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Mia's Pov Darkness All mia saw was a blackness that made her dread what was coming next. She opened her eyes to find only darkness, the haze that burned her eyes and mind. She felt that the sack they originally used had been replaced by a cloth that they used to cover her eyes. Anxiety, ran rampant through her mind as she pulled at her wrist something tightened on them as she groan in frustration. She was tied up. She bit down on her trembling lips as she held back her tears. Oh my God, what if these were Hugo's men, men if he's finally found her, what would happen to her and her mother. She froze as she heard voices. There were multiple footsteps. So she decided to stay perfectly still as they spoke." Si signore. L'abbiamo e no, non è stata lesa( yes sir we have her and no she hasn't been harmed). Realizing that they were talking about her, She was confused her father didn't care about her so who else could be behind her kidnapping. As she put two and two together. They know who she was as they have gone through a lot of trouble to kidnap her, it couldn't be Hugo as he never cared about her getting hurt before. And the men that captured her were given orders not to harm her. So who could they be she wondered? And as she despair began setting in. It's obvious they were gangsters, they weren't afraid to kill innocents and they carried weapons. The worst possible scenario flooded her mind. Could they be human traffickers like her father or were they part of the Mafia? Hearing the voices getting closer she focused on listening. " Prepara dei vesiti per lei che il capo vuole incontrarla, Quiendi sembra che sia sveglia"( prepare some clothes for her the boss wants to meet her so it seems she's awake). She felt someone walk up to her and take her blindfold off. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the bright lights in the room once her vision settled she noticed three men standing in front of her. She sucked in a breath and pressed herself to the wall behind her. They were massive men, their faces are hidden in the shadows of the stone room as they looked at her. " your awake good that means we hadn't drugged you too much" one of them said. She flinched at his accent it was strong and Italian his face stern and pale as he knelt in front of her. " Do you know who we are?" the man asked still looking at Mia who nods indicating that she did. The man gave an approving nod of his head. " Good it seems your intellect matches your beauty," he said " Now unto the matter at hand I'm sure you must be wondering what happens next, And why you've been brought here?" the man asked. Mia nods " I can't give you a lot of information but what I can tell you is that there's someone very important that would like a word with you, do what he says and you won't be harmed do you understand?" the man asked. " Sì certamente"(yes I do). " Good someone going to escort you to take a shower then change into something appropriate for your meeting with our boss, and don't worry you'll come to no harm," he said easing some of Mia's anxiety. " do I have a choice?" Mia asked. a small amused smile passed across his lips." No. I suppose you don't" his smile didn't reach his eyes as he said this. He walked towards her and pulled out a blade from his jacket. " I swear to you girl if you try anything you will be punished consequences be dammed," he said while looking at her with demonic eyes warning her not to try anything but secretly hoping that she does. Mia nodded slowly as he stared at her cold eyes boring down into hers. " Good," he said cutting the ropes that bound her hands together. Her hands ached as she rubbed them together dark bruises surrounded her wrist. He then gestured at one of his men pointing the knife at him." take her to get freshened up then changed" he said. The man nods then grabs Mia and began leading her down a long hallway. They stopped at a metal door and he pushed her inside. It was a bathroom, poorly lit with blue tiles. " strip" he muttered gruffly. She froze eyes wide and her blood went cold. " Wha-" " Your going to be f*****g late, and I'm not getting into trouble because of some dumb b***h so get in the f*****g shower," he said. She looked at the shower stall there wasn't a curtain." There isn't a curtain....". He crossed his arms across his chest then raised an eyebrow and leaned against the door. " oh great we got a talker, what are you a princess, sorry to tell you but if you're not comfortable with getting naked in front of me your in for a hell of a ride". He found this funny Mia had never been sexually intimate with any before. Sure some guys liked her and wanted those things, but it wasn't her scene. Sure she was confident with her body, but not so much as to get naked in front of a stranger, who could be a rapist for all she knew. As he noticed her hesitation he stepped forward with a growl. " Quit wasting my f*****g time, you have three seconds to strip, or I'll do it myself, and trust me you don't want me to do that". Hearing the underlying threat in his words and tone she knew she didn't have a choice but to do what he said. Her lips trembled as she shrugged out her uniform. The material fell to her ankles leaving her in her bra and lacy panties. she used her hand to cover herself the best she could. His gaze traveled the length of her body from the top of her head to the cherry blossom tree she had tattooed on her breasts, down to rose tattoos she had on both thighs not attempting to hide the sudden bulge in his pants as he licked his lips. " You have a very nice body, too bad we've been told we can't touch you I would have loved to bend you over and f**k you right here," he said as his evil eyes took her in. " I'll be outside don't take too long," he said walking out of the bathroom and closing the door. Mia breathed a sigh of relief glad that she wasn't going to have to bathe in front of that creep. She stepped into the shower. She winced as the cold water hit her face but she quickly got used to it. As she showered she began contemplating her situation. " It's obvious they worked for the Mafia, but who was this mysterious leader, could it have been Petrovic the leader of the Mafia when she was still living on the island. Mia stepped out of the shower just as the creep from earlier walked inside carrying a bathrobe. " Take this," he said eyes not straying from Mia's naked form. " Pervertito"( pervert) she mutters and she took the bathrobe and wraps it around herself. His eyes narrowed as he heard what she said. As much as he wanted to teach her some respect he was under strict orders not to touch her. He growled then turned around and gestured for her to follow him. She followed behind him as he lead her down another hall. " where are we going?" she asked. " Shut the f**k up" he growled as he shoved her into another room. She stumbled into the room. It was a small space, with racks of designer clothes and a mirror stand that was filled with makeup. A tall woman stood at the center. Her hair pulled back into a bun, her expression indifferent. " That will be all Sergio," she said walking around Mia and examining her. Sergio grunts and steps out of the room. " Hmmm, Curvaceous, Long blond hair," she said as she held Mia's wet hair in her hands. " Blue eyes" she then looked at her face. " and your quite beautiful as well very exotic," she said as she lets go of mia's hair and walked towards the closet. " Hey I'm not some rare..." the woman snapped her fingers. " I don't care I'm just here to do my job now sit," she said gesturing for mia to sit down in the chair. Mia sat down in the chair as the woman started to look through the racks of clothing and soon pulled out a beautiful black and gold dress. " This will do," she said placing down the dress then approached Mia with a make-up set and began doing her Makeup. " Hey could you at least tell me what's going on," Mia said as the woman continued applying her makeup. She paused then started again. " not that you heard it from me, but your meeting Mr. Castellano tonight, he's requested your presence for dinner," she said continuing her job. Her tone grew gentle almost motherly. " Look I don't know what you did or how you got mixed up with this lot, but my advice to you is to keep your mouth shut and you might make it," she said. She went silent as she finished then had her put on the Black dress. She then combed Mia's Hair and let it curl around her waist. Once Mia had her approval she called Sergio back inside who looked at them both with a death stare. " My work here is done she's all yours," The woman said. " Good luck dear" she muttered to Mia as Sergio lead her outside. Mia followed Sergio towards a dining room where the Man that told him to get her ready stands. Once he saw mia he nods in approval. " Good Fiona did an outstanding job," he said. He then turned his attention towards Sergio. " Your dismissed," he said. Sergio glanced at Mia one last time and then walked out of the dining room. The man pulled out her chair for her. Mia looked at him suspiciously not trusting his intention. " Sit girl," he said giving her a look that brokered no argument. Once mia sat down he pushed her chair gently back into place and then stepped back with both hands behind his back. The main door opened and Mia turned around and looked shocked by what she saw or more specifically. " Who" Hey, guys hoped you liked this chapter.
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