
The Werewolves Academy

opposites attract

"From the ashes will rise the last guardian, who will destroy this world or save it. The worlds will unite at his or her hand or disintegrate, and he or she will achieve the miracle that will be the beginning of the new world, the last guardian, the beginning of the reign of the lords of light, the gateway to the kingdoms of fire, the dragon tamer, our savior, So the prophecy goes." The lights surrounding the skeleton that was speaking just now were gone, and the faces of those standing around it were totally in shock as they were covered in dirt.A silly giggle broke out. Seconds later, a sarcastic voice said, "This nonsense s**t can't be about me." As everyone looked on, she said, "No one like me can be the last guardian." The King of the Wolves approached her and said, "From the ashes will rise the last guardian, as the prophecy said." They were interrupted by a sword falling to the ground, causing a loud boom in the empty hall, and then the Elves Prince knelt down and said, in his distinctive voice, "In the name of the future Elves King, I declare allegiance to the last guardian." Then the rest followed immediately, while she stood in front of them completely shocked, saying, "Damn."

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Emily's POV: Halloween holiday best time of the year. To be honest, I have had free rein all my life, but Halloween is different, as if this holiday is what makes me pull out all the pranks in my pocket, without judgement or fear of punishment, making it the best time of year, as I said. Surely there are many who think that a girl about to be sixteen years old can't do much, but my life has been nothing but a fantasy. All thanks to my mother, of course, who spends most of her time at work. My mother raised me alone after my father left us. I do not remember at what age I was. All I remember is that bastard repeatedly made mom cry alone at night. Of course, I'm aware of this, but it appears that being cold-hearted is a trait I inherited from my father, whom I've never seen in my life. Troublemaker, that's been my nickname all those past years. The dawn of Halloween was my favorite of all time. My mom works as a nurse at Los Angeles General Hospital. At this time every year, the emergency room is filled with old people, some of whom have heart attacks from fear, as a result of the pranks that teenagers play on them. How do I know? That, of course I know, I might be me causing half of them to go so far God, how I love these pranks. I was sitting in our living room, and my mother stood in front of me, always with that angry look on her face; I don't recall her having any other look other than the one that was always angry at me. My mom put her hand on her waist and said with a warning look, "Look Emily, I have to go to work. My job brings us the money you're spending so lavishly on all that ... ." Blah blah blah, I rolled my eyes; this lecture, which I had grown tired of hearing over the years, had become our only conversation. My mother always warns me not to get into trouble; she and I both know that I will not do a word of what she says, but she feels pressured less when she warns me, so her conscience is relieved when she punishes me for wrongdoing. I interrupted her important speech in her opinion, and said in a voice like a scream, "Sofia, we are at two a.m in the morning, and the hospital called you half an hour ago. Won't you go? The souls of others are waiting for you, woman." My mother sighed, almost losing hope that she would change my behavior, even a little, while I looked at her with that smug look that she hates so much, while I sipped from the cup of milk that she had prepared for me before she left. Mom grabbed her bag violently and put it on, then started pulling her hair up with that little black hair tie as she went outside in her nursing uniform. She picked up the car keys, and just as she was about to get out and I followed her anxiously waiting for my chance, she suddenly turned to me and said, "One last warning, Emily. Don't go out tonight; I'm warning you." I gave her the look we both got used to and said, "okay, okay, as you say." But this time, I felt that something in her look was different. She stood quietly and said, "You will be sixteen in two days. If I receive a call from the police department regarding your involvement in anything, that will be the end." "You're going to leave me," I said sarcastically. She said with a dead serious look, "Yes, Emily, I'm leaving you in jail." I laughed sarcastically, and I'm not sure if her words were serious or just another threat from her to add to the list of things that haven't worked with me. Mom left after that without any other word, and I kept looking behind her until she disappeared from my sight; then I heard the sound of the door of the house closing and then the sound of her car engine, until the sounds disappeared and everything calmed down. I saw my picture with her; I was seven or six. I'm not sure when I last took a picture with my mother; the situation has changed drastically since then; we no longer, how shall I put it, know each other. And while I was looking at that image that I always wanted to smash, the house bell rang. I went to the kitchen with my cold steps, then I poured out the rest of the milk and put the empty cup on the table. That was my move to always anger my mother After a long day of work. I went to my room and started to change my clothes, and the house bell did not stop ringing. And after I took my time and finished, I went downstairs and opened the door to be met by that grin similar to mine, my two whores, a punch in the face, that was our usual greeting since the fourth grade, Mark, my bad guy, one year older than me but clumsy, like a ten-year-old. he used to put That lollipop in his mouth, a sweet-loving bastard, he couldn't live without sugar, Mark was like any teenager, messy blond hair, blue eyes, very thin, and that stupid hat on the middle of his hair that he never took off, but what I saw was different from all other teenagers Those eyes that radiate madness, what made me fall for him, not as lovers, Ew, but we have a bond of some kind, that we don't understand. Mia suddenly screamed at me, my soulmate. Mia, she looks like that group of eccentric teenagers who put piercings everywhere their hands reach, except that her parents are a little strict, so she settled for a small one in her nose, some locks of colored hair, and black eyeliner that had always covered her eyes, She looked like emo guys, but far from them. Mia was the coolest rocker you'd ever met. She looked a lot like Jade from Hollywood Arts. I have to say they were twins. Yes, my mom used to make me watch those shows when I was young. me, I have to say that I am not what some would expect. Many people might think when they hear about me, that I really look like a gangster, but I was normal to a terrifying degree. I had normal brown wavy hair, gray eyes, I didn't have the blatant beauty of my school's famous plastic girls, and I didn't have those techniques that made me look like a model, I was just normal. I was making the least effort to change my appearance. Some of those who do not know me may think that I am a nerd, and this is what makes the deal profitable. Right, I mean, who would think that this quiet girl, who may seem like an outcast, is the mastermind of all this. Now we are beginning to understand each other. After Mia screamed at me, she pulled out a fire extinguisher from behind her back. I said boredly, understanding what she meant, "We did that in the seventh grade." Mark launched that sarcastic ha that he is famous for, and then said, "I told you." Mia buffed bored and then said, "The toilet papers, then." I rolled my eyes and then said, "Are we in kindergarten or what?" Mia started playing with her hair and then said, "What do we have to do for this year, then, we've literally tried everything." My smile began to widen as I looked at them evilly, Mark shouted excitedly and then said, "This is what I was looking for. Tell me, tell me, tell me." I closed the door of the house behind me while I was moving forward, then I said, "We will break into the school." They said together at the same time "we are in" I raised my hand, stopping their excitement before it started and then said, "Not only that." He looked at me expectantly, and continued, "You know, Eddie and Tiffany decorated a school for Halloween, so maybe we'll take advantage of that. We'll have a competition." Mia growled again, then said, "What nonsense?" I said excitedly, "We're going to turn off all the electricity in the school, and place bets on who will find that hand that Miss Heizer has hidden." Mark said excitedly, "That hand they said belonged to the body of someone who had recently died." Mark, "Then I have to tell everyone that the party is at school." That bastard, as I expected, was planning a party, and while Mark started making his calls jumping excitedly, Mia and I were in the back sharing a piece of gum that I had accidentally found in her jacket pocket. And when we got to school, everyone was already standing in the woods near the school backyard. Wow right, the power that we have might sound like an exaggeration, but here we are. Apart from me, Mark, and Mia, there were at least thirty other people; some of them looked like Mark, the girls somehow tried to be like Mia, but I was the only piece of my kind. I stood on top of that big log and said out loud, "OK bitches, we're going to start betting now. You can enter in groups of twos or fours.The first one to reach the hand is the winner." Shouts began to rise in the place with the smoke that came out of the cigarettes that some people drank, until the voice of that i***t Simon came out from among everyone, saying, "And what will the winner get? It's certainly not the money." That motherfucker's father owns the city's most famous car agency, so a handful of money has no appeal to him.We all have enough money for us, frankly, but to be more clear, the betting money that we take without the knowledge of our parents is always the best for those things that we want to buy without anyone noticing. But that law is clearly not for those like Simon. But before I started to pick a fight with him, Mark pulled a keychain out of his pocket. I recognized it immediately, and then he said in his usual excited tone, "I have a keychain of the back storage, and I'm sure Eddie put all the fireworks in it this morning." That b***h bastard, I looked at him in shock and yelled, "Mark!" He shrugged and then I said, "You didn't give it to me." He said boredly, "You didn't ask." And before I could say anything else, the screams came again, and everyone started lining up in groups of two or four, and then they headed to the school. Mia rolled her eyes at my behavior, then headed towards Mark, who took out another piece of candy and began to eat it and headed to school, while for some reason I couldn't identify it, my mother's warning words began repeating themselves in my head again, but that didn't stop me from moving after them. This will be a hell of a night. After about an hour or less, I don't know exactly, I was sitting with Mia in Miss Heizer's office. We found the hand after about five minutes of searching, I think. Its location was much expected. Everyone was searching in all the school's laboratories. They also searched Miss Heizer's room where we're sitting now, all of them did, literally all of them, but since I entered the school with Mia and Mark, I automatically headed into the kitchen with Mia behind me. These idiots really think it's someone's dead hand. While it was originally made of a material, I didn't pay attention to exactly know what it was made of, Mia saw her while she was making it. It was in the fridge next to Natalie's candy. gross, After we ate the candy we found in the office, we waited for everyone to leave, unfair ha The school was full of those little flash lights of the torches with which we entered the school with. Eddie could easily have noticed our presence, but he was not smart enough and ate those sweets that Mark gave him, and now he is in a deep sleep. I don't know where Mark went exactly. He disappeared after we entered Miss Heizer's office, and honestly, I'm starting to feel suspicious that he'd been missing for so long I went to look for him. As Mia was reading my thoughts, so without saying a word, she began to follow me as she opened the doors of the rooms on the other side, while we walked together in the hall of the second floor, As we were heading to the first floor, we saw a red light. Panic started literally creeping into me with Mia. This can't be what we don't want to happen, Mia and I began to run, cursing Mark loudly. We continued running for several minutes, until we reached the open area between the school playground and the storage room. Mark was laughing with some other idiots, and it seemed from their staggering movement that they were drunk. I yelled at the top of my voice, "Damn Mark, what the f**k are you doing?" Mark and those with him had opened the storage room and now stood with some fireworks in their hands, and before I could say anything else, the fireworks began to go off, decorating the sky with colors. That would have been a wonderful sight in different circumstances, but now the whole town would know we were in school. And while Mia and I try our best to stop these tics from what they're doing, we love trouble, yeah, but this could really land us in jail, and we've never been to this point before. I started fighting with Mark over that burning piece of firearm in his hand, and while we were quarreling over it, a shot was fired from it towards the storage room. And here we stopped, time and sound stopped, and everything. And before I was even aware of the shock, it started with a small spark. Then a minute did not pass, and the room ignited, so that all the fireworks went off one by one, while we all started running in fear for our lives, and the place was filled with our screaming, and the fireworks continued to go off. I didn't wait for Mia or Mark to come and I started running out, but my run didn't last long, my feet caught something, and I fell directly on my face. I didn't need lights to see what was holding my feet, the fireworks were enough to light up the universe, to find that I had been stuck in a trap. Fantastic, I'm screwed. . . . . . . . . . . 6 in the morning I'm now in the police station, and it turns out that Eddie is not as stupid as we expected. Although he ate those strange sweets that Mark gave her and fell asleep because of them, he was smart enough to set traps in many areas inside the garden, and Mia and I fell into them, and we had some other people with us. Those traps were similar to those we used to make in the scouts for catching little rabbits and chickens, so thank God I still have my feet. After we fell into the traps, Mark disappeared, along with that i***t Simon, and the freaking police alarms sounded after that, and only minutes passed until the police came. It did not need alarms, as the fireworks were enough to draw the attention of the president himself. When we arrived at the police station, we were surprised to discover that Miss Heizer had installed a hidden camera in her room, and there was a recent video clip of me and Mia searching the drawers, adding to the riot, the possibility of being accused of theft. Mia and I could hardly stand for two hours without telling anyone who we were, but as soon as one of the officers saw the school network and knew who we were, he hurried to contact our parents, and after that, Mia collapsed completely. We both know what her parents will do, and the simplest punishment she will receive if we get out of here would be to turn to homeschooling, but for me, I don't really know. I try to imagine in my mind what my mom will do, but she always exceeds my expectations, so I don't really know what she will do. Mia's parents came a while ago with a famous lawyer with them; it seemed that he was because he was wearing a fancy suit, and without saying a word to her, they took her home with them. After they gave me a look, it made me realise that we are really in trouble, and I don't really know if they will allow me to see her again. It was close to eight in the morning, and my mother had not yet come. I know that she spent six hours straight before she was allowed to take a break in the middle, but that officer assured me that she had received his call and that she knew what I had done. My bones began to ache as I sat in that iron chair. They were kind enough not to put me in that cell with the real criminals and to leave me free without handcuffs. I was beginning to feel really sleepy and hungry, so other than those sweets we had taken from Miss Heizer's office, I had eaten nothing since last night's supper. The officers' glances were following me, and I did not move from my seat, even though it was already ten a.m. and my mother had not yet come, and literally all the officers knew what I had done with my friends, most of whom had left by now after their parents had paid compensation for the damage they had caused in the school, and they would also have a punishment inside the school after we went back. There are only two left; I did not recognise their faces specifically, and it seems that they are brothers or something like that because their parents are outside the city, so they communicated with other relatives of theirs, but none of them came yet. But I am still sitting in my seat, and anxiety has begun to seep into my insides, and honestly, it was a disgusting feeling that I was not used to and did not want to experience. Before it was eleven, mom entered the police station, and I saw her entering quietly, and it seemed that she had gone home before she came here, because she was no longer wearing a nurse's uniform and her hair seemed to be clean. Did she take a shower? Really? That was starting to get on my nerves. My mother was approaching me with a strange smile on her face, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes; I've been here since midnight, hello? "I told you right," my mother said as she reached for me. I was about to stand up and say, "Seriously?" But she put her hand in front of me and stopped my movements and my words as well, then said, "No, no, no, have a seat; you will not get out of here." Shock filled my face, and I said, "What?" The officer came to us and said, "Please, ma'am, you have to come with me for the settlement." My mom said straight away, "I won't." The officer's features were as perplexed as mine, and he said, "Excuse me." "I told that little b***h yesterday not to go out, and she did, and I also told her if she came here, I won't help her, so I'll go, do whatever you want with her," she explained. My mother went out; she really left me. A suspicious silence settled between me and the officer, and it seemed that he took pity on my shocked state, so he said, "Do you have anyone else you want to contact?" My mind was off, like it stopped working. She really left me; she was gone. After I calmed down, I remembered my aunt, Meredith. She's a crazy b***h, and she will probably get the s**t out of me, but she was my only choice. My nana is nice and kind, and she loves me, but she also like a ring around my mom's finger, so she won't come if Sofia told her not to. After I gave them my aunt's number, about an hour passed, and I was barely resisting the urge to close my eyes. I was exhausted, and that was evident on my face, and I did not stop shaking my feet from the tension. Suddenly, the sound of the heel of a shoe banging on the ground filled the police station. She is here All eyes moved automatically to Meredith. Meredith was the kind of woman you couldn't take your eyes off of. She wasn't distinguished by the beauty of models, but she had a special kind of beauty. She was attractive and could easily get all eyes on her if she entered anywhere, quite unlike me. So, many times, some people think that I am lying when I tell them that she is not only my aunt but also my mother's older sister. Meredith had her own business, and from the profits of it, she could easily buy all the clothes she wanted, but her fans always showered her with gifts, some of which I would get if she didn't want them. Meredith reached over to me, and I could barely open my eyes; I was so exhausted, and it was evident on my face. Meredith said in her usual sarcastic tone, "Here's the little b***h who broke the family record!" I sighed and said, "I'm really tired." And she said, "Oh, excuse me, I should have noticed that you put all your energy into stealing, right?" My eyes sharpened; I didn't steal; it was just some candy, and before I could say anything, Meredith turned to the officer, who immediately smiled at her when he saw her charming smile and said, "I want to ask you a favor." He said, "Anything, ma'am?" She said, "I'll take her home with me, and I'll pay the settlement and everything, but she has to be punished. Can I suggest a way?" "What?" That was all that came out of me. I know it's only the beginning, but she didn't even ask me what happened. Meredith went with the officer, and I was still in that chair, which I began to hate more than my life, and after about another half hour, which made me more exhausted for how I really was, Meredith and the officer came with that malicious smile on her face, after which I realised that my life was about to end. The officer was holding a box in his hand, then he opened it and took out a device that looked like a watch, but it was a little bigger. He wrapped it around my ankle, and I still didn't know what it was, and I didn't have the energy to resist. Then suddenly a red light lit up, and another small device started to buzz in the box, and it sounded like an alarm. Meredith laughed and said, "Perfect." While I still didn't understand anything, the officer said, turning off the alarm, "This device will be on your ankle for six months. I've modified it for your grandmother's house, as the lady asked. Don't worry, it's waterproof, and you're free to do anything with it at home. But if you go out of bounds, it will give us an alarm here in the department. And here you are going to be in real trouble, little miss." As I looked at Meredith with shock on my face, I realised she was literally putting me in prison—not just any prison, but her own prison. Meredith put her sunglasses back on and said, "Let's go home; the fun is about to begin." Damn, I'm going to live in the same house with her; my life is going to be absolute hell.

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