
1547 Words
Sonja Two men stood in front of my cell. Even with my wolf dormant, I could sense they were also werewolves. Both men were at least six-feet tall. One had fair skin with dark hair that almost reached his shoulders. The other man had dark brown skin with well-kept dreads that laid right at his shoulders. They stood there silently with their eyes fixed on me. My brow wrinkled while I remained in my position. The dark headed man’s eyes glazed over, and I knew that he was linking someone. I took a deep breath and sighed while placing my right fist over my heart and bowed my head. Every part of my being was a warrior, and I would die as one today; I would fight until my last breath. Minutes passed before another set of footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway in our direction. The unknown person joined his men and stepped out of the shadows in front of the cell and revealed himself. My eyes almost popped out their sockets when my eyes landed on the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. His handsome face compared to one of those Greek god statues that I had seen on tv. His athletic shorts hung low on his hips, his shirtless body exposed his tanned skin and muscular build of his six-foot six frame. I shook my head breaking me out of my brief trance. This was bad. Was this sexy guy my buyer? Why did I hear fighting outside? My thoughts were going a mile a minute. It didn’t matter; I was no one’s property. “Sonja Butler,” his deep voice broke the silence and sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine. I didn’t answer and narrowed my eyes. How in the hell did he know my name. “Are you Sonja Butler,” I kept my eyes glued to him and decided to respond. “Yes, I’m Sonja Butler. If you’re the one that purchased me, you should get your money back. I’m no one’s property,” I told him, holding my head high. “Paid for you,” his forehead creased. “Who are you,” I questioned. “I’m Alpha Kayden Cross of the Eclipse Luna Pack. Elder Smith tasked me with finding you.” I almost laughed out loud at the thought that the elders had sent someone to look for me, a she-wolf from Sable Lake pack. It was no secret that no packs wanted anything to do with our pack due to the rumors and lies that circulated about us. “What about my mother and pack members,” I asked with my gaze to the ground and held my breath. I knew what Harvey said about my parents and pack, but I had hoped that he was lying. “I’m sorry, but your parents and pack members were killed. Some may have gotten away but that’s all I know. I’m sorry for your loss,” he frowned. I put one of my shaky hands over my heart which felt like it was breaking into a million pieces. “Why did you ask if I paid for you,” he interrupted my pain with his voice. “Harvey told his men that my buyer would be here to collect me in four days,” my voice was low, but I knew that he heard me with his heightened wolf senses. “Why four days?” “Are you going to get me out of this cell or talk here all night,” I snapped. My words caused his eyes to widen, and an immediate wave of guilt washed over me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I promise to tell you everything once you get me out of here,” I bargained and hoped he would agree. He nodded in agreement. The man with the dreads took the keys hanging on the wall and handed them to Alpha Kayden. After unlocking the cell door, he walked towards me and stopped halfway. I took this moment to step away from my corner and approach him. The strange pull and attraction that I felt towards this Alpha was unfamiliar to me. Those green eyes…I could stare all day. Okay, Sonja, pull yourself together I thought and shook the fuzziness from my brain. “Sonja Butler, I’m glad to have found you,” he held out his hand to shake. “Thank you for saving me, Alpha,” I said while I placed my hand into his. Instant warmth radiated through my hand. I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip didn’t budge. I glanced down at my hand still in his and raised my eyebrow, hoping he would get the message to let go. “I apologize,” he said and seemed to come back to earth. “Shall we,” he motioned towards the cell door. “I followed Alpha Kayden and his men down the dim lit hallway towards the exit. As I emerged from the prison, my eyes squinted struggling to adjust to daylight after two weeks inside. With my vision clear, I lifted my head and smiled towards the sky. I shut my eyes and let the heat from the sun dance on my face. The warm breeze brushed over my skin which made me giddy inside. I glanced back at Alpha Kayden and my heart surged. Just this morning in my cell, I was told that I would be sold. I inhaled the fresh air and the sun beamed in the sky. I thought that I would never see daylight again, but here I was. I glanced around and noticed that men were moving bodies to one side and the men captured to the other. The smell of blood was thick in the air and soaked the ground. It was nothing that I wasn’t used to. Rogues would attack our pack and our warriors would bring each of them down. I looked over at one of the captured men and instantly recognized him from the cell, he was Harvey’s red headed subordinate Elliott. I made my way towards him. Elliott was on his knees; his hands were bound together at his wrists behind his back with silver chains. I stood in front of him as a grin spread across my face. “Wow, how the tables have turned,” I taunted before I kicked him in the balls. He hollered out in pain before he fell on his face. The warrior that was guarding him raised his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. I wanted to hit him again but didn’t want to push my luck with the Alpha, so I simply nodded and walked away with my head held high. I spun around and flinched while my hand came to my chest. Alpha Kayden stood only a few feet away with an intense gaze. “Oh, sorry Alpha Kayden, I didn’t know that you were right there,” I tried to play it cool. He looked at me and frowned. “Ready,” he motioned towards the big black SUV, and I followed. As were about to approach the vehicle, his phone rang, and he stopped walking and turned to me. “Alpha Kayden told me that he had to take the call and to get into the vehicle. I got inside the vehicle and sat quietly for about five minutes while I fidgeted with my fingers. I kept my mind from wondering to my parents for now. I could not cry in front of these strangers. I was taught to be tough, and that crying was a weakness. So, crying in front of a bunch of strangers was not going to happen. Suddenly, the door opposite me opened, and Alpha Kayden slid beside me. My heart almost stopped when he scooted closer before the SUV pulled off. “So, where are we going,” I asked as I slid my hands over the soft leather seat. “Well, I’m taking you back to my pack as a guest and Elder Smith will be there the day after tomorrow to speak with you,” he told me with his eyes locked on his phone. I nodded my head. Everything that had happened transformed me from a young girl to a mature woman. “If you like my pack, you are more than welcome to join if you’d like,” he interrupted my thoughts. “Is your mate going to be okay with me coming to your pack?” I didn’t know why those words came out of my mouth, but I regretted it instantly. I couldn’t help it, I was curious. “She won’t mind,” he replied, still focused on his phone. A tinge of pain pinched my heart once he said it, but I chose to push it away. I had too much to sort out instead of worrying about a cute Alpha. “Four days,” I blurted to get his eyes on me. It worked, and he looked up from his phone as his eyes stared into mine. “What about it,” he waited for me to respond. “My 18th birthday is in four days,” I confessed to him.
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