Chapter Two

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Kayden My warriors and I surrounded the location that I had been tracking for over a week now. The area was mostly open land with dense forest all around and one large, abandoned building that sat alone and had vines growing on the outside of the structure. There was a pathway from the back of the house down a trail to an underground passage, or in this case, a cell to hold someone. I received a summons from Elder Smith, one elder of the Werewolf council, to track these ruthless murderers that slaughtered an entire pack. My reputation of being fierce and ruthless was the reason Elder Smith chose me for this mission. Following days of intense surveillance, we finally took a break to rest and strategized for our imminent attack. I’ve been the Alpha of the Eclipse Moon Pack, one of the strongest packs on the east coast. People quickly spread word of my strength and fearlessness, especially within the last three months, when my life was turned upside down. Positioned as instructed, my men stood with unwavering determination, their eyes locked onto the enemy lines. Anticipation charged the air, with the faint rustling of leaves adding to the tension. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as we prepared to unleash our attack. Elder Smith assigned me the mission to locate the young she-wolf, the daughter of the late Alpha from Sable Lake pack, whose body was not discovered amongst the others. I couldn’t comprehend the significance this girl held. The whispers of rumors about that pack reached everyone’s ears, their reputation causing some to label them as savages. The Sable Lake pack, known for their wild and unruly behavior, consisted mostly of minorities. No one cared about this pack being eliminated, but the law was the law, and these murderers broke it. Whoever this girl was, she was important to the elders for some unknown reason. I shrugged off my thoughts and focused my mind on the current task. “On my signal,” I mind linked my warriors. My wolf, Asim, had been restless today, but wouldn’t speak much on the matter. “Are you ready to do this Asim,” I asked him in my head. “Always,” he grunted his reply. Asim was a laid-back and quiet wolf, but was a ruthless killing machine when he was in battle. I allowed Asim to come forward. My clothes shredded as I shifted, dropping on all four paws. My warriors shifted immediately afterwards. I stood there in my wolf form which towered over the rest of my men. My wolf was bigger because I was an Alpha. Asim held our enormous head towards the soft, clear blue sky and released a howl, giving the warriors the signal to attack. Asim and I dashed forward, our powerful strides accompanied by the thunderous beat of our warriors’ paws against the earth. The air filled with the scent of anticipation and adrenaline as we charged ahead. I locked eyes with the first wolf that lunged at me, its snarls echoing through the wilderness. With agility and finesse, I effortlessly evaded its attack, my body fluidly dodging its advances. The rustle of leaves and the thud of my paws on the ground accompanied every twist and turn. In a swift motion, I seized the wolf’s neck in my jaws, feeling the primal satisfaction as I tore it out, crimson droplets painting my obsidian fur. The metallic tang of blood mingled with the crisp forest air, a visceral reminder of the battle that raged around me. My dominance asserted, I leaped onto another wolf, the force of my pounce crushing its resistance. With a swift motion, I severed its head, a final display of my alpha status. The battle did not take long. After an hour of fighting, the ground was soaked red with blood and the foul metallic smell commanded the air. I shifted back and quickly caught the shorts my beta and best friend Charles threw towards me. “Did you complete everything? Is everything done?” I asked, scanning the area, while I glanced at the motionless bodies or the severely injured. “Yes, our warriors will survey the area and give us an update,” Charles informed before he walked away. Thirty minutes later, he came back over to report his findings. “We have either captured or killed the ones here, but my count is off from the surveillance we gathered. We counted sixty men, but there are five missing, including the leader,” Charles told me while he rubbed the back of his neck. “They escaped,” I frowned. We had surrounded every inch of this place. How the hell could anyone escape? “It seems they have. We found an underground tunnel in the basement of the abandoned house.” Charles released a heavy sigh. Before I could say another word, I received a mind link from one of my warriors. “Alpha, we need you. It’s urgent. Follow the path behind the house to the underground passage,” he stated quickly and immediately cut the link before I could ask questions. Under my breath, I let out a curse as I made my way to the path. With a combination of speed and caution, I made my way towards my destination. A set of underground steps brought me to a weathered burgundy door with peeling paint that exposed the metal underneath. I effortlessly pushed open the large door and navigated through the dark, windowless corridor. Without my wolf senses, I wouldn’t be able to see at all. The overpowering scent of mold and urine hit me as I made my way towards my men standing at the end of the hallway. Suddenly, the most intoxicating smell of baked apple pie invaded my nostrils. “Mate! Mate” Asim screamed as he jumped around in my head while my steps quickened. I joined my warriors and stepped in front of the cell; my heart raced as I set my eyes on the figure inside. I immediately found myself drawn to the young woman that stood in the corner of the cell. Her five-foot-eight frame and soft, silk-like light brown skin caught my attention as I looked at her. Clinging to her curves, her oversized damp shirt and black leggings highlighted her long, slender legs and hourglass figure as she stood barefoot. My lips barely moved as I whispered, “Mate,” making sure nobody could listen in. Asim fought me for control, but I pushed him back. I couldn’t let him frighten her. I couldn’t help but stare at her face, noticing every detail. Her oval grey eyes had me entranced, and I couldn’t resist admiring her dainty nose and lips that looked incredibly soft, like cotton. With her damp, braided hair cascading down the middle of her back, I longed to feel its silky texture with my fingertips. The sight of her beauty left me breathless; she was like a goddess. “How come she’s not acknowledging us as her mate,” Asim chimed in, hurt laced in his voice. “I’m unsure.” I don’t sense her wolf yet, so she may be underage. Regardless, it doesn’t make a difference. “She can’t be our mate,” I told him, still fighting for control. “Why not,” Asim attempted to persuade me, claiming that she was our mate created by the Moon Goddess, but I remained unconvinced. There was no way that she could be our mate. I desired to accept her but considering what happened three months ago and for her safety, I couldn’t. This situation had now complicated everything.
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