5. Council meeting

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Damon POV "Why the emergency meeting?" I asked Mason as we walked steadily towards the car. I was in no mood for some silly emergencies. "It's the council meeting," he replied with a curt nod and that news made my mood sour. "Stupid meetings! Shouldn't still they be resting after partying hard at the ball?" I hissed before climbing in. "It must be an important meeting then alpha!" he reasoned and I didn't argue with him. I mean he might be right. Who knows what important information the council has to share for them to call this impromptu meeting. After a few hours of drive, the car pulled up in front of an huge and at the same time old looking building which was of course "the council building." Infact the building has existed for decades and was even rumored to have used up to a century but anyways it is still standing strong. The moment I stepped inside the building, the council staffs who were busy gossiping immediately kept mute and they immediately bowed with respect. I glanced toward the receptionist desk only to see elder Alexander flirting with a golden blonde with eyes as green as mine. "Alpha Damon!" He called me as he took huge strides towards me and I paused in my tracks with a stern look on my face. "Elder Alexander!" I also called him by his tittle as I extended my hands for a shake. "I think we should go to the meeting together since we are going the same way!" He suggested with a toothy grin on his face. His hands adjusting the huge, fat and expensive ring sitting on his finger. We arrived at the meeting and the murmurings immediately ceased as all eyes were directed towards us. "We highly welcome Alpha Damon of the blood moon pack to this council," Michael one of the leaders of the council said. I immediately extended my hands for a shake with a smile on my face and for the first time since I had arrived today, a genuine smile. As I strode over to my usual and perfect spot, I greeted a few alpha's on the way and of course that included a few of my father's former friends and my few business associates. My gaze also met with Ariel's former alpha and that immediately reminded me of her. Mason adjusted my chair and I immediately perched myself on it eager to hear whatever s**t the council had to say. "Thank you," I said and sat down. Mason freezed for a brief second as if not believing his ears but lucky enough for him, he wasn't the only one surprised because I am too right now. Infact stunned to oblivion. Did I just said that because Ariel wanted me to? I sniffed around and caught some human scent, 'f**k this goddamn meeting,' but I remained calm "Shall we start?" Alexander asked, his gaze flickered swiftly across the room as if waiting for any sign of disagreement and many nodded in agreement. "The purpose of this meeting," Alexander began and paused for a while to gain more attention. Luckily enough for him he did because even if a pin were to roll down to the ground, everyone sitting here right now would hear it perfect, loud and clear. "The purpose of the meeting is to unite the humans and the werewolves together, a peaceful coexistence amongst two races, to forget all our past deeds." His gaze never left mine as he spoke, and the victorious smile on his face. I clenched my fist tightly and I wasn't about to give the tiniest second of victory. With that, I raised my hands and with out waiting for a response. I stood up and began to speak. "Permit me to say Elder Alexander when I ask this, how many humans have you lived with peacefully?" I threw in the first question and the whole council fell quiet. It was as if a quiet spell was casted upon them. "None...Alpha Damon and that is why I am urging us all that we should learn to accept humans into our midst and that we should stop torturing them because of a mere fight that have happened a decade ago!" This time he had intentionally decided to rub on my wound and I could only get my teeth in order not to blurt out or say anything out of reasoning. "Hold your cool Alpha! He's just trying to make you pissed!" Mason mind-linked me but that wasn't helping me as my eyes darkened and Theo threatening to shift and rip his head off. "Alpha!" He called out again through the mind-link but that didn't stop my claws from protruding. Just then my mind wondered ofc to a feisty girl with brown hair and calm blue eyes with a rich and heavenly scent and then I finally calmed down. "I am not talking about this based on a personal stuff or something but I am saying this on the behalf of the entire wolf race... if we are to accept the humans?Are sure are we that the humans are going to accept us?" Most of the werewolves and elders quickly agreed to this, well not until he butts in again. "They will Alpha Damon!" "Are you sure about that, can you swear with the moon goddess that a human wouldn't freak out seeing a wolf transform on a full moon?" I questioned with a smirk and I couldn't help but notice the grim look on his face. "That's exactly where the treaty comes in Alpha Damon!" he glared at me harshly. "How sure are you that the humans are not plotting on how to finish us with their traitorous and poisoned arrows?" At this point, one of the human representatives stood up and turned to me. "We wouldn't do that Mr Damon. We wouldn't dare to breach our contract!" "Do you think I trust you?" I pushed further. "Enough of this nonsense Alpha Damon!" A woman voice shrieked as she banged on the table loudly. "We all here are here to make the council better and also to make the entire werewolf kingdom more safer for our species. We haven't come to the council to hear about you arguing with others and disrupting the peace and order of the council!" She continued whilst staring at me dead in the eye. "Retreat alpha! just give it up already, they had originally planned this to make you furious and in order to make a fool out if you right in front of the council." he advised and I decided to follow it. "I apologize about that everyone!" I announced before taking back my seat. "Now that peace and orderliness has been restored, can we all decide what's best by voting? Always remember that majority carries the vote. "Since majority of us agree with the treaty, I think that it's finally decided. "No werewolf must kill the humans." "Werewolves should not transform in the presence or dwellings of the humans as it might frighten them," Alex continued reading all the rules. "Failure to comply with the rules stated above brings death," he ended and others applauded. "f**k the council, f**k the humans,I muttered angrily with a thick scowl on my face. As soon as the meeting ended, I made to leave, when I heard my name being called. "Alpha Damon, " Alex called, grinning from ear to ear like a chesire cat. "Yes, Elder Alexander," I replied curtly and made to leave. "Congratulations on this treaty, I hoped you liked it," he said with an evil grin, extending his hands for a shake. "Of course, especially the part that states werewolves should not attack the humans even on the verge of death, you know just like it happened fourteen years ago," I replied with a smirk. "I don't think werewolves would comply to that one, not even you,I added, Anger evident on his face while I walked towards the parking lot. "Alpha Damon," A female voice called. "Elder Valarie," I replied raising my brows. "I just wanted to give you these," she said sweetly, handing over a bouquet of flowers. "What for," I asked, a frown on my face. At this point I felt like clawing at their faces. These two faced bastard! "Oh mine! Its been years, Just in case you forget today is your parents death anniversary, remember today was the day your parents got killed by the humans," she said with a sick smile.Her smile irked me to the extent that I had to take a few steps back. I balled my fist in anger. "Oh, thank you for your concern Elder Valarie," I replied. "I Feel your pain, I once felt it when your father murdered my sister, but that's all in the past now, we should face the future," she said faking a smile. "Elder Valarie, if I may excuse myself,I really got somewhere to go," I said. "Sure thing, have a safe trip," she said. I didn't have to look back in order to know that she had a smug on her face. I opened the car, hopped in before slamming it back while mason drove back to the pack, I threw the flowers on the way. Ariel POV I was bored to death, the house was dead silent, I started doing a tour of the house on my own. I opened a room and found a guitar, goodness gracious, it looks grand. At least, I got something to play with,I started playing a tone and humming to my favorite song. I left the room and opened the next door, there were stack of files on the desk,it looks more like an office to me. I closed the door and went to the next room. Wow it was a library, so full of books,I sat down and started reading them carefully. I was so engrossed in it that I didn't know when Isabella came in. "Dinner is ready," she informed. "Ok thanks, is Damon back?" I inquired, surprised at myself for asking, he could stay out for all I care. Besides I should be happy about it right? "No," Isabella replied "I will be there when I am ready," I told her. "Ok, I am going to bed first," she said and left. I was still wondering why he wasn't back home, what ever! I mean why should I care about some pompous alpha? I continued reading the books before being drifted to sleep. Damon's POV I stayed up all night reminiscing my parents death, I already made a promise to avenge my parents death, I left their graves and headed back home. I unlocked the front door, "Welcome back Alpha," Isabella said. "Thanks, where is she?" I asked with curiosity written all over my face. I couldn't scent her downstairs. I mean she should have come down for her dinner right. "Who is the she Alpha?" Isabella replied with a question. Why is she playing games with me right now, of course she knows exactly who I am talking about. "I meant my human mate," I clarified. "Ok Alpha, I see, she has a name and it's Ariel, she is in her room upstairs!" Isabella replied with a slight frown in her face. 'Wait a minute, has my own pack member and someone I would consider a close relative just turned her back on me to support her,' I thought internally. I checked her room but she wasn't there,I traced her scent and got to the library, there she was, her long brown hair falling in an escalade. What a beautiful sight to behold, my wolf kept sending naughty images of me and her. I wanted to go inside, wake her up!" I wanted to carry her inside and lay her on the bed but I refrained. 'I shouldn't be nice to her, I don't like her' I tried to convince myself before I walked back to my room and took a long cold shower. Ariel POV I woke up feeling famished. I went downstairs for breakfast. My stomach rumbled loudly. Oops, I forgot to eat lunch and dinner Last night. "Good morning Isabella," I greeted with a yawn. "Good morning Ariel, you didn't have your dinner last night, Why?" she asked. "Yes, I slept off." "Is Damon back, I asked her, but got no response. "Isabella", I am asking you a question," but her gaze was fixed on something,I looked in her direction to see Damon towering all over me. "Why didn't you eat last night," his deep voice boomed. "Good morning, I said with a smirk, happy that I had known his rules by heart. "Is that an answer to my question," he asked with a frown. "I think so," l replied with a shrug. "You broke rule number one," he said staring at me. "Well I obeyed rule number three," I replied with a glare. "Breakfast is set," Isabella chimed in. "Ok,"he replied and went to the dinning room and I was extremely grateful for that. Isabella filled the table with delicious looking dishes which made my stomach rumbled louder making me feel embarrassed. I started eating my food and everything fell silent, then a knock interrupted the peaceful silence I had been enjoying making me let out a sign. Isabella rushed to open it. "Alpha, it's Miss Joyce," she informed with a urgency in her tone. Now I was curious as to who this Miss Joyce is. "Let her in," Damon replied and she wasted no time pushing me Isabella out of the way and soon the clicking of stiletto heels filled the hallways. I clenched my fists in order to keep calm but it didn't even help. "What did you just do?" I questioned her with a glare on my face and that finally caught the almighty pompous alpha as I felt his cool gaze on me for a spilt second. "I just came here to visit Alpha Damon," Joyce said in a coquettish voice making me jealous that I so much wish to grab her hair and punch her in the face. Now I don't even know who that reply was meant to, was it me me or to Damon? She carefully ran her manicured nails through her hair as soon as he was staring at her and that made my jealousy boil ten times. Now the urge to ouch her in the face had risen ten times. No I won't do it, I won't let jealousy get better of me. Besides I was questioning her for her rude character right? "Who said you didn't come to visit the alpha? you know what I am trying to point out yet you pretended not to know. Anyways I am here to break it down for you. "Why did you push Isabella out of the way!" I threw the question at her and I couldn't help but notice her skin turn pale white. Now he was staring at us, his gaze flickered from me and back to her. "I didn't push her, why would I do that tho?" "That's the question you should be answering not throwing it back at me!" This time, I yelled at her and that yell filled the entire room and suddenly I felt like I had over reacted. I had let the silly jealousy take over me. "Ariel!" he grabbed my hands. I could feel the deep sparks and tingles shooting through my hands, the moment his hands brushed mine and I literally melted. "Now look at this b***h! he's got my back," I did an happy dance in my head not until he continued further. "I am sure you had seen something else, I mean she wouldn't have done that a d Isabella too wouldn't have allowed that!" The moment he said that, I immediately removed my hands from his with a thick scowl on my face. Joyce sat down and started eating which fuelled my anger. For goddess sake, she isn't even invited to eat with us. But what can I say, she seems to be very close to Damon so she definitely doesn't needs invites. "Very close Ariel and very good in bed with Damon," my subconscious mocked me and I held back a loud growl. Somehow I felt anger and jealousy burning down my spine. "This food taste delicious Isabella," her annoying high pitched voice filled my ears and I couldn't bear it. Her gaze flickered back to me and this time I gave her a deathly glare and she on the other part didn't back down either. It soon became a glaring contest not until Isabella voice distracted me. "Thanks for the credit ma'am," Isabella replied with a little bow. Of course she was referring to Joyce who was so gracefully complimenting her cuisine. "May I know what an human is doing here Alpha?" she asked, a scowl etched on her face as she glared at me. This time I waited to hear Damon's response and I almost sat at the edge of my seat. "I don't know how that's your concern Joyce, you should be focusing on training the new recruits instead," Damon replied in a stern voice but that didn't even please me one bit. "I'm sorry Alpha," she said in a whisper and casted down her gaze and I could feel the hurt in her voice. Joyce kept shooting glares at me, I remained silent and calm as I ate as graceful as I can. "Joyce remember we have a pack meeting in the evening," Damon stated and left for the door. "Yes Alpha Damon," she said with a seductive smile. "What the hell is your mission here human?" Joyce yelled at me as soon as he left. "Damon bought me here," I simply replied sipping my juice and trying to ignore her. I didn't want to cause a fight and since Damon trust this two-faced b***h, I didn't want her to skillfully out the blame on me. "How dare you call our alpha by his name?"Joyce demanded, her green eyes changing and her claws grew sharper. "Answer me," she yelled with rage and anger boiling through her body. I only stared at her making her more furious. "You wench! Get this!" Joyce yelled and slashed my arm with her long sharp claws. "Please stop," Isabella pleaded. "So you are trying to stop me huh," Joyce demanded fuming. "Yes! if I have to, alpha Damon wouldn't like to hear about this," Isabella replied letting her claws out. "More reason why he shouldn't heat about this," Joyce yelled letting her claws out. Isabella attacked Joyce who swiftly dodged it. "You old fool, I am the strongest Female warrior in the blood moon pack, no one messes with me, take this," Joyce said and pushed Isabella harder making her landing on all fours. "Now to you,I am asking you why in the goddess name are you here," Joyce asked with a scowl. "Damon bought me here because I am his mate," I stated with a stern look on my face and I winced as blood was seeping out of the cut. "Oh I see, don't be too elated because he's never going to accept you, never in this world, ask me why?" "Your kind is a pathetic murderer, and you know what he despised your kind greatly," Joyce said with a smirk. "One more thing," Joyce paused in her tracks and turned to me with a deathly glare on her face. " You don't belong in our world, you don't belong here." "Alpha Damon is mine! All mine! Get that into your thick skull," she said before stomping out of the house
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