Chapter 4

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Lucas’s POV “Alpha, Beta, we have a BIG PROBLEM! We went to the basement to clean the mess and Mason was gone.” My warriors mind-linked me with panic in their voices. How can he just disappear, he was dead. “How can this happen? People do not just disappear, especially dead ones.” I reply to them. “We don’t know Alpha. When Aiden asked us to clean up, we went straight down to the basement and he wasn’t here. There is no other way out of the basement so we would have seen him.” One of the warriors explained. It was true, the time from when we left to when they would have entered was not long enough for someone to go in and get him. “Ok team scout the area and come back here to report.” I do not feel hopeful that they will find anything though; this is all too strange, the only thing I can think of is a witch. It could not be Isabelle as she is now in the dungeon which is enchanted so supernatural beings cannot use their power. We will need to be careful. When I was listening to Aiden and Isabelle I heard her explaining to Aiden that his father was a werewolf, and she was a witch. And that she does not think that Amelia has any abilities from either side, but I already know this is not true. What she clearly did not know is that it is impossible for twins to be different species, which means she is a werewolf and the only explanation as to why she does not know is all the abuse. If her abuse were so severe then her wolf would have been silent trying to heal her and would not come forward when the time came. I was not sure though whether she was a witch from her mother’s side. I will need to do some research, if the power is linked to her wolf then she may not have shown any signs until her wolf appeared. While I was deep in thought Aiden mind-linked me. “Lucas I know we need to look into this but right now we need to focus on Amelia, she is waking up.” As he said the words, I felt relief wash over me and needed I to see her.  “Your right, we have her safe and we can focus on finding him tomorrow. I am on my way.” I replied quickly.   I do not think I have ever moved so quickly, even for a wolf; I reached the hospital within 5 minutes. usually it takes a good 15 minutes. As I walked through the door, I saw Aiden waiting for me. I walked up to him. "Hey, why are you out here?" I asked him. I thought he would have been inside with her already.  "Will is just looking over her, he wanted some privacy." He answered.  "Ah ok. So how are things?" I ask him, trying to make conversation while we wait.  "Other than Amelia, things are steady. I don't know, things with work are good, but with Poppy not so much." He said sadly.  "Why? Are you arguing or something?" I ask him.  "No, and that is the problem. We just aren't clicking like we used too and I am pretty sure it is not meant to go away like that. I don't know, maybe I am just stressed."  "Look, once this is all sorted speak to her. I am sure everything is fine." I tell him.  Just as I finish talking Will walk's out Amelia's room. “You can go in and see her now, just be careful, she is scared and doesn’t understand what is going on.” Will said giving us a smile. "Is she, physically ok?" I ask him before we enter.  "Yes, she has healed nicely." He replied before excusing himself.  Aiden and I enter the room together and as we entered I could see the fear in her eyes as she looked between Aiden and me. I imagine she recognises us from before, plus we injected her and kidnapped her, twice. I let Aiden approach her first, as much as I hated it, he was who she opened to the first time and I want her to feel as much at ease as possible. As Aiden approached her she relaxed slightly but was still tense, he sat in the chair next to her. As he sat down he looked at me and I gave him an encouraging nod. I decided to stay at the other end of the room, I didn't want her to be scared of me and I know she would be more comfy this way. ---------------------------------------------------------- Amelia’s POV I felt like I was hit by a truck, and I could hardly move. I tried to open my eyes, but everything was blurry. I saw a figure beside me, but I could not work out who it was, was its Mason or Isabelle I wondered. I started to panic when he started to speak, his voice was soft and comforting.  “Amelia don’t worry, you are safe. I will go get the Doctor.” The blurred figure said then left the room. Suddenly, the thoughts of what happened came back to me; all I could think about was what Mason did to me. I thought I was going to die in that basement and here I am now on a soft hospital bed, which should feel great, but I have no idea where I am and whether I am still with him. As my eyesight started to clear, I could see the room I was in. The walls were painted white, and I could see hospital machines to the sides of me. The room smelt of disinfectant, typical hospital smell. As I was looking around the room the door opened and an elderly man walked in, he looked to be in his sixties but had a warm look to him which made me feel comfortable around him. I do not recognise this man which hopefully means I am no longer with my family; my mother and Mason had their own personal doctors and I have seen them all during the past few years so I know enough that this Doctor is not one of them. “Amelia, my name is Doctor Will and I have been treating you. Please let me know if you experience any discomfort and I can prescribe some medication, you have quite a few different wounds which have been stitched and dressed.” Will explained, I looked down at my front and could see bandages under the hospital gown I was wearing. “Thank you, Doctor. I am ok. I just feel weak. If you do not mind me asking, where am I exactly?” I asked needing to know where I am and if I am free from 'them'. I could tell he was not sure whether to tell me, so I pleaded “please? I need to know.” I tried to give him my saddest puppy eyes. His eyes turned soft and gave me a noticeably short answer “I am not the one to share where you are, but I can confirm you are safe with us and we will protect you.” With that he started to check my vitals. Not the answer I wanted. Once he was done checking me over he gave me a smile and walked out. As quickly as the Doctor left, the door opened just as quick and I immediately recognised the two men that walked in and I was starting to panic again, they were the ones who had kidnapped me. Are they going to try to get some more money just to then hand me back to him? I do not think they will kill me, why put me in hospital if you were going to just kill me. One thing I know for sure though is I could not go back; I do not care what they do to me I refuse to go back to Mason. The first man to approach me was the same one I opened to, I think his name was Aiden, and the second man went to sit by the window, but did not look happy about it. I could not fully tell but he looked angry, but not at me. His light brown hair looked messy, and his bright blue eyes looked duller than the last time I saw him, I must admit he looked good. Great, now I am attracted to my kidnapper, way to go Amelia. I turned my gaze back to Aiden who was now sitting next to me, I noticed his hair was brunette and had Hazel eyes like mine; he kind of looked like me. His eyes and nose were the same as mine, but his lips were smaller than mine, his face shape was slightly different as well, but he still looked like me. I must have found my male doppelganger, I chuckled to myself. He didn’t show me any emotion and so I decided to speak first.  “What do you want with me, surely you got enough money to last a lifetime the last time you took me.” I said and I swear I saw a hint of sadness cross his face, or guilt.  He looked down avoiding my gaze and sighed. “We didn’t take you again for money, I am sorry we did that before but we didn’t know who you were. This time we took you to rescue you from Isabelle and Mason. After what you told me I was thinking of a way to keep you with us so when I found out that you had been let go I panicked. I was worried as to what would happen when you went back and when I found you... I am sorry.” He explained, I could see tears forming in his eyes as he looked at me. I could only imagine how they found me, the last I remember I was tied naked to the bed and was in an immense amount of pain. The thought that they have seen me this way makes me cringe and I hide my face from them, Aiden takes my hand and and the feeling is warm and friendly. I cannot sense any evil from him which gives me comfort. I let him hold my hands rather than pulling away.  “Amelia I need to be honest with you, when you were last here with us, I asked our guys to run some checks on you. I admit it was not our best move, but we needed some dirt to use against Mason. We actually found out some interesting information about your real father.” He paused to looking at me, probably for a reaction. Did I want to hear this, of course I did but I was nervous what he had found. "It is ok, what did you find?" I ask. “Well, your real father is actually my father too.” He said quickly, I almost didn't hear him. Well I was not expecting that. So is he is my half-brother?   ---------------------------------------------------------- Aiden’s POV As soon as I said he was also my father I could see all the emotions run through her, her eyes went from shock to confusion back to shock. I waited for her to settle before I gave her the rest, after a few minutes she looked at me and gave me a small smile “so are you my half-brother?” She asked, not what I expected her to say but I guess I had to tell her Isabelle was my mother too. “Not exactly, I am actually your full brother. Isabelle is my mother too.” I tell her. She gasps and her eyes went wide. “WHAT! She knew about you all this time and did not say any thing! How dare she, all this time I was alone, and she knew that I had a brother out there. Oh my Aiden, I am so sorry.” She says, her voice starting to crack and looks at me. “I will be honest, I knew she was my mother a while ago and that she had a daughter, I thought you were Mason’s daughter, so I never thought about you. If I knew we had the same father too, I would have tried to contact you. I just held so much hate for her, so it is me who is sorry.”  I could not lie to her, even of she hates me for it. She deserves the truth. “There is more. I met our mother when I came for you; she admitted to not wanting me and only wanting you. We are twins Amelia; she only wanted a girl but when she found out she was having both of us our father said he would take me. That was the plan, until she killed him.” I explained. I felt bad telling her this, but she needed to know the whole truth. “But she used to cry at night, and I thought it was because he had died, why would she cry if she is the reason he died. I thought she was heartbroken.” Before I could say anything, she answered her own question “she was poor, it makes sense now. Aiden thank you for being honest but please keep going, I need to know everything.” She asked. Without hesitation I continued. “When I questioned why she gave me up she admitted that she only wanted a girl because of her lineage. You see our father was a werewolf and our mother is a witch, I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. Witches only pass their genetics down to female children and not males which is why she only wanted you, as a male she knew I would take on our Fathers genes of being a werewolf, so she left me at my packs boarder and left. If you had taken after her, you would have started showing signs of witchcraft at the age of 13 and when you didn’t… well you know the rest.” I explain. It took a few moments for her to digest the information I gave her. "Werewolves exist? Do you actually turn into one?" She asks. Her question made me and Lucas laugh, she looked at me confused and then to Lucas.  "Yes we do. It isn't as bad as you think. So I tell you that supernatural beings exist and that is your reaction?" I say. "Well I never believed humans were the only living being, but it is more intriguing than scary. Or I am in shock." She says with a little giggle. “So, am I a werewolf then?” She asked.  “I don’t think so but there is something. You see if you are a wolf you would start hearing them when you turn 18 and then you will shift for the first time a few months after. Because the abuse you suffered your wolf could just be dormant trying to heal you, but we won’t know until you are fully better.” I say hoping that answers her question. She just nods at me and glances towards Lucas again, I cannot quite make out the look on her face, so I decide to introduce them. “This is Lucas, he is my brother, from my adopted family. He is also the boss and the packs Alpha, which means he is the highest rank. I am his Beta, which is his second in command.” I say. Lucas comes towards us and smiles. “Hi Amelia, I am sorry for the way I acted when we last spoke. My name is Lucas and welcome to the Black Night pack.” He said offering her his hand and she took it. When their hands touched she gasped at the contact and pulled her hand back. I knew she would have felt the sparks from the mate bond, but that was a story for another time or for Lucas to explain. “Hi Lucas, please just call me Lia and its fine, I understand. Now that I am here what is going to happen to me?” Amelia asked, the question being directed to us both. “You will stay with us and we will help you get better and introduce you to the pack and hopefully you will decide to stay with us, of course you don’t have to though.” I replied. Lucas let out a small growl when I mentioned she did not have to stay, thankfully Lia didn't hear him. “We will leave you to get some rest; you have been through a lot and still need time to heal. If you need us just call the doctor and he can contact us.” Lucas said. "That would be nice, thank you." She replied. We both said good-bye and left her to rest for the night.   ---------------------------------------------------------- Amelia’s POV When Aiden and Lucas left the room, I broke down. I could not believe after all this time a had a brother, who seemed so friendly. I had felt so alone longing for a sibling or a friend to the point I even begged Isabelle for a sibling, and like normal she ignored me. I am excited to get to know Aiden though, the fact that we are twins is shocking, I thought he looked like me but not that much. I would be more shocked if I had not felt like a part of me was missing all these years, which I assumed was due to the lack of a loving mother and father but now it makes sense. As weird as it seems, now I have met him properly I do not get that feeling anymore, I feel complete. That will explain the feelings I have for Aiden but what about Lucas? I feel drawn to him, I know he is Aiden's adopted brother, but surely I would not feel like this to him too as he is not blood related. The way he looked at me made my knees week, if I were standing, I am sure I would have collapsed. Plus, the sparks I felt when he spoke and took my hand, now that was weird. Why am I thinking about him like this, he is gorgeous, he is not going to be interested in me. I am a little disheartened about that, but then again he is my twins brother. It would be weird. Taking my mind of Lucas, I think back to Isabelle, she only wanted me hoping I would turn out like her, for what? Power? Part of me is glad I did not develop any powers, as cool as it would be, because there would be no way she would let me go if I had. Oh, but what if I am a werewolf. That would be cool I guess, although I do not really know much about it and what would happen. The way they spoke about it was as if the wolf part of you is separate, would I have a wolf friend who is a part of me? I am not going to lie the thought did excite me, I had read stories about supernatural’s in the world but just thought they were made up stories. I guess time will tell and I am slightly excited to find out. One thing I forgot to ask is, if they came to rescue me like they said and if Aiden came face to face with Isabelle, where are they now. I need to ask them this when I next seem them, I am not sure what I hope the answer is, but I just hope that I am now safe and never have to see Mason again. I would not mind seeing Isabelle again to get answers or to scream at her, part of me deserves an explanation and I need closure.  I close my eyes and try to get some sleep, I start to drift off thinking of a certain light brown hair, blue eyed man that I cannot stop thinking of when suddenly, I hear a word being shouted from the back of my mind as I fall into a deep sleep. ‘MATE!’.
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