Chapter Nine

1567 Words
Sonja  I sank into the plush sofa, the soft cushions enveloping me as I settled in to watch my all-time favorite movie, Friday. To cheer myself up, I searched for something amusing to watch and boost my mood. Not long into the movie, I could hear a gentle tapping on the door. Not again. I opened the door and on the opposite side stood a pretty, slender, medium-height she-wolf with brunette shoulder-length hair tied back into a ponytail. “Can I help you,” my head tilted to the side. “Hi Sonja, I’m Joy. I planned to come and meet you earlier after speaking to the Alpha, but I got tied up,” she exhaled after saying the entire sentence in one breath. Wow! “Okay. “Nice to meet you Joy,” I said, my voice lacking any enthusiasm as I questioned her motives. With a smile that stretched from ear to ear, she couldn’t contain her excitement and burst out, “Wow, you’re absolutely breathtaking! I looked at the door and then back at her. What was it with this place? Everyone just walked in without an invitation. After shutting the door, I turned to confront her, my brows furrowed with curiosity. Despite her sweetness, I instinctively became guarded. “Are you the Alpha’s mate?” The words left my lips before my brain could catch up. My heart suddenly dropped after I realized I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear her response. “Oh, goddess no. My mate is Lawrence, the pack’s gamma,” she laughed as she walked over to the sofa and sat down. I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to assume. It’s just that I haven’t met the Alpha’s mate yet.” I tried to sound unbothered, yet my voice came out awkwardly. “We don’t have a Luna yet; Alpha still hasn’t found his mate,” she clarified, a smile still graced her lips once more. I wonder if her cheeks ever get sore from smiling so much. My mind went back to my conversation with Alpha Kayden; he stated he had met his mate, but she didn’t know it yet. I sat deep in thought, trying to decipher what he meant. I didn’t know why I even cared. “Hey, did I lose you?” Joy’s words snapped me out of my own thoughts before my eyes turned to her. “Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. What did you say again?” It was the truth. I needed to decide on what to do with my life now. “I asked if you wanted me to give you a tour of our pack,” she offered. She smiled a lot, but I liked her energy and I could use a friend here. “Uh, sure,” I shrugged. I had nothing to lose and was getting bored sitting up in this room. I could feel the weight of her gaze as her eyes darted around the room, searching for something before finally locking onto me. A hint of uncertainty filled the air as she hesitated, before finally she asked what I dreaded. “So, which pack are you from, Sonja?” “What makes you think I belong to a pack?” I tested the waters. I wasn’t sure if the Alpha had told anyone yet, and I was not looking forward to their response to me being in this pack. “Well, for one, you don’t smell like a rogue,” she exclaimed, her voice filled with an infectious enthusiasm that resonated in the air. “I’m from Sable Lake,’ I proudly declared to her. I would never be ashamed of my pack, even with the bullshit rumors. “I’ve heard of Sable Lake, but I’ve never been there.” To my surprise, there was no trace of disgust or pity in her eyes as she looked at me, despite my pack members being labeled as outcasts. She must have observed my reaction before she gently placed her hand over mine. “Listen, I don’t care what pack you’re from or the rumors. I can tell that you’re a good person,” she gave me a genuine smile. A sense of calm washed over me, like a gentle breeze on a warm summer day, as hope bloomed in my chest that maybe more people in this pack would be like her. “Ready,” she stood and pulled me up with her, then pulled me out of the room. The sun shined bright in the sky as the heat beamed down on my skin. We walked in silence for a few minutes before she started the conversation. “Are you underaged,” she asked, and I nodded. “When will you be 18?” “In three days.” “Yup, I knew it! I could tell that you were going to reach maturity soon.” Her eyes turned to me. “So, are you looking forward to finding your mate,” her eyebrows wiggled. She was making girl talk and, to be honest, it was nice talking to another friendly person who didn’t judge me. “Hmm,” I hummed, still lost in deep thought. “I don’t know.” Truthfully, I hadn’t thought about finding a mate. “It’s highly unlikely that I’ll meet my mate anyway, so it really doesn’t matter,” I laughed to lighten the mood. I didn’t need a mate. I was going to be an elite soldier after I completed additional elite training. A mate would complicate things. “You never know Sonja.” She hooked her arm with mine and I smiled at her. It felt so good to smile again. Joy and I walked around the vast acres of land. The Eclipse Luna pack was nothing short of amazing. Of all the places I have been shown so far, the lake was my favorite. It was about ten minutes from the pack house. The pack was huge, and I was sure I still had not seen everything. “Could we visit the training grounds tomorrow? My exhausted voice croaked, my feet throbbing with each step, as my energy faded like a flickering candle. “Sure, that’ll work,” she replied. We made our way towards the pack house as my stomach rumbled. We were close when we spotted three women standing around talking; one was none other than the blonde bimbo, Carla. Great, I didn’t have time for her ass today, I thought, rolling my eyes. Joy and I continued and attempted to walk past them when a familiar screechy voice spoke out. “Some people just don’t belong here,” Carla spat with venom. Joy turned to the source of the voice. “She’s the Alpha’s guest, and you need to show some respect,” Joy warned. Her infectious smile was no longer visible. Wow, I didn’t think I would ever see Joy’s smile fade. When my eyes landed on Carla, a fiery sensation coursed through my veins. I took a couple of breaths, trying to focus on the gentle rise and fall of my chest to regain my composure. While I didn’t want to disrespect Alpha Kayden, I simply couldn’t stand bullies. “No need Joy,” I placed my hand on her shoulder to calm her. I could take care of this chick on my own. “The one who doesn’t belong here is the rank climbing w***e,” I smirked. I knew my words were harsh, but I didn’t care. She needed to be put in her place. She stood there with wide eyes. I took the opportunity and stepped directly in front of her with my face inches from hers. “Stay away from me,” my commanding voice was barely audible. The air hung heavy with tension as she stood motionless, like a statue. “Or what,” she challenged with a sarcastic laugh while her two friends snickered beside her. “You don’t want to find out, slut,” I didn’t like this chick, and it didn’t help when I noticed the way she gawked at Alpha Kayden. I stood there quietly, looking at Carla with cold eyes. I despised the woman in front of me with every fiber in my body, and the thought of her sleeping with Alpha Kayden bothered me more than I’d like to admit. “We’ll see,” Carla smirked before walking away with her friends following her. “I’m sorry about her” Joy motioned her head towards Carla, who was walking in the opposite direction. “It’s fine. You don’t need to report anything to Alpha Kayden,” I chimed in. I didn’t need to bother him with any nonsense. She only nodded. Joy and I walked in silence until we arrived at the pack house. “I have some things I need to do, but we can meet tonight in the dining room at 6 for dinner. I’ll introduce you to my mate, Lawrence too,” she quickly said and walked away before I could argue. I arrived at my room as my remaining energy seeped out. After my run in with Carla, I was no longer hungry. I took a hot shower before I plopped down on the bed to relax until my meeting with the Alpha before dinner.
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