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Mia's Pov They say that the eyes are the mirrors of the soul. But as she gazed into his grey eyes she could see that his soul was stone and dead. His eyes were steel and demonic as he walked towards the table flanked on both sides by two men with expressions that matched his own. Mia didn't know what was worse, that his expression reminded her of the Devil's or that he his looks reminded her of an Angel's. He was that good-looking with slicked-back black hair a strong square jaw with a well-groomed beard he had a towering height. He was also built but not too muscular otherwise, his presence screamed authority and power. He looked like death, a dark and beautiful death. but what unsettled her the most was how beautiful his darkness was. He had beautiful and flawless skin covered with beautiful artwork. He stared at her with his dark murderous eyes. His expression remained silent and still. His jaw was set and he stood and looked at her. He wore a dark suit, his stance was tall and flawless, and she felt herself shrinking away from his penetrating gaze as she found herself getting lost in the dark deeps of his black souless eyes. " Stand up," he said in a commanding tone taking a step back. Her hands shook as she struggled to stand up. She felt the tension in the room as she stood. Everyone's eyes were looking at her. She saw the man that brought her here standing beside saton, his hands folded behind his back. Satan's unforgiving gaze remained on her. She felt herself wanting to cower under his gaze. But she wouldn't, she promised herself that she would fear no man like she feared Hugo ever again. So she gathered what little courage she had and looked him in the eye. The two of them soon began staring at each other as Mia stood straight, trying her hardest not to cower under his predatory stare. His head turned ever so slightly as if motioning to something and suddenly the world was in motion. Servants brought out two covered trays and set them down at the table. One where she was sitting and one where she assumed he would sit. " Sit," he said motioning his hand towards the table. Mia sat down as he sat down in his chair at the head of the table eyes never straying from her's. a waiter rushed forward carrying a bottle of red wine. He quickly poured Satan a glass then lifted his tray cover to reveal a plate of delicious food he then bowed then moved on to mia. He did the same thing for Mia then bowed then hurried out of the room. Despite her stomach roaring from hunger at the sight of the gourmet food. Mia stared at it suspiciously not knowing if this was a trick. She glanced at him he then gave her a nod indicating that the food was indeed safe. Mia tried the food with caution at first not knowing if it was poisoned. But once she tasted the delicious and flavourful dish she moaned in delight as she began eating normally. All the while his gaze remained upon her as he occasionally sipped his wine. Once Mia was done a Maid cleared her plate and left the room. " Do you know why you're here?" he asked. Mia nods indicating that she had some idea. " Is it because of my father?" she asked to which he nods. " Good," he said then turned towards her kidnapper. " Get her ready for the auction," he said. " Wait what auction?" Mia asked panicking. " Andiamo principessa.Non renderlo più difficult di quanto dovrebbe essere( let's go Princess don't make this any harder than it needs to be). One of his men said grabbing her by the hands and forcing her to stand up. " Please don't," Mia said crying as the man dragged her out of the room. Looking back at the Devil as he sat there sipping his wine ignoring her cries eyes never straying from her. He dragged her down the steps, his finger digging into the skin of her arm. Seeing as she was about to be sold she decided that she needed to escape. Everyone step they took, she felt she was getting closer and closer to death she decided she needed to act now. The second they turned around a corner, she pulled out of his arms and ran. Yes, this was her second attempt at running from the Mafia. Attempt yes was she successful. No She was caught, but obviously, she would have been. She couldn't even walk up the stairs in these heels without falling on her face. Still, the effort was always great. She ran down whatever hall she didn't recognize. Soon she couldn't hear his colorful cursing as she began to lose him. She turned around a corner and slammed into the body of two huge men. Everything moved in fast motion. She was lifted off the ground and slammed against the wall by one of the men who smelled of weed. " well what do we have here a little sheep that got separated from the rest of her flock" he laughed slipping a hand under her dress messaging her thigh. " She's a sexy little w***e" his friend piped up and he pressed up against her. Mia went ballistic, she began cursing and screaming for them to let her go. " Oh she's a feisty one," the man said cruelly. Her legs kicked as she bucked and tried to push him off. "Hold her," the man said to his friend as he began unbuckling his pants. She refused to cry but that didn't stop her from screaming." Shut her the f**k up". A hand was slapped across her mouth and she swallowed the stinging pain that was spreading quickly across her face. One of the men gripped her ass with his hand as he began kissing a trail down her neck. " Let me go you assholes" she managed to shout as both men laughed." Oh I like it when they struggle," he said. Mia whimpered again and let out a muffled scream for help but to no avail. Just as he began sliding her panties down her legs. She could have sworn the temperature in the hallway dropped then a loud bang interrupted as three shots were fired. Both men immediately dropped her and she fell to the floor in a heap of shame and tears. She looked up and expected to see the man that was taking her to be sold but instead her eyes looked into the eyes of the Devil himself. Her face burned from shame as he glanced at her, then his gaze settled on both men. One of them was already dead and the other struggling to breathe clutching his chest. " Bo explain the situation," he said. His voice was cold, calculated, and earth-shattering. She felt herself cowering as she buried her head in her sleeve. the thought of being raped made her want to cower as memories of her father came rushing back. His demonic gaze snapped towards hers and she could have sworn she saw a bit of compassion in his eyes but it was gone quickly. He then turned his murderous gaze towards Bo. ' I'm sorry boss we were just going to have a little fun with the little slut...Boss, we didn't know she belonged to you." Bang Tears fell down her face as she saw someone else die for what felt like the hundredth time today. As the body of Bo fell to the ground her kidnapper rounded the corner. He saw the bodies and was surprised but it quickly faded as he saw her on the ground. The Devil turned his attention towards him "Julian get these f*****g idiots out of my sight" he said coldly. The devil's attention then focused on her. His eyes were ice cold and staring into hers emotionless. She glanced at her side and saw another man standing there nervously. He avoided eye contact and just looked at the Devil. " Get her cleaned up and ready for the Auction." His voice was like a knife cutting through her. His accent was smooth like silk. "Guardalo personal" ( see to it personally) he growled before he walked off down the hallway. " Let's go girl," the man said helping Mia off the ground. Even she could feel that his hand was trembling as he gripped her hand. "Get her ready for transport I'll handle the mess here," Julian said. The man nods and then gently began leading Mia down the hallway. Towards an uncertain future. Hi guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter until next time
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