Chapter Eight

1237 Words
Sonja The next morning, a sharp, insistent knock at the door startled me from my slumber. My eyelids felt heavy, and my limbs were weak, as if weighed down by invisible chains. I squinted at the nightstand, the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains revealing the digital display: 8 o’clock in the morning. A low grumble escaped my lips as I mustered the last remnants of energy, dragging my exhausted limbs out of the warm, comforting cocoon of the bed. I opened the door and my eyes fell on two young she-wolves. One petite, young she-wolf with beautiful ocean eyes, milky skin and brunette hair pulled into a high ponytail. The other woman was also petite. Her honey brown eyes were inviting and stood out against her gorgeous features. She neatly braided her hair into a ponytail, adding a touch of elegance to her appearance. Each one held a tray in their hands. “Good morning, Miss,” they both greeted me in unison and entered the room before I could respond. I glanced at the door and then back at them. Well, come on in, I thought before I closed the door. “Um, good morning,” I replied, while they scurried to the kitchen, placing the trays on the table. As the tantalizing scent of food wafted through the room, my eyes grew wider with anticipation. The delightful aroma filled the room, making my stomach grumble once more. “What’s this?” I asked, unable to tear my eyes away from the trays. “The Alpha instructed us to bring you breakfast since he did not see you at dinner last night,” the one with the braided ponytail announced with a smile spread across her pretty face. The corners of my mouth lifted as I returned the gesture. “I won’t complain about that. Thank you.” The sound of my laughter filled the room, a long-lost melody that echoed off the walls. It felt refreshing to experience simple joy again. “We’ll come back in a while to collect the trays,” the brunette said with a cheerful smile, their hurried footsteps fading as they dashed to the door and closed it behind them. I removed the lids from the trays, revealing a mouthwatering spread. The sight of golden-brown French toast, fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, juicy sausage, perfectly fried potatoes, and a tall glass filled with refreshing orange juice made my stomach rumble. The enticing aroma of sizzling bacon and the sound of eggs being scrambled filled the air. I couldn’t wait to dig in and savor the delectable flavors that awaited me. I hummed with delight as I eagerly dug into the sumptuous feast, savoring the tantalizing dance of flavors on my taste buds. The plates, once brimming with culinary delights, now lay empty, a testament to my ravenous appetite. I tilted the cup, savoring every drop of the refreshing orange juice as it cascaded down my throat. Since my stomach was now full, I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and put my hard to manage, stringy hair into a messy bun on top of my head. I put on black leggings and a white t-shirt and laid back down to watch tv. I had momentarily escaped the grasp of my pain, but it was an unwelcome visitor that always found its way back. As I reclined on the bed, I clutched my pillow tightly against my chest, seeking solace. A hollow emptiness seeped into my body, making me feel like a vacant shell. The weight of sadness pressed down on me like a thick, suffocating blanket, suffusing the air with a sense of despair. It seemed as if the sun had vanished, leaving behind a perpetual darkness. Another knock caught my attention at the door. My body refused to move, still sluggish from a full stomach. “Come in,” I called out while my head remained on the pillow. The door creaked open, and Alpha Kayden sauntered into the room, his athletic shorts a sleek shade of gray, perfectly accentuating his sculpted physique. A crisp white t-shirt clung to his chiseled frame, amplifying his undeniable allure. A rush of admiration surged through me, causing me to instinctively straighten my posture. I held onto the plush pillow, it’s comforting softness providing solace amidst the overwhelming presence of this captivating alpha. The Alpha’s intense green eyes locked onto mine, their gaze penetrating deep into my soul. A shiver of anticipation coursed through my body, as if an electric current surged within me. “Is something wrong, Alpha Kayden?” “No, I just wanted to check and make sure that you were doing okay. You didn’t come down for dinner last night,” he breathed, his voice filled with concern. As he walked into the room, the gentle click of the door closing behind him. The sight of him standing there, his presence filling the space, sent my heart racing, pounding against my chest like a drum. “I apologize. After I showered and ate, I was exhausted and ended up falling asleep.” How could I tell him I didn’t come because I would be uncomfortable? I didn’t know anyone here except for him, and I didn’t want to be around more people like that blonde bimbo. I removed the pillow from my chest and stood from the bed. “It’s fine. I wanted to make sure that you ate and were settling well. I also wanted to inform you that Elder Smith will be here soon to speak with you, but I will need to speak to you in my office tonight before dinner,” he informed me, sliding his hands in his pockets. I nodded in response. “Thank you for checking in on me, Alpha Kayden. I’ll see you before dinner.” I bowed my head with respect. Even though I was a daughter of an Alpha, this was his pack, and he was kind enough to bring me here to safety. He stood in silence, his piercing gaze locked onto mine once more. The intensity in his eyes felt as if they were delving into the depths of my very soul. At that moment, I could almost taste the anticipation, my breath catching in my throat. My cheeks flushed with warmth when I couldn’t help but acknowledge that he was the most strikingly handsome man I had ever encountered. Before I could gather my thoughts, he spoke again. “Anytime Sonja. I really hope that you take a tour and mingle. You might like it here,” his lips curled into a smile. His smile made my knees weak as heat spread throughout my body and traveled straight to my core. This was a feeling I never experienced, but something new that I couldn’t explain. I couldn’t form words to respond, so I just nodded my head before he exited the room. After he left and closed the door behind him, I let out a long sigh I didn’t know I was holding and plopped backwards on the bed. My attraction to Alpha Kayden was getting dangerous. He was the Alpha of this pack, and by the actions of the blonde chick, they were in some type of relationship. I needed to ignore my first crush and figure out more important matters, like finding out who this buyer was and finding Harvey.
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