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While I was giving everything up, a red light suddenly obscured my vision; Did I die so fast, Am I already in hell! I didn't want to die the same way my life was meaningless. Wait a minute, is this a song !! As that song started to reverberate around me and inside my mind too, I couldn't hold my breath any longer, and before the darkness pulled me into death, I felt something forcefully pushing me up. The water's cold and heavy sensation faded to a speck of light; it was as if a bright star expanded right in front of my body and drew me in like a raging rapid. The sense of the water was different; I have never felt anything like that in my whole life. In the next moment, I broke through the surface of the water. My lungs filled with the warm air so drastically that it hurt. My whole body was shaking, and at the same time I was still feeling like he was still suffocating. What the hell had just happened, and what is that damn song that was still repeating itself, I don't even catch a word; is this even a language, Or is it someone who is humming with a beautiful noise, I'm dying here, people. After catching my breath, the song suddenly stopped, and I heard a splash. I took my time to breathe regularly and opened my eyes to adjust to the light. There was no sun, of course, but why does it feel like we are in the daylight. That was when reality hit me. The shape of the trees was different, and I also anchored on rocks and not on a beach full of grass, in addition to the sound of birds that suddenly disappeared, and there was a feeling inside me that I was not alone in this place. After about a minute, I tried to get up, but my body was shattered, and with difficulty I could turn to the side of the river, but I was shocked that it was no longer a river like I remembered; it was more like a lake, but it was so clear that I could see the bottom. Mark and Mia have walked along the river with me before, but we have never come across a lake. I held my hands until I stood up, but a sudden sound startled me, so I lost my balance and fell to the ground, but this time my entire body was facing the lake. "Who are you" That's all I could hear before I saw something of a beautiful mixed color in the water—what the f**k, it's a tail! I looked at the source of the sound to widen my eyes and open my mouth in shock. She was standing in front of me, or swimming, I think, and holding a spear in her hands, pointing at me with it, while tufts of her purple hair covered her very beautiful face and her eyes, whose color I could not determine. Oh my God, is this a mermaid! "I asked you who you are." She said in a louder and somewhat angry voice while approaching me with that spear in her hand, then she continued, "How did you know this place?" My mind might have stopped working while I was still thinking, am I alive in the first place, or is my mind rejecting my death, so it started inventing a fictional world. But suddenly, I moved quickly backwards while the mermaid approached me quickly; she was about to stab me with the spear, so I said, while placing my hand in front of me to stop her while the other was resting my body on the ground, "Wah, woah, stop!" I pointed my finger between her and me and said, in a tone that was closer to disbelief than questioning, "Are we real?" She looked at me as if I had said the stupidest thing ever, and her sharp looks did not leave me, so I continued, "I mean, we are not in heaven, right." Then I laughed like a miniac and said, "There is no chance for me to be in heaven." She gave me a seriously dude, look, and I was like, what, I'm having a moment with a f*****g massively pretty mermaid. That can't even be possible. She lowered the spear beside her, and she began to look at me suspiciously. Then she said, "How did you get here?" "I was drowning in the river," I said automatically, "and apparently I'm dead now." The mermaid said, as if she had had enough of me, "What?" I started to look around and then said with a giggle, "I mean, that's not real." Looks of suspicion did not leave her eyes, so she asked, "Are you armed?" I looked at her and then said, in my sarcastic tone, "And who will be armed while he dies?" She said, "Give me your hand." It was my turn to look at her suspiciously, but she still held out her hand to me, and my mind started laughing at me. I mean, what would happen to me if I'm already dead. After I laughed again like a miniac, I gave her my hand, so the water began to climb on her hand in a spiral way, until it reached mine, as if it were a rope that tied our hands together. I was not very surprised, not because it is a normal sight, but because I now know that I am in a fantasy. She closed her eyes, then opened them, looking at me in shock, then said, "You have been transferred from the human world." Now I felt like she was very stupid, so I said, "Yeah, and where do you think the dead come from, Mars?" She opened her mouth as if she were trying to say something, then closed it, waited a bit, and then said, "It seems you don't get it yet. This is not a fantasy world, or what you call heaven. Well, it's more complicated than you think." What does this mean, question marks began to fly around me in the air, and while I looked at her dumbly, I really did not understand, but my hands acted before my mind noticed, and I put both hands on her shoulders and squeezed them, then I quickly stepped back and held my hands to me with fear, "Oh my God, you are real." Damn, I didn't notice that I already held her hand. I can really feel her skin. It seems like I just noticed her body. It was these mixed colors that started from her tail and went up to the middle of her belly, then there were some lines that looked like diamond lines shining up to what appeared to be a bra, but it was originally a part of her skin covering her chest, but that area was colored like her tail, and she kept her shoulders completely bare. She put her hand on the rock and raised herself up, then I moved back again in fear, while she sat on the rocks and said, "Do you know who brought you here?" Is she talking seriously or is she joking with me, She was about to stab me with that spear a few minutes ago; and I can't see it anymore. It was like it just vanished. What happened now She smiled so sweetly that I couldn't even be afraid of her after that smile, and then she said, "My name is Sarah, the Siren Princess." Princess of what!! She giggled gently and then said, "I know you don't know it yet, but we are here in another dimension of the universe that includes supernatural creatures, and someone summoned you here. It seems that he used the red moon powers that appeared last night; now I understand why you thought you were dead." I stopped her, "Wait, wait, hold on." Siren Princess, Parallel Dimension, Supernatural Creatures, Red Moon I've officially lost my mind. Her eyes glowed, and her tail began to transform into feet, naked of course, but I couldn't take my gaze away from this transformation, but thank God before I saw anything I shouldn't see, and in a magical way, clothes began to appear on her body automatically, almost identical to what I wore except for the colors, and while I was still looking at her in amazement, she smiled and then said, "I like your style." I didn't say anything, as amazement was still occupying my mind, so she said, "Let me be your guide today. First, we need to get out of here before one of the guards finds out about you." She took my hand and helped me up, then we moved quickly, but she suddenly stopped and said, "Oh, your clothes are wet; maybe some change would help." With a blink of an eye, she snapped her fingers, and then I felt my clothes completely warm; she smiled at me and then said, "It's the gift of the Sirens; we can draw water from anything." She started pulling me behind her again, and I could feel her intense excitement as we walked together. I don't know how to describe it, but there was a halo of pink covering her. I withdrew my hand from her and said, "How can you trust me so quickly, What if I am a danger to you?" I mean, of course, she has superpowers and stuff like that, but still. And before we completed this conversation, about which I do not know why I started it in the first place, some voices began to appear around us, so Sarah quickly pulled my hand and said, "Move first; they will catch you." And after we started running, I said, "Who are they?" "They are the guards," she said, turning to look behind her to see if anyone had followed us or not. "They may have werewolves with them. I don't know. I can't focus on seeing their aura, but if they catch your scent, we'll be in trouble." Wow, a siren, and now guards and werewolves—what else could happen.
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