1938 Words
Leonardo's Pov Leonardo sat behind his oak desk reading the portfolio he had his men gathered on Santino's daughter. He took a drag from his cigar letting the smoke drift slowly from his parted lips as he read the information his men managed to gather. Mia Santino: 20 years old, Daughter of Hugo Santino, and already in a boatload of trouble thanks to her scumbag of a father. Her father owed a lot of powerful and dangerous people money, there's also a target on her head organized by the Spanish Mafia who her father double-crossed. Too bad the bastards won't get to her before him. He chuckled then drank the rest of his scotch then placed the glass down on the table. Hearing a knock on his office he told the person to come in. One of his men walked inside and closed the door. " What is it?" Leonardo asked. " Boss Max is here," he said. Leonardo nods while taking another drag from his cigar. "send him in" Leonardo says. " Right away boss," the man said going to fetch Max. Max walked into Leonardo's office nervously sweat dripping from his brows as he saw Leonardo watching him. His cold eye are watching his every move. Leonardo stands up from behind the desk shrugging off his leather jacket. " Leave us," he said to his bodyguards who nod before they all begin leaving his office. Leonardo leaned against his desk glaring at him coldly while holding onto his desk. "Max, Max," he repeated his name as he walked towards him slowly. He gripped the back of Max's neck and forced him to look him in the eyes. " I'm sorry..." he was cut off by Leonardo punching him in the stomach causing him to cry out in pain as he fell to one knee throwing up against the floor. Leonardo looked at him coldly before he tossed him a roll of paper towels. " Clean that up," he said before putting on his jacket and then running a hand through his hair. " You've f****d up too many times little brother, and your lucky where family if we weren't I would have killed you a long time ago," he said coldly causing Max to shudder from fear as he knows what his brother was capable of. " I'm sorry big Brother, I know f****d up it won't happen again," he said cleaning up his mess. Leonardo scoffed "You're going to f**k up again, you can't help it you took after your father, your both f*****g idiots that fall easily for a pretty face," Leonardo said. " This is your final warning little brother next time a punch to the gut isn't all your going to get, no more f**k ups do I make myself clear?" He said. Max nods " I understand brother," he said. Leonardo glares at him before he nods. " Good now get the f**k out of my office," He said. Max nods clutching his stomach as he walked out of his office closing the door behind him. " f*****g i***t"Leonardo muttered as he looked down at his club. Meanwhile Mia's pov Mia sat down looking at her phone as men dressed in expensive tuxedos and women dressed in elegant dress's mingled about in the lobby of the hotel. An elegant-looking woman wearing a pair of dark glasses walked toward her carrying a Louis Vuitton bag. " Good night ma'am welcome to the Celestial, do you have a reservation?" Mia asked politely. The woman took off her glasses and then spoke with a pompous and entitled tone of voice. " Yes it's reserved under Smith, Layla Smith," she said. Despite the tone and manner in which Layla was speaking to her Mia decided to remain polite not wanting to risk her job. " Room 123 here's your key someone will bring up your bags shortly," Mia said. The woman took the key off the counter glaring at Mia then began muttering about something and then walked away. Mia rolled her eyes and then went back on her phone. " Yikes what a nightmare" Mia looked up and saw her crush Jordan the cutest guy that worked at the hotel he was a footman leaning against the counter looking at her. " How do you deal with people like that?" Jordan asked. Mia laughed " You just gotta be patient and polite," mia said causing Jordan to chuckle. " Not only are you incredibly beautiful but your wise too how are you still single," he said causing Mia to smile. " Who said I'm still single" she winked at him. Jordan gave her a dazzling smile in return for her teasing. " Hey are you free Saturday night?" he asked shyly. " I don't have anything planned for this Saturday why?" she asked but seeing his cheeks becoming crimson quickly told her all she needed to know. " There's a music concert at six, would you like to go with me?" Jordan asked. " I would love to go with you," Mia said with a smile. " Great it's a date" Realizing what he said he blushed. " Uhmmm it's a date only if you want it to be, we could just hang out as friends if that's ok with you," Jordan said sheepishly rubbing the back or neck. Mia leaned across and kissed him on the cheek " It's a date" she said to which he smiles. Later after she had gotten off work Mia walked down the street towards the bus station desperate to get home from the almost empty street, as the only bus stop was at a shady part of town. Mia looked around to make sure she wasn't being followed. It was pitch black, the street lamps produced a dim light, and the street illuminated the light with a grey beam. She pulled out her phone and tried to call for a cab but there was no signal. " f**k you Verizon wireless" she muttered placing her phone back in her bag. She waited for about an hour and with no signs of a bus showing up anytime soon, she decided to walk instead of spending hours waiting on a bus. She walked down the desolate streets with most of the businesses closed around 10 pm. A few blocks later beaming headlights shone from behind her. She turned around and saw a sleek black car pull up beside her. The windows were tinted, and she could see her reflection in the glass. She took a nervous step back at the proximity of the car as the passenger window slowly slid down. A man with dark hair and black sunglasses appeared looking at her with an expressionless face as he looked at her from behind his shades. She took a step back unsure of what to do. when he then said the words that would change her life forever. " Mia Santino I need you to come with me the man said looking at her. She frowned at the man in his expensive-looking car. " Excuse me I don't know...." realization dawned upon her as she noticed the lion tattoo on his neck. She felt his dark eyes analyzing her and she suddenly became aware of the situation. She began backing up as panic washed through her. " Get in the f*****g car" his growl came and with that, she turned and ran away. " Get her" she heard the man say as she heard multiple doors of the car opening. Then the screeching of the car tires as he drove off. Mia kicked off her heels as she began running for her life. She turned down an alley and continued to run bits of broken bottle sliced into her feet and her head pounded with anxiety and terror. She heard their footsteps closing behind her, and her heart slammed through her chest as she ran. She risked it and snuck a glance behind her to see four men behind her cursing In Italian. She rounded a corner and cursed as she came to a dead end. Two massive brick walls and a chain-link fence too high to climb blocked her escape. " f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k" she cursed as she looked for a way to escape. As if by divine intervention a man opened his back door taking out his trash. He then spotted Mia who ran towards him. " I need your help please they're after me please help me," she said. The man held her shoulder. " Hey calm down who's after you?" the man asked. " Them" Mia pointed as her pursuers as they emerged from the darkness looking furious. The man pulled Mia behind him and then approached their arms out wide." Hey, gents could you please leave the girl alone he said. One of them stepped forward and placed his hand on his jacket. " This doesn't concern you step aside" the man warned. The man protecting Mia shook his head. " I'm afraid I can-". * Bang* Mia screamed as the man protecting her was shot. He gasped clutching at his chest as he fell to the ground. He glanced back at Mia. " Run" he muttered before they shot him again ending his life. Mia froze " Oh my God they killed him" she muttered to herself as she backed away slowly. The shooter slid his gun back into his holster hidden in his suit. They all then turned their attention toward her. They wore all black, their eyes shaded by tinted sunglasses they stood expressionless. " Shhh, Va bene.Non ti faremo del male, finirà presto( Shhh it's ok we won't hurt you It'll be over soon) one of them cooed at her. The one that spoke to Mia earlier stepped over the man's dead body. " We can either do this the easy way or the hard way, it's your choice," he said. Mia shook her head as he approached her. Her body was trembling and shaking as she tried to take another step back. He reached out and grabbed her. His hands grabbed her wrist as she tried to pull away. She tried to scream but he covered her mouth with a gloved hand. He gripped her in a vice-like hold leaving no chance of escape. She let her tears fall freely as she thought about her situation. " She was going to die" the realization dawned upon her as she struggled. He turned her around, her back pressed into him as he held her in place, his gloved hand still firmly placed around her mouth. She then felt his free hand tuck her hair behind her hair. " Shhh princess, it'll be over soon. Her eyes widened but before she process anything a white cloth was pressed up against her nose and mouth. She know what they were doing and tried not to breathe in the chemicals. But eventually, she was forced to take in a deep breath of chemical-laced air. She felt her body going limp, but instead of falling, she felt someone lay her down gently. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms, but the second she inhaled again she felt herself slowing down. Her eyes began fluttering as she fought to keep them open, the hot trails from her tears going numb along with the rest of her body as it went cold. As she took one last shaking breath." principessa die sogni d'oro( sweat dreams princess) she heard the man whisper as he pulled the chemical-soaked cloth away. Allowing her to fall into darkness.
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