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Mia's pov After about an hour of driving, Mia felt someone leaning over her and taking off the blindfold they tied around her eyes. Julian sat unsmiling in the seat in front of her. Glancing to her right she saw a man dressed in a black suit Two-9-millimeter pistols were shoved in his jeans as if it was the most casual thing in the world. She tried to look out the window, but all she could see were the shapes and outlines of the road as they drove. Looking straight ahead she saw a black Range-Rover leading their vehicle. She glanced at Julian who kept his gaze straight ahead. They rode in tense silence through the city until they soon turned into an upscale neighborhood and soon drove up to a gate guarded by armed guards. A few words were exchanged between the driver and the guards before the guards waved them through. They soon stopped in front of a deluxe mansion. Julian exited the car first then walked around and helped Mia out of the car. Mia snuck a few glances around. Men dressed in expensive suits. Walked into the mansion with their bodyguards in tow. They were elites as they flashed a ring to the men guarding the entrance to the Mansion. Who after seeing their ring waved them in. " Let's go," Julian said grabbing Mia's hand and forcing her to follow behind him. Once they reached the door a guard stepped forward and motioned for them to stop. " Hold it right there I'm afraid I can't let you in without seeing your membership ring," he said. Julian simply tilted his head to one side. Seeing the tattoo he had the guard's eyes went wide. " I'm sorry for the delay sir, I'm just following orders you can go straight in," he said nervously. Julian nods and began dragging Mia behind him. Expensive furniture was all around the mansion, testaments to the owner's immense wealth were on display all around. In front of them were a crowd of well-dressed men and women some in elegant dresses while others wore revealing outfits while others wore elegant gowns all of them sipping champagne as they stood in the foyer. Instead of heading in their direction Julian turned and lead Mia down a set of stairs. He soon stopped in front of a set of metal doors and knocked. Mia felt panic wash over her as she waited for whatever terror was behind that door. Her hands shook by her side as Julian looked at her. " What's going to happen now?" Mia asked. He glared at her his eyes set in stone as he said nothing. He seemed to be contemplating whether she was worth answering. Once he felt that she was he finally spoke. "Just do as your told. when you go in there stand still and when you're asked a question answer it don't lie, This will probably be the last time we see each other again" he said gruffly. " Before I go in I need to know this does my father owe your boss money, it that why he's selling me to try and get his money back?" she asked. He scoffed and gave her a look that said ' do you think I'm going to answer that. " You s- said it yourself. you'll never speak to me again and seeing as I might be sold to a serial killer tonight I think I have a right to know" she said refusing to beg him. He frowned his dark brows as he looked down at her. " Yes, he does". " You do know... that I have nothing to do with my father right I don't see why I have to be punished because of his mistakes," she said trying to get this man to feel anything. His eyes softened for the briefest of moments as he looked at her then became cold once more as he looked away. She frowned at his dismissive action she knew that this man was a killer at heart and men like this don't feel anything for crying girls. Seeing the name tattooed on his wrist she suddenly asked him " Do you have a daughter?" Mia suddenly asked. Julians' eyes went wide as he looked at her. His eyebrows pulled together, his jaw set, and his eyes looked dangerous. " What the f**k does that have to do with anything?" he asked coldly. " Treat her right and protect her no matter what, make sure she never ends up in my situation," Mia said. His eyes glistened as he looked away from her as if he couldn't look at her anymore. The door opened and Mia felt him grab her but this time he did so gently as he gently pulled her close. " Her name is Bella," he said before he gently pushed her into the room. The door closed with a bang as Mia gazed around the room. The room had dim lights. The room was silent as she stared at herself through the glass. The intercom overhead crackled overhead and a woman's monotone voice came out. She felt like panicking at the thought that she was going to be sold. " Mia Santino? the voice called. She nods shakily. " Age?" " T-Twenty " she felt like crying. " Where were you born?". " Sicily," she said. Another pause. " Approximately how many times have you had s****l intercourse?" Mia felt like dying as she heard this. " I-I'm a virgin" There was a long pause. " Thank you dear you may walk towards the door to your left thank you for your cooperation," the voice said Mia did what the voice said walking towards the door. Once she stepped through she found herself on a large stage. Looking into the audience. She saw that all the man and women were seated and was staring at her. A man dressed in a tuxedo waved her forward. " Please stand here dear," he said. Mia did what he said and he smiled at her then walked towards the microphone then addressed the room. " Thank you, gentlemen, for attending tonight's auction, Tonight we have a very special guest with us the long lost daughter of Hugo Santino," the man said causing the entire room's attention to focus on Mia. Looking on she saw various expressions but the most shown was anger as the men heard her name. It's obvious that her father had wronged them in some way or another and now she was going to pay for his crimes. " I'm sure some of you might be asking yourself a why should I be interested in her, but she's still pure and untouched by any man" the auctioneer continued, seeing the interest spreading as the man heard this. " Good shall we begin bidding starts at 100K," the man said. " 100k," a man said while giving her a perverted look licking his lips. "100k to Mr smith do I here 200k the Auctioneer said. Meanwhile Leonardo sat down and listened to the men entering into a bidding war over Santino's brat. All the while his emotionless eyes never strayed from her as she looked around the room as if searching for something or more specifically someone. Another man soon raised the bid even higher and soon many others begin bidding the prices soon reaching millions. He could see that Mia was panicking as she was hearing this. As she wondered what would be her fate and what would happen to her mother. Leonardo watched and soon their eyes locked with one another. In contrast to his cold and emotionless eyes, her's swam with tears as she looked at him. " I can't wait to ravage that little virgin p***y serves her right for what her bastard of a father cost me" The man that was leading in the bid laughed cruelly. He continued watching Mia who looked at him silently pleading with him " Please don't do this" she whispered to him. He raised an eyebrow at her then sighed as soon he got the feeling he got when he knew that what little humanity he had left was about to make him do something stupid. " 300 million," he said causing everyone to become quiet and look at him including Mia who couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her father owed him money so why didn't he sell her, why would he be willing to pay so much money for her" he thought to himself. " 300 million going once, going twice sold!" He said. Leonardo stood up and adjusted his tie ignoring the looks of shock he was getting from the other mafia Leaders and rich bastards that he couldn't stand as he walked towards her. She was still in shock and didn't react when he grabbed her by the waist and flung her over his shoulder Iike she weighed nothing ignoring everyone who all stared at him shocked as he walked out of the hotel like he didn't just spend a fortune.
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