Chapter Five

1244 Words
Kayden I stole a glance downwards and was captivated by her angelic countenance as she lay in peaceful slumber, her head gently resting on my lap. Tenderly, I traced the contours of her face with my fingertips, savoring the sensation. Our fateful encounter came at the worst possible moment, and the mere thought of her slipping away filled me with unbearable anguish. “Alpha, someone is tailing us,” Charles’ voice broke me from my trance. My gaze shifted towards the window, anger ignited by the sight of looming shadows as wolves darted through the dense forest, tails swaying in pursuit of our every move. Evidently, they had trailed us since our departure, blending seamlessly with the surrounding darkness. Charles sped up. Most of the warriors haven’t caught up with us yet and someone’s following us in the car behind us,” he informed. “The warriors are too far behind. Take the next turn. “I cannot risk leading them in the direction of our pack,” I whispered urgently, shifting my gaze to my sleeping mate. If it were any other situation, I would’ve got out and gave them what they were asking for, but I had my mate to think about. Charles sped through the dark back street, surrounded by the forest. “I just need to get off this back road and into the city. It’s daylight. They’ll have to retreat or risk being seen,” Charles boosted with confidence. Unless they were mates, werewolves could not reveal themselves to humans and considering the city was full of them, they would have to retreat. Asim, now fully alert, his senses heightened and his body was ready to unleash its primal fury for his mate. The growl that escaped his lips echoed with a viciousness that resonated in my mind, an unmistakable declaration that no one would dare approach what was ours. The piercing howls and menacing snarls reverberated through the air, jolting Sonja from her slumber. Her eyes flew open, widening with alarm as she swiftly sat upright, scanning her surroundings with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. “What’s happening,” her eyes darted side to side. “We’re being followed,” I told her while my heart pounded in my chest. I instinctively pulled her closer, feeling the warmth of her body against mine. She didn’t resist, her trust evident as she leaned against me. Her body remained stiff, a subtle tension lingering in the air. “Don’t worry, we’re almost in the city where they can’t follow,” I assured her. Her gray eyes met with mine before she nodded. Charles was aggressively pressing the gas pedal, propelling us forward with a thunderous roar. The car tailing us, desperate to overtake, abruptly lunged towards our vehicle. In a split second, Charles skillfully steered, our tires screeching in protest against the asphalt. The other car veered off course, crashing violently into a towering tree with a bone-jarring impact. Sonja gasped as her wide eyes fixated on the horrific scene that unfolded before us. She exhaled and relief seemed to wash over her as she realized she had narrowly escaped the tragedy. After another ten minutes of racing through the dense forest, we finally emerged into the outskirts of the city. As we neared, the distant hum of bustling traffic grew louder. The sharp scent of exhaust fumes filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp soil and decaying leaves. Relieved, I felt a wave of tension release from my body as the menacing howls of the wolves faded into the distance. “Are those Harvey’s people?” she inquired, her gaze fixated on the window, scanning the surroundings for any additional signs of danger. “Yeah, it seems the ones that escaped were still watching,” Charles spoke from the driver’s seat. “I’m sorry,” she murmured, her voice filled with remorse. Her delicate features scrunched up in a slight frown, making her look even more endearing. “Sorry, for what,” my eyebrows knit together in confusion. “For falling asleep on you,” she replied. Was she kidding? Having her sleep on me felt so right. I longed to hold her in my arms always, but life had a way of dashing our hopes and dreams. “It was no problem. You seemed exhausted,” I couldn’t help but admire her flushed face. “What is your pack like,” she tried making conversation. "My pack is one of the largest on the East Coast. It can be a busy place, but I think you’ll fit in well,” he replied while texting on his phone. “Are you going to tell your pack where I’m from,” her eyes bore into mine. She was worried about what my pack members would treat her, being from Sable Lake. “I will, soon. For now, it’s best we keep where you’re from under wraps until we hear from Elder Smith.” I kept my eyes on my phone. I knew that if I looked into eyes which always seemed to hold me in a trance, I might do something I would regret. Finally, after a grueling four-hour drive, we reached our destination and were greeted by the sight of my pack. As we looked back, the road seemed endless, its weariness stretching out into the distance, while the sounds of passing cars slowly faded away. Despite my efforts to persuade her, she politely declined my offer to treat her to a meal before dinner, her gaze unwavering towards the destination ahead. She told me all she desired was to reach my pack. Worried about her health, I recommended a visit to the pack hospital for a check-up, but she remained stubborn and refused. With a reassuring smile, she insisted she was perfectly fine, her tired body craving the warmth of a hot shower and the softness of a cozy bed. As Charles approached, the towering silver steel gate loomed overhead, its gleaming surface reflecting the sunlight. Three formidable warriors stood watch, their imposing figures casting long shadows. The sound of engines hummed in the air as Charles drove closer, anticipation building. With a swift motion, the gate swung open, revealing the path ahead. “We’re here,” I whispered, excitement tingling in my voice, as her gaze fixated on the pack house emerging on the horizon. Her eyes shimmered with delight, mirroring the vibrant hues of the soon-to-be setting sun. The distant sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds filled the air, creating a symphony of nature’s melody. A soft breeze delicately carried the sweet fragrance of recently mowed grass, intertwining with the earthy scent emanating from the lush forest nearby. As we inched closer, a wave of excitement coursed through my veins, filling me with eager anticipation. As I brought my mate home, a surge of emotions overcame me. The scene was far from what I had imagined, yet my heart soared when we pulled up at the pack house together. Anticipation hung in the air. I could hear the distant howls of wolves echoing through the woods, their harmonious melody punctuating our arrival. Despite the undeniable joy at that moment, the burden of my secret dilemma persisted, casting a looming shadow over my head. The secret, heavy as an anchor, had seeped into the very core of my being for the past three months, like an unrelenting storm cloud refusing to disperse.
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