7. Just seven days time

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Ariel POV "So when will I be opportune to leave," I asked her with a firm voice, I had finally decided to leave. Besides what's the point of staying when no one wants me, my so-called mate will never like me because my kind killed his parents. "In seven days," Joyce replied with a fierce look on her face. "Why seven days?" I asked folding my hands right in front me. Who knows what kind of trap I am willing entering? "Because there is going to be a night pack meeting in seven days, we will be able to execute our plans without a glitch during that time," Joyce explained. "Seven days is just too long, What if he starts to suspect me, I thought he said there was a pack meeting tonight," I said worry written all over my face. "Well, if it were up to me, I would prefer you leave this instant, but we got no choice," she let out a sigh as she massage her chin. To answer your question, the meeting got postponed, and he won't suspect you, don't talk to me till seven days, just go on with your daily activities," Joyce muttered each word in a go and without missing a single breath. It almost seemed like she had been planning this day! ever since I had stepped into the pack. "Ok, I got it," I replied. "Now go back there, I will come in some minutes to avoid any suspicious," Joyce said. "I will get going," I replied and left for the table. "Don't worry dear Ariel, in the seven-days time me, you will know what stuff I'm made off," Joyce said with a sly smile. One could almost mistake her for a psychopath with the weird smiles on her face. "Maybe she is one!" My subconscious whispered to me and I see no reason to argue with her statement. "What took you so long," Mason the chatterbox asked Ariel. "Well, hmmm, Nothing really," I stammered but quickly came up with a reply, "I can't cope with spicy food so I had vomited all I have eaten." "Sorry for that, I am sure Joyce didn't know you don't like spicy food," Mason said. "Yes, I didn't know." Someone butted in, it was Joyce. "I think we should get going," Damon said. "Yes Alpha," Mason and Jake said simultaneously, everyone trooped out while mason drove. "Why are you in the crescent moon pack Luna," Mason asked. "Because I lost my parents and please drop the Luna act," I replied. "Sorry to hear that," don't worry you will soon get used to being called Luna," Mason said. "Whatever," I muttered but they all heard it. "Then what exactly killed your parents," Damon asked curiously. "I was young then, but I was told that they were killed by a ghastly motor accident," I replied. At that moment, I felt like a whack. My voice was stammering greatly and I clutched the table for support. Maybe this was because it's my first time talking about it to anyone and most importantly in front of this many people. "So why did you live in the crescent moon pack? Damon asked again. From the looks of things, he would never give any human refuge in his pack! He would rather die first than do that! I secretly thanked the moon goddess for not making all the packs have that very mentality else I would have been brutally killed or clawed to death right now. "According to what the Luna told me, I was found wandering about the forest, so they took me in and thus started living with them," I replied. "That's sad to know princess," Jake butted in, earning a cold glare from Damon which made me wonder why but kept mute. "Enough of that chitchat Jake, we are already here," Joyce announced. "I don't think I need you guys here, you should get going," Damon said. "We should do some bonding with our soon-to-be Luna, Mason said while Jake nodded in agreement. "Welcome back Alpha," Isabella greeted while glaring at Joyce who swiftly looked away. "Please can you make me lunch," I pleaded to try to ease the tension? "Of course, in a jiffy," Isabella responded with a slight bow. "Me too," Mason echoed through the entire room. "I'm in," Jake also said, this time dramatically raising her hand in the air. "I will prepare everyone's cooking so you don't need to worry," Isabella said. "Ok thanks," Jake said with a cute smile on his face. Isabella went to the kitchen and started cooking while they were talking about pack issues. Some minutes later, Isabella filled the table with several dishes. Joyce immediately took a seat beside Damon at the table. "Joyce, don't you think that's where the Luna ought to seat," Mason said. "I didn't know, I usually sit here so it's nothing new," Joyce replied gritting her teeth and leaving for another seat. Her gaze flickered towards me and if looks could kill, I would be burned by her furious look. "Come back to your normal seat," Damon said to no one in particular while Joyce had a triumphant smile as she proudly sat down. "Not you Joyce, it's Ariel," Damon said in a cold voice which made her face pale immediately. "Hmm..." I cleared my throat in order to gain attention. "Do you need anything princess?" Jake asked with a concerned brows. The fact that he knows that I might need something was surprising to me and I even gave him a wide smile. "Yes please, do you mind passing me the sauce?" I asked as politely as I could with the smile still on my face. The sauce was very close to him and I don't want to clumsily stretched my hands for it. "Very well," he replied but before he could even reach for the sauce. A strong muscular arm reached for it and placed it right in front of me. I slowly tilted my head to see a furious looking Damon. "It's fine Jake, I got it!" he muttered with a furious tone. "Holy moly!" I felt a light bulb spark in my head. "Was he just jealous?" somehow I couldn't hide the delight in my tone at his actions right now. "Alpha, when will you announce her officially to the pack as your mate and your soon-to-be Luna," Mason asked with a curious brow. One thing I love and at the same time hate about Mason is that he is always curious and eager to know something. Why must be ask this kind of question, I mean this man directly in front of me despise me. "Hmm.." He hummed softly and his gaze flickered towards me with a wicked gleam in his eyes. For that brief moment, I forgot how to breathe and I couldn't help but feel the tiny shivers running through my spine. "There's no need to announce stuff like that, especially when there are more important things to do," Joyce said with a scowl, her eyes filled with hatred and disgust for Ariel. "It's important to announce our long-awaited Luna, this pack did not have a Luna since fourteen years ago," Mason replied with a frown. "I'm going to announce her to the pack at the next pack meeting," Damon said with finality in his voice. "Hell no!" I yelled all of a sudden, my eyes bulging out of their socket while staring at Joyce who seemed to be in a trance.
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