

escape while being pregnant
opposites attract

When Mia's father fails to pay his debt she quickly finds herself at the mercy of feared Mafia kingpin Leonardo Castellano who decided not to kill her but instead allow her to work of her, fathers debt who she deeply despised

Faced with no other option but to work, when he threatened her mother, she quickly learned that even this devil was once an angel

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Mia's Pov The sound of her alarm clock going off on her bedside table caused Mia to groan as she reached across and turned it off. She closed her eyes feeling sleep dragging her back into its embrace until her phone was also alarmed. " Are you kidding me?" Mia said with a groan shutting it off, glancing at her phone screen she saw that it was almost time for work. Mia sat up and stretched as some of her blond hair fell into her face. She walked towards her window and then pulled her curtain aside causing sunlight to spill into her room. Looking downstairs, couples walked hand in hand, and strangers rushed up and down the sidewalk some on their phones. People late for work waved down passing taxis. Despite her seeing this a dozen times before, it still amazes her that she's here and able to see this every morning, and she's grateful. She sighed as unpleasant memories of her early life came rushing back. Everyone has a past and a backstory some good and some bad, but her's was an especially dark one. The villain of her life was Hugo Santino her father Aka the Serpent, he was a man you didn't want to have the misfortune of meeting as there's a reason he's been given that name back on the small island her mother and she used to call home. An abusive and violent person, he was someone who never appreciated neither her or her mother instead he always pointed out what they were doing wrong. He was an alcoholic and drug dealer as well as involved in human trafficking for the Mafia that controlled the island, he was a vile person but worst of all he was abusive towards her mother and her. Her fists tighten in sudden anger as she remembered Hugo coming home smelling like alcohol and drugs, sometimes he would smell like other women, and when her mother confronted him about it he would become enraged and abuse her, once Mia tried to stop him from hurting her mother and he turned his anger towards her slapping her across the face. It has been like that for years until they finally managed to escape with help from her uncle, her uncle was a weapons smuggler who was tired of the criminal lifestyle and wanted to start over, he smuggled them both right from under her father and his thug's noses took, them both along with him and moved as far away as he could from his brother. They were forever grateful to him as he managed to free them from the torment, he quickly became a father to Mia as her Father despised her. She hated Hugo Santino, she hated to admit it but he was the only man she feared, she hoped she would never see him again. She sighed as she knew Hugo may still be looking for them, and if he was getting help from the Mafia there would be no safe place for him. She knew him, he would kill them. Every day she got that displeasing feeling, her mind clouded with fear telling her that someday Hugo would find them, all the times she's been abused, whether it had been beatings or cuts or burns they'd left scars, multiple scars. He would laugh in her face telling her that she deserved every ounce of pain. The scars faded but the memories remain, they've been imprinted in her mind in such a way that every time she closed her eyes she would see him. His cruel smile as he brought the still lit cigarette closer before he pressed it against her bare thigh, her screams of pain causing him and his men to laugh cruelly. She still has scars on her body, she might have gotten tattoos to cover them but she knew what lay beneath the cuts and scars. All painful reminders of her past. Mia looked out the window once more before she sighed again hearing her mother calling her from downstairs. " Coming Mama" she called back walking towards the door hoping her life could continue like this, Hoping that she'll all never have anything to do with Hugo again. She wouldn't get her to wish Leonardo's Pov Leonardo looked out the window at the people dancing on the dance floor not aware of his wrongdoing. If they listened hard enough they could hear a man pleading for his life as Leonardo's men tortured him. The loud music from the Dj left them none the wiser as they enjoyed the expensive alcohol and illegal drugs available. As beautiful women in revealing outfits danced in hanging metal cages moving their bodies seductively to the beat. His club was called the Devil's playground and it was a name well earned, it was a perfect lair for the leader of the world's most powerful and influential Mafia, and it was a perfect lair for the most feared mobster, the king of the criminal underworld Leonardo Castellano but only his family know his true name. Everyone knew him by his other name, a name that commands reverence and respect amongst his allies and fear and dread from his enemies. They called him the devil. And it was a name that was well earned. From the states to europe and beyond the criminal underworld knows and fears that name, they know not to cross him or death will be the least of their worries. Leonardo turned around and raised one hand signaling for his men to stop. The cruel-faced men stepped back and continued to look at the man who bleed freely from the many wounds they've inflicted upon his body. Leonardo clicked his tongue in disappointment as he knelt and used his gun and tapped the man's leg forcing him to look at him. He struggled to look at Leonardo as he was badly battered and beaten barely hanging unto consciousness. " Look how low you've fallen Michael, you were one of my fathers must trust advisers now look at you, did you think you could steal from me and not suffer if you were caught," Leonardo said voice devoid of any emotion. Leonardo looked at the man's ruined and bloodied suit as Michael sobbed in response. " please Leo" Micheal said using the name he used to use when Leonardo was still a little innocent child and not the cold-hearted mob boss looking at him. " I'm sorry I should never have stolen from you I was just desperate for my daughter she's sick and I needed the money to pay for her medical bill, I shouldn't have stolen from you, I was stupid please forgive me" Michael pleaded while sobbing. The men looked at their leader to gauge his reaction, and his dark and demonic expression chilled them there was no emotion on his face as he looked at the man who practically raised him, his grey eyes like steel completely emotionless as he stared at the sobbing man. " I won't kill you if you tell me who else is involved," Leonardo said. Michael was skeptical " How do I know that you're telling the truth?" he said causing Leonardo to shrug. "You not in a position to negotiate either you tell me or your lifeless body gets dumped in the ocean it's your choice," Leonardo said." If I tell you I want your word that my family won't be harmed," he said. Leonardo nods " you have my word, your family won't be harmed," he said not meaning it. Michael stares into the eyes of the Devil not able to know what Leo was thinking. Seeing that he had no choice but to tell him everything trusting that Leo would keep his word. He wouldn't as soon as Leonardo got what he wanted he nods to his men, who grabbed Michael and roughly dragged him out of the room, All the while he begged Leonardo to spare his wife and children. Leonardo's second in command Julian walked towards Leonardo as he walked towards his liquor cabinet and poured two glasses of hundred-year-old scotch passing one to him. " It seems Hugo's been double-dealing you, what do you want us to do with him?" Julian asked. Leonardo walked towards his office window overlooking the underworld. He drank his Scotch before he pours himself another glass. " Hugo owed my father a lot of money now that my fathers are gone Hugo now owes me, he also has a lot of information on our operations on his island, killing him isn't an option, well not yet," Leonardo said finishing his scotch in one go Julian quickly followed. " What do you want us to do then boss?" Julian asked. " Find his daughter and bring her to me, we'll use her to flush him out, he'll come for her as he's been searching for her and her mother for years" Julian nods " So we're letting them go after we kill Hugo?" Julian asked. Leonardo shook his head signaling that he was planning not only to murder Hugo but his ex-wife and daughter. Julian nodded got up from the Italian leather chair and walked towards the door. " Julian" he heard Leonardo call out causing him to stop and look at his boss who continued to look out at the club. " I want her brought to me unharmed, kill anyone who disobeys this order do you understand?" he said. " Yes sir and what do you want us to do with Michael's family?" Julian asked. " Kill them" Leonardo said in a cold emotionless voice. Julian nods having received his orders before he closed the door to the office.

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