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Mia's Pov Fear is described as being afraid of someone or something likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening. Mia was feeling some high-class fear at the moment as she sat down in the devils' bedroom dreading the moment when those doors would open and he would step inside. Earlier After the auction, Satan brought her outside to Julian who waited beside his car along with his men who all looked surprised to see their boss carrying a struggling Mia across his shoulder. After he opened the back door of the car, he threw her down in the back seat and turned towards Julian and his men. " Portala Nella mia villa e chiudila in una stanza finchè non arrival"(Bring her to my villa and lock her in a room until I get there) The Devil said then walked away. Julian glanced at his boss then at her. They brought her to a beautiful Villa at the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was the only sound that could be heard for miles around. Julian dragged her through winding passageways as two men walked beside them. Apparently she was a runner and was not to be trusted so they took extra precautions to make sura she doesn't try to escape again hence the four men walking with them blocking all avenues of escape. They soon stopped in front of a set of double oak doors. " Wait here," Julian said to his men who all nodded. Julian brought Mia into a room. The room was grand, with a large king-size bed expensive furniture as well as it's a private bathroom. " Stay here and don't try any or so help me you'll regret it," Julian said . " Yeah I heard you the first time," she said. He glared at her before he nods then walked out of the room slamming the door with a loud bang. And that's how Mia ended up here. " Might as well get in some sleep before evil incarnate gets here" she thought to herself laying down on the bed and because of how comfortable the mattress was she soon fell asleep. Her eyes peeled open, the memory of what happened earlier clouded her mind. She frowned as she opened her eyes and saw smoke from everyone. She took in a breath, the smell of m*******a filled her nostrils. She sat up her head lightly as she looked around the room. Her eyes then focused on him. The handsome devil sitting in a the chair across from her, his cold and emotionless eyes never once straying from her's. He held his joint in his hand and then brought it slowly towards his lips. Mia had to admit it even though he was a cold-hearted murderer and a mob boss she could see why women would want him. He looked incredibly enticing at that moment. His hair was still wet from his shower, his shirt clung to his toned body perfectly. He also left the first three buttons of his shirt open giving her a view of his chest. Mia could see why most women would have been all over him when he walked into a club, if being a mob boss doesn't work out for him he would make a killing as a model. But she knew that underneath that beautiful and gorgeous facade was a cold-hearted monster, this man was the devil and she needed to remember that. "Your awake good, now we can get down to business" his voice was calm and calculated. " wait before we do anything can I ask you something?" Mia asked. He regarded her with his cold and demonic eyes before he nods. "Why did you buy me? you could have just sold me and been done with it but instead you spent a lot of money on me why?" Mia asked. He tilted his head to one side as he regarded her. " Plans change, my original plan was to sell you to compensate for the money your father took, but I changed my mind it seems I need you after all," he said. Mia didn't like the sound of that. " What do you mean?" she asked. He stands and this simple movement commands her attention as he walked across the room until he stood in front of the bed. She looked up at him, he couldn't hurt her more than she already knew he would. His hand gripped her chin firmlyy forcing her to meet his gaze as he looked down at her . She glanced at the black ink that formed over his arms and neck, symbols and words were permanently drawn across his skin. She flinched from the cold metal of his ring as he gently stroked her check. " You wish to know why I purchased you?, why I saved you from an uncertain future?, why I said I needed you?" he said. Her mouth spoke before her mind could. " s*x," she said. His eyes looked amused, his lips pulled up into an amused half-smile. " Well obviously" he said as he looked her over. " But I can have any woman I want, I bought you for another reason Mia Bella"( My beauty). " And why would that be?" she asked. He released her chin before he looked at her " I need someone standing by my side," he said. " What?" "Fonculo I'm too tired for this s**t" (f**k) she muttered. He stares at her blankly and I am used." The Italian Mafia's all about stability little girl, I have been a little too.... reckless lately my advisors think it would settle my men and women if I had a symbol of settlement by my side and that's where you come in," he said looking at Mia. What The f**k! No. Fucking.Way. " What the f**k" she frowned at him." I'm so goddamm confused, I thought you bought me just to be your w***e, how the f**k with me by your side help stabilize your Mafia?" Mia asked. He smiled an evil smile. " That too Mia Bella, don't get me wrong,I am going to f**k you and guess what I'm not going to go easy on you my delicate little flower, But just know this by just being by my side it'll help my Mafia, and you want to, know the best part," he said taking a drag from his joint before blowing the smoke in her face as if marking his territory. Mia coughed and waved away the smoke and shook her head. " you don't have a f*****g choice". " And if I don't agree?" she asked. His cold gaze snapped towards her looking cold and murderous. " Then I can't guarantee the safety of your mother and your uncle," he said in a cold and emotionless voice. She felt her head spinning as she heard his threat, Fear and concern for her mother sent a chill down her spine. His ice gaze glinted as he looked at her. She crossed her arms across her chest. " fine as long as you promise not to hurt my mother I'll do what you say" she said. An amused smile spreads across his face. " That's a good girl," He said as he slowly backed away from her bed his gaze never once leaving her's, He soon turned on his heels and began walking towards the door. " Well speak further, Mia Bella we're going out tomorrow so get some rest, and be up by eight I'll send a stylist to help you get ready," he said. " I-I can get ready on my own" Mia said. He stopped by the door and glanced at her. " It's either me or her. If it's me you won't be pure by the time we're ready to leave" He said. " Wait what's your name?" she asked him. He had his back to her in the doorway and then answered. " Leonardo," he said simply, and with that, he slammed the door and left. she thought about what just happened as she lay down again. He called her Mia Bella the same thing Hugo used to call her mother. And she begins to cry long into the night until she fell asleep. Dreaming about Hugo.
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