Chapter 2

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Lucas’s POV   Now we have her I could not help but feel excited that our money problems in the business would be over. I could tell Aiden was happy too, not because of money but because he would get his revenge and hopefully some answers. “Alpha, Beta, she is waking up.” Noah mind-linked us. “I’m on my way.” I reply to Noah. “Aiden hear that. Let us go and get some answers.” I linked Aiden. As we got to the basement door nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen, as I walked in, I was stunned. She was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, even though she did not have any makeup on and was wearing worn clothes she was still beautiful. My wolf was going mad too, he was pouncing around like mad saying something, but I could not quite hear. Now is not the time to start thinking like that, I thought to myself, we are getting answers and money. I could not help but think she looked so familiar, like I had seen her before, I knew this was impossible because I know I would have remembered someone as beautiful as her. While I was thinking she looked up at me with beautiful Hazel eyes. “Are you going to kill me?” she said with the most angelic voice I have ever heard, but the thing that bothered me is she sounded relieved to the possibility of being killed. Why does this hurt? I try and ask my wolf, but he is giving me the silent treatment, great, if this were my mate I would know right? I have never believed in ‘mates’, I cannot have a weakness. If the rumours are true about them being the most important person in your life and that you would put them above anything, then I do not want one. A mate is meant to be the other half of you and complete your life and heart, I am not a loving person, other than my family and my pack, and I do not care for girls and especially ones that live luxurious lives anyway. I need to question her and get answers. “No not yet, we want answers about your father.” I replied with the most confident voice possible. “My father?” she replied sounding surprised, and a little confused. Aiden came up beside me then, “yes, your father Mason and your mother Isabelle Luciano”. I was not sure what she was thinking but she looked shocked at the fact we asked her at first but now her face turned sour. “Mason isn’t my father, yes Isabelle is my mother. Mason is… her husband.” she replied looking at Aiden. The look on her face made me think she did not like them, but this could all be a trick because of the situation she was in. Nice try little one. Aiden started to ask where their wealth came from and that is when I saw it, the resemblance between this girl and Aiden, why do they look so similar. I noticed that they smell the same too, like fresh rain and grass, except hers has a more floral hint. “Lucas, Aiden I need to speak to you both NOW!” Dan mind-linked us. I turned to the girl and said in a harsh tone “we will be back, and we will get answers”. When we got outside Dan came up to us “I have the information, she isn’t the Daughter of Mason Luciano, but she is the Daughter of Isabelle Luciano.” He told us. “We know that Dan, she already told us. Now if you do not mind, we need to ask more questions.” I said turning to walk back in. “WAIT, that’s not all, I did some more research after I found this out and found who her real father is. He has sadly passed away, but the name seemed familiar. That is when I realised it was the name I had dug up when searching for information on Aiden’s real parents. I think she is your sister Aiden and looking at her age and yours and your similar features and scent I would say you are most likely twins”. Aiden’s mouth dropped open; he was as shocked as I was. “So, if they are twins why only keep one? I don’t get it.” I asked Dan. “Well, I thought that, but it turns out that when Isabelle was pregnant, she only wanted 1 child, a girl and their father wanted the boy, you Aiden. But unfortunately, he died in a car accident when Isabelle was 7 months pregnant, which by this time was too late for her to terminate both children so she put Aiden up for adoption.”.  I did not know what to say, all I knew was that I noticed they looked similar but never expected this, and what would it mean to the plan? I knew I needed to get this money fast and I now have an even better plan, I will blackmail Isabelle for the information of putting her Son up for adoption. It was perfect. I immediately linked Noah to get the plan in action and to meet me in my office. I turned to Aiden and I could see the hurt look in his eyes “Aiden, you ok? Do you want to skip the interrogation?”.    ------------------------- Aiden’s POV   I could not believe it, I have a twin, and she got chosen because she was a girl. I did not hate her, but it did make me hate Isabelle even more, did Mason know I wonder. Lucas pulled me out of my thoughts and asked if I wanted to go and finish what we started, did I? “Yes, we need to finish the plan, but I would like to tell her the truth on what we found. This may make her open up more, unless she is the same as her mother.” I answer honestly. “Of course, I would suggest getting information before you tell her though if you can.” Lucas replied giving me a smile. As I walked back in the room I stood there and examined her, for someone who is part of a rich family she looked like she was homeless. I decided to speak first as she had not realised, I had come back in the room. “Hi, I’m Aiden.” I said politely. She looked up at me and I could see the confusion on her face “hi Aiden, I’m Amelia, what do you want with me?” she replied. “Look I’m sorry we took you, but we are sending word to your Mother and step-father that we have you in exchange for money.” I explained. Her reaction was not what I expected, she almost looked sad. “Oh, good luck. And he is not my stepfather, please don’t call him that again.” I was shocked that everything I just told her the only thing she was worried about was me calling Mason her stepfather, and I found myself wanting to know more. “Why don’t you call him your stepfather. He has been around since you were a child, right?” I asked her. “He just is not, ok.” she replied. I could see it in her eyes that she was telling the truth, she had the same look I do. I could not help but notice she was holding her ribs like she was in pain so I decide to stand her up so I can check. “Ahh, please don’t. I cannot take any more.” she cried. “What? I was just standing you up, I was not going to hurt you. Wait, what do mean, you cannot take any more?” “You do not know what it’s like, you think because I live there that I’m a spoilt brat like the rest of them? Well, no, I can assure you that it isn’t a fairy tale and I have to do what I can to keep going.” she replied. I could not help but feel sorry for her, I could see the pain in her eyes. Was I the lucky one being put up for adoption?  “Look I know we have only just met, and we kidnapped you, but I want to help you. I can tell you are hiding something else, but please trust me.” I said hoping she would open to me, after all she is my twin sister. “Fine, what have I got to lose anyway. It started when I turned 18, so only recently. Mason he... he started to do things.” she let out a sigh. Her face started to scrunch up, like she was re-living whatever it is she has been through, “he wanted someone to let out his frustration on physically, every day it got worse than the last time, last night was by far the worst. So there now you have the truth, now please don’t say anything but please just leave me alone I want to sleep.” I was speechless, it made me angry that he would do this to her, and her own mother would allow it. I did as she asked and left, I needed to speak to Lucas but it is too late now so I will wait until tomorrow and hope to god we can do something to save her. I wonder if there is a way, where we can get the money and keep her here with us.    --------------------------------- Amelia’s POV   Why did I just tell a stranger what I was going through? I think he believed me, he looked like he did, I have never seen someone look so shocked. But what will he do now he knows I will never know; I am just thankful I have not got to go through today with Mason, I do not think I could handle it. All night I kept thinking about Lucas the so-called boss, I could not understand why I was thinking about him so much, I didn’t even know him. And he kidnapped me. He was so handsome though, with his boyish grin, messy hair, and gorgeous bright blue eyes. What was I thinking? I need to get him out of my head, he would never look at someone like me, even on a good day. Did I want him to. No, he just wants money, that is what they all want from my family. I woke he next morning to someone coming into the room I am in; she was tall and naturally beautiful. “Hi, I am Poppy, looks like you are one lucky girl, your parents have paid up and you are going home.” She told me. My heart sunk and broke into a million pieces when she said I was going home, the information I gave to Aiden last night was obviously so they could get more money. I was such a fool for falling for it. And I was foolish for thinking they might try and help me get out of there. Poppy was looking at me waiting for a reply, but I did not know what to say, what could I say? “Come on, we are leaving now.” She said pulling me with her. That was it then, no rescue for me.   When we got to the house, I could see Mason but not Isabelle, he had that look on his face, the look that means I am in trouble. As we approached, he cried out and came to me “oh my girl, I’m so glad you are safe.” He then grabbed my arm tight enough to hurt me but not enough so they would see, then he turned to them. “You have your money now leave and never speak of this again.” Poppy nodded her head then left, leaving me alone with him. When we got inside he turned to me “I’ve missed you, now let’s go make up for lost time.” He pulled me downstairs to the basement, I could see he had already set up the ropes again and like before he forced me on the bed and tied me up. I was now just waiting for the whips. But he then whispered in my ear “do you know how much I’ve missed you; I think it’s time to act like adults now. I’m not going to hit you, instead I’m going to make love to you and the best part is I will enjoy every second of taking your virginity, and you will then be mine every night. You belong to me Amelia, in any way I see fit.” I honestly did not think it could get worse but once again I am proven wrong. Fear consumed me as he ripped my clothes off, so I was completely naked, spread on the bed. He smiled at me and at that moment I wished that I had been killed when I was kidnapped. He started to take his trousers and boxers off and came between my legs getting into position. I started crying knowing what he was about to do and tried my hardest to get him to stop but he put his hand around my neck. He put his lips next to my ear and whispered “this is going to hurt and I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm and scream. I want you to scream my name.” As soon as he said it, he forced himself into me and as he said I would, I screamed out in pain. After what felt like hours he finally stopped, the look on his face was smug as he looked at me and my body. I knew I was bleeding and when he noticed it made him smile, it made me sick to my stomach. I wonder if my so-called mother knows what he is doing. He got dressed and as he was leaving, I realised, I was still tied up, was he going to leave me here like this. It was if he could read my mind when he turned to me and said, “you will stay like this forever so I can come and have my way whenever I like, the only way for me to stop is if you die.” He let out an evil laugh and left. I was left here tied to the bed not being able to do anything but wait. Before long I let the darkness take over and lost all hope of ever being free.    ---------------------------------------- Lucas’s POV   That was it she was gone for good, I was glad we got our money but could not help feeling bad, why was I feeling this way? I know I promised Aiden that he could speak to her but as soon as I contacted Mason and proposed my offer, he accept straight the way and transferred the money. It did seem all too easy at first, but he must have done some bad things in the past that he did not want to get to the press. I did get a bad feeling when I agreed to give his stepdaughter back, he seemed too enthusiastic, even for a worried parent he was so happy. I guess he loves her more than we thought.  The rest of the gang was partying and celebrating the fact we were now richer than we ever thought. Aiden suddenly came running into my office with a desperate look on his face, “what’s up little brother?” I asked him.   “Where is Amelia? Please tell me you haven’t already given her back?” he cried. “Yes, we have, and they have paid us the money, we are rich bro. Let’s go celebrate, we have nothing to worry about now.” I replied. “NO! NO! NO! We must get her back before something bad happens!” he said getting all upset and angry, which surprised me. “Look I know she is your sister, but it is for the best.” It was all I could say, I thought he would be happy. “No Lucas it’s not, we need to protect her! She isn’t a spoilt rich girl like we thought, she is abused by those monsters. I wanted to help her; I was going to speak to you about it today.” He told me. In that moment, I felt rage take over me and worry, I could not help it. Why do I feel like this for a woman I hardly know and only spoke to once. But there was no denying the thought of her being abused sickens me and I could feel my wolf Blake getting angry too. I turn to Aiden trying to hide my anger and try to stop Blake taking control. “What! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” “I tried but I couldn’t find you anywhere.” He replied, which was true. I hid myself away until she was gone. s**t, this is my fault, if I had not hidden away then I would have known sooner and I would never have handed her back over.   I knew what to do, I must get her back if it is the last thing I do. Once I had a team together, I explained that we will go to their house and monitor activity and when the time is right, we will go in and get her. We are powerful and stronger with us being werewolves, but we still need to be careful. I assigned my best hunters to scout the area while my best fighters including Aiden came with me to the house. One we had arrived I waited for the report from the hunters to give all clear while we were all in position. After 10 minutes I received a mind-link. “Alpha, the cost is clear. There does not seem to be anyone nearby.”. With that I linked all my fighters at once, “ready everyone. Remember DO NOT hurt the girl, she is to be taken to safety. When you find her, call me and Aiden then you deal with the rest ensuring we can get out safely.” With that we rushed towards the house.
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