Chapter Six

1545 Words
Sonja When we pulled up in front of his house, my jaw hit the floor. It was the most magnificent house I’d ever seen. The house was the size of three Hollywood mansions combined, like a modern-day castle! The house was white with black shutters that were placed outside each of the windows. The lawn was freshly cut with colorful bushes that surrounded the large porch which wrapped around the house. I was so mesmerized by the house’s beauty that I didn’t notice Alpha Kayden exit the vehicle. My door opened and Alpha Kayden stood there like the perfect gentlemen. He guided me towards the house and stepped inside while I followed. As I stepped in, my muscles tensed when I noticed a small group of people gathered around suddenly turned their attention towards us. Their eyes immediately lit up when their eyes landed on Alpha Kayden. Two older people that looked to be in their mid-forties moved towards us before everyone else. The older man was an older carbon copy of Alpha Kayden who shared his gorgeous green eyes. The woman that I assumed was his father’s mate and Alpha Kayden’s mother was tall, slender with dark hair and brown eyes. She was beautiful and elegant; they had to be his parents. “Sweetheart, I’m so glad that you are home,” his mother smiled and pulled him into a warm hug. “Hey mom,” he hugged her back before he pulled away and nodded to his father who nodded back. The gleam in his eyes when he looked at his son showed the immense pride. His eyes suddenly landed on me, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. His mother followed his father’s gaze and landed on me. “You are beautiful! What’s your name?” Her face presented a warm smile. I tried to make myself smaller while everyone’s eyes burned into me. I looked to Alpha Kayden while I silently asked with my eyes if it was okay to answer. He stepped back and stood next to me and nodded his head, to let me know it was okay. “Thank you. I’m Sonja. It’s nice to meet you.” I held my head high, just like my mother always taught me. With only wash ups and the same clothes for over a week, my body screamed for a long hot shower. “Hello, Sonja. I’m Alpha Kayden’s mother, Lisa, and this is his father and my mate, Alpha Jack,” she introduced. Before I could respond, Alpha Kayden spoke. “She is our guest for a while and Elder Smith will be here soon to speak with her,” he interrupted, and I internally sighed with relief. “Where is she from,” a shrill voice pierced through the air. I tore my gaze away from his parents to the direction of the whining voice to find a tall, slim blonde chick. Her nose scrunched up as her eyes inspected me from head to toe with a frown. “Where she’s from is none of your business, Carla.” Alpha Kayden’s voice was deep and full of authority. His voice made my heart flutter; strange. Carla immediately bowed her head in submission and didn’t say another word. I smiled politely and turned back to his parents. “Thank you for opening your beautiful home to me.” “You are very welcome, dear. I hope you enjoy your stay,” his mother gave another warm smile and looked at her mate, who only nodded. He seemed like a man of very few words. “Mother, Father, excuse us,” Alpha Kayden said before he grabbed my hand in his, leading me further into the house. As soon as his hand connected with mine, that same feeling of comforting warmth spread throughout my hand. I didn’t speak as we walked. I couldn’t help myself as my eyes wandered around the interior while I took in all the beauty the house had to offer. The white Italian tile was fancy and squeaky clean. He led me to what looked like an elevator and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “You have an elevator,” my eyes widened. “We could take the stairs to the fifth floor if you prefer” he chuckled at my reaction. “No, no, the elevator is fine.” I felt like I was in one of those shows where celebrities show their fancy houses on tv. We didn’t have a huge packhouse like this, but it was always filled with love. This pack was at least three times bigger than mine. My pack was small with only two hundred and fifty members, but we all looked out for each other; we were a family. Alpha Kayden must have sensed my sadness because he squeezed my hand gently, which gained my attention. I tilted my head up and my eyes locked with the most mesmerizing green eyes as Alpha Kayden stared down at me. “We will find and punish everyone that was involved with the elimination of your pack,” he promised. His voice was firm but sincere. I don’t know why, but deep down I believed him. We went to the fifth floor and arrived at the last door in the hallway. “This is my floor and as my guest, this is your room, right across from mine.” He opened the door and my eyes almost fell out of their sockets. He walked in first, and I followed, while I glanced around. There was a king-sized bed in the middle of the room, a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall that faced a plush gray sofa. Further back was a small kitchen which I would not need because I didn’t cook. I walked away from Alpha Kayden to explore the room more. I walked to the huge white door and gasped at the sight when I looked inside. The marble floor was beautiful, it had a separate shower with a glass door and the large oval bathtub that could fit four people had those jacuzzi holes in it. “Wow,” the whisper escaped my lips. “Do you like it,” he asked, his deep velvety voice pulled me from my thoughts. “Yes.” I quickly cleared my throat while I continued to look around in awe. “You should find everything that you need. There are some clothes in the closet for you,” he added. “Clothes,” I repeated. Maybe I didn’t hear him correctly. “Yes, I had new clothes and a couple of pairs of shoes stored in there for you. If something doesn’t fit, let me know. My heart soared that this Alpha was so kind and giving. I would have to find a way to pay him back somehow. I stared into his eyes, speechless. I couldn’t remember anyone besides my pack that was genuinely kind to me in the last two years. I quickly averted my eyes as my heartbeat quickened. “You can take a shower and get settled. Dinner is at six. I’ve asked the kitchen staff to bring in something to eat to hold you until dinner.” He turned and walked towards the door. “Thank you again, Alpha Kayden,” I said, just as he had turned to leave. He turned to face me and nodded before he left the room. Alone once more, the loneliness filled me and the pain of losing my family and pack members grew in my heart. I walked to the bathroom and decided to shower and wash my hair instead of a bath. I stripped out of my clothes and tossed them into the nearby trash bin, silently vowing never to wear them again. I turned on the water and stepped under, sighing in relief. The hot water cascaded over my skin and relaxed my tensed muscles. My caramel skin turned red as I scrubbed, mentally attempting to scrub everything that’s happened. I stepped out of the shower after washing my hair thoroughly and wrapped the large plush towel around me before exiting the bathroom. Something silver caught my eye and a delicious aroma flowed through my nostrils. There on the table was a silver tray with food laid out. I inspected the tray for the source of the heavenly smell and came across a bowl of chicken noodle soup with bread, fruit, and juice on the side. The kitchen staff must’ve come while I was in the shower. A rumble ripped through my stomach. Still wrapped in my towel, I sat at the table and stuffed my mouth with the first bite as a moan escaped my lips. It didn’t take me long to demolish everything on the tray. I decided against going to dinner tonight; not sure if I would be comfortable around a bunch of strangers my first night here. My feet pattered towards the bed, and I climbed in still wrapped in my towel. I grabbed one of the fluffy pillows and hugged it tight against my chest. My body felt like it was filled with lead and my eyes drooped. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
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