Chapter 5

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Lucas’s POV When Aiden introduced me to Amelia and I took her hand I immediately felt the sparks of the mate bond, I did not expect her to feel them but when she pulled her hand back and gasped, I knew she had. If she were human, she would not feel the physical effects of the mate bond, she would only feel the attraction aspects. The fact she did feel something indicates that she must be a werewolf, I think I need to speak to her and see if I can communicate with her wolf. I also need to check in with my warriors for an update on Mason’s whereabouts, I run the city so it should not be too hard, I will do this first and then go and see Lia. I make my way from my office to the packs meeting room, as I enter I can see Aiden is already there, everyone else stands and bows their head in respect waiting for me to sit down. Once I sit everyone else does, I can already tell that they do not have any good news for me, but I guess I should ask anyway. “Any report on Mason’s whereabouts?” I ask the question to Noah, my head warrior and third in command. “I wish we did Alpha, but he has vanished. We made some enquiries, and it seems he is still alive, but we don’t know where or how.” Noah replies while handing me some documents proving that he is still alive. “This is ridiculous! We need to find him and soon, we have his wife and stepdaughter so I suspect he will try and get them back. We need to be ready; he managed to survive and vanish after having his throat ripped out so who knows what he has up his sleeve. Double the training and patrols, I want every scout available looking for him. The cargo we have ordered is coming in on Saturday and it will still go ahead, we will need the extra weapons. I want to double the manpower when the shipment arrives to avoid any unnecessary issues.” I say to the room. “Yes, Alpha.” They all reply and leave the room. I need to find him before he comes for Lia, I could not give a s**t if he takes Isabelle, but he is not getting anywhere near my Lia. I turn to Aiden once all the warriors have left the room, “Aiden I want you to organise the extra training and patrol and get Noah to arrange the extra men for the job on Saturday. I am going to bed now and in the morning I am going to go see Amelia.” I tell him. “Of course, I will get it done now. Let me know if you need me in the morning, I will get the pack together to arrange extra training for those who volunteer first.” Aiden turns and leaves the room. It is now 7am, is it too early to go see Lia? I think I will have a shower and breakfast and then take her a nice breakfast over; the hospital food is not the best there so I am sure this will be a good place to start with her. After I get out the shower, I decide to wear a blue shirt to match my eyes and black jeans, I leave my hair to flop to the side not wanting to waste time styling it. I leave my room and head down to the kitchen, Mrs Jones is in the kitchen already cooking, I have to say she is the best cook I have ever met. I decide to take Amelia a full breakfast with a side of toast and a hot chocolate. When I get to the hospital Doctor Will approaches me before I get to Amelia’s room “Alpha, I am glad you are here.” He says.   “Why what’s wrong?” I demand, worried something happened while I was not here. “No nothing like that. She was having nightmares last night, from what the night staff told me she seemed quite distressed. I have also checked her over this morning, and she is healing nice and quick. I just thought you should know.” Dr Will said. “Thank you, Doctor. Have you had the blood results yet?” I ask him, hoping this will indicate what genes are in her blood. “Yes, the strangest thing is, they are inconclusive. All I know is that it does not look like a normal humans results. You have a special mate there Alpha.” He says giving me a wink. I laugh at him “thank you, I best give her breakfast before it gets cold. Will you keep me updated on the results please?” I ask. “Yes, of course Alpha.” he replies and steps aside allowing me to enter her room.    ---------------------------------------------------------- Amelia’s POV Even though they were only dreams, I can still feel Mason’s hands on me and the pain he caused. The only difference is in my dreams no one saves me, I wonder what would have happened if Aiden and Lucas had not bothered to come find me. I am fairly sure he would have ended my life eventually, and I know I would have wanted it sooner rather than later. I need to stop thinking about it, I am not there anymore, and I will not ever go back, if it is the last thing I do. The smell of food pulls my mind away from my thoughts, I look up and see Lucas walking in with a plate full of food. It smells so good; I notice he is holding a cup of something hot too. He comes and takes a seat next to me and passed me the bag of food and drink container. “I thought you might appreciate some proper food and a nice hot chocolate.” He says to me. How sweet of him, I am glad though, the food here is barely edible. “Thank you Lucas.” I reply and start tucking into the food. Lucas smiles and waits patiently for me to finish. “Mm that was delicious, the best I’ve tasted in… well ever.” I laugh. “I know, our cook Mrs Jones is one special woman.” he laughs back. His laugh sounds just as delicious as the food, wait what am I thinking. I am officially going crazy. “How are you feeling today Lia?” Lucas asks, the concern in his voice makes it clear that the staff must have told him about my nightmares. “Physically I feel better, like I could run a marathon, but mentally I feel drained. The doctor mentioned he could give me something to help me sleep, and to keep the nightmares away.” I reply honestly, for some reason it doesn’t seem right to lie to him. “That is great, I can see that your colour is returning to your face. How would you feel about talking to a therapist to try help with the nightmares?” he asks. I think about it for a moment, I guess it would not hurt to try, but I am worried about telling a stranger all my secrets. Almost as if he can read my mind he adds “It was just a thought, think about it. The therapist is our godmother, you will be able to trust her.” This eases my mind slightly. I will think about it, so I give him a slight nod. I suddenly remember last night the voice I heard and the one word it shouted ‘mate’, should I ask Lucas what it means. What the hell, he probably thinks I am crazy anyway so adding to it will not hurt. “Lucas? Last night I heard a voice. Not in my room but inside my head, it said ‘mate’ does this mean anything?” I ask him, hoping he does not laugh in my face. He freezes, like he knows exactly what I am on about, so I give him a knowing look to explain. “Well, mates are a werewolf thing. Every wolf is blessed with a soul mate by the Moon Goddess, they will be the other half of you, each wolf is carefully selected so you work well together. When you find your mate, you will see them as being the most attractive person alive, you will then start feeling a bond. This will include finding them more attractive than anyone else, sparks when touching, and feeling each other’s emotions. The stronger the bond the stronger the feelings and that goes for the wolf too, the stronger the wolf the stronger the bond.” he explains. Wow a specifically designed soul mate sounds kind of cool, although I cannot help but wonder what would happen if your ‘mate’ does not wat you. “What happens when your mate doesn’t want you?” I could not help myself asking the question. If what I heard last night was an indication that I might have a mate, I am worried they will not want me. With all my scars and trauma, I would not blame them for not wanting me. “It is rare, usually this happens once a mate is found after they are married or have children, this way the Goddess will have pity and find a second mate for them. Those that decide to reject their mate because of looks or ego then they run the risk of being punished by the Moon Goddess. It has been told that she even stripped someone of his wolf, leaving him a human. But those that do reject their mates are stupid and unworthy.” He replies. “Wow that’s bad. Mates must be special then.” I say. As much as the thought of having a soul mate sounds nice, I would hate for mine to be stripped of their wolf all because they do not want a human and scarred mate. “The voice in your head, have you heard it before? What were you doing before you heard the voice, or rather thinking of?” Lucas asked curiously. At leased it was taking my mind away from the idea of having a mate. “I’ve never heard it before, even though she shouted, I didn’t feel scared, I felt relaxed. What was I doing? I was trying to go sleep and thinking about… um, do not laugh but I was thinking about you actually.” I admit instantly looking away embarrassed.   “Hmm. I just want to try something if you do not mind. Would you mind holding my hand?” He asked and put his hand in front of me. Why is he asking me to take his hand? I do as he says, and I instantly feel sparks from the contact just like the last time we touched. This time I do not pull away and I just hold his hand. It feels amazing, I started to feel the sparks make their way up my arm which was making me feel warm inside. I look into Lucas’s eyes and notice they are almost glowing bright blue and the only way I can describe this feeling is love. As I stare into his eyes, I feel like someone else is in control of my actions. Then we both say at the same time, “Mate.”   ---------------------------------------------------------- Lucas’s POV “Mate.” The moment the words leave my lips she pulls her hand away. She said it too, I had noticed her eyes started to glow green while we were touching, and I knew it was her wolf coming forward. I guess we know she is part wolf now. She must be powerful to feel the sparks this early, I am powerful as I am the Alpha but to feel more than the attraction, both sides need to be powerful. I want to try another test, but first I need to confirm what we both already know. “Lia you are my mate and I know you feel it too. The sparks we felt means that you are a werewolf, or at least part wolf and the Goddess has chosen us to be together. As I said before the bond takes time to grow unless your both powerful, the sparks are quite advanced in the bond, so I want to test some of the others if that is ok?” I ask her. “I think you are my mate too, I thought about it when you explained what a mate was. It was a strange feeling when we touched, it felt like someone else had took control of my actions, but I was still aware and could feel the emotions. But yes, I would like to keep trying, what do I need to do?” She replies. “You did, did you?” I say giving her a wink. She lets out a small laugh and covers her face embarrassed. I try to save her the embarrassment and change the subject. “I want you to clear your mind and think of the voice you heard, look into my eyes and tell me how I am feeling right now.” I tell her. She moves her hands away from her face and looks at me seriously. “Ok I will try. Although it’s hard for me to clear my mind while looking at you.” She says quietly and instantly blushes and looks shocked, like she didn’t mean to say it out loud. I chuckle and take her hands again encouraging her to focus, I can tease her later. She grips my hands and closes her eyes for a brief second before looking into my eyes again. When she looks at me, I can see the same glow as before and I know it is her wolf. I wait patiently while she tries to feel what I am feeling, just as I start to give up, she tilts her head lightly squinting her eyes. “You’re feeling happy but wary, you are being cautious because you think you will be too much for me and scared that you will lose me. I think I can sense some anger too, not towards me but from what happened.” She said. Wow. I never expected her to get all that, I would have been satisfied with simply happy. She blinks a few times like she is gaining control back, “was that ok?” She asks. “Was that ok? Are you kidding me, that was amazing.” I tell her, and she instantly smiles. The rest of the day we spend getting to know each other I learn that her favourite colours are white and red, her favourite food is chocolate, she loves to read and cares a lot for others. As we were disputing that white is not a colour, she asks me what mine is and while laughing I admit mine is black which starts the debate all over again. Doctor Will walks in with a grin on his face “you know the way you two are laughing I would not have guessed we were in a hospital.” He laughed, “seriously though, looking at your vitals and condition, I am pleased to say you can be discharged. Of course, I will prescribe some pain medication and some medication to help you sleep. I will go get everything ready.” He said and left the room.   I was happy she was finally be discharged but when I looked at her, I notice she does not look as pleased. She notices me looking at her and looks down. “I don’t have anywhere to go; I can’t go back home.” She whispers. It breaks my heart hearing her say that. I cup her chin, knowing she can feel the sparks, and lift her head to look at me. “Lia, as I said before, you are my mate. I will not reject you; I know that is what you are afraid of. I will protect you for the rest of my life, so no, you will not be going back to that place. You will be coming home with me at the pack house.” I tell her. I see her eyes glazing over, tears forming and starting to slowly roll down her cheeks. “I don’t want to be a burden on you Lucas.” She says softly. This girl really is something else.   “You will never be a burden to me little one, what is mine is now yours. I am yours, forever.” I say truthfully. She looks me in the eyes and another tear escapes which I wipe with my thumb, she then leans in and gives me small but loving kiss. Well, that was unexpected but as soon as we part, I want more. Just in a short amount of time there is nothing I will not do for her. “Lia, where do you want to sleep? You can either have your own room or you can share with me?” I need to know so I can get a room set up for her. I can see she is thinking about it. “Erm, would you mind if I stay with you? I don’t really want to be alone; it was bad enough being here on my own.” She asks. Yes, I was hoping she would say that. “Of course, I would prefer you with me anyway, but I did not want to make you feel pressured.” I reply with a smile and she just nods. While Lia was having a final check-up and getting her things together, I mind-link Poppy “I need you to do me a favour. I need you to get some girly things for Lia and put them in my room, I know you will know what to get. If you could get some clothes too and put them in the wardrobe, please?” I ask her. “Yes Alpha, I will do it now. What is her favourite colour, and I can go from there?” she asks back. “It is red and white.” I reply. I should also let Aiden know she is coming home today too. “Aiden, good news brother. Amelia is being discharged; I have asked Poppy to get her some stuff.” I tell him. He replies instantly “Oh my Goddess, I am so happy. Where will she be staying?” He asks. Well, this is awkward, “she will be staying with me, at her own request I might add. She also knows we are mates.” I tell him. “I wasn’t expecting that. But I am happy, I know she will be protected staying with you. I will get Mrs Jones to cook us a nice meal as a welcome home.” He replies. “Thank you, Aiden, see you in a couple of hours. After dinner we will meet to discuss todays progress.” I cannot wait to get Amelia home, as much as I would like to stay with her all night, I need to make sure the new plans have been put in place and see how it is going. It has been a couple of hours since Doctor Will said Lia could go home, and Poppy has just let me know that things are ready. “Lia, it is time to go home. You ready?” I ask her. I could see she was starting to get bored sitting and waiting around. “Finally,” she laughed, “But yes I am ready. I hope the pack likes me.” She says. “I am sure they will. Just be yourself, you are a likable person.” I tell her and give her a playful wink. She gives my arm a slap then walks towards the door; I follow her out and lead her to the pack house. 
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