
My supreme prisoner mate

enimies to lovers

At 17, Sonja’s pack undergoes a brutal attack that shatters her world and leads to the tragic loss of her parents and fellow pack members. After her two-week imprisonment by her captors, she discovers that they have sold her to an unidentified buyer. However, just five days before her 18th birthday, Sonja’s life takes a sudden turn when Alpha Kayden Cross comes to her rescue.

The ruthless but well-respected Alpha, Alpha Kayden, received a summons from the elder council to search for the missing daughter from Sable Lake. A dark secret had consumed Alpha Kayden’s life for the last three months. During the rescue, Alpha Kayden instantly recognized Sonja as his fated mate. Confronted with the heart-wrenching dilemma of finding his mate, he must decide whether to protect her from the enemy or let his dark secret destroy their bond.

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Chapter One
Sonja I shifted my body on the uneven mattress, attempting to find comfort. The crisp air was quiet yet filled with the putrid smell of urine and mold, which polluted my nostrils and made my stomach twist. I sighed hard and closed my eyes as my hope of getting out of this cell slowly faded away. Exhaustion consumed me, since I had barely eaten any of the food served to me. I have been in captivity in this unknown location for almost over a week. The people responsible had assaulted my pack, drugged, and kidnapped me. I expected I would die here or suffer a much worse fate. My thoughts turned to my parents and their smiling faces; they were the only images that brought me comfort. A pained smile appeared on my lips as I thought of them. My remaining energy left me, and I fell into an unconscious sleep. A sudden wave of icy liquid hit my skin, jolting me awake; I instantly jumped to my feet. “What the hell” I yelled; my nostrils flared. A chill ran through my body while my wet shirt stuck to my skin. I immediately felt a hand press down on my shoulder, forcing me to sit on the now soggy bed. As my blurry vision cleared, I made out three figures standing before me, or rather three werewolves. My morning just went down the toilet. “Were you sleeping,” the leader mocked as his lips curled into a smirk. He tucked his cellphone into his pocket while the two other men behind him snickered like children. “Well, now I’m not,” I clenched my jaw while I beamed at the man. I was sure he was the one in charge. The leader was tall, well over six feet, with locks of black hair that matched his soul, and his blue eyes held a sinister twinkle. He appeared to be in his late twenties, though werewolves age differently than humans, so he could be older. This was the first time someone had come into my cell since I’ve been here other than to bring food. “Elliott, bring a chair in here for our visitor,” the leader commanded his redheaded subordinate, who quickly exited the cell. The screech of metal against the concrete pulled my attention as Elliott pulled up a chair and placed it in front of his leader. “Sit in the chair,” the leader pointed his finger towards the chair. I crossed my arms against my chest while I stared at him, refusing to be the first to break eye contact. His eyes squinted like he was studying me briefly before he laughed. “Stubborn, I see,” he shook his head and sat in the chair facing me. “Sonja, from Sable Lake, I have some questions for you,” he told me in a deep, stern voice. “Who are you,” I asked with my eyebrows raised. He didn’t reply. I paused before I continued. “Do you think I would tell you anything after you attacked my pack and kidnapped me,” I sneered. “My name is Harvey, and I attacked your pack to get what I wanted, you,” his lips curled into a smirk that sent an icy shiver down my spine. I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I’m a she-wolf from Sable Lake pack, no one would be interested in me. Why would they?” It was the truth; my pack were considered outcasts. No one wanted any association with us. “I have a client that has paid a lot of money for you,” he paused before he spoke again. “Tell me, why would someone pay millions of dollars for a rowdy she-wolf like you,” he continued to press me for information. “No one can pay for me because I’m not property,” I raised my voice as my blood boiled. “This is my last time asking,” he growled. His patience was thinning, and his fuse was about to blow. “Where are my parents and pack members?” I asked the one question that was burned in my brain. He glared at me with a wicked grin. “Your parents and the members of your pack are no more. You are now Sonja Butler, daughter of the late Alpha Kendrick Butler,” he sighed, while he leaned back against the chair with a smile plastered on his face. He was clearly pleased with being a murderer. My heart dropped, and a piercing pain shot through my heart. My breath was quick but shallow. “You’re lying.” I clenched my jaw, balled my hands into fists, and felt my breathing become heavy. “There is no need for me to lie, Sonja. Your parents are dead and so are your pack members,” he smiled with his chin held high. My body winced at his words and my heart shattered. Tears swelled in my eyes, but I shut them tight to prevent my tears from falling. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes. “You will die for what you did to them,” I leaned in towards him with my teeth clenched. If it were four more days, my other half, my wolf would be awake. Our wolves lay dormant until werewolves reach maturity. On our 18th birthday, our wolves awaken, and we shift the next full moon after. Our wolves were the other half of our souls that shared the same body. We could also find our mates once we reached maturity, which were our perfect other halves, a soulmate chosen for us by the Moon Goddess. Without my wolf, my chances of fighting and escaping this hellhole were impossible. “Oh really? Who’s going to kill me, you,” he laughed and the other two joined in. “I’m going to kill your pathetic ass,” I promised as my lips curved into a smirk. His hand moved with lightning speed, causing my face to sting and momentarily blur my vision. I snapped back to reality and pressed my finger against my lips, glaring at the stain of red. As I licked my bottom lip, the taste of blood coated my tongue with its metallic essence. “Is that all you got? Wow Harvey, that smack was weak as hell,” I laughed while I continued to push his limits. I noticed the blond-hair warrior that stood behind him drew back his fist, ready to strike. My muscled tensed as I braced myself for his punch, it never came. “No, don’t punch her. The buyer wants her unharmed and will be here in four days to collect her. She’s still underage and will heal as a human would,” Harvey quickly intercepted the warrior. I figured he could tell that my wolf was not present, but four days is my 18th birthday. How the hell did he know this? How am I not supposed to be harmed, but he just hit me? My mind continued to race with more questions. “Do you think not cooperating is in your best interest? We’re in the middle of nowhere, Sonja and you are my prisoner here,” he smiled with an eyebrow raised. My stomach churned with nausea as his slimy eyes swept across my body. I felt my mouth become dry, and I had to swallow forcefully. I rose from the bed and cautiously retreated until I felt the wall sink pressed against my back. Stepping a few paces away from the sink, I positioned myself in the corner against the wall. I wanted some distance to protect myself if required. “Back off,” I shouted and curled my fingers into a tight fist while I shifted my feet apart into combat position. I didn’t know if he would really hurt me or if this was his sick, twisted scare tactic since he told his man that I was not to be harmed, but I wasn’t taking any chances. I stood there with my fists tight and my eyes alert. I’d rather die before I let any of these dirtbags touch me. Hoping to find a way out or a swift end, I silently prayed to the Moon Goddess. “Fighting back will only make it worse,” he warned with a venomous sneer and stood from the chair, his lips curled into his famous evil grin. He stalked towards me slowly, as if he was stalking his prey. I rolled my shoulders and moved my neck from side to side, ready to fight and defend myself. Before he could get to me, the air was filled with the sudden blare of alarms, causing Harvey to stop in his tracks. “Dammit,” he shouted as he spun around and ran out of the cell. His two guys ran behind him. Elliott locked the cell behind him and hung the keys on the wall beyond my reach. I released a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding but remained in my fighting position while the harrowing sounds of howls, growls, and snarls echoed through the air. My heart raced and my brows knitted together in worry. Who was here and why the fighting?

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