
The Mafia Alpha's Queen

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Amelia grew up with no love in her life, surviving day to day. Her Mother and Stepfather are her biggest tormenters until one day she is kidnapped. Who knew that her being kidnapped would take her on a new journey in life and reveal secrets she never knew about.

Aiden is a Beta werewolf to The Black Night pack. The Alpha is also is his adopted brother Lucas, and they will do anything for each other. Aiden knows he is adopted and being a Werewolf urges a desire for revenge, what happens when a chance to get revenge and get rich at the same time arises. That is until Amelia enters their world they learn a truth that they never expected.

Follow their journey to find out what happens.


This story is finished.

This is my official first short story so any feedback would be appreciated.

#Werewolf/Billionaire LGBT + Writing Contest II

Copyright © 2021 S E.L SMITH

All Rights Reserved

This story is signed and published on Dreame, and Dreame alone.

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Amelia’s POV Being a part of a rich family is not all what it seems, everyone thinks that you have everything and that your life is perfect, but that is only on the outside, no one really knows what goes on when the doors are closed. That is the biggest problem, everyone treats you different and you never really get any ‘real’ friends or a real chance at your own life.   When I was just a child my life was perfect, I had real friends and attended a public school like everyone else in my neighbourhood. It was just me and my mother, we were not wealthy and were just an average family, I often wondered if things would have been different if I had a father or siblings, but I do not so I never dwell on it too much. My mother never speaks about my father; we do not even have any photos. He passed away before I was born and I know my mother was heartbroken for years, I would hear her at night crying, and I knew it was because he was gone. Me and mum were so alike which made us closer, we looked and acted the same, we both had long brunette hair, hazel eyes, and a big heart.   Just after my 13th birthday my mother met Mason, he was an older man with not much about him really, but they seemed like they were in love, so I was happy too. I had never known what it was like to have a father-figure around the house to look up to; I was so excited that I finally would. Things were perfect, we would do things a normal family would, like go on holiday and have games nights at home. Eventually we moved in with Mason and that is when I found out he was very wealthy but that did not change the way I felt about our new family. He asked my mother to marry him not long after we moved in and the wedding was amazing. I could not have been happier, and my life was perfect. Or so I thought. After the wedding things slowly started to change, Mum and Mason would be out all the time going to different events, I was alone almost every day and when they were at home, I was never allowed to be downstairs with them as it was an adult’s only area. My mother started to demand that I was to call her by her real name, Isabelle. If I ever slipped up and called her mother, I would be locked in the basement for 12 hours as punishment which eventually became more convenient for them, so I was moved down to the basement on a permanent basis. I was only ever allowed out when I was going to school or when they were not home. The basement was small, but it did have a washroom and all our old furniture from before my mother met Mason so I was lucky on that I guess. If the furniture was not here I would have had to sleep on the floor. The day I turned 18 things changed again, even though I was an adult they still treated me like a little child until I was told I had to get a job and pay for my own things, I did not mind because I wanted to be independent and earn some money. They were the richest couple around and yet they were too tight to buy me anything, I do not ask for much only the essentials, but this was too much for them, apparently. Every day when I finished college, I would go to work at the café a few miles away from my house, all the money I made I saved so when I had enough, I could move out. I was literally counting down the days until I had saved enough. My life would soon begin when I moved and that is the only thing that was getting me through living in this hell and I know I needed to get out soon, because the way Mason started to look at me made me on edge. I will escape and I will live my life the way I want to, I just need to find the right time.   ---------------------------------------------------------- Aiden’s POV   I must admit I love my life, surrounded by family and friends, we may not be the richest of families, but we are happy. Growing up I always knew I was different to the rest of my family, my brother looks exactly like my mother and father with light brown hair and blue eyes and well me, I’m nothing like them, I have brunette hair and hazel eyes, even our facial features are nothing alike. I started asking questions and eventually when I was 12 my parents finally told me I was adopted, I wanted to know more about my real parents as anyone would but I could never find anything until I overheard my mother and father arguing one night about my real mother and how she and her husband was the wealthiest family in the city. Even after the truth came out, I did not care because I loved my family and could not imagine a better upbringing, so we agreed to put it behind us. I had a good relationship with my brother Lucas, he was slightly older and bigger than me, so I looked up to him. I never told Lucas the truth about my adoption, I was scared he would not accept me the way he did when we were younger, and I did not want to ruin what we had. Although it did not take long before he did find out, our parents and I were discussing things when Lucas walked in on us and confronted us all. Surprisingly, he was ok with it after we explained everything and still thought of me as his real brother.   Just after my 16th birthday the unthinkable happened and my parents died in a car accident, I was broken. Lucas was just as broken and he started to become distant and would go out all the time leaving me alone a lot of the time. So I decided to go to college like I had planned and tried to build a life where we would be comfortable, but it was hard. I struggled to keep a steady job and Lucas was doing his best to help, but it was not enough. We had unpaid bills coming in one after another. Somehow, we managed to scrape by for a couple of years working a couple jobs each and living off nothing. But this was not life, and it was not fair. I blamed my birth parents for everything, and I would never forgive them. I became so obsessed with hating them that I did not realise I was changing until it was too late. Me and Lucas had become distant, and I hardly ever saw him which hurt me more than when my parents died because of how close we were, I was a mess.  When I turned 18, I found out that Lucas was the leader of the most feared Mafia and I wanted in, I wanted to be part of a family again. It took some convincing him, but he eventually let me in. This was the best decision I ever made, we had everything, and I had my brother back. Life started to become good again and for the first time in a while I had hope and saw a future. Not long after I turned 18, I started to feel differently and when I spoke to Lucas about this, he revealed his identity and that I too am part of a world I never dreamed of existing. We are Werewolf shifters. I learned that Lucas was powerful and was the leader he was known as the ‘Alpha’, he then told me I was his ‘Beta’ which is a second in command and his most trusted friend. Things were going well, and we were growing stronger every day and trained every day. I even found my mate in the pack. This was until we realised the mafia side was not doing well on the finances and we were slowly getting into debt. We agreed not to use any finances from the pack so we had to think of another way. That is when an idea came to me. I know my birth mother was rich and I had always wanted to get revenge for her giving me up, so we put a plan together.   ---------------------------------------------------------- Lucas’s POV I was 3 years old when Aiden was adopted by my parents, of course I was too young to know that he was adopted but I remember hearing them discuss it a few times. I was always listening in on their conversations, my parents were the Alpha and Luna of our pack and I wanted to know all the details so I would listen in on discussions from time to time. Being so young they never wanted me to know the details of running a pack, they would say I needed to have a childhood first but of course I did not listen. Me and Aiden were close, I loved him, and we did everything together, I was worried he would not be like us though. I prayed to the Goddess every night for him to be a wolf like us, I knew I would be taking over as Alpha one day and I wanted him to be my Beta. I was 15 when I heard my parents discussing Aiden’s adoption again and I decided to walk in and pretended like this was the first I had heard about it. I regret doing that because Aiden started to be distant, I guess he thought I would see him differently, I assured him that he was my brother regardless and we went back to normal. Once I turned 16 my parents sat me down to go through all the information I would need to know to become Alpha. They explained all the rules about the pack and the different ranks. Of course, I knew a lot of it already from prying all these years, but that is for me to know. After they explained what it means to be an Alpha, they then told me that they are the rulers of the Cortez Mafia as well as the Alpha and Luna of our pack. Humans know about the mafia and most members are human. I was given a lot of books and information to go over so I would be ready to take over when I turn 21. My world came crashing down when I was just 19, when my parents were killed in a car crash. As soon as they were killed, I had to take over the pack and Mafia, because I was not sure if Aiden was like us yet, I had to distance myself from him. I did not want him to get involved and be in danger, I hated doing it to him, but I wanted him to live a semi what normal life. I knew it was selfish, but I needed to put the business and pack first. I eventually found out that my parents were killed by a neighbouring mafia that wanted our shipment that was coming in that night, so they staged the accident. It took us 6 months to find them and end them, I showed them no mercy. I thought that getting revenge would help with the void I felt in my heart, but it did not. It was then that I realised I needed my brother back in my life, I knew I would have to tell him the truth one day, but that day was not yet. I would tell him about my true identity once he turns 18, I want to see if he is a wolf or not first. When I was 21 and Aiden turned 18 things started to change. Aiden started to change, I realised he was a wolf after all, so I explained all he needed to know about being a werewolf which he took surprisingly well. I think he was simply happy to be part of a family again. It was a couple months after he turned 18, he shifted into a werewolf. After his first shift I decided to tell him the truth about our parents which he understood thankfully, I then asked him to be my beta which he accepted. Things were going good; Aiden finally found his mate within the pack and we were happy. I had hope that I would find my mate, but I needed to be patient, I had trust in the Goddess’s plans for me. Just when things were good, I got a report to say the mafia side was in debt, upon investigation it turned out that our human members were stealing from us. I pulled everyone into a meeting and outed them to everyone and had them killed. I would have let them go but if they went to the police, we would lose everything and run the risk of them finding out about our true nature, so they had to be killed. When we were looking into how to get out of debt Aiden suggested a way that could help us and get revenge for himself. We agreed. 

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