wasn't even hungry just wanted to make sure Damon sees her. I mean what is the pleasure in telling him. I think I prefer to show him instead. "Oh yes please, I am also feeling famished," Mason chipped in and fir the first time since today, I was grateful he had spoken "Fine!" Damon said with a defeated sigh. He looked terribly forced and had no interest branching anywhere. "Thanks, Alpha," I said and Mason stopped the car. We walked in and I noticed Damon's eyes flickered to their table. I was so overwhelmed. I could see the spark of rage glinting in his eyes and I had a victorious smirk on my lips. He walked towards their table with fury and I was trying hard to keep up with him and at the same time maintaining gracefulness. I mean there are a few members of the pack around here and as there future Luna, I must behave like one. "What the hell are you doing with my mate Jake," he yelled, Ariel was shaking like a frightened chicken. Ariel's POV Jake and I were talking about pack life when I heard a deep husky voice, without looking back I already knew who it was. I slowly looked back, his eyes dangerously gleaming with gold, behind him was Joyce giving me a malicious smile. Oh no, this situation is no good, all eyes on our table. I took a deep breath and calmly walked towards him, his eyes were gleaming and he exuded a strong aura making me shiver slightly. I intertwined our fingers, studying his expression for a moment. "He is only taking me on a tour of the pack," I finally said. "You should have told me instead," he said his eyes changing back to the emerald green I had always known. "Let's go," he said holding my hands tightly. "But we aren't done yet," I tried to convince him. "Oh yes, Alpha did you just forget about having lunch," Mason chimed in, and he earned a glare from Damon. "I meant since everything is clear, we could do some bonding with our Luna to-be," Mason said. "Ok fine, let's all have lunch," Damon said. Joyce then ordered some food, while shooting glares at me, I gave her a sassy wink. I started eating the food and guess what! it was so spicy, I could feel my eyes well with tears, while Joyce gave me a sly smile. "Excuse me, I want to go to the washroom," I said. "Me too," I heard someone say but I didn't look back to see who it was. I reached the washroom and emptied the contents in me, turned on the faucet, and washed my hands. Then someone grabbed my hair so hard from behind. "Didn't I tell you already that's why you're a b***h, "Joyce yelled, her grip on my hair tightening as I closed my eyes tightly to stop the tears threatening to spill. "You think the pack needs a luna who can't last five minutes in a war," She spat out coldly whilst pointing her fingers at me. "No way, would you become the luna, I would be the Luna and you will be our maid and his s*x toy taming his wolf," she said, her evil laugh taunting my ears. I guess all she said was true, I am of no use to them. I mean what use could a mere human be for a strong, huge and independent pack like this. "Then what do you want me to do," I asked as soon as she released her grip. "Now you are talking, I want you to leave this pack to a place where Damon can never find you." "Where is this place you are talking about," I asked suddenly growing suspicious and aware of my surroundings. "It's simple as that, Go back to the human world," Joyce said without an ounce of emotion. 'What the hell did she just say, I had never left my pack, I had never been to the human world and now she's telling me to go there.' "And why do you think that I would go to the human world, I have never been there, I don't know anything about the human world!" I said with a loud, firm voice while still trying to keep my voice low to prevent anyone from hearing. "And you staying here will make things difficult for you, no wolf will ever accept you being their Luna and I would make sure to make your life hellish!" she spat out folding her arms around the chest with a scowl on her face. "I agree to leave this pack and go back to the place where I truly belong," I said with finality in my voice. "Of course, I will help you, it's a deal," Joyce said with a wide smile on her face. "Yes, it's a deal," I replied with a sullen look on my face and my heart was racing at the same time. Despite all this, there was one thing clear. "I had made a deal with the she-devil!"
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