Chapter 1

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Aiden’s POV The plan to become rich and for me to get revenge was coming together nicely. Me and Lucas had discussed a lot of ways to get some money back into our pockets and for me to get some revenge. I know my obsession with it is not healthy but I have so much anger built up towards her. Before I lost my adoptive parents I never really cared about them, nor did I even think about her. But the day they died I wanted to make someone pay for it, and who else than the person who gave me up. I was lucky I had Lucas as a brother, when I spoke to him about it, he was so supportive and even contributed to what we would do. I felt guilty getting an innocent, or at least I think she is, involved but it is the only way. “So what’s the plan then Lucas?” Noah asked, we all looked to Lucas waiting for him to explain, I already know but no one else did. “We have found out that Mason Luciano has a daughter, he keeps her hidden well but the information we have gathered is that she is his only child, so we will have 4 people on patrol near the home 24/7 including Aiden. Once the right opportunity comes along, we will take her. Once we have her secure, we will send word to the Luciano’s, and we will give them a choice that they can either they pay 5 Million to get her back or we go to the press with information on how they managed to become so wealthy.” Lucas explained to everyone. Poppy, my mate, spoke up next. “How do we know they will pay; they might go straight to the police and the press before we can?” She asked. “I thought that at first too Poppy, but they don’t seem to like her being known to the press, but if this doesn’t work then we will threaten to kill her, we also have Dan getting as much information as possible on the family to find out as much information as possible for us to use, ready for when we have her. Plus, we will question her too and try get all their secrets, they may not be like us but there is something they are hiding.” Lucas replied.  "We have arranged everything to ensure this will work." I add.  "Aiden is right. We will meet at 6am in the morning, we don't want anyone to see us and will be less suspicious. We will spread around the house and wait for an opportunity to enter, but not too long. As soon as we have the girl we will take her to one of the houses on the outskirts of our territory. We don't want to risk anyone following us back here." Lucas explains.  "Is that clear to everyone?" I say and everyone nods. We spend a couple more hours putting together the final parts of our plan before we all headed to bed to get a good nights sleep ready to go tomorrow.    Morning came around quickly and after a quick shower I headed down to the front of the house, after around thirty minutes we were all standing outside the pack house ready to go. We decided to leave early so there would not be many people around to question what we were doing in the area. Once we were all ready, we headed out. It did not take too long to reach pour destination, we parked a few minutes away so the amount of vehicles would not be suspicious, once we reached within a few metres of the house we all set up in different locations ready to go. This was going to be a difficult mission getting her, but I must admit I was happy it was finally happening, and I would get my revenge on the woman who gave me up. The patrol started and we tried to blend in as much as possible so no one would notice us. Looking at the house they live in you would not think that they are wealthy; it looks like a normal house for a well-off family. There are no bodyguards or anything, something is not right with these people, who would not hire protection when you are that well off and could be targeted easily.   As I was observing the surroundings something caught my eye, it was a girl who looked around my age with long brunette hair and a very slim figure, and she looked malnourished. Her scent was oddly like mine, she smelt like fresh rain and grass, what was even weirder is she was climbing out of what looks like a basement window trying not to be seen. Has she robbed them under their nose? She does look homeless with her clothing; she is wearing a worn-down poncho with leggings that look to short for her. When she turned to my direction, I looked at the photo we managed to get of Masons daughter, and I realised this was her. We need to act quickly, I mind-link Noah “Noah I can see her, she is on the west side of the property and about to go through the woodland area, we need to do this now!” As soon I told him, I could see him and Poppy making their way to the woods.  We were all following silently behind her and as we got closer, I noticed that she had no idea she was being followed, most people would be able to sense that they are being followed or watched but she does not seem to realise. This was great and made our job a lot easier in catching her, I was expecting a fight, but something tells me we will not get one. “Aiden, we need to do this now! I can see a clearing coming up which will make us too exposed to do anything.” Noah’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. “Let’s go!” I replied. Noah went to the left and Poppy to the right while I went towards her from the back. As I got closer I noticed she was wearing old looking clothes, not like what I would have expected. When I was in a reasonable distance behind I snuck behind her and injected her in the side of her neck. She instantly collapsed but looked at me once before she fell unconscious, and I noticed her eyes were Hazel in colour, like mine. She did have similar features to me, I guess her being Isabelle’s daughter then she would. But looking at her she didn’t look like Isabelle or Mason; she must have skipped a generation. Once she was fully unconscious I carried her over to where we had parked and put her on the back seat. We all did one last check around the area to make sure no one saw us, once we were sure it was ok we headed back home.    ------------------------------ Amelia’s POV   “AMELIA! AMELIA GET HERE NOW!”  I could hear my mother shouting me from upstairs, damn I knew I was in trouble; it is the only time I am ever called by her. But what did I do this time, I am always careful and follow there rules to a T.  As I make my way into the front room, Isabelle and Mason are both standing there staring at me with hate in their eyes as usual. I knew that it didn't matter what I did or said now, I would be punished for what ever it is I have done. “Sorry, what would you like me to do?” I asked as sincere as possible. Although the reply I got was not what I expected. “What have we told you about being discrete coming and going to school?” Isabelle snapped at me. “I have been careful, I swear.” I plead back; I have always been careful. “Well not careful enough, the papers seem to be asking a lot of questions about a young girl that lives here! You know we do not want anyone knowing you are my daughter. You will put shame and embarrassment on us!” She spat. This is not new to me; I know they hate me. “I’m sorry I will be more careful, maybe it was one the parents you paid?” I said, and instantly regretted. I knew as soon as the words fell out of my mouth, it would be bad. I just could not help it coming out. “How dare you speak back to your mother like that, you ungrateful b***h! I think I need to remind you how to behave!” Mason yelled. As Mason said that he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. As I was being pulled, I heard my mother shout to him. “Make sure you do what we discussed, she need to be taught a lesson!”. The way she said it made me scared, I have never been physically abused by them but now I am certain that is going to change.   As we got to my room, the basement, Mason gave me a look that was so cold and evil I swear he could be mistaken for the devil. I could feel myself shaking and afraid of what he would do, he is not a small man, he is muscular and got a look that could kill, I knew I would not be able to overpower him. “I think you need to be taught a lesson you won’t forget.” He said as he took a step closer to me. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, please.” I plead back and for once in my life I meant it, he clearly does not believe me though. “Don’t make me laugh, you have been a brat ever since you were a child but now, you’re not a child and can be treated like an adult.” He stated while unbuckling his belt, I could feel the colour drain from my face, this cannot be happening. As soon as he took his belt of, he ripped off my shirt, so I was just in my bra, I was petrified.  “Please don’t do this.” I try to plead so he would not go further, all I could think about was how could my own mother be happy with this. He made a low chuckle and told me to turn around, the minute I turned I felt it, it was like I was being stabbed by a hundred knives at once, the pain was unreal and that is when it occurred to me that he was whipping me with his belt. I could feel my eyes burning, I could not breathe as he kept lashing me with his leather belt each one more painful than the last, then he stopped. He turned me to face him, he was grinning at me like he got some sort of kick out of it. “You are now my property and I will do as I please with you, whenever I feel like it.” He told me, he was holding the back of my neck so hard I could not move my face, he then dropped the belt and started to walk out. Just before he left, he turned to me “until next time.” He said, more like a promise.  That night I cried more than I ever have before in my life, my back was stinging like mad, and I knew I needed to go out as quickly as possible. Days passed by and every day and night were the same, Mason would come into my room and do things to me that was anyone’s worst nightmare, from whippings to beatings. He would tell me every time he was done with me that no one would ever love me or want me because the scars he is giving me. He even told me this was his ‘mark’ that I am his property. I have come to accept that this is now my life, get up go to college and come back to this, I would not even see my mother anymore. About a month after the torture started Mason came down like normal, but this time, he had rope and a gag ball with him. WHAT THE HELL. He came up to me and ripped my clothes off like normal, so I was left standing in my underwear. He forced the gag ball in my mouth and tightened it so tight I felt like my jaw was going to break, he then forced me onto the bed and tied both my arms and legs to each of the posts, I was terrified. It was that moment I realised he had a cane; how could I have not seen this before. He knelt in between my legs. He then looked at me with the same grin he always did and started hitting me with the cane over my stomach, legs, and boobs. Each time he struck; my whole body pulled from the pain. This was the first time I wished I were dead; I had thought it before but never wanted it so bad. That night I was ready to end it all. I knew things would only get worse from now.  The pain from each strike was getting worse and the pain was so bad. I knew it wouldn't be long until I passed out from the pain, I just wish it would hurry up. I do not want to feel anymore pain from him. Soon enough my wish came true, right before I passed out he struck me harder than before on the left side of my ribs. This was the breaking point, and everything went black.   When I woke up, I looked around and could see the sunlight coming through the small window I have. I tried to get up, but I was in agony, everything hurt. I looked down at my body and saw all the marks he left. Luckily, he untied one of my hands somewhere along the way so I could free myself from the bed. I got up as quickly as I could, I needed to get out and leave, I am not prepared to go through this anymore. I am not even sure how I had this burst of energy, but I knew it was now or never.  I quickly grabbed a small bag of my stuff, I didn't have much so almost everything fit into my small backpack. Once I was ready, I did my usual and snuck out of the house so no one would see me like I was told. I used the small window I had in the basement, one good thing about being small, I can fit through small gaps. I quickly made my way out and headed towards the woods. I made it to the woods quickly and before entering I check back behind me to make sure no one saw. I felt a connection to woods every time I came here, it must be the freedom I feel when I am here, it is almost like a sense of being free.  I was almost at the other side when I felt a sudden pin prick in the side of my neck, I put my hand to where I felt the pain and could feel a needle. I had been injected with something. I could feel my knees giving way beneath me and I could feel my eyes getting heavy, no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I looked at the figure standing above me praying it was not Mason, when I saw the Hazel coloured eyes staring back at me I knew it wasn’t but before I could say or do anything my eyes closed, and I fell asleep.   As I started to wake I could hear voices, I tried to open my eyes to sit up, but my body was not cooperating. All I could do is try and listen to the voices. I got fed up of listening and I want answers, so I try to open my eyes again and this time they opened, but everything was slightly blurry. The voices I heard before stopped and I heard someone say, “she is starting to wake up, get the Alpha and Beta!”
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