Chapter 3

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Aiden’s POV As soon as we all started running towards the house I knew where I needed to go, the basement. I remember yesterday when we were patrolling waiting for her, I had seen her climbing out of the basement window; I just hope this is where she will be. Within minutes we had entered the house and as we suspected there was no guards, in fact there was no one. Either we have been lucky with our timing or this is a trap, I was hoping for the first option and started searching for the basement door. As we made our way through the house searching there was a loud bang to my right, so I changed direction and headed that way. As soon as I reached the kitchen, I found the source of the bang and I saw Isabelle, my birth mother, and I froze. She stared at me with a silver knife in her hand, “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE MUT” she screamed at me, I wonder if she recognises me, not that I expected her to, but I do look exactly like Amelia. “Where is my sister. Dearest Mother?” I asked staring into her eyes, I wanted to see her reaction but the one I got was not what I expected. “Ah my long-lost son, so you finally came after all this time. But now you want to take your sister, oh no, I don’t think so.” She said back. I could feel myself getting angry and my wolf was itching to come forward, then it hit me, she called me mut. She knows, or is she one too, although she does not smell like a wolf. “How do you know what I am, you don’t smell like a wolf to me.” I growl at her. A small smirk appeared on her lips. “Aw is my little puppy mad? Just like your father, you can’t control your wolf.”. “Wait what, my Father was a wolf?” I knew I had the wolf gene in my bloodline, but I never expected it to be my parents. “Well yes, that why you are a wolf, and the reason I did not want you. I wanted Amelia because she should have taken my genetic abilities as she is female, and they only pass to the female bloodline. Unfortunately, for her, it did not pass down, so I had no use of her. I can see the look your giving me, no she isn’t a werewolf after your father either and she isn’t a witch after me, such a shame.” She said with an annoyed tone and looked down. Before I could respond she looked back up. “If you had the witch bloodline you would possess the power, and your powers would appear when you turn 16. And if you had the werewolf genes then you would start hearing your wolf at 18 and shift not long after. Amelia has none so she is no use to me, and I do not want her. I was going to kill her like I did your father, but now I have a better use for her.” She said proudly.   Better use, what could she possibly want from her. Hang on, she just said she killed... “WHAT! YOU KILLED MY FATHER?” I screamed at her. That was it I lost it and charged. Before I got to her, she threw the silver knife towards me, which I easily dodged but then she froze me mid jump. I was unable to move, and I was in the air. I tried to move but it was no use, I was about to call out when I saw a pure black wolf jump from my right and pinned her to the floor. As soon as she was pinned the spell she used on me was broken and I fell to the floor. Just as I got to them Lucas linked me “Aiden please listen, I heard everything. You need to find your sister; I can handle this for now, but you need to find her.” He was right, I needed to find Amelia and get her out of here. I started searching for the basement and as I walked just past the kitchen I found a door with a padlock on, this must be the basement. Without hesitation I ripped the lock off and made my way down. The stairs were in darkness but I could see a flicker off light coming from around a corner at the bottom of the stairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs I could smell blood with a hint of the fresh rain and grass, she was here. When I turned the corner my wolf almost came out then and there. Amelia was tied up and unconscious on the bed covered in blood. But the worse part, Mason was on top of her, naked. As soon as I saw what he was doing a deadly growl escaped my throat, I knew that everyone would have heard me and would be coming to find out what was wrong. As soon as the growl left my throat, I could not hold my wolf back anymore and I shifted into my deep brown wolf. Mason saw me and gave me a smirk. That bastard, I swear I will kill him. I was about to pounce when I heard a deadly growl from behind me, so powerful the house shook and made everyone freeze, including Mason. I looked behand me and saw Lucas’s black wolf coming towards us.   ---------------------------------------------------------- Lucas’s POV I was sick of hearing what Isabelle was saying and when I heard she killed Aiden’s real Father I saw black, and my wolf came out. As I turned the corner, I saw Aiden frozen in the air, she must have used a spell on him, this worked to my advantage as her concentration was fully on him and gave me an opportunity to strike. I managed to take her down and pinned her to the floor, I could see in her eyes that she was shocked, she obviously thought he had come alone. I wasted no time in knocking her unconscious. Aiden started to come towards us, so I linked him to find Amelia. I could sense that she was in a bad way, I am not sure how, but I knew we were running out of time. As Aiden left, I mind-linked Noah and Poppy “I need you to come to the kitchen and bind Isabelle. Then take her to the dungeons back at the house.”. They both responded immediately “Yes Alpha, we are on our way.” Within a few minutes they were here and were taking Isabelle out the house. I was about to shift back when I heard Aiden’s wolf growl with such anger that I immediately ran towards him. As I made my way down into the basement the smell of blood hit my nose straight the way. When I rounded the corner, I saw Aiden shift into his deep brown wolf, and I knew something was wrong. As I looked past Aiden, I saw what had made him so mad and my blood started to boil. My wolf Blake went crazy and growled at Mason, he looked at me and the smirk he was giving Aiden changed to fear. He quickly got up and tried to run for the basement window, but I was faster. I jumped over Aiden and caught his leg and pulled him hard enough, so he fell on his back. I started to walk towards him when Aiden beat me to it and ripped his throat out. Blood went everywhere. To a human the sight would make you sick, but I am used to it, right now all I cared about was getting to Amelia. I shifted back to my human form and quickly untied her wrists and feet; they were bruised badly from being tied up so tight. I checked for a pulse and found one, but it was slow. Thank god, she was still alive. When I looked at her, I could see the blood between her legs and all the cuts and scars all over her body, some new and some old. I could not believe her stepfather did this to her, abused and raped her. She was going through hell while all I cared about was getting money. I felt guilty and heartbroken at the sight of her. Suddenly the reason I have been having these thoughts made sense, my wolf already knew from when we first saw her, she is my mate. I quickly linked the warriors and asked them to bring my car to the front, I picked Amelia up bridal style and made my way out the house. Aiden followed behind and I heard him ask a few of the warriors to clean up the mess in the basement, we needed to make sure there were no trace of Mason. I got in the back of my car and Aiden passed me a blanket for Amelia, I wrapped it around her small frame and held her tight hoping my breathing will help stable hers. We soon reached the pack house and Dr Will was waiting for us with a bed, someone must have informed him of our arrival. I placed Amelia onto the bed and followed Dr Will to the infirmary. When we got there, he asked us to wait outside while he looks over her and runs some tests. After a couple hours Dr Will came out to us, we both stood up hoping it was good news. “Alpha, Beta. Her condition is stable. We stitched up a few wounds that were quite deep and applied ointment to her other wounds. She should heal nicely but it may take a while for her body to recover.” I felt relief wash over me and it felt like I could breathe again hearing she was going to be ok. I looked to Aiden and he looked the same as me, I could see the relief in his eyes. I looked back at Dr Will “Thank you Dr, I appreciate you taking care of her.”. “That is ok Alpha it is my duty, but also due to the blood on her legs, the nurse performed an internal to check and it was bad. Seemed like she was raped multiple times within a short period of time, which would explain her body shutting down, not being able to deal with the pain. She should fully heal though, but she will need time.” Dr Will explained. I started to get angry again, if it weren’t for Mason already being dead, I would have hunted him down and killed him. “Thank you, Dr Will, when can we see her?” I asked as I knew Aiden was eager to see her too. “You can both go in now; she is resting and still asleep.” He replied. He gave me a small nod before walking off in a different direction.   As we entered the room, I looked at Aiden and he looked heartbroken. Once we had sat down, he turned to me “I know that this situation is f****d up but please don’t kick her out of the pack. I know she isn’t a werewolf, but she is my family and I need to protect her.” He pleaded.   I could hear the desperation in his voice, I needed to be honest with him and tell him the truth and hope he approves. “Aiden, she will be part of this pack from now on, we will protect her with our lives. There is something I need to tell you, I did not realise before and it was only when Blake, my wolf took over I realised. Aiden she is my mate.” I confessed. I watched Aiden’s reaction carefully, I could see the shock in his eyes first and I was getting worried what he would say, then he smiled “Lucas I am so happy you found your mate finally, and I am happy it is with her, I know she will be safe with you. But good luck explaining werewolves to her bro.” He said laughing. Damn, I did not think of that.      ---------------------------------------------------------- Aiden’s POV When Lucas told me that Amelia was his mate, I was happy, I had wanted him to find his mate for so long and now he has. I was also glad that she would not only have me to protect her but also her mate, the mate bond is special, and I know he will protect her with his life. Mates are our soul mates that are selected for us by the Moon Goddess, once you meet your mate you will feel an instant attraction and you will start being protective, then a bond will start to form. In rare cases you could reject your mate, for example if you married another or had a child with another, the pain would still be extreme but not as bad as if you were to reject your mate without good reason. When the bond starts to form you will think that they are unbelievably attractive. You will also start feeling the tingles when your mate speaks or touches you, and finally you will start to feel each other’s emotions and feelings. If you have not already marked and mated then the bond will take longer to form, but when mated and marked it will all happen at once. And if you are part of the pack you will also be able to mind-link each other. I found Poppy the day I shifted for the first time, she was training with Lucas and when she noticed me, she got so distracted that Lucas landed a punch on her nose, instantly breaking it. I almost tore Lucas's throat out when I saw what he did, and it took 3 other warriors to pull me off. Luckily, Lucas did not stay mad for too long when we explained what was happening, good job he is my brother.  Thinking about mates, me and Poppy never expected today to go how it has. This morning I was set on getting revenge on my birth family and was ready to question Amelia to get as much information as possible, then I found out she was my sister. As much as it was not her fault, I could not help but be jealous at the time, I thought she had a life of luxury. When she opened to me and told me she was abused I was shocked, but I was still wary and was not sure whether to believe her, until I saw her in pain when just standing up. I needed more information before I could be sure that she was telling the truth, when I found out she had gone back I had a gut feeling that she was telling the truth. Nothing in this world prepared me for what happened at that house. Meeting my birth mother was not on my list of things to do today. When she told me, she killed my Father I was furious, but it was nothing compared to what I saw in that basement. It made me wonder what she has gone through all her life. Here I was being jealous that she was rich and had the better life when it was me who had the better life, I had a loving family and friends around me. I wanted to go see Isabelle, but my wolf was stopping me saying we needed to go to her with Amelia once she knows about us. While I was thinking about the events of the day a link came through from one of our warriors “Alpha, Beta, we have a BIG problem! We went to the basement to clean the mess and Mason was gone! Like literally gone.” What the hell, before I could reply Lucas did. “How can this happen? People cannot just disappear, especially dead ones.” He demanded.  
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