Chapter 6

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Aiden’s POV When Lucas told me Amelia was being discharged I was so happy, even when he said she would be staying with him and that she made the decision herself; this will give them the time they need as mates and being so close to her mate will help heal her faster too. Over the past few days, I have been focusing on building the training programs to allow as many wolves as possible to train and arranging patrols around the pack. I have been so busy I have not had chance to check in with Amelia, other than seeing her at mealtimes, but this did not give us any one-to-one time. Now that the training is flowing nicely and we have the pack patrol in order I decide it is time to go and bond with my twin sister, hoping she has settled in nicely. When I get to her room I knock lightly and when I do not hear any noise, I assume she is either out or asleep. I think I will come back later and start heading back down the hall, just as I am about to reach the stairs, I hear her door open, and she pokes her head out. “Aiden? Is that you?” She calls out to me. “Yes, sorry I can come back later if now isn’t a good time?” I reply while walking back to her. “No, no its fine honestly, I was just in the wardrobe getting dressed, come in.” She says opening the door wider for me. When I enter, I can see she has made herself at home in Lucas’s room with girly accessories all over the place, there is even a picture of her and Lucas on the bedside table. I am so glad she is happy. “Thank you, I just wanted to see how you have settled and wondered if you wanted to hang for a while and get to know one another?” I ask her. “Yes, that sounds really nice actually. I am sorry I have not made much of an effort.” she replies. “Do not be silly. I have been so busy with pack stuff, I am sorry.” I tell her. We both laugh and roll our eyes. Well we are twins after all. We spend most the afternoon getting to know each other, it feels nice and natural, you would not think we have just met. I tell her all about my adopted parents and she told me how close her and Isabelle were before Mason came into their lives. The afternoon flies by and the one thing I haven’t asked yet is about how she feels about werewolves, I thought she might have said something by now. “Lia, I have been meaning to ask you, from our conversation in the hospital about who we are here, how are you coping with it all? Any changes with you?” I ask, I am nervous of the answer. “I am fine with it; I have never really felt like I belong before but here I do, and I feel complete. I have not started to notice any changes since the hospital, I am losing hope that it is true, despite what Lucas says. I mean I know we have this deep connection which should only be felt with wolves, but I don’t know.” She looks down, clearly disappointed. “Hey, it will be ok. If you do have a wolf just be patient with her, she clearly isn’t ready to be known.” I tell her as sincere as possible. I honestly do not know what is happening with her, I am simply happy she is with us. Even as a human she is Lucas’s mate so I know she will always be welcome. “Hey Boo, dinner is ready. Where are you?” Poppy mind-links me. “I am just with Lia; we will come down now.” I tell her. I stand up and turn to Lia, “Poppy just said dinner is ready, you hungry?” I ask her. Her face lights up at the mention of food “Oh yes. I am always ready for Mrs Jones’s food.” She squeals and jumps up. When we get to the dining room everyone is already there talking and laughing between themselves, I give Lia a kiss on the cheek and make my way over to Poppy while she makes her way to Lucas. Once I have sat down, I can feel Poppy’s glare. “What?” I ask her, trying to think if I have missed something or done something. “Nice of you to finally join me today.” she replied, she is clearly annoyed. Not like I have not spent the last few days with her constantly and basically ignored Lia since she arrived in the pack house. “Oh, give up will you, if I want to spend time with my own sister then I will. I have been glued to your side all week, so an afternoon here and there won’t kill you!” I snap back at her quietly and start eating. This clearly annoyed her as she slammed her hands on the table making everyone look at us and walked off in a huff. Lucas gives me a look, indicating that I should go follow her. “I am not going after her! She has gone off in a strop because I spent time with Lia. And I am hungry.” I tell him. “Ah I see. I guess she is territorial.” He replies. I look over to him and he has a smirk on his face.   ---------------------------------------------------------- Amelia’s POV When me and Lucas left the hospital, I was nervous, I was not sure how people would be around me, an outsider. If I am human then I know it will be harder for the pack to accept me, especially as I am Lucas’s mate, which makes me the packs Luna. Am I ready to lead a pack though? Even if I am a werewolf then I would be new to this way of life and I am not sure if I will have what it takes. “Are you ok Lia?” Lucas asked pulling me from my thoughts, I look up and I am met by his beautiful blue eyes and I nod giving him a smile. Spending so much time together in the hospital really made me start to fall for this man in front of me, I guess being mates is helping those feelings, but I honestly believe without the bond I would still be feeling this way. Before I know it, we are standing in front of the house, or should I say mansion. This place is huge. Lucas grins at me clearly seeing the excitement in my eyes at the house and he guides me inside. The entrance is like what you see in movies as soon as you enter, there is stairs leading to the first floor on each side of the room which meet in the middle. In the middle of the room before the stairs there is a marble table with a huge vase of white Roses and directly above the table is the most beautiful chandelier I have ever seen, it looked like real crystals hanging. To my left there is an archway which I can see leads into the dining area and I assume follows through to the kitchen. On my right is a closed door which Lucas explains is a common area that all pack members use regardless of rank and then finally there is a double door right under the stairs which he tells me is the meeting room. We start making our way up the stairs and I notice the house seems quiet, too quiet considering the pack house is like a main hang out place for the pack. Lucas explains that only ranked members are allowed upstairs with the Beta and Gamma families living on the first floor and the Alpha family lives on the second floor. By the time he has finished explaining everything we had made it to the top floor, our floor, and we are standing in front of a large double door. Before we go in I want to know why it is so quiet. “Where is everyone? I haven’t heard anyone yet?” I ask him. “I asked everyone to stay away for the rest of the day so you can settle in and then we can start introducing you to the pack tomorrow. Speaking of this is our room.” He replied and opened the doors. I was about to protest that everyone did not need to stay away for my benefit, I did not want people to think they could not come and have fun just because I am here. But before I got to say anything the room I just entered took my breath away. The walls were white with red roses dotted around; the floor was a white carpet with a red fluffy rug which covered most the room. In the middle of the room was the biggest bed I have ever seen; the frame was white, and the bedding was red and looked incredibly comfy. On the left side of the room there was a huge bay window in the middle of the wall with a bookcase full of books to one side and a red sofa on the other which was on an angle to fit nicely in the corner, and there was a standing lamp just behind the sofa. To the right of the room there was two doors, the first door opened into a bathroom with two sinks and a double mirror on the left, full of toiletries. To the right was a walk-in shower, big enough for more than one person, at the end of the room was the biggest bath I have ever seen. The bathroom was decorated to a light blue colour with a touch of black, including the bath and sinks. I noticed that the bedroom was of my favourite colours and the bathroom were Lucas’s favourites, cute. I then went back into the bedroom and walked up to the last door and opened it. It opened into the biggest walk-in wardrobe I have ever seen, there were clothes, shoes, and accessories along both sides, one side men’s clothing and the other women’s. To the far end there was a dressing table which looked like it was made of either glass or crystal and in the middle of the room was a large poof, it was amazing. I turned to Lucas “are all those clothes for me?” I ask.   “Yes. I had asked some of the pack members to get you knew stuff and asked them to redecorate the room so you would like it and feel at home.” He answered. I was shocked, this was the nicest and most considerate thing anyone has ever done for me and the emotions came flooding forward and I could feel my eyes watering. Lucas quickly takes me to the bed and sits me down wiping my tears away. “Lia what is it? Are you ok?” He looks concerned. “I am fine, it’s just so considerate of you. I’ve never been treated this nice before.” I reply as more tears fall. “Lia my love, this is the least I can do. You deserve so much more than this and I want to be the one who gives you everything, I love you. I know it is soon, but I do.” He declares. Once he said the words, I looked into his eyes to see what he was feeling to make sure this was not a joke, but all I could see was love. Anyone would think this is crazy and that it is fast but the moment I walked in this room I knew I loved him too. “I think I love you too Lucas. This is all so new and scary, and I am petrified to let my guard down, but I can’t help it with you.” I admit. His eyes light up and starts leaning in to kiss me but hesitates. He is waiting to see if I want this after everything that happened, but I need this too, so I pull his head down and capture his lips with mine. The kiss is full of passion, love and lust and I can feel my body reacting to him as the sparks from where he is touching me make their way to my heart. He suddenly stops pulling away and I instantly feel cold, did I do something wrong, did he not enjoy it as much as me. I am sure he can feel the confusion through the bond and on my face and answers my question “I won’t be able to stop myself if we carry on my love. I want to make sure you are 100 percent ready before we do anything, plus you are still healing.” He says. I did not think of that so I just nod agreeing with him. He then pulls me to him and cuddles me on the bed and I start to drift off thinking of the kiss we shared. The next few days fly by and I have gotten used to sharing a room with Lucas and I have spent a lot of time getting to know more about wolves and the duties of an Alpha and Luna. I met a few pack members that come here almost every day too which was nice. When Lucas has been busy with pack duties, I spend most my time either reading in my room or hanging with the other members in the common area. I got especially close to another pack member Natalie; she is the Gamma Noah’s sister. She is the opposite of me and has shoulder length blonde hair and dark blue eyes, she is a spitting image of Noah. She is loud and confident too, which I love and admire, although I do feel sorry for who her mate will be as she is a handful. Natalie does not turn 18 for a couple of weeks still so she will not find her mate until she gets her wolf. I am glad I have a best friend here, it nice to have someone who you can trust. As the days start to pass, I notice that Aiden has not been to visit me much since I came here. Lucas told me he has been busy with Poppy arranging more training and patrols, but it still upsets me that I have not managed to bond with him yet. I finally get out of bed I get washed up, as I was getting dressed I hear a knock at my door, I quickly pulled my top on and ran to open it. I saw Aiden starting to walk back towards the stairs “Aiden? Is that you?” I shout to him. He looks back at me and turns around walking my way “yes, sorry I can come back later if now isn’t a good time?” He asks. “No, no its fine honestly, I was just in the wardrobe getting dressed, come in.” I reply and opening the door wider for him. When he enters, I see him look around the room with a smile on his face. “Thank you. I just wanted to see how you have settled in and wondered if you wanted to hang out for a while and get to know one another?” he asks me. “Yes, that sounds really nice actually. I am sorry I have not made much of an effort.” I say. I feel guilty not making more of an effort now. “Do not be silly. I have been so busy with pack stuff, I am sorry.” He argues. We both laugh and roll our eyes.   We spend most the afternoon talking and getting to know each other and sharing stories of our parents, it was nice. It felt like we had known each other for years, not just a week. The afternoon flew by when Aiden suddenly stood up. “Poppy just said dinner is ready, you hungry?” He ask me. Oh my god, dinner. “Oh yes. I am always ready for Mrs Jones’s food.” I reply and quickly get up. We made our way down to the dining room, once we go there everyone was already seated and was talking to each other, except Lucas and Poppy. Lucas was staring at me with a wide smile and Poppy was glaring at us, she must be upset with Aiden for something. We part ways and go sit with our mates. Lucas gives me a kiss on the cheek, and we start eating. After a few moments of us arriving I hear Poppy mutter something to Aiden and his reply sounded sharp, then she suddenly slammed her hands on the table and stormed off leaving us all stunned. Aiden did not look liked he cared much and looked at Lucas, they shared a look and I wondered if they were mind-linking each other. Before it was noticed by anyone else, they went back to eating like nothing happened. I wish I could mind-link, it would be so cool and easier, especially when the pack is so large. After we finished dinner Lucas told me he wanted to talk to me about something and we went up to our room. We decided to sit on the sofa, and I noticed he looked troubled. “Lia I have a job tonight I need to attend; it is part of my city business; we have some weapons coming in and with everything that has happened I do not trust my usual men to do this alone. Aiden will be with me along with some of our best warriors and I have asked Noah and Natalie to stay here and protect you. I hope you understand.” He explains. Why was he so nervous to tell me, this is his job after all, and I would never get in the way of that. “Lucas I understand. This is your job and what being the boss means. I will be fine, especially with Natalie.” I tell him. His face softens and lets out a small chuckle, then he leans in and gives me a kiss. The kiss was short before he pulls back and looks at me. “I have to leave in 10 minutes and will not be back until late, so do not wait up. I love you.” He tells me then he gives me another kiss, this one lasting longer than the last. He got up giving me a small wave and walked towards the door. “I love you too, be safe please.” I shout to him.  
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